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Launched today is the fourth edition of my book The CSS Anthology, retitled to The CSS3 Anthology to reflect the major rewrite that this edition has been through. You can get the digital version right now from Sitepoint, and also order the print edition if you like your books the traditional way.

今天发布的是我的CSS Anthology 》( CSS Anthology》)的第四版,更名为CSS3 Anthology》,以反映该版本已经进行的主要重写。 您现在可以从Sitepoint获得数字版本,如果您喜欢传统方式的书籍,也可以订购印刷版本。

The first edition of the book was published in 2004. It contained solutions such as, “How do I hide CSS from Netscape 4”. In many ways the situation we were facing with Netscape 4 was very similar to that with Internet Explorer 6 today. The browser had almost gone away, but was present enough in particular contexts, that most of us were still needing to account for it in testing. The second and third editions left the version four and five browsers behind, however were very much updates to the material from that first book.

该书的第一版于2004年出版。其中包含诸如“如何从Netscape 4中隐藏CSS ”之类的解决方案。 在许多方面,我们使用Netscape 4所面临的情况与当今使用Internet Explorer 6所面临的情况非常相似。 该浏览器几乎消失了,但是在特定的环境中仍然存在,因此我们大多数人仍然需要在测试中考虑它。 第二版和第三版将版本四和五个浏览器留在了后面,但是对第一本书的内容进行了很大的更新。

The 2011 fourth edition is an almost complete rewrite. I have always aimed to make this book a practical handbook of CSS tips that I would happily use myself in production code. When I wrote the third edition browser support for CSS3 was such that I couldn’t do much more than mention in notes that there were better ways to achieve things on the horizon. This time CSS3 is front and centre – with a chapter dedicated to helping you decide what to do with the old browsers that some of us still need to support.

2011年第四版几乎是完全重写。 我一直致力于使这本书成为实用的CSS技巧手册,以便在生产代码中愉快地使用自己。 当我编写第三版浏览器时,对CSS3的支持是如此之大,以至于我在笔记中只提到了有更好的方法来实现即将到来的事情。 这次CSS3是最重要的话题-一章致力于帮助您决定如何使用某些我们仍然需要支持的旧浏览器。

It’s not only browser support for CSS3 that is new. Our attitude to device support and our understanding of what the mobile web will mean to web design and development has changed. New concepts such as responsive design have transformed the way we think about supporting devices. Older editions of this book demonstrated how one might create a layout to be fixed width or fluid. In this version the final chapter demonstrates how to create fixed width layouts but quickly moves on to serve as an introduction to responsive design.

不仅浏览器对CSS3的支持是新的。 我们对设备支持的态度以及对移动Web对Web设计和开发的意义的理解已经发生了变化。 响应式设计等新概念已经改变了我们对支持设备的思考方式。 本书的较旧版本演示了如何创建固定宽度或可变宽度的版面。 在此版本的最后一章中,将演示如何创建固定宽度的布局,但很快将继续介绍自适应设计。

The book aims to be practical and down to earth, and I hope will be really useful to readers. If you’ve read it then I’d love to know what you think!

该书旨在实用且扎实,我希望对读者确实有用。 如果您已阅读,那么我很想知道您的想法!

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2012/03/13/the-css3-anthology/

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