

Looking back, 2019 saw some significant announcements in Quantum computing. In May, IBM published a paper in Nature that suggested they may have found a path to dealing with decoherence in current quantum computers. Writing for InfoQ Sergio De Simone pointed out:

回顾2019年,量子计算领域发布了一些重要公告。 今年5月,IBM在《自然》杂志上发表了一篇论文,暗示他们可能已经找到解决当前量子计算机中去相干性的方法。 InfoQ的作者Sergio De Simone 指出

In September, Google announced, also via a paper in Nature, it had built a machine that achieved quantum supremacy - the point at which a quantum computer can solve problems which classical computers practically cannot. The claim was disputed by IBM, and the practical application of Google’s achievement is still limited, but both these announcements demonstrate real progress in the field.

去年9月, 谷歌还通过《自然》杂志上的一篇论文宣布 ,它制造了一台实现量子至上的机器-量子计算机可以解决经典计算机实际上无法解决的问题。 IBM对此说法提出异议,并且Google成就的实际应用仍然受到限制,但是这两个声明都显示了该领域的实际进展。

Also significant - the news that Microsoft open-sourced Q#, its Language for Quantum Computing.  

同样重要的是- 微软开源了量子计算语言Q#的消息。

A surprise this year was the decline of interest in Virtual Reality, at least in the context of Smart-phone-based VR. Sergio notes:

今年令人惊讶的是,至少在基于智能手机的VR中,人们对虚拟现实的兴趣下降了 。 塞尔吉奥笔记:




JavaScript, Java, and C# remain the most popular languages we cover, but we’re also seeing strong interest in Rust, Swift, and Go, and our podcast with Bryan Cantrill on "Rust and Why He Feels It’s The Biggest Change In Systems Development in His Career" is one of the top-performing podcasts we’ve published this year. We’ve also seen a growing interest in Python this year, probably fuelled by its popularity for machine learning tasks.

JavaScript,Java和C#仍然是我们涵盖的最受欢迎的语言,但是我们也对Rust,Swift和Go表现出了浓厚的兴趣,我们与Bryan Cantrill的播客就“ Rust和他为什么感觉这是系统开发中最大的变化” “他的职业生涯 ”中的“是我们今年发布的效果最好的播客之一。 今年,我们也看到了对Python的日益增长的兴趣,这可能是由于它在机器学习任务中的普及所推动的。

After a rather turbulent 2018, Java seems to be settling into its bi-annual release cycle. According to our most-recent reader survey Java is the most used language amongst InfoQ readers, and there continues to be a huge amount of interest in the newer language features and how the language is evolving. We also continue to see strong and growing interest in Kotlin.  

在经历了一个动荡的2018年之后,Java似乎已经进入了其两年一次的发布周期。 根据我们最近进行的读者调查,Java是InfoQ读者中使用最多的语言,并且对更新的语言功能以及语言的发展方式一直存在着极大的兴趣。 我们还继续看到对Kotlin的浓厚兴趣和日益增长的兴趣。

It has been interesting to see Microsoft’s growing involvement in Java, joining the OpenJDK, acquiring JClarity, and hiring other well known figures including Monica Beckwith.

看到微软越来越多地参与Java, 加入OpenJDK ,收购JClarity以及雇用其他知名人物(包括Monica Beckwith)真是有趣

Our podcast with Rod Johnson in which he chats about the early days of the Spring Framework, Languages Post-Java, & Rethinking CI/CD was another of our top-performing podcasts this year.

我们与Rod Johnson的播客聊天,他谈论了Spring框架的早期,Java后语言以及重新思考CI / CD,这是今年我们表现最好的播客之一。

Matt Raible’s JHipster book, now in its 5th version, was one of our most-downloaded books of the year.

Matt Raible的JHipster书籍 (现在已是第5版)是我们一年中下载次数最多的书籍之一。

In the Java programming language trends report, we noted increased adoption of non-HotSpot JVMs, and we believe OpenJ9 is now within the early-adopter stage. As the time we noted that:

Java编程语言趋势报告中 ,我们注意到对非Hotspot JVM的采用有所增加,而且我们认为OpenJ9现在处于早期采用阶段。 当时我们注意到:

Since the report came out, we feel that the GraalVM has demonstrated significant potential, and will continue to watch its progress with interest.  


Our top performing content for Java this year included:


Although it didn’t quite make it in the top five list, an honourable mention should go to Brian Goetz’s fantastic "Java Feature Spotlight" article "Local Variable Type Inference."

尽管并没有在前五名中名列前茅,但值得一提的是Brian Goetz的精彩文章“ Java Feature Spotlight”(Java功能聚焦)文章“ Local Variable Type Inference”



The release of .NET Core 3 in September generated a huge buzz on InfoQ and produced some of our most-popular .NET content of the year. WebAssembly has been another area of intense interest, and we saw a corresponding surge in interest for Blazor, a new framework in ASP.NET Core that allows developers to create interactive web applications using C# and HTML. Blazor comes in multiple editions, including Blazor WebAssembly which allows single-page applications to run in the client's web browser using a WebAssembly-based .NET runtime.

9月发布的.NET Core 3在InfoQ上引起了极大的轰动,并产生了本年度一些最受欢迎的.NET内容。 WebAssembly是另一个引起人们极大兴趣的领域,我们看到了对Blazor的相应兴趣激增,Blazor是ASP.NET Core中的新框架,允许开发人员使用C#和HTML创建交互式Web应用程序。 Blazor有多种版本,包括Blazor WebAssembly,它允许使用基于WebAssembly的.NET运行时在客户端的Web浏览器中运行单页应用程序。

According to our most-recent reader survey, C# is the second-most widely used language among InfoQ readers after Java, and interest in C#8 in particular was also strong.


Our top performing .NET content included:


Jonathan Allen’s piece in the list is part of an excellent series of articles and news posts that Jonathan Allen wrote for InfoQ during 2019. Others included:

Jonathan Allen在清单中的文章是Jonathan Allen在2019年为InfoQ写的一系列优秀文章和新闻文章的一部分。

Web Development


Unsurprisingly, the majority of InfoQ readers write at least some JavaScript - around 70% according to the most recent reader survey - making it the most widely used language among our readers. The dominant JavaScript frameworks for InfoQ readers seem to currently be Vue and React. We also saw interest in using Javascript for machine learning via TensorFlow.js.  Away from JavaScript, we saw strong interest in some of the transpiler options. In addition to Blazor, mentioned above, we saw strong interest in Web Assembly, Typescript, Elm and Svelte.

毫不奇怪,大多数InfoQ读者至少写了一些JavaScript(根据最近的读者调查,大约占70%),使其成为我们读者中使用最广泛的语言。 目前,InfoQ读者的主要JavaScript框架似乎是Vue和React。 我们还看到了通过TensorFlow.js将Javascript用于机器学习的兴趣。 除了JavaScript之外,我们还看到了对某些编译器选项的浓厚兴趣。 除了上面提到的Blazor,我们还对Web Assembly,Typescript,Elm和Svelte产生了浓厚的兴趣。

Top-performing content included:




It’s unsurprising that distributed computing, and in particular the microservices architecture style, remains a huge part of our news and feature content. We see strong interest in related topics, with our original Domain Driven Design Quickly book, and our more-recent eMag "Domain-Driven Design in Practice" continuing to perform particularly well, and interest in topics like observability and distributed tracing. We also saw interest in methods of testing distributed systems, including a strong performance from our Chaos Engineering eMag, and a resurgence in reader interest in some for the core architectural topics such as API design, diagrams, patterns, and models.  

毫无疑问,分布式计算,尤其是微服务架构风格,仍然是我们新闻和专题内容的重要组成部分。 我们对相关主题怀有浓厚的兴趣,其中包括我们最初的《 域驱动设计快速入门》一书,以及我们最近的eMag“ 实践中的域驱动设计 ”继续表现特别出色,并对诸如可观察性和分布式跟踪之类的主题感兴趣。 我们还看到了对测试分布式系统的方法的兴趣,其中包括来自Chaos Engineering eMag的强大性能,以及使读者对某些核心架构主题(例如API设计,图表,模式和模型)的兴趣重新出现。

Our top performing architecture content was:


AI, ML and Data Engineering


Our podcast with Grady Booch on today’s Artificial Intelligence reality and what it means for developers was one of our most popular podcasts of the year, and revealed strong interest in the topic from InfoQ readers.

我们与Grady Booch的播客有关当今人工智能的现实以及对开发人员的意义是我们一年中最受欢迎的播客之一,并引起了InfoQ读者对该主题的浓厚兴趣。

Key AI stories in 2019 were MIT introducing GEN, a Julia-basd language for artificial intelligence, Google’s ongoing work on ML Kit, and discussions around conversational interfaces, as well as more established topics such as streaming.

2019年的主要AI故事是MIT引入了GEN (一种基于Julia的人工智能语言),谷歌正在进行的ML Kit研究,围绕对话界面的讨论以及流媒体等更成熟的话题。

It’s slightly orthogonal to the rest of the pieces listed here, but we should also mention "Postgres Handles More Than You Think" by Jason Skowronski which performed amazingly well.

它与此处列出的其余部分略有正交,但我们还应提及Jason Skowronski撰写的“ Postgres处理的内容超出您的想像 ”,它表现出色。

Our top-performing content for AI and ML was:


Culture and Methods


If there was an overarching theme to our culture and methods coverage this year it might best be summed up as "agile done wrong" and many of our items focused on issues with agile, and/or going back to the principles outlined in the Agile Manifesto.

如果今年我们的文化和方法覆盖面有一个总体主题,最好将其总结为“敏捷做错了”,我们的许多项目都集中在敏捷问题上,和/或回到敏捷宣言中概述的原则。 。

We also saw continued in interest in some of the big agile methodologies, notably Scrum, with both "Scrum and XP from the Trenches", and "Kanban and Scrum - Making the Most of Both" performing well in our books department.

我们还看到了一些大型敏捷方法学的兴趣,尤其是Scrum,其“书刊上的Scrum和XP ”以及“ 看板和Scrum-充分利用两者 ”在我们的图书部门中表现良好。

We also saw strong reader interest in remote working with Judy Rees’ eMag on "Mastering Remote Meetings", and her corresponding podcast, performing well, alongside my own talk on "Working Remotely and Managing Remote Teams" from Aginext this year. 

我们还看到了读者对与Judy Rees的eMag进行远程会议掌握远程会议 ”及其对应的播客的良好兴趣,以及我今年Aginext关于“ 远程工作和管理远程团队 ”的演讲。

Our most popular published content for Culture and Methods was:


Our top performing culture podcasts were:


DevOps and Cloud


In our DevOps and Cloud trends report, we noted that Kubernetes has effectively cornered the market for container orchestration, and is arguably becoming the cloud-agnostic compute abstraction. The next "hot topics" in this space appear to be "service meshes" and developer experience/workflow tooling. We continue to see strong interest in all of thee among InfoQ’s readers.

在我们的DevOps和Cloud趋势报告中 ,我们注意到Kubernetes有效地垄断了容器编排市场,并且可以说已经成为不可知论的计算抽象。 该空间中的下一个“热门话题”似乎是“服务网格”和开发人员经验/工作流程工具。 我们继续看到InfoQ的读者对所有您都有浓厚的兴趣。

A trend we’re also starting to note is a number of languages which are either infrastructure or cloud-orientated. In our Programming Languages trends report, we noted increased interest and innovation related to infrastructure-aware or cloud-specific languages, DSLs, and SDKs like Ballerina and Pulumi. In this context we should also mention Dark, a new language currently still in private beta, but already attracting a lot of interest. Somewhat related, we should also mention the Ecstasy language, co-created by Tangosol founders Cameron Purdy and Gene Gleyzer. Chris Swan, CTO for the Global Delivery at DXC Technology, spoke to Cameron Purdy about the language and the problems it’s designed to solve.

我们也开始注意到的趋势是,许多基础架构或面向云的语言。 在我们的《 编程语言趋势》报告中 ,我们注意到与基础架构感知或特定于云的语言,DSL和SDK(如Ballerina和Pulumi)相关的兴趣和创新不断增长。 在这种情况下,我们还应该提及Dark ,这是一种目前仍处于私测中的新语言,但已经引起了人们的极大兴趣。 在某种程度上,我们还应该提到由Tangosol创始人Cameron Purdy和Gene Gleyzer共同创建的迷魂药。 DXC Technology全球交付首席技术官Chris Swan向Cameron Purdy谈到了该语言及其旨在解决的问题。

In the eMags department "Kubernetes: Past, Present and Future", and "DevSecOps in Practice" were among our top performers:

在eMags部门中,“ Kubernetes:过去,现在和未来 ”和“ DevSecOps实践 ”是我们的佼佼者

(Software Predictions for 2020)2020年软件预测

Making predictions in software in notoriously hard to do, but we expect to see enterprise development teams consolidate their cloud-platform choices as Kubernetes adoption continues. Mostly this will be focussed on the "big five" cloud providers - Amazon, Google, IBM (plus Red Hat), Microsoft, and VMware (plus Pivotal). We think that, outside China, Alibaba will struggle to gain traction, as will Oracle, Salesforce, and SAP.

众所周知,很难在软件中进行预测,但是随着Kubernetes的继续采用,我们希望看到企业开发团队巩固他们在云平台方面的选择。 通常,这将集中于“五大”云提供商-亚马逊,谷歌,IBM(加上Red Hat),微软和VMware(加上Pivotal)。 我们认为,在中国以外,阿里巴巴,Oracle,Salesforce和SAP都将难以获得吸引力。

In the platform/operations space we’re expecting that service meshes will become more integrated with the underlying orchestration frameworks (e.g. Kubernetes). We’re also hopeful that the developer workflow for interacting with service meshes becomes more integrated with current workflows, technologies, and pipelines.

在平台/运营领域,我们期望服务网格将与基础业务流程框架(例如Kubernetes)更加集成。 我们也希望与服务网格进行交互的开发人员工作流能够与当前的工作流,技术和管道更加集成。

Ultimately developers should be able to control deploy, release, and debugging via the same continuous/progressive delivery pipeline. For example, using a "GitOps" style pipeline to deploy a service by configuring k8s YAML (or some higher-level abstraction), controlling the release of the new functionality using techniques like canarying or shadowing via the configuration of some traffic management k8s custom resource definition (CRD) YAML, and enabling additional logging or debug tooling via some additional CRD config.

最终,开发人员应该能够通过相同的连续/渐进式交付管道来控制部署,发布和调试。 例如,使用“ GitOps”样式的管道通过配置k8s YAML(或某些更高级别的抽象)来部署服务,通过配置某些流量管理k8s自定义资源,使用诸如金丝雀或影子之类的技术来控制新功能的发布定义(CRD)YAML,并通过一些其他CRD配置启用其他日志记录或调试工具。

In regards to architecture, next year will hopefully be the year of "managing complexity". Architectural patterns such microservices and functions(as-a-service) have enabled developers to better separate concerns, implement variable rates of change via independent isolated deployments, and ultimately work more effectively at scale. However, our ability to comprehend the complex distributed systems we are now building -- along with the availability of related tooling -- has not kept pace with these developments. We’re looking forward to seeing what the open source community and vendors are working on in the understandability, observability, and debuggability space.

在架构方面,明年有望成为“管理复杂性”的一年。 诸如微服务和功能(即服务)之类的架构模式使开发人员能够更好地分离关注点,通过独立的隔离部署实现可变的变化率,并最终更有效地进行大规模工作。 但是,我们了解我们正在构建的复杂分布式系统的能力以及相关工具的可用性,未能跟上这些发展的步伐。 我们期待看到开放源社区和供应商在可理解性,可观察性和可调试性方面正在做什么。

We expect to see more developers experimenting with "low code" platforms. This is partly fueled by a renewed push from Microsoft for its PowerApps, Flow, Power BI, and Power Platform products.

我们希望看到更多的开发人员尝试使用“低代码”平台。 微软对其PowerApps,Flow,Power BI和Power Platform产品的重新推动,在一定程度上推动了这一点。

In the .NET ecosystem, we believe that Blazor will keep gaining momentum among web developers. .NET 5 should also bring significant changes to the ecosystem with the promised interoperability with Java, Objective-C, and Swift. Although it is early to say, Microsoft's recent efforts on IoT and AI (with ML.NET) should also help to raise the interest in .NET development.  Related we expect to see the interest in Web Assembly continue and hope that the tooling hear will start to mature.

在.NET生态系统中,我们相信Blazor将继续在Web开发人员中获得发展动力。 .NET 5还应通过与Java,Objective-C和Swift的互操作性,为生态系统带来重大变化。 尽管还为时尚早,但微软最近在IoT和AI(使用ML.NET)方面的努力也应该有助于引起人们对.NET开发的兴趣。 相关的我们希望看到人们对Web Assembly的兴趣继续存在,并希望工具的声音将开始成熟。

Despite the negative news around VR this year, we still think that something in the AR/VR space, or some other form of alternative computer/human interaction, is likely to come on the market in the next few years and gain significant traction, though it does seem that the form factor for this hasn’t really arrived.

尽管今年关于VR的负面消息不多,但我们仍然认为,AR / VR领域中的某些事物或其他形式的替代计算机/人机交互技术可能会在未来几年内投放市场,并获得巨大的吸引力。看来确实还没有真正实现这一目标。

This article is part of our 2019/2020 trends overview. The insights come from our editorial team, all of whom are software engineers, who push the barrier of innovation in their professional lives. Read and reflect on their insights to inspire your tech visions and roadmap for 2020.

本文是我们2019/2020年趋势概述的一部分 这些见解来自我们的编辑团队,他们都是软件工程师,他们在职业生涯中不断推陈出新。 阅读并反思他们的见解,以激发您的2020年技术愿景和路线图。



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