xero 软件学习_使用Xero防止产品业务中的会计混乱

xero 软件学习

I frequently recommend online accounting package Xero to people on Twitter, however in 140 characters it is hard to get across why I think it is such a fantastic solution for people selling products.

我经常向Twitter上的人们推荐在线会计软件包Xero ,但是很难理解为什么我认为这对于销售产品的人来说是一个绝佳的解决方案,只有140个字符。

一旦有了产品,记账就会更困难 (Bookkeeping is harder once you have a product)

If you are essentially a services company you most likely send a relatively small number of high value invoices per year.


With a product, in particular a digital download or SaaS application, you are likely to be recording a high number of small payments. The implications, if you are currently recording those payments by hand, is that you are going to spend a lot more time simply doing data entry – or you need to pay someone else to do that for you.

使用产品,特别是数字下载或SaaS应用程序,您可能会记录大量的小额付款。 如果您当前正在手工记录这些付款,则意味着您将花费更多的时间来简单地进行数据输入-否则您需要付钱给其他人为您做这些。

You may well also need to account for refunds if you have a refund policy, ensuring that the refund is correctly recorded in your accounts and that any VAT is also correctly adjusted.


Most people invoice for their services in their own currency, however with products it is quite usual that companies not based in the USA price in and accept dollars.You immediately find yourself with a currency conversion issue unless you are accepting payment directly into a bank account of that currency.


If you decide to accept payment in multiple currencies then you need to ensure that payments are correctly recorded in your books with the right currency.


If you are registered for VAT you need to be able to correctly charge VAT and again record this in your accounts. In the USA you may need to account for sales tax on purchases for some customers. Where VAT is concerned this can create a range of issues. In our case we are registered for VAT in the UK so we always charge VAT on purchases to other UK individuals and businesses, if they are VAT registered they claim in back through their return. We charge VAT to EU businesses as well – unless they have a valid VAT number in which case they can pay minus the VAT. when it comes to recording these transactions, which are usually in Euro, we need to know the GBP value of the transaction. Our EU VAT Return, a form that informs HMRC of the European VAT Registered business we have sold to, needs values in GBP even though we clear Euro directly into a EUR Bank account and therefore don’t actually do a currency exchange at the time of purchase.

如果您注册了增值税 ,则需要能够正确收取增值税,并将其再次记录在您的帐户中。 在美国,您可能需要为某些客户的购买计入营业税。 就增值税而言,这可能会引发一系列问题。 在我们的案例中,我们在英国注册了增值税 ,因此我们始终向其他英国个人和企业收取购买增值税 ,如果他们已注册了增值税 ,他们会通过退货索回。 我们也向欧盟企业收取增值税 -除非他们有有效的增值税号,在这种情况下他们可以支付减去增值税的费用 。 在记录这些通常以欧元记录的交易时,我们需要知道交易的英镑价值。 即使我们直接将欧元清算到EUR银行帐户中,因此我们的EU VAT退税单(用于通知HMRC我们已经出售给欧洲的VAT注册业务的表格)仍需要GBP值,因此实际上在采购。

You will also need to account for all of the fees involved in taking these payments. PayPal fees, bank charges, processor fees or percentages taken by Stripe and so on. These all need relating to your transactions both for profit and loss purposes but also so you can see if switching payment provider for example would save you money.

您还需要考虑所有与这些付款有关的费用。 PayPal费用,银行费用,处理器费用或Stripe收取的百分比等。 所有这些都与您的交易相关,既有损益目的,也有关系,因此您可以查看例如更换付款提供商是否可以为您省钱。

In our case we accept card and PayPal payments via UK PSP SagePay in GBP, USD and Euro. PayPal payments go into the correct PayPal currency account. Card payments are processed via our GB and International merchant accounts at BarclayCard and BarclayCard then transfers the funds to our bank accounts – we hold accounts in GBP, USD and Euro at the bank. So a single payment may end up in one of 6 actual accounts – PayPal GBP, USD or Euro or Bank GBP, USD or Euro.

在我们的情况下,我们接受通过英国PSP SagePay以GBPUSD和Euro进行的卡和PayPal付款。 PayPal付款会进入正确的PayPal货币帐户。 卡付款是通过我们在BarclayCard上的GB和国际商家帐户进行处理的,然后将资金转移到我们的银行帐户中-我们在银行中持有GBPUSD和Euro的帐户。 因此,单笔付款最终可能会出现在6个实际帐户之一中-PayPal GBPUSD或Euro或Bank GBPUSD或Euro。

There is also a time delay from the payment been processed and the funds being available. PayPal funds are immediately available, in our case GBP takes 3 working days to be in the end bank account, Euro and USD about 5 working days. If we were using Stripe there would be a 7 day rolling period before the funds would show up.

处理付款和可用资金还有一个时间延迟。 PayPal资金可立即使用,在我们的情况下, 英镑需要3个工作日才能进入最终银行帐户,欧元和美元需要5个工作日。 如果我们使用Stripe,则需要7天的滚动期才能显示资金。

Xero如何挽救一天 (How Xero saved the day)

I had moved our books to Xero before we launched Perch, after battling with Quickbooks for years. When we launched Perch we realised that even a modest amount of success would create bookkeeping mayhem and so we immediately looked at their API and saw that we could create each transaction via the API as it came in.

在与Quickbooks作战多年之后,在我们推出Perch之前,我已将我们的书籍移至Xero 。 当我们启动Perch时,我们意识到即使少量的成功也会造成簿记混乱,因此我们立即查看了他们的API ,发现可以通过API来创建每笔交易。

We have evolved this over the years as initially we only took payment in GBP. What happens now when someone buys Perch is that when we get the details of a cleared payment we send all of that information to Xero, putting the payment into the correct account in Xero. So, if a customer pays using PayPal in GBP the payment will be recorded as going into the PayPal GBP account in Xero.

这些年来我们一直在发展,因为最初我们只以英镑付款。 现在,当有人购买Perch时,发生的事情是,当我们获得已清算付款的详细信息时,我们会将所有信息发送到Xero,并将付款放入Xero的正确帐户中。 因此,如果客户使用PayPal以GBP进行付款,则该付款将记录为进入Xero的PayPal GBP帐户。

If the payment is in a currency other than GBP we also log the Exchange Rate that we receive from the Xero API at the time of the payment being made. This is what we will use for our EU VAT reporting and to display on invoices as required by HMRC.

如果付款使用的是GBP以外的货币,我们还将记录在付款时从Xero API收到的汇率。 这就是我们将用于欧盟增值税报告并按HMRC要求显示在发票上的方式。

Xero knows the payment has been made long before the actual payments come through from PayPal or the bank. We then use the bank feed functionality in Xero to import automatically the bank statements for both PayPal and our bank accounts. Our bookkeeper then just needs to reconcile the invoice in Xero against the amount coming in on the feed, and account for any fees that have been deducted by creating an entry for them. If something goes wrong it is easy to spot as we end up with a mismatch – either a bank payment with no invoice or an invoice with no bank payment and we can then chase it up.

Xero知道付款已经很久了,才从PayPal或银行实际付款。 然后,我们使用Xero中的银行提要功能为PayPal和我们的银行帐户自动导入银行对帐单。 然后,我们的簿记员只需要将Xero中的发票与提要上的金额进行核对,并通过为它们创建一个条目来扣除已扣除的所有费用。 如果出了问题,很容易发现问题,因为我们最终会出现不匹配的情况-要么是没有发票的银行付款,要么是没有银行付款的发票,然后我们可以继续进行。

It works really well. We have a stream of payments in 3 currencies into 6 bank accounts, pretty much automated. The human check by our bookkeeper is just to make sure we catch any issues and the reconciliation view in Xero makes that as straightforward as it can be.

它真的很好。 我们有3种货币的付款流进入6个银行帐户,几乎是自动化的。 我们簿记员的人为检查只是为了确保我们能够抓住任何问题,而Xero中的对帐视图使问题变得尽可能简单。

其他奇迹 (Other marvels)

Xero makes my life easier in lots of other ways.


增值税申报表 (VAT Returns)

If you are in the UK and VAT Registered then you will have experienced online VAT filing. It is an abysmal experience dealing with a site that seems to try and make it as hard as possible to send HMRC your data. Xero have always allowed you to create your VAT Return in the system, working out what needs to be entered into each section however recently they have added online VAT filing – right from inside Xero. You do not have to visit the horror that is the HMRC website. A marvel indeed!

如果您在英国且已注册增值税,那么您将具有在线增值税申报的经验。 处理一个似乎试图使发送HMRC的数据变得尽可能困难的站点是一种令人沮丧的经验。 Xero始终允许您在系统中创建增值税申报表,计算出需要在每个部分中输入的内容,但是最近他们又在Xero内部添加了在线增值税申报。 您不必访问HMRC网站的恐怖之处。 确实是个奇迹!

与我的簿记员和会计师的合作 (Collaboration with my bookkeeper and accountant)

We have an accountant who does our end of year and a bookkeeper who ensures everything is entered correctly and reconciled. They log into Xero from their own offices. I scan all our receipts and save them into Dropbox and the bookkeeper then checks that any outgoings from the company credit cards and accounts match up with a receipt. If the bookkeeper has a query as she goes through she can leave me a note on the transaction itself – it is then easy for me to scan down and locate a missing receipt or clarify what the expense was.

我们有一名会计师,负责我们的年终工作,还有一名簿记员,负责确保所有内容均正确输入并核对。 他们从自己的办公室登录Xero。 我扫描所有收据并将其保存到Dropbox中,然后簿记员检查公司信用卡和帐户中的所有支出是否与收据匹配。 如果簿记员在查询过程中有疑问,可以给我留下有关交易本身的注释-这样我就可以很容易地向下扫描并查找丢失的收据或澄清费用。

My accountant can add any journal entries directly into the system and I can just go take a look to check what has been changed. I love this – I did our own books for years and worried that by getting other people involved I would get out of touch. However Xero makes it easy for me to see what is being done so I can check if I don’t understand something.

我的会计师可以将任何日记帐分录直接添加到系统中,而我可以去查看一下已更改的内容。 我喜欢这个–我做了多年自己的书,并担心让其他人参与会失去联系。 但是Xero使我很容易查看正在执行的操作,因此我可以检查我是否不了解某些内容。

报告和仪表板 (Reporting and the Dashboard)

The dashboard and the reports make it easy for me to get an overview of how the business is performing. Being able to do quick checks on how much we are spending on bank or other fees means I can make decisions about whether we might get a better deal switching to something else. This is really important as your product business grows – what makes sense if you are only doing a few transactions a week will be different to what is best at volume. You need to be able to keep track of this and Xero does that very well.

仪表板和报告使我很容易获得业务绩效的概述。 能够对我们在银行或其他费用上的支出进行快速检查,这意味着我可以决定是否可以换一个更好的交易。 随着产品业务的增长,这真的很重要-如果您一周只进行几次交易,那么有意义的事情就与数量最大的事情有所不同。 您需要能够对此进行跟踪,并且Xero可以做到这一点。

我还没到极限 (I haven’t hit the edges yet)

There are lots of online accounting packages out there. The thing with Xero is that, despite having some fairly complex things going on, we haven’t bumped up against any limitations and my very traditional account seems able to do all the things he needs to do too. If you are launching a product, and especially if you are going to have VAT and multi-currency issues to deal with I would recommend you take a look.

那里有很多在线会计软件包。 Xero的事情是,尽管发生了一些相当复杂的事情,但我们并未遇到任何限制,而我非常传统的帐户似乎也能够完成他需要做的所有事情。 如果您要发布产品,尤其是要解决增值税和多币种问题,我建议您看看。

I’m obviously a huge fan of Xero, but I’d love to hear how other people deal with this as it will be useful information for other people launching products. Let us all know by leaving a comment.

我显然是Xero的忠实拥护者,但我很想听听其他人如何处理此问题,因为这将对其他人发布产品很有用。 通过发表评论让大家知道。

翻译自: https://rachelandrew.co.uk/archives/2013/11/29/preventing-accounting-chaos-in-your-product-business-with-xero/

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