小型软件企业 出路_6个适用于小型企业的最佳会计软件(比较)

小型软件企业 出路

A lot of readers on WPBeginner are web professionals, and one of the questions we recently received was: which is the best accounting software for web professionals? Working on your own business requires you to maintain your accounts, track earnings, expenses, taxes, invoices, and more. Luckily, there are some really great software that can help you streamline the process. In this article, we have hand-picked the best accounting software for small businesses and web professionals.

WPBeginner上的许多读者都是网络专业人员,我们最近收到的问题之一是:哪一种是针对网络专业人员的最佳会计软件? 开展自己的业务需要您维护自己的帐户,跟踪收入,费用,税金,发票等。 幸运的是,有一些非常出色的软件可以帮助您简化流程。 在本文中,我们为小型企业和网络专业人员精心挑选了最佳的会计软件。

Best Accounting Software for Small Businesses
为什么要使用会计软件? (Why Use an Accounting Software?)

When you’re just starting out, you can use a simple spreadsheet to manage your finances. However as your income and expenses grow, things get more complicated.

刚开始时,您可以使用简单的电子表格来管理财务。 但是,随着收入和支出的增长,事情变得越来越复杂。

You will need to keep track of invoices, online payments, other income, expenses, and taxes. If you don’t streamline the process, then you will end up spending more time on these things and still not get them done properly.

您将需要跟踪发票, 在线支付 ,其他收入,费用和税款。 如果您不简化流程,那么最终您将在这些事情上花费更多的时间,而仍然无法正确完成它们。

An accounting software helps you easily keep track of your finances, manage invoices, do the bookkeeping, and help you calculate taxes. This helps you save a ton of time while enabling you to manage your money more efficiently.

会计软件可帮助您轻松跟踪财务状况,管理发票,进行簿记以及计算税款。 这可以帮助您节省大量时间,同时使您可以更有效地管理资金。

That being said, let’s take a look at some of the best accounting software for web professionals, freelancers, and small businesses.


最佳专业会计软件 (Best Accounting Software for Professionals)

We will be looking at the top accounting software used by thousands of professionals around the world. Our goal is to highlight the ones that are easy to use, affordable, and offer the necessary features.

我们将研究世界各地成千上万的专业人员使用的顶级会计软件。 我们的目标是突出那些易于使用,价格合理并提供必要功能的功能。

1. QuickBooks (1. QuickBooks)


QuickBooks is one of the most popular accounting software for web professionals and freelancers. You can easily connect it to your bank accounts, PayPal, and credit cards to automatically capture all your transactions.

QuickBooks是针对Web专业人士和自由职业者的最受欢迎的会计软件之一。 您可以轻松地将其连接到银行帐户, PayPal和信用卡,以自动捕获所有交易。

It also allows you to send invoices to your customers and track them inside the app. Your customers can also directly pay by clicking on the payment button on their invoice.

它还允许您将发票发送给客户,并在应用程序中对其进行跟踪。 您的客户也可以通过单击发票上的付款按钮直接付款。

QuickBooks make accounting easier for non-accountants. It comes with beautiful reports that give you a quick overview of your finances as well as detailed reports of all your expenses, earnings and invoices.

QuickBooks使非会计人员更容易进行会计核算。 它带有精美的报告,可让您快速了解财务状况以及所有费用,收入和发票的详细报告。

Another benefit of using QuickBooks is the ability to manage taxes. If you are using software like TurboTax, then QuickBooks can save you a ton of time when filing your taxes.

使用QuickBooks的另一个好处是可以管理税收。 如果您使用的是TurboTax之类的软件,那么QuickBooks可以在您报税时为您节省大量时间。

It comes with easy to use apps for mobile devices which allows you to capture receipts, manage finances, and view reports on the go.


Pricing: Small Business plans start at $10 / month, Self Employed plans start from $5 / month.


2. Godaddy簿记 (2. Godaddy Bookkeeping)

GoDaddy BookKeeping

Most of you probably know GoDaddy as one of the biggest domain name registration companies in the world. However, they offer a ton of other services including a cloud-based bookkeeping software for small businesses.

你们大多数人可能都知道GoDaddy是世界上最大的域名注册公司之一。 但是,他们提供了大量其他服务,包括面向小型企业的基于云的簿记软件。

GoDaddy Bookkeeping allows you to sync your bank, credit card, Amazon, Etsy, eBay or PayPal seller accounts to their bookkeeping platform. It then automatically tracks all your transactions and displays them with your total profit and loss report always visible on the top.

GoDaddy簿记允许您将银行,信用卡,亚马逊,Etsy,eBay或PayPal卖方帐户同步到他们的簿记平台。 然后,它会自动跟踪您的所有交易,并在总损益报告始终显示在顶部的情况下显示它们。

It also includes easy invoice management, with recurring invoices, and integrated payments via Stripe or PayPal. It is great for freelancers and small businesses who are looking for simpler bookkeeping solution however it lacks some advanced features that you will find in other apps on the list.

它还包括简单的发票管理,定期发票以及通过Stripe或PayPal进行的集成付款 。 对于寻求更简单簿记解决方案的自由职业者和小型企业而言,它非常有用,但是它缺少一些您可以在列表中其他应用程序中找到的高级功能。

Pricing: Starting from $3.99 per month.


3.新书 (3. Freshbooks)


FreshBooks is an ideal software for freelancers. It is one of the easiest apps to send and track invoices for freelancers and self-employed professionals.

FreshBooks是自由职业者的理想软件。 它是为自由职业者和自雇职业者发送和跟踪发票的最简单的应用程序之一。

It also allows you to track your expenses, capture receipts, manage projects you are working on, and accept payments from clients. It connects with your bank accounts to deposit payments directly.

它还允许您跟踪费用,获取收据,管理您正在进行的项目以及接受客户付款。 它与您的银行帐户关联,可以直接存入付款。

There are beautiful reports inside the FreshBooks dashboard which makes accounting dead simple for everyone. It has a mobile app which gives you the freedom to see and manage things on the go.

FreshBooks仪表盘内有漂亮的报告,这使每个人的会计工作变得简单。 它具有一个移动应用程序,可让您自由地查看和管理旅途中的事物。

Pricing: Starting from $15 / month.


4. Xero (4. Xero)


Xero is another powerful web-based accounting software for professionals and small business websites. It offers plans and features that grow as your business needs grow.

Xero是另一种功能强大的基于网络的会计软件,适用于专业人士和小型企业网站 。 它提供随着您的业务需求增长而增长的计划和功能。

Xero helps you easily send invoices, accept payments, view bank transactions, manage contacts, and more. You can create multi-currency accounts, manage payroll if you have employees, and even manage your projects within the app.

Xero可帮助您轻松发送发票,接受付款,查看银行交易,管理联系人等。 您可以创建多币种帐户,如果有员工,可以管理薪资,甚至可以在应用程序中管理项目。

It offers a simple and easy to use interface with beautiful reporting tools. It is packed with a lot of features many of which you’ll probably never use as a freelancer, but you may need them as your business grows.

它提供了一个简单易用的界面以及精美的报告工具。 它包含许多功能,您可能永远不会将它们用作自由职业者,但是随着业务的增长,可能会需要它们。

Pricing: Starter plan costs $9 per month, but it is too limited. You will need the standard plan which costs $30 per month.

定价:入门计划每月收费9美元,但价格太有限了。 您将需要标准计划,每月费用为30美元。

5.波 (5. Wave)


Wave offers a free accounting software for small business. It allows you to easily manage all your finances by connecting your bank and credit card accounts to the app. It then tracks all your transactions and presents them in an easy to understand reports.

Wave为小型企业提供免费的会计软件。 通过将您的银行帐户和信用卡帐户连接到该应用程序,您可以轻松管理所有财务。 然后,它会跟踪您的所有交易并将其呈现在易于理解的报告中。

It also allows you to send manual, automatic, and recurring invoices. With the mobile app, you can capture receipts on the go and keep track of things from anywhere.

它还允许您发送手动,自动和定期发票。 使用移动应用程序,您可以随时随地捕获收据并随时随地跟踪事物。

The basic software is free to use. However, there are transaction fees for credit card payments 2.9 % + 30 cents per transaction, and for ACH transfers 1% per transaction. If you have employees, then you should know that their payroll software is paid and not included in the free plan.

基本软件可以免费使用。 但是,对于信用卡付款,每笔交易收取2.9%+ 30美分的交易费用,对于ACH转账,每笔交易收取1%的交易费用。 如果您有员工,那么您应该知道他们的工资单软件已经付款并且不包含在免费计划中。

Pricing: free accounting software, transaction charges, and paid payroll software.


6. Zoho书籍 (6. Zoho Books)

Zoho Books

Zoho is a well-known CRM software. With Zoho Books, they add professional accounting software to their suite of apps. The biggest advantage you’ll get by using Zoho is when you are using their CRM apps.

Zoho是著名的CRM软件 。 借助Zoho Books,他们可以在其应用程序套件中添加专业的会计软件。 使用Zoho可获得的最大好处是使用他们的CRM应用程序。

It connects well with other apps in their ecosystem as well as several payment gateways, bank accounts, and your credit cards. This allows you to completely automate your bookkeeping.

它可以与生态系统中的其他应用程序以及多个支付网关,银行帐户和您的信用卡很好地连接。 这使您可以完全自动化记账。

You can also share transactions with your customers by giving them access to their client portal. You can even enable Bulk payment feature to get paid faster by your clients.

您还可以通过授予客户访问其客户门户的权限与客户共享交易。 您甚至可以启用批量付款功能,以使客户更快地获得付款。

Pricing: Starting from $9 per month.


结论 (Conclusion)

If you’re looking for the most comprehensive solution, then we recommend using QuickBooks.


If you’re a small business owner who just wants a simple solution, then we recommend taking a look at GoDaddy Bookkeeping.

如果您是只想提供简单解决方案的小型企业主,那么我们建议您看看GoDaddy Bookkeeping

We hope this article helped you find the best accounting software for small businesses, professionals and freelancers. You may also want to see our article on best businesses phone services and best email marketing services for small businesses.

我们希望本文能帮助您找到适合小型企业,专业人士和自由职业者的最佳会计软件。 您可能还想看一下有关最佳企业电话服务和针对小型企业的最佳电子邮件营销服务的文章。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在TwitterFacebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-accounting-software-for-small-businesses-compared/

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