索尼 swiftkey_iOS8 3rd Party键盘的评测-SwiftKey和Swype

索尼 swiftkey

索尼 swiftkey

I've been running iOS8 for a while now in Beta, and today all my iDevices are running the released iOS 8. One of the most anticipated new features is the ability to create and add 3rd party keyboards. In the future I anticipate we'll see lots of interesting and creative keyboards, perhaps to draw an emoji with your finger, custom Chinese or Japanese IMEs (input method editors), and others.

我已经在Beta中运行iOS8一段时间了,今天我的所有iDevices都在运行发布的iOS8。最令人期待的新功能之一就是能够创建和添加第三方键盘。 预计将来,我们会看到很多有趣且有创意的键盘,也许可以用您的手指,自定义的中文或日语IME(输入法编辑器)等来绘制表情符号。

Until then, the primary thing folks have been waiting for is what Android and now Windows Phone have had for a while, the ability to type without lifting your thumb. You'll either love it or hate it, but you need to try it for a day. When done well, it's amazing and brilliant.

在那之前,人们一直在等待的主要事物是Android和Windows Phone已有一段时间了,它能够打字而不用动手。 您可能会喜欢它或讨厌它,但是您需要尝试一天。 如果做得好,那就太神奇了。

设置过程的麻烦 (The Hassle of the Setup Process)

3rd Party Keyboards install from the AppStore like any other app. When you run each for the first time they walk you through the process of installing their keyboard. This is easy for a techie, but for your non-Technical Relatives it might take a little coaching as you'll end up 3 or 4 deep inside Settings | General | Keyboards.

第三方键盘可以像其他任何应用一样从AppStore安装。 首次运行它们时,它们将引导您完成键盘的安装过程。 对于技术人员而言,这很容易,但是对于您的非技术亲戚,则可能需要一些指导,因为您最终会在“设置” |“设置”中找到3或4个深层信息。 一般| 键盘。

Multiple Keyboards

Swype-US $ 0.99 (Swype - US$0.99)

Swype worked great, exactly as advertised. I enjoyed using it very much and it's swiping feature works as advertised. I did feel its autocorrect somehow left something to be desired. Below you can see it getting confused as I swipe the word "autocorrect."

Swype的运作非常出色,完全如广告所示。 我非常喜欢使用它,并且滑动功能如广告中所述。 我确实感觉到它的自动更正以某种方式尚待改进。 在下方,当我滑动“自动更正”一词时,您会感到困惑。

Adding new words

The deal breaker for me with Swype was two-fold. First, the spacebar is smaller than the default space bar. It's a small thing to be sure (as tiny keyboards are) but it had me adding periods . throughout . my text, as I hit that before I hit the space bar.

对我而言,与Swype的交易破坏是双重的。 首先,空格键小于默认空格键。 可以肯定这是一件小事(就像小键盘一样),但是我要加点号。 始终 。 我的文字,就像我在按下空格键之前按的那样。

Secondly, the lower left corner of the iOS keyboard has always been the little 123 Icon. It lets you switch between ABC and 123, of course. Swype chose to move this over to the second spot. This flummoxed me all day. I'm sure I could train myself as it's just muscle memory, but it was an unusual choice, I thought, and this is just one place where Swype deviated their keyboard design from being "just a swiping solution."  They've moved other things as well.

其次,iOS键盘的左下角始终是小123图标。 当然,它可以让您在ABC和123之间切换。 Swype选择将其移至第二位。 这整天困扰着我。 我敢肯定我可以训练自己,因为它只是肌肉记忆,但这是一个不寻常的选择,我认为,这只是Swype偏离了键盘设计的地方,而仅仅是“轻扫解决方案”。 他们也移动了其他东西。

Opening the proper Swype button in the lower corner with a press and hold brings up the Globe (usually not hidden in other keyboards) as well as the Dial Pad for numbers, and the Settings gear.


Swype has moved some things and this slowed me down quite a lot. This keyboard below moves all my symbols to new locations, with the Asterisk nowhere to be found!

斯威普(Swype)搬了一些东西,这使我很慢。 下面的键盘将我所有的符号移动到新位置,找不到星号!

Checking out the Swype menu
What's with the random Emoji?

NOTE: One thing that ALL these keyboards thankfully fix is the "shift key problem" with the default iOS keyboard. They show lowercase letters when you're typing lowercase, and change the whole keyboard to uppercase when you press Shift. It's so painfully a problem with the default keyboard, it's really unfortunate that this wasn't changed in iOS8.

注意:值得庆幸的是,所有这些键盘均解决了默认iOS键盘的“ Shift键问题”。 当您输入小写字母时,它们会显示小写字母,而当您按下Shift键时,会将整个键盘更改为大写字母。 默认键盘非常令人困扰,很遗憾,iOS8并没有对此进行更改。

Swype also includes funky themes with background images if you're into that level of customization.


SwiftKey-免费,注册,并具有可选的$ IAP (SwiftKey - Free, with registration and has optional $ IAPs)

SwiftKey is free, but they intend to make money by selling us keyboard things. For now, I'm thrilled with the default, as seen below. It looks almost exactly like the default iOS keyboard, which is what I'm looking for. I don't want to relearn where things are when I just want swiping and a few other features.

SwiftKey是免费的,但他们打算通过向我们出售键盘产品来赚钱。 现在,我对默认设置感到非常兴奋,如下所示。 它看起来几乎就像我要的默认iOS键盘一样。 当我只想滑动和其他一些功能时,我不想重新了解事物的位置。

SwiftKey keeps all the symbols and numbers exactly where they usually are, and adds a few nice touches like a gentle reminder than I can touch-and-hold on punctuation for additional choices.


SwiftKey Fantastic
swiping is amazing

One odd bug I saw with SwiftKey - If I turn off "Allow all Access," in Settings | General | Keyboards, SwiftKey ignored my white theme choice, showing me only a black keyboard with a reminder to turn on All Access. I presume this is a bug, as it's definitely wrong. Other than this one issue, I'm digging SwiftKey.

我在SwiftKey中看到的一个奇怪的错误-如果我在“设置” |“设置”中关闭了“允许所有访问” 一般| 键盘上,SwiftKey忽略了我的白色主题选择,只向我显示了一个黑色键盘,提示您打开All Access。 我认为这是一个错误,因为它肯定是错误的。 除了这个问题之外,我正在挖掘SwiftKey。



There is also a free Chinese keyboard called TouchPal that includes swiping input, keyboards, themes and a focus on Emoji. The Emoji are included in the keyboard, meaning your don't need to switch to the Emoji keyboard. That said, I installed it and my phone locked up. I rebooted and had no keyboard until I removed TouchPal. I think this experience speaks (IMHO) to the larger issue of stability with 3rd party keyboards on iOS, but this is only from my perspective as a user. I was unable to get TouchPal working.

还有一个名为TouchPal的免费中文键盘,其中包括滑动输入,键盘,主题和对表情符号的关注。 表情符号包含在键盘中,这意味着您无需切换到表情符号键盘。 就是说,我安装了它,并且手机锁定了。 我重新启动并且没有键盘,直到卸下TouchPal。 我认为这种体验可以说(IMHO)iOS上第三方键盘的稳定性存在较大问题,但这只是从我作为用户的角度而言。 我无法让TouchPal工作。

隐私问题 (Privacy Concerns)

Here's the kicker for a lot of people. In order to make predictive text suggestions, sometimes these keyboards need to send what you're typing to their cloud engine. Be sure to read their privacy policies to make sure you're comfortable with how they use your data.

这是很多人的关键。 为了提供预测性的文本建议,有时这些键盘需要将您输入的内容发送到其云引擎。 请务必阅读他们的隐私政策,以确保您对他们使用数据的方式感到满意。

Here's part of SwiftKey's privacy policy. Note that you can opt out of their cloud service. They try not to collect passwords and payments, basing this on hints like "type=password" in HTML, I presume. They also allow you to delete all your cloud data at a later date if you like.

是SwiftKey隐私政策一部分。 请注意,您可以选择退出他们的云服务。 我想,他们试图不收集密码和付款,而是基于HTML中的“ type = password”之类的提示。 如果愿意,它们还允许您以后删除所有云数据

For users that opt in to SwiftKey Cloud, we will collect your email address, basic demographic information and information concerning the words and phrases that you use (“Language Modeling Data”) to enable services such as personalization, prediction synchronization and backup. We may use data provided by you to develop and improve our Products.

对于选择使用SwiftKey Cloud的用户,我们将收集您的电子邮件地址,基本人口统计信息以及与您使用的单词和短语有关的信息(“语言建模数据”),以启用个性化,预测同步和备份等服务。 我们可能会使用您提供的数据来开发和改进我们的产品。

Where a field has been flagged by a website or app as denoting a password field or payment information, SwiftKey does not log, store or learn from this information.


Be educated, but I'm OK with using these keyboards for basic email. Of course, you can (and will) switch keyboards many times a day if you're like me.

受过教育,但是我可以将这些键盘用于基本电子邮件。 当然,如果您像我一样,可以每天(而且将)每天多次切换键盘。

Switching Keyboards

虫子 (Bugs)

If you type technical (or Medical, or Legal, or whatever) things a lot, you'll likely find some very odd predications with these keyboards. Here SwiftKey has clearly looked at my history and is suggesting something totally wrong...and offering to Capitalize it also! Autocorrect has always been a problem, but don't expect a 3rd party keyboard to fix it...although these ones aim to try! Theoretically they'll learn even more from what I type.

如果您经常键入技术(或医疗,法律或其他)项目,则使用这些键盘可能会发现一些非常奇怪的谓词。 在这里,SwiftKey清楚地了解了我的历史,并提出了完全错误的建议……并愿意将其资本化! 自动更正一直是一个问题,但是不要指望第三方键盘可以解决此问题……尽管这些人都想尝试! 从理论上讲,他们将从我的打字中学到更多。

Random suggestion
More autocomplete

A number of times I've found myself looking at a text box with a flashing insert point waiting for a keyboard to pop up. These keyboards need to LOAD and sometimes that causes a pause, or when things go wrong, they just never show up. In a word, there's bugs all around, in both the Keyboards, I suspect, and in iOS8's handling of them.

很多次,我发现自己看着一个带有闪烁插入点的文本框,等待键盘弹出。 这些键盘需要加载,有时会导致暂停,或者当出现问题时,它们永远不会出现。 简而言之,我怀疑这两个键盘中都有错误,而且在iOS8的处理中都存在错误。

Here I am, keyboardless. I had to reboot at this point. Your mileage may vary.

我在这里,没有键盘。 此时我必须重新启动。 你的旅费可能会改变。

Just Blank, no Keyboard
Still no keyboard

Mark my words, I predict bug fixes for a the supporting APIs for 3rd Party Keyboards will be coming in the next minor update to iOS8.


Press Microphone to Dictate to Siri

NOTE: Neither of these keyboards includes a Microphone Button to start Siri's built-in dictation. As such, these keyboards won't work with my app, myEcho. This appears to be a limitation imposed by Apple, that won't allow us (developers) to invoke a dictation without using their button. If you want to dictate (which is almost a keyboard on its own...I'd like to see a giant "Dictate now" button, myself) then you'll need to switch to the built in iOS keyboard.

注:这两个键盘都没有麦克风按钮来启动Siri的内置命令。 因此,这些键盘无法与我的应用程序myEcho一起使用。 这似乎是Apple施加的限制,不允许我们(开发人员)在不使用按钮的情况下调用命令 如果您要命令(自己几乎是一个键盘...我想看到一个巨大的“立即命令”按钮,我自己),那么您需要切换到内置的iOS键盘。

最终建议 (Final Recommendation)

My recommendation? YOU should try them all and see which one makes you happy. If you are very much a touch typist and you want a swiping keyboard that doesn't deviate far from the default, I recommend SwiftKey.

我的推荐? 您应该尝试所有这些方法,然后看看哪个使您感到高兴。 如果您非常喜欢触摸打字,并且希望使用不偏离默认键盘的滑动键盘,则建议使用SwiftKey

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/ios8-3rd-party-keyboards-reviews-swiftkey-and-swype

索尼 swiftkey





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