

Game development is one of the most exciting fields of computer science and a major part of the software development industry. Computer games comprise of a large and ever expanding market world-wide.

游戏开发是计算机科学中最令人兴奋的领域之一,也是软件开发行业的重要组成部分。 电脑游戏包括一个庞大且不断扩展的全球市场。

Interactive digital media and games along with entertainment applications have an enormous craze amongst the daily users of PCs and play an important role in providing economical strength(as games are not free), a factor which cannot be easily neglected.


So game development will also continue giving birth to new ideas and interactive devices for making the game play more attractive and exciting. For this game developers need to be well trained and equipped with their development skills.

因此,游戏开发也将继续催生新的想法和交互式设备,以使游戏玩法更具吸引力和刺激性。 为此,游戏开发人员需要训练有素,并具备开发技能。

An important characteristic of game development is that learners and developers should come up with new ideas and a catchy plot, leave the rest on this course, as by the end of this tutorial you will have the specific skills required for game development. It has been observed in Germany that the country gave rise to facilities to willing learners to develop games by establishing game academies in every location of Germany that focuses on specific training related to game development.

游戏开发的一个重要特征是,学习者和开发人员应提出新的想法和引人入胜的情节,将其余内容留在本课程中,因为在本教程结束时,您将具备游戏开发所需的特定技能。 在德国观察到,该国通过在德国的每个地区建立专注于与游戏开发相关的特定培训的游戏学院,为愿意学习游戏的人提供了便利。

Here, Studytonight is offering readers a free opportunity to setup your own academy to learn at your own pace and develop games based on your own ideas and skills.

在这里, Studytonight为读者提供了一个免费的机会,可以建立自己的学院,以自己的节奏学习,并根据自己的思想和技能开发游戏。

如何开发好游戏? (How to develop a Good Game?)

Becoming a good Game developer needs a lot of practice, working on your ideas and a step by step approach.


First step, is to come up with a plan/blueprint of the game. Games that doesn't follow proper development methodologies suffer from issues like:

第一步是提出游戏的计划/蓝图。 未遵循正确开发方法的游戏会遇到以下问题:

  • Time taken for development is more.


  • Runs over budget.


  • Tends to be unreasonably more buggy.


So, an advice for the new game developers, before proceeding with designing and coding the game, mend a clear goal and figure out what your game needs. This phase of game development is called Requirement capture or Planning phase. You can also use formalized languages like Unified Modeling Language (UML), (which we will discuss in details in our later chapter). In the "Requirement capture" or "planning phase", game developers can use case diagrams, for quickly collecting the insights about the requirements (e.g. how many designers, coders, testers required or developing tools needed - Game Engine, Animation tools and other modeling tools along with the game play or story line or objectives and levels of game) to effectively manage and successfully complete your game development.

因此,在继续进行游戏设计和编码之前,为新游戏开发人员提供的建议会提出一个明确的目标并弄清您的游戏需求。 游戏开发的这个阶段称为需求捕获计划阶段 。 您还可以使用诸如统一建模语言(UML)之类的形式化语言(我们将在后面的章节中详细讨论)。 在“需求捕获”或“计划阶段”,游戏开发人员可以使用案例图来快速收集有关需求的见解(例如,需要多少设计人员,编码人员,测试人员或所需的开发工具-游戏引擎,动画工具和其他建模)工具以及游戏玩法或故事情节或游戏目标和级别),以有效管理并成功完成游戏开发。

游戏工程团队管理 (Game Engineering Team Management)

There are certain challenges which your developing team will have to face (if you are not developing games alone). Some of the issues which you or the team members may face are:

您的开发团队将不得不面对某些挑战(如果您不是独自开发游戏)。 您或团队成员可能面临的一些问题是:

  • Every day new features and tools are released online and your team members will have to manage and upgrade their skills.


  • There may be internal dispute or personal issues which your team manager should tactfully manage.


  • Good tester(s) should have to be hired to make your game bug-free or else your game may not achieve the considerable popularity or even meet your set target.


So for that the project manager should choose proper and skilled designers, developers and testers to make the team work with coordination.


游戏开发就是软件开发 (Game Development is Software Development)

The steps and stages required for a game's development follow similar stages like that of software development, along with a few extra stages for successful completion of the game. Since game development is a major part of the software development industry, therefore game development also goes through the various phases of SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle) along with some extra phases. Let's explain these phases in details.

游戏开发所需的步骤和阶段遵循与软件开发类似的阶段,以及成功完成游戏所需的一些额外阶段。 由于游戏开发是软件开发行业的重要组成部分,因此游戏开发也经历了SDLC(软件开发生命周期)的各个阶段以及一些额外的阶段。 让我们详细解释这些阶段。

Software Development Life Cycle is a well-structured and arranged sequence of phases in software engineering for developing the intended software product. Same structure needs to be followed by a game developer also. These stages are:

软件开发生命周期是用于开发预期软件产品的软件工程中结构良好且安排合理的阶段序列。 游戏开发人员也必须遵循相同的结构。 这些阶段是:

  1. Communication:


    Here, the user initiates the request to develop a desired game. Then he/she contacts the developer or project managing firm and tries to discuss the terms. Then after a successful agreement, stage 2 will begin. If the user himself is a hame developer, then it starts from stage 2 directly.

    在此,用户发起开发期望游戏的请求。 然后,他/她联系开发人员或项目管理公司并尝试讨论条款。 然后,在成功达成协议后,第二阶段将开始。 如果用户本人是开发者,那么它将从阶段2直接开始。

  2. Requirement Gathering:


    In this stage, the game development team discusses the requirements to carry on the project and the project manager will decide the number of human resources required for the project. The team will carry out the discussion with varied stakeholders to discuss problems with various domains with a motive to bring out as much information as possible based on their requirements.

    在此阶段,游戏开发团队讨论进行该项目的要求,项目经理将决定该项目所需的人力资源数量。 该团队将与不同的利益相关者进行讨论,以讨论各个领域的问题,以根据他们的需求提供尽可能多的信息。

  3. System Analysis:


    In this stage, the developers will decide the roadmap of the plan for a successful game development till release and try to come up with the best software model (we will discuss about software engineering models in next chapter, in details) appropriate for the project. This phase also includes a proper understanding of the product's limitations or changes required in existing systems beforehand.

    在此阶段,开发人员将确定成功的游戏开发计划的路线图,直到发布为止,并尝试提出适合该项目的最佳软件模型(我们将在下一章详细讨论软件工程模型)。 此阶段还包括事先正确了解产品的局限性或现有系统中所需的更改。

  4. Systems Design:


    In this phase of development, desired features and detailed work, which includes game-play, setting up of objectives and levels, screen layouts, player and game object model; creating animations in game, business rules, process diagrams (UML, DFD), pseudo-code and other documentations (GDDs) are done.

    在此开发阶段中,需要的功能和详细的工作,包括游戏玩法,目标和级别的设置,屏幕布局,玩家和游戏对象模型; 在游戏,业务规则,流程图(UML,DFD),伪代码和其他文档(GDD)中创建动画的工作已经完成。

  5. Development Phase:


    The real code for your game will be written in this phase. This can be from a pseudo code or a set of algorithms written in the GDD (Game Design Document).

    您游戏的真实代码将在此阶段编写。 这可以来自伪代码或以GDD(游戏设计文档)编写的一组算法。

  6. Integration and Testing Phase:


    In this phase, a demo version of the game is released, with a trial period of 15 days or 1 month. This is done officially by the team itself to check for errors and popularity. With this partial release of game, the promotion is also started on websites like YouTube and other gaming sites. At the same time tester(s) are hired to check for bugs in the game.

    在此阶段,将发布游戏的演示版本,试用期为15天或1个月。 这是由团队本身正式完成的,以检查错误和受欢迎程度。 通过此游戏的部分发行版,促销活动也开始在YouTube和其他游戏网站等网站上进行。 同时雇用测试人员来检查游戏中的错误。

  7. Final Release Phase:


    After completion of testing and promotion, final release of the game is done.


  8. Maintenance Phase:


    In this phase of development, proper maintenance of the game is ensured. It is checked that whether the game is working smooth or becoming obsolete, and along with that feedbacks from the users of that game is collected, analyzed and used to improve the game itself.

    在开发的这个阶段,可以确保游戏的正确维护。 检查游戏是否运行平稳或过时,并与该游戏用户的反馈一起收集,分析并用于改进游戏本身。

  9. Patches and Cheat-Codes:


    The team themselves release patches(hot fixes for bugs) and cheat codes so that the players which are newbie are also motivated to play the complete game and find interest in proceeding the levels at ease. Also mods (modifiers) are also released after 6-10 months of game release, which are also patches that updates the game to add additional features and functionalities (adding new bikes or inserting new model of guns).

    团队会自己发布补丁 (漏洞的热修复程序)和作弊代码,以便新手玩家也能玩完整的游戏,并发现有兴趣轻松进行游戏。 在发布游戏6-10个月后,还会发布mod (修饰符), mod也是对游戏进行更新的补丁,以增加其他功能(添加新的自行车或插入新的枪支模型)。

So all these stages must be followed to make a game and to make it successful.


翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/3d-game-engineering-with-unity/game-development-concepts






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