arcade 物理系统_RetroPie和X-Arcade Tankstick-完美的Retro Arcade(加上键绑定,配置和操作方法)

arcade 物理系统

arcade 物理系统

Eight years ago I stumbled on the husk of an old arcade cabinet and along with my buddy John Batdorf, proceeded to reclaim the cabinet, refinish, paint, and turn it into a proper MAME (Multi-Arcade Machine Emulator)

八年前,我偶然发现了一个旧的街机柜的外壳,并与我的好友约翰·巴特多夫( John Batdorf )一起进行了回收,对柜子进行修补,上漆,涂漆,然后将其变成合适的MAME(多街机仿真器)

As an aside, a bit after helping me this project, John happened to start an amazing business making furniture with reclaimed wood, check him out at Amazing stuff, truly.

顺便说一句,在帮助我这个项目后,约翰碰巧开始了一项惊人的业务,用再生木材制造家具,请在http://deercreekfurnishings.com上查看他。 真的很棒。

Last week I build a RetroPie into an X-arcade tankstick. This is my best retro arcade yet because it's got HDMI out and I can take it to friends' houses. That said, I'm going to briefly go over my other systems because they may be more attractive for your needs. If you have no patience, scroll down.

上周,我将RetroPie制成了X街区坦克。 这是我最好的复古街机,因为它已经淘汰了HDMI,可以带它去朋友家了。 就是说,我将简要介绍一下我的其他系统,因为它们可能对您的需求更具吸引力。 如果没有耐心,请向下滚动。

全尺寸MAME机柜-完整的MAME机柜操作方法 (A full size MAME Cabinet - The Complete MAME Cabinet How-To)

I wrote up a complete 7 part series on making your own MAME Arcade Cabinet. It's super fun and will only take a few weekends and perhaps a few hundred bucks.

我撰写了完整的7部分系列文章,内容涉及制作自己的MAME Arcade Cabinet 。 它非常有趣,只需要几个周末,也许几百美元。

  1. Cabinet and Power


  2. Monitor and Mounting


  3. Control Panel


  4. Sound and Lights


  5. Paint and Art


  6. Computer Hardware and Software


  7. Success and Conclusion


When I made my first MAME cabinet I put a small "Shuttle PC" inside. The MAME system is in my office and runs to this day on Windows 7 with a HyperSpin frontend.

当我制作第一个MAME机柜时,我在里面放了一个小的“ Shuttle PC”。 MAME系统在我的办公室中,并且今天在带有HyperSpin前端的Windows 7上运行。

Software Disclaimer 1: There's all sorts of iffy legal issues around emulating arcade games with boards/ROMs you don't own. This series of posts has nothing to do with that. I do own some original arcade boards, but if you want to emulate arcade games with MAME (Multiple Arcade Machine Emulator), you can search the 'tubes. What I'm doing here is putting a computer in a pretty box.

软件免责声明1:用您不拥有的主板/ ROM模拟街机游戏时,存在各种棘手的法律问题。 这一系列的帖子与此无关。 我确实拥有一些原始的街机游戏板,但是如果您想使用MAME(多机游戏机模拟器)来模拟街机游戏,则可以搜索'tubes' 我在这里所做的就是将一台计算机放在一个漂亮的盒子里。

Hardware Disclaimer 2: Many folks that build arcade cabinets have a purist view of how these things should be done. They will prefer original Arcade CRT monitors and more expensive, higher quality parts. I am more of a pragmatist. I also have no idea what I'm doing, so I've also got ignorance on my side.

硬件免责声明2:许多建造街机柜的人对如何完成这些事情抱有纯粹的看法。 他们会更喜欢原始的Arcade CRT显示器和更昂贵,更高质量的零件。 我更是一个实用主义者。 我也不知道自己在做什么,所以我也无知。

There's been a huge amount of work done in the last few years to reconcile the dozens of emulators and systems and the nightmare of keybindings, menus, and configuration. My first MAME machine was a few hours to install and literally weeks of messing around with the settings of various emulators. I started with the legendary v1 "X-Arcade Tankstick" that had was effectively a PS2 keyboard. I took it apart and built it into my MAME system's control panel. I then needed to tell each individual emulator the key codes for up, down, left, right, a, b, x, y, etc. Each emulator had a different configuration file. Some were INI files, some XML, some freaking magic.

在过去的几年中,已经进行了大量工作来调和数十个仿真器和系统以及按键绑定,菜单和配置的噩梦。 我的第一台MAME机器要花几个小时才能安装,实际上是花了数周时间弄乱了各种仿真器的设置。 我从传奇的v1“ X-Arcade Tankstick ”开始,它实际上是PS2键盘。 我拆开了它,并将其内置到了MAME系统的控制面板中。 然后,我需要告诉每个单独的仿真器上,下,左,右,a,b,x,y等的关键代码。每个仿真器都有一个不同的配置文件。 一些是INI文件,一些是XML,一些是不可思议的魔术。

It's a lot to ask in 2017 to dedicate a complete PC to a retroarcade - in fact, it's just not necessary. A $35 Raspberry Pi 3 (or even an overclocked Raspberry Pi 2) has enough power to handle all but the most complex emulators.

在2017年有很多要求将完整的PC专用于后街游戏-实际上,这是没有必要的。 售价35美元的Raspberry Pi 3 (甚至是超频的Raspberry Pi 2)具有足够的能力来处理除最复杂的模拟器以外的所有模拟器。

Tiny Raspberry Pi Powered "CupCade"

微型Raspberry Pi驱动的“ CupCade”

Later I discovered RetroPie and built a tiny "cupcade" with plans from AdaFruit.  It is/was a tiny little thing that with just a basic menuing system but it got me thinking about how powerful the Raspberry Pi is. The AdaFruit site has all the plans and parts you can buy. I had a local makerspace laser-cut the case. Assembly was just a weekend.

后来,我发现了RetroPie,并根据AdaFruit的计划建立了一个很小的“杯子” 。 只需一个基本的菜单系统,这是一件很小的事情,但是让我想到了Raspberry Pi的强大功能。 AdaFruit网站提供了您可以购买的所有计划和零件。 我在当地的makerspace激光切割过此表壳。 大会只是一个周末。

AdaFruit's CupCade

Hyperkin -一个现成的RetroArcade控制台 (Hyperkin - An off-the shelf RetroArcade Console )

We also picked up a Hyperkin Retron console. This is a great legal way to plan retro games because it requires actual cartridges. We buy our games at Retro Game Trader. If you are EVER near Portland you HAVE to stop and check it out. It's insane.

我们还选择了Hyperkin Retron控制台。 这是规划复古游戏的绝佳法律方式,因为它需要实际的墨盒。 我们在Retro Game Trader购买我们的游戏。 如果您曾经在波特兰附近,则必须停下来检查一下。 太疯狂了

There's a old joke about building a retro arcade machines - Is it more fun to play retro arcade games, or is it more fun to build a retro arcade machine with a cool front-end where every keybinding works in every emulator but you never get around to playing games?


X-Arcade Tankstick内的RetroPie (A RetroPie inside an X-Arcade Tankstick)

There's a whole series of gotchas that took me a few weeks to work through when taking a Raspberry Pi, RetroPie software, and an X-Arcade and getting them to work well together.

在使用Raspberry Pi,RetroPie软件和X-Arcade并使它们协同工作时,需要花几周的时间才能完成整个过程。

THIS blog post is going to be a collection of all the stuff I wish I'd known BEFORE I started on this path. Even one of these tips would have saved me an hour, so the collection of them is days of googling, forum reading, and trial and error.

这篇博客文章将收集所有我希望在开始这条道路之前知道的东西。 甚至这些技巧之一都可以节省我一个小时的时间,因此,收集这些信息需要几天的时间来进行谷歌搜索,阅读论坛以及反复试验。

Start with this 7-part short video series (they are less than 10 min long, so it's not so scary) on the X-Arcade with the RetroPie.


零件清单 (Parts List)

You'll want at least these things to start.


  • Raspberry Pi 3 - Don't skimp, get a 3. Yes you can use a 2, but you'll be far happier with a 3.

    Raspberry Pi 3-不要ski漏,得到3。是的,您可以使用2,但是使用3会更快乐。

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Heatsink Set - Raspberry Pi's can be persnickety. Spend the $5 and get a heatsink.

    Raspberry Pi 3散热片组-Raspberry Pi可能让人讨厌。 花$ 5并获得一个散热器。

  •  128gig high-speed microSDXC card - Get the largest and fastest microSD card you can get. Class 10 is ideal.

    128gig高速microSDXC卡-获得最大,最快的microSD卡。 第10类非常理想。

  • 2amp+ powersupply with a 5英尺microUSB电缆提供 5 foot microUSB cable. Make sure your powersupply does at LEAST 2 amps. Less and your Raspberry Pi may not boot up with keyboards or mice attached. 2 amp+电源。 确保电源至少为2A。 更少,您的Raspberry Pi可能无法在连接键盘或鼠标的情况下启动。
    • Remember that the goal here is to be able to plug this into your TV while you're sitting near or on your couch. You might even want a longer cable.
      请记住,这里的目标是当您坐在沙发上或沙发上时,可以将其插入电视。 您甚至可能需要更长的电缆。
    • HMDI cable length. You're only as useful as the shortest cable between these two. HMDI电缆的长度匹配。 您只是两者之间最短的电缆一样有用。
    2amp+ powersupply with a 5英尺microUSB电缆提供 5 foot microUSB cable. Make sure your powersupply does at LEAST 2 amps. Less and your Raspberry Pi may not boot up with keyboards or mice attached. 2 amp+电源。 确保电源至少为2A。 更少,您的Raspberry Pi可能无法在连接键盘或鼠标的情况下启动。
  • PS2 keyboard - Yes, PS2. I picked one up at Goodwill or a local Thrift Shop. You'll need this to PS2键盘-是,PS2。 我在Goodwill或当地的旧货店买了一个。 您需要使用它来 program the X-Arcade Tankstick. You change its mode switch, press a button on the controller while simultaneously pressing a key on the PS2 keyboard. You'll repeat this until all your keys are set. 对X-Arcade Tankstick进行编程。 您更改其模式开关,同时按下控制器上的按钮和PS2键盘上的一个键。 您将重复此操作,直到设置完所有键。

And finally, last but not least. An X-Arcade Stick. You can get them with or without a Trackball (which acts as an independent mouse and uses its own additional USB cable). As I mentioned, I'd long-been a fan of all X-Arcade products. Their stuff is legendarily reliable and built like, well, a tank. They're fantastic in that you can even get adapters for your X-Box, X-Box One, Wii, Dreamcast, whatever.

最后,最后但并非最不重要的一点。 X街机游戏棒。 您可以带或不带轨迹球(充当独立鼠标并使用其自己的附加USB电缆)来获得它们。 正如我提到的那样,我一直是所有X-Arcade产品的粉丝。 他们的东西传说上是可靠的,像坦克一样建造。 它们很棒,您甚至可以为X-Box,X-Box One,Wii,Dreamcast等获得适配器。

My brother recently found an X-Arcade stick at a local thrift story for $30 and grabbed it for me. I opened it up and noticed it was the PS2 version from years ago. Fear not - you should be aware that there is the PS2 X-Arcade that requires a PS2 keyboard be attached, and there's the newer USB version.  Here's the epic part - and reason #564 why I love X-Gaming as a company - you can upgrade the electronics in your v1 X-Arcade stick with a simple board for $35. And I did just this. This kit takes any existing X-Arcade to the latest hardware and you're going to want the latest if you want your X-Arcade to work smoothly with RetroPie.

我的兄弟最近在当地的旧货商店里发现了X街机摇杆,价格为30美元,并为我买了它。 我打开它,发现它是几年前的PS2版本。 别担心-您应该意识到,有PS2 X-Arcade需要连接PS2键盘,并且还有更新的USB版本。 这是史诗般的部分-原因#564我为什么喜欢X-Gaming作为公司-您可以用35美元的简单板子升级v1 X-Arcade摇杆中的电子设备。 我就是这样做的。 该工具包可将任何现有的X-Arcade带到最新的硬件,如果您希望X-Arcade与RetroPie兼容,则需要最新的硬件。

I took the back off the X-Arcade and threaded the HDMI cable and USB micro cable through the back holes. I 3D-printed a case (the yellow cage in the photo below) for the Raspberry Pi but really any case will do as long as wires aren't touching wires. There's an RS232 cable and the vestigial green PS2 male that you can tuck away in there. I used the remaining hole to keep the purple PS2 female connector handy as it'll be used for "programming" the keys for the X-Arcade.

我从X-Arcade上取下了后盖,并将HDMI电缆和USB micro电缆穿过后Kong。 我3D打印了Raspberry Pi的保护套(下图为黄色的盒子),但实际上只要电线不接触电线,任何情况下都可以。 有一条RS232电缆和一个绿色的残留PS2公头,您可以将其藏在里面。 我用剩下的Kong将紫色的PS2母连接器保持在方便的位置,因为它将用于“编程” X-Arcade的按键。

Hey it's a Raspberry Pi 3 shoved into an X-Arcade. That's not very sophisitcated.

Yes, it's janky, but all I had was electrical tape. Ideally I'd get a rubber gasket for the wires to keep the tension off the Raspberry Pi and make it more "kid safe."

是的,这很简陋,但我所拥有的只是电工胶带。 理想情况下,我会为电线使用橡胶垫圈,以保持Raspberry Pi的张力并使其更“孩子安全”。

Photo Jun 06, 11 46 29 PM

Again, follow these videos. If you're a little technical it's pretty straightforward stuff. The general idea is this.

同样,请遵循这些视频。 如果您有点技术性,那将是非常简单的东西。 总体思路是这样的。

  • The Raspberry Pi uses the SD Card as its hard drive.

    Raspberry Pi使用SD卡作为其硬盘驱动器。
  • The X-Arcade is a keyboard and you'll have the PS2 keyboard temporarily plugged into it for setup.

  • The Raspberry Pi 3 is best not only because it's fast but it's also got built-in WiFi. If you use a Raspberry Pi 2, you'll need a Wifi adapter.

    Raspberry Pi 3是最好的,不仅因为它速度快而且还内置了WiFi。 如果您使用Raspberry Pi 2,则需要一个Wifi适配器

  • With your computer, you will use Win32DiskImager to copy a pre-made image of RetroPie to the SD Card.


    With your computer, you will use Win32DiskImager to copy a pre-made image of RetroPie to the SD Card.


  • You'll put the SD Card into the Pi, connect the X-Arcade via USB to the Pi, connect the PS2 keyboard to the X-Arcade , connect the Pi's HDMI to a monitor or TV, connect the power, and boot up.

  • You'll follow some on-screen prompts (again, see the videos) and setup RetroPi.


  • You'll program the X-Arcade to act as a keyboard.

  • Then you'll see what works and start debugging.


    • Debugging often consists of using putty and/or Bash for Windows to ssh into the Raspberry Pi. The user name is pi and the password is raspberry so that's usually "ssh pi@retropie" then the password.

      调试通常包括使用Windows的腻子和/或Bash将其放入Raspberry Pi。 用户名为pi,密码为raspberry,因此通常是“ ssh pi @ retropie”,然后是密码。

连接RetroPie和X-Arcade时的小陷阱 (Little Gotchas when Hooking up RetroPie and an X-Arcade )

Now to the little details that took me weeks that will hopefully help you.


  • Xarcade2Jstick vs standard keyboard mapping - Some people swear that the X-Arcade stick will/can get detected as a joystick using a user-space driver called Xarcade2Jstick. This driver is built into Retropie now and it takes your keyboard/xarcade and "lies" to the system and makes it look like two gamepads. Some folks swear by it. I fought with it for a week and decided that since I understand keyboards, I would just stick with keyboard mapping. Your mileage may vary, but the good thing to know (and try) is that if your system "just works" when you boot up, then perhaps Xarcade2jstick worked amazingly for you and you can skip a LOT of this mess. Sound off in the comments.

    Xarcade2Jstick与标准键盘映射-有些人发誓,使用一个名为Xarcade2Jstick用户空间驱动程序,X-Arcade摇杆将被/可以检测为操纵杆。 现在,该驱动程序已内置在Retropie中,它将您的键盘/键盘和“谎言”带入系统,使其看起来像两个游戏手柄。 有些人发誓。 我与它战斗了一周,并决定由于我了解键盘,所以我只会坚持使用键盘映射。 您的里程可能会有所不同,但是要知道(并尝试)的一件好事是,如果系统在启动时“正常运行”,那么Xarcade2jstick可能对您来说工作得非常好,您可以跳过很多此类麻烦。 在评论中听起来不错。

    The gent who made the videos also believes that keyboard mapping is more reliable and recommends this "non-standard" set up and programs it in "bank 2" of the X-Arcade. That means the toggle switch is in the second position inward, away from the serial point when you program it. He recommends this layout and I've used it also. This is

    制作视频的绅士们还认为键盘映射更为可靠,因此推荐这种“非标准”设置并在X-Arcade的“ bank 2”中对其进行编程。 这意味着拨动开关在向内位于第二位置,在编程时远离串行点。 他推荐这种布局,我也使用过。 这是

    a screenshot from his video.


  • NOTE: I needed to go into optional components in RetroPie setup and specifically disable xarcade2jstick. You can re-run RetroPie-setup from the command line as often as you like.

    注意:我需要进入RetroPie设置中的可选组件,并专门禁用xarcade2jstick。 您可以根据需要从命令行重新运行RetroPie-setup。

    cd RetroPie-Setup
    sudo ./
  • Keyboard Bindings for RetroArch compliant emulatiors - Now, I think I understand this, but if I get it wrong, let me know in the comments. There is an organization called "libRetro" that comprises the libRetro library, the RetroArch frontend that runs libRetro programms, and Lakka, a Linux that's meant for retroarcades. You don't need to sweat Lakka as you used a default RetroPie image. But RetroArch you'll be hearing a lot about. Remember earlier when I was complaining about all the trouble configuring emulators? RetroArch has scoped, nested config files (with includes) that allow you specify your config and keyboard/gamepad/joystick mapping once and then participating emulators will "just work." 

    适用于RetroArch兼容模拟器的键盘绑定-现在,我我明白了,但是如果我弄错了,请在评论中告诉我。 有一个名为“ libRetro”的组织,该组织包括libRetro库,运行libRetro程序的RetroArch前端和Lakka(一个用于追溯Linux)。 使用默认的RetroPie图像时,您无需为Lakka汗水。 但是RetroArch您会听到很多。 还记得我之前抱怨配置模拟器的所有麻烦吗? RetroArch具有范围内的嵌套配置文件(包括包含在内),可让您指定一次配置和键盘/游戏手柄/操纵杆映射,然后参与的仿真器将“正常工作”。

    Another way to look at it is this. In the past you needed lots of emulator programs from lots of people with lots of config that was all different. Retroarch tries to unify all of this so there's "cores" for each emulated system that Retorarch calls out to for the emulation.

    看它的另一种方式是这样。 过去,您需要许多人提供的许多模拟器程序,这些人的配置各不相同。 Retroarch试图统一所有这些,因此每个Retorarch调用进行仿真的仿真系统都有一个“核心”。

    Follow the videos, but you'll basically go to /opt/retropie/configs/all and edit retroarch.cfg to support the keymapping above. MOST of the emulators will pick these settings up. But not all. More on that in a second.

    跟随视频,但是基本上您将转到/ opt / retropie / configs / all并编辑retroarch.cfg以支持上面的键盘映射。 大多数仿真器都会选择这些设置。 但不是所有的。 一秒钟内会更多。

    Like this:


    input_player1_a = t
    input_player1_b = r
    input_player1_y = q
    input_player1_x = w
    input_player1_start = num1
    input_player1_select = num5
    input_player1_l = e
    input_player1_r = y
    input_player1_left = left
    input_player1_right = right
    input_player1_up = up
    input_player1_down = down
    input_player1_l2 = u
    input_player1_r2 = i
    input_player1_l3 = nul
    input_player1_r3 = nul

    input_player1_a = t input_player1_b = r input_player1_y = q input_player1_x = w input_player1_start = num1 input_player1_select = num5 input_player1_l = e input_player1_r = y input_player1_left =左input_player1_right =右input_player1_up =向上input_player1_down =向下input_player1_l2 = u input_player1_r2 =我input_player1_l3 = nul input_player1_r3 = nul

    input_player2_a = j
    input_player2_b = h
    input_player2_y = d
    input_player2_x = f
    input_player2_start = num2
    input_player2_select = num6
    input_player2_l = g
    input_player2_r = k
    input_player2_left = a
    input_player2_right = s
    input_player2_up = o
    input_player2_down = p
    input_player2_l2 = l
    input_player2_r2 = z
    input_player2_l3 = nul
    input_player2_r3 = nul

    input_player2_a = j input_player2_b = h input_player2_y = d input_player2_x = f input_player2_start = num2 input_player2_select = num6 input_player2_l = g input_player2_r = k input_player2_left = a input_player2_right = s input_player2_up = o input_player2_down = p input_player2_l2 = l input_player2_r2 = z input_player2_l3 = nul input_player2_r3 = nul

  • Exiting Games with the Xarcade controller - One of the most common questions I saw in the forums was "I can move around in the menus and launch and emulator but I can't exit it!" Folks were forced to pull the plug and hard reboot which isn't a sustainable solution. The xarcade has a "flipper" (imagine a pinball flipper's controlling button position) button on each side. The standard hotkey for exiting an emulator has historically been pressing the Player 1 start button PLUS the left flipper button. That's the 1 and 5 keys together if you look at the diagram above.

    使用Xarcade控制器退出游戏-我在论坛上看到的最常见的问题之一是:“我可以在菜单中移动,启动和仿真,但是我不能退出!” 人们被迫拔掉插头并硬重启,这不是一个可持续的解决方案。 xarcade的每一侧都有一个“鳍状肢”(想象弹球鳍状肢的控制按钮位置)按钮。 过去,退出仿真器的标准热键是按下播放器1的开始按钮加上左脚蹼按钮。 如果看上图,这就是1和5键。

    You'll want to go to /opt/retropie/configs/all and edit retroarch.cfg and confirm that you have these lines somewhere:

    您将想要转到/ opt / retropie / configs / all并编辑retroarch.cfg并确认您在以下位置有以下几行:

    input_enable_hotkey = num1

    input_enable_hotkey = num1

    input_exit_emulator = num5

    input_exit_emulator = num5

    Then launch emulationstation (or reboot), launch an emulator, and press P1 and left bumper/flipper. You'll also come to know the left and right flipper buttons as the virtual "insert coin" buttons for Player 1 (P1) and Player 2 (P2) respectively.

    然后启动仿真站(或重新启动),启动仿真器,然后按P1键和左保险杠/滑门。 您还将了解左右拨动按钮分别是播放器1(P1)和播放器2(P2)的虚拟“插入硬币”按钮。

  • Some emulators don't listen to RetroArch settings - Depending on the RetroPie image you downloaded, you may find that some emulators don't listen or respect your core retroarch.cfg settings. Or, perhaps the defaults buttons don't feel right. For example, Sega controller buttons are two rows of three buttons each. You can override your settings to make your xarcade more intuitive. Go to /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive and edit the retroarch.cfg in there. Note that it includes the MAIN "all" retroarch so you're just overriding some settings on an emulator by emulator basis.

    某些模拟器不收听RetroArch设置-根据您下载的RetroPie映像,您可能会发现某些模拟器不收听或不尊重您的核心Retroarch.cfg设置。 或者,默认按钮可能感觉不正确。 例如,Sega控制器按钮是两行,每行三个按钮。 您可以覆盖设置以使xarcade更加直观。 转到/ opt / retropie / configs / megadrive并在其中编辑retroarch.cfg。 请注意,它包括MAIN“所有”还原器,因此您只是逐个模拟器覆盖了一些设置。

    # Settings made here will only override settings in the global retroarch.cfg if placed above the #include line


    input_player1_a = y
    input_player1_b = t
    input_player1_y = r
    input_player1_x = w
    input_player1_l = q
    input_player1_r = e

    input_player1_a = y input_player1_b = t input_player1_y = r input_player1_x = w input_player1_l = q input_player1_r = e

    input_player2_a = k
    input_player2_b = j
    input_player2_y = h
    input_player2_x = f
    input_player2_l = d
    input_player2_r = g

    input_player2_a = k input_player2_b = j input_player2_y = h input_player2_x = f input_player2_l = d input_player2_r = g

    input_remapping_directory = /opt/retropie/configs/megadrive/

    input_remapping_directory = / opt / retropie / configs / megadrive /

    #include "/opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg"

    #include“ /opt/retropie/configs/all/retroarch.cfg”

  • MAME isn't working at all with the Xarcade - This hit me and I see lots of folks struggling. If the MAME core/emulator you're using doesn't integrate with RetroArch, you may need to manually keymap within MAME itself. Use the attached keyboard (while it's still attached) and when inside MAME press Tab. You'll go into the "Input (general) and go down the line one at a time and remap the keys. It's NOT obvious that you have to press and hold the buttons on your XArcade before MAME will pick up the new mapping. It's also not obvious that if you press AGAIN and hold that you can tell MAME another alternate key. In other words, the "OR" key. As in "1 OR 5" if you like.

    MAME根本无法与Xarcade配合使用-这让我感到震惊,而且我看到很多人都在挣扎。 如果您使用的MAME核心/仿真器未与RetroArch集成,则可能需要在MAME本身中手动进行键盘映射。 使用随附的键盘(仍在连接时),在MAME中时,按Tab键。 您将进入“输入(常规)”,一次向下一行,然后重新映射键。显然,在MAME提取新映射之前,您必须按住XArcade上的按钮。同样不明显的是,如果再次按下并按住,则可以告诉MAME另一个备用键,即“ OR”键,如果愿意,可以像“ 1 OR 5”中那样。

    You might like to know that mame-advmame stores these configurations in /opt/retropie/configs/mame-advmame in *.rc files. For example, I had advmame-0.94.0.rc and wanted to be able to exit MAME from my xarcade. If I had a keyboard attached, I'd press "ESC" but with the Xarcade I wanted "Player 1 plus Left Flipper" to work. Then I wanted either "Enter" to confirm, or the main button for Player 1. I ended up with this. Again, this is for non-RetroArch advmame, but it makes the larger point in case you run into these kinds of emulators.

    您可能想知道mame-advmame将这些配置存储在* .rc文件中的/ opt / retropie / configs / mame-advmame中。 例如,我有advmame-0.94.0.rc,并希望能够从我的xarcade退出MAME。 如果安装了键盘,则可以按“ ESC”,但是在Xarcade上,我希望“ Player 1 plus Left Flipper”可以工作。 然后,我想要“ Enter”进行确认,或者想要播放器1的主按钮。我最终完成了此操作。 同样,这是针对非RetroArch advmame的,但如果您遇到这类仿真器,它会发挥更大的作用。

    input_map[ui_pause] keyboard[0,enter] or keyboard[0,tab] keyboard[0,up]
    input_map[ui_select] keyboard[0,enter] or keyboard[0,q]
    input_map[ui_cancel] keyboard[0,5] keyboard[0,1] or keyboard[0,esc]

    input_map [ui_pause]键盘[0,输入]或键盘[0,tab]键盘[0,向上] input_map [ui_select]键盘[0,enter]或键盘[0,q] input_map [ui_cancel]键盘[0,5]键盘[0,1]或键盘[0,esc]

That pretty much covers all the hairpullingout of the last few weeks. The result is very nice though. I hope you make one also!

这几乎涵盖了过去几周的所有淘汰。 结果非常好。 希望您也能做一个!

Photo Jun 07, 12 58 22 AM


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