编码 面试_2020年最佳编码面试准备资源

编码 面试

2020年最佳编码面试准备资源 (The Best 2020 Resources for Your Coding Interview Preparation)

避免重要面试失败的个人清单 (A personal list for avoiding failure during an important interview)

Illustration by Maria Shukshina from Icons8
Maria Shukshina的插图来自 Icons8

“Early success is a terrible teacher. You’re essentially being rewarded for a lack of preparation, so when you find yourself in a situation where you must prepare, you can’t do it. You don’t know how.”Chris Hadfield, An Astronaut’s Guide to Life on Earth

“早期的成功是可怕的老师。 从根本上来说,您会因缺乏准备而得到回报,因此,当您发现自己必须准备时,就无法做到。 你不知道如何。”克里斯·哈德菲尔德 ( Chris Hadfield), 《宇航员在地球上生活的指南》

I already told a story that makes me relate to a quote like this. About my journey trying to get a job abroad. And how I miserably failed.

我已经讲过一个故事,使我与这样的报价相关。 关于我试图在国外找到工作的旅程。 以及我惨败的方式。

And I failed because of a lack of preparation. Because I was ignorant enough to think that a quick recap of basic language concepts would have me landed the job.

我由于缺乏准备而失败了。 因为我很无知,以为快速回顾一下基本的语言概念会让我找到工作

To reduce the risk to fail anything in life, as astronauts teach, there’s only one useful principle. Preparation, preparation, preparation.

正如宇航员所讲的那样,要减少生命中任何事物失败的风险,只有一个有用的原则。 准备,准备,准备

Know what you will go through, prepare for it, try to anticipate the emotions you will feel and don’t let them govern you during the interview.


Following is a list of the best resources I’ve found for reducing risks of failure and applying the preparation principle in 2020’s coding interviews.


面试蛋糕 (Interview Cake)

50+ hours of coding interview questions preparations. Including full break-down solutions, “gotchas” lists and “what we learned” sections. Here you will find all the important building blocks of interviews such as data structures, algorithms, searching and sorting etc.

50个小时以上的编码面试问题准备工作。 包括完整的故障解决方案,“ 陷阱 ”列表和“ 我们学到的知识 ”部分。 在这里,您将找到采访的所有重要组成部分,例如数据结构算法搜索排序等。

Interview cake

You can also access their free small glossary articles to get acquainted with the needed technical dictionary.


AlgoExpert(作者选择) (AlgoExpert (Author’s choice))

Algo expert

This looks extremely interesting and possibly a new tool since all the advertisement it received lately. A detailed overview of 85 of the best programming interview questions in 9 different languages: JavaScript, Python, Swift, C++, Java, C#, Kotlin, Go and TypeScript.

由于它最近收到的所有广告,这看起来非常有趣,并且可能是一种新工具。 详细介绍了9种不同语言中的85种最佳编程面试问题: JavaScript,Python,Swift,C ++,Java,C#Kotlin,Go和TypeScript

The tool offers a great environment for code execution, support for space-time complexity analysis and professional interview tips.


Plus, they include an incredible service for one of the most underrated interviews questions type: the system design problem. They propose a tool called SystemExpert, which is basically a preparation course on designing large-scale applications.

此外,它们还为最被低估的采访问题类型之一提供了令人难以置信的服务:系统设计问题。 他们提出了一个名为SystemExpert的工具,该工具基本上是设计大型应用程序的准备课程。

It features mocked video interviews, fully equipped lessons for all the topics related to designing a system plus real code examples.


As of the day of writing this article, for its price and offer, I strongly suggest you subscribe to Algo Expert +System Expert and enjoy having all the stuff you need in a single, fully-equipped environment.

从撰写本文之日起,就其价格和报价而言,我强烈建议您订阅Algo Expert + System Expert,并在一个功能齐全的单一环境中享受所有需要的东西。

LeetCode (LeetCode)


An extremely famous platform among all developers out there. You may want to check it out to practice your skills with real coding interview questions. Supporting over 14 programming languages, LeetCode will provide you over 1600 interview questions, contests and even opportunities to be hired directly via the platform.

在所有开发人员中一个极其著名的平台。 您可能需要检查一下,以通过实际的编码面试问题来练习自己的技能。 LeetCode支持14种编程语言,将为您提供1600多个面试问题 ,竞赛,甚至机会,直接通过该平台聘用。

普拉姆 (Pramp)


Do you suffer from anxiety when talking in front of a person? Or maybe you’re afraid to watch your mind go blank when in front of a real interviewer. Pramp comes in your help with this. It’s a Magnifique peer to peer platform where you can practice solving code problems with another person.

在人面前讲话时会感到焦虑吗? 或者,当您在真正的面试官面前时,您可能会害怕看到自己的头脑变得一片空白。 Pramp会为此提供帮助。 这是Magnifique对等平台,您可以在其中与他人练习解决代码问题。

One of you will play the role of the interviewer, and the other one of the person interviewed. And then the roles will be exchanged.

你们中的一位将扮演面试官的角色,另一位将被采访的人。 然后角色将被交换。

Interviews are live, 1-on-1 video sessions that take place on their website over a collaborative code editor. And they also take care of the scheduling and interview prep content. Plus, you can choose exactly what you would like to practice in your interview, from system design to behavioural questions or simple code.

采访是现场的一对一视频会议,通过协作代码编辑器在其网站上进行。 他们还负责安排和面试准备内容。 此外,从系统设计到行为问题或简单的代码,您都可以准确选择要在面试中实践的内容。

Educative.io面试课程集 (Educative.io Interview Courses Set)


Now, instead of listing other 100 of valid courses or resources, you might want to go through, I prefer to give you another single place where you can learn and practice all you need.


It’s just crazy how poor traction I have seen for incredibly good courses such as the ones I’ve seen on Educative.io. They feature lessons on basically any topics you can think of, for a single monthly subscription or yearly access.

我对像我在Educative.io上看到的那些令人难以置信的好课程所看到的牵引力差得很疯狂。 它们以您可以想到的基本上任何主题为主题的课程,无论是按月订阅还是按年访问。

And, in particular, they have quite a rich gold mine of interview preparation courses. With explanations and exercises.

而且,尤其是,他们拥有相当丰富的面试准备课程。 附带说明和练习。

This platform is particularly recommended if you don't want to spend excessive amounts of money or if you’re interested in subscribing just for a short period of time.


Here are their interview preparation courses I advice you to go through:


摸索编码面试:编码问题的模式 (Grokking the Coding Interview: Patterns for Coding Questions)

A great list of 16 of the most important patterns you must know to solve any interview question. From linked-lists reversal to Big-O notation and the sliding windows algorithm.

解决任何面试问题必须知道的最重要的16种模式的清单 。 从链表反转到Big-O表示法和滑动窗口算法。

进行行为面试 (Grokking the Behavioral Interview)

This can be considered your interview etiquette for the rest of your days. Learn how to deal with any behavioural interview questions, how to show the best of your personality and the proper manners to correctly ace these types of interviews.

余下的时间里,这可以视为您的面试礼节 。 了解如何处理任何行为面试问题,如何展现自己的最佳个性以及正确应对这些类型的面试的正确方式。

进行系统设计面试 (Grokking the System Design Interview)

Back on designing systems, this is a great course for preparing and learning how to correctly design, scale and implement an error-prone application.


如何经历所有这些 (How to go through all of this)

My approach for you to prepare for an interview using one of the listed resources is:


  • Pick one between Algo Expert + System Expert or Interview Cake.

    在Algo Expert + System Expert或Interview Cake之间选择一个。
  • Go through the full curriculum, completing every topic and challenge so you get the maximum knowledge possible.

  • Practice, practice and then practice some more both via the courses you bought and with Pramp + Leet Code challenges. Plus, master the behavioural interview etiquette via the course Educative.io provides.

    通过购买的课程以及Pramp + Leet Code挑战练习,练习然后再进行更多练习。 另外,通过Educative.io提供的课程掌握行为面试礼节。

结论 (Conclusion)

Interviews have become truly hard. Refreshing your mind on data-structures won’t help you land the job of your dreams in the long run. Preparation is success in this kingdom, and you have to be fully ready for any challenge you might face.

面试变得非常困难。 从长远来看,对数据结构保持清醒无助于实现梦想 。 在这个王国中,准备工作是成功的,您必须为可能遇到的任何挑战做好充分的准备。

As always, thanks for reading and keep the comments flowing with other great resources you believe are valid.


资源资源 (Resources)

翻译自: https://medium.com/javascript-in-plain-english/the-best-2020-resources-for-your-coding-interview-preparation-eb7513dcf974

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