Windows 8.1预览版中保存了Surface RT的10个新功能

I just bit the bullet and installed the Windows 8.1 Preview on my Surface RT. It's a one-way upgrade (meaning you won't be able to go from this Preview Build to the final) so make a Recovery Drive with a USB drive you have lying around. You'll need at least a 4GB USB key for this backup and the drive will be erased. Then go to and follow the instructions. Basically you download an update, install, reboot, and then the Windows Store says Windows 8.1 Preview is available. You install for a while (took a few hours) and assuming you're signed in with the same Microsoft Account it will redownload all your apps.

我只是硬着头皮在Windows RT上安装了Windows 8.1预览版。 这是单向升级(意味着您将无法从此预览版本升级到最终版本),因此请使用随身携带的USB驱动器制作恢复驱动器。 您至少需要4GB的USB密钥才能进行此备份,驱动器将被擦除。 然后转到并按照说明进行操作。 基本上,您下载更新,安装,重新启动,然后Windows应用商店显示Windows 8.1预览可用。 您安装了一段时间(花了几个小时),并假设您使用相同的Microsoft帐户登录,它将重新下载所有应用程序。

Warning: Installing anything called "preview" is for advanced/enthusiast folks. Expect nothing and you'll never be disappointed. Backup your crap. Be prepared to torch your machine to get back to the mainline.

警告:安装任何叫做“预览”的东西都是针对高级/热情的人。 什么都不期望,您永远不会失望。 备份您的废话。 准备好割炬机器以返回主线。

I honestly didn't use my Surface RT that much, mostly just for Movies and Stuff, but this new 8.1 update adds some stuff that will have me using it around the house more.

老实说,我并没有太多地使用Surface RT,主要是用于Movies and Stuff,但是这个新的8.1更新增加了一些东西,让我可以在家里更多地使用它。

Here's 10 features that are making me look harder at Windows 8.1.

这里有10个功能,这些使我对Windows 8.1的使用更加困难。

能够将您的桌面墙纸用作“开始”菜单背景 (Being able to use your Desktop Wallpaper as your Start Menu background)

The Start Button is back, down there in the corner. But that's not as interesting to me as the ability to use your Desktop wallpaper as your Start Menu background. This might be hard to visualize, but the point is that if you hit the Start Button (or the Windows Key) you'll immediately move to the big Start Menu. When the background of that menu is your same desktop wallpaper, the result is much less jarring than a bright background and makes the whole Windows 8.x experience much more comforting.

开始按钮又回来了,在角落里。 但这对我来说并不像使用“桌面”墙纸作为“开始菜单”背景那样有趣。 这可能很难想象,但要点是,如果您按下“开始”按钮(或Windows键),您将立即移至大型“开始”菜单。 当该菜单的背景与您的桌面墙纸相同时,其结果比明亮的背景少得多,并且使整个Windows 8.x体验更加舒适。

Windows 8.1
Using the Desktop Wallpaper as my Start Screen background

From the Start Menu, hit Windows-C, click Settings, then Personalization. You'll see the menu fly out as in the picture below. Select the tiny thumbnail of your wallpaper. It's the square with the birds in my picture here.

在“开始”菜单中,单击Windows-C,单击“设置”,然后单击“个性化”。 您会看到菜单弹出,如下图所示。 选择墙纸的小缩略图。 这是我的照片中有鸟儿的广场。

Screenshot (5)

This little change is a huge difference. I wish this was the default experience, myself.

这个小的变化是巨大的差异。 我自己希望这是默认的体验。

随处搜寻 (Search Everywhere)

If you are in the Start Screen and you start typing it will search everything. Apps, Files and the Internet if you want. If you search for a Well Known Thing (caps mine) then it will give you detailed results that include (possibly) music, big pics, videos, etc. I searched for Daft Punk below.

如果您在“开始”屏幕中并且开始输入内容,它将搜索所有内容。 应用程序,文件和Internet(如果需要)。 如果您搜索的是众所周知的东西(帽雷),它将为您提供详细的结果,包括(可能是)音乐,大型图片,视频等。我在下面搜索了Daft Punk。

Screenshot (3)

怪异的Outlook 2013 (Freaking Outlook 2013)

Since my Surface RT includes Office RT (Word, Excel, PointPoint, etc) it looks like Windows 8.1 adds Outlook 2013 RT to the mix! This was a total surprise to me, and is the #1 reason I'll start using my Surface for work stuff. I'm surprised this hasn't been noticed by some of the tech sites I read. It's an awesome addition.

由于我的Surface RT包含Office RT(Word,Excel,PointPoint等),因此Windows 8.1似乎将Outlook 2013 RT添加到了混合功能中! 这让我感到完全惊讶,这是我开始将Surface用于工作的第一要因。 我感到惊讶的是,我读过的一些技术网站并未注意到这一点。 这是一个了不起的补充。

Outlook 2013 RT

更智能的窗口 (Smarter Windowing)

Windows 8.1 seems much smarter about making decisions about window management. Here I've launched the Games app while running the Mail app on the left and the Desktop on the right. it's hovering (teetering, even) in the middle, waiting to be pulled from one side to the other, rather than just taking over one of my existing apps.

Windows 8.1在制定有关窗口管理的决策方面似乎更加明智。 在这里,我启动了“游戏”应用程序,同时运行左侧的“邮件”应用程序和右侧的“桌面”。 它在中间盘旋(甚至颤抖),等待从一侧拉到另一侧,而不仅仅是接管我现有的应用程序中的一个。

Apps can be 50/50 split on the Surface RT, as well as the other 70/30 options.

应用程序可以在Surface RT上以50/50的比例进行拆分,以及其他70/30的选项。

Screenshot (6)

轻松定制的方式 (Way easier customization)

Icons are moved more like on my other tablets, with a push and hold gesture. Except you can select multiple icons, start dragging them with one figure while scrolling with the other finger. Grouping and customizing is way easier.

按下并按住手势,图标的移动方式就和在我的其他平板电脑上一样。 除了可以选择多个图标外,其他图标滚动开始时,用一个图形开始拖动它们。 分组和自定义更容易。

Here is me starting to move things around. I've got the Office stuff tiny, and the News app largest.

这是我开始四处移动的东西。 我的Office产品很小,新闻应用程序最大。

Moving my start screen around

更好的所有应用程序视图 (Better All Apps View)

Apps that are newly installed get marked "new" in the All Apps few. You swipe down from the Start Menu to get here, and can sort by Recently Installed as well. I found a bunch of new apps I hadn't seen before like Calculator, Sound Recorder, Health and Fitness and Alarms.

新安装的应用在“所有应用”中都标记为“新”。 您可以从“开始”菜单向下滑动以到达此处,也可以按“最近安装”进行排序。 我发现了很多以前从未见过的新应用,例如计算器,录音机,健康和健身和警报。

All Apps View

更全面的设置 (More Comprehensive Settings)

The Settings area has a LOT more info than before, including some rather deep pages (you may have to hunt) like this one on my Wi-Fi Router. Note that it's marked as a Meter Connection. I thought it was cool that Outlook didn't connect automatically when this was marked as Metered (this means my router has limited data and I could be charged for big downloads). I have personally downloaded gigs of mail while overseas and gotten nailed by big bills, so this was cool.

设置区域的信息比以前多了很多,其中包括我的Wi-Fi路由器上的一些较深的页面(您可能需要寻找)。 请注意,它被标记为仪表连接。 我认为将Outlook标记为“已计量”不会自动连接很酷(这意味着我的路由器的数据有限,可能需要收取大量下载费用,这很酷)。 我在国外时亲自下载了邮件的演出,并被大笔账钉了,所以这很酷。

The Metering is an existing feature, but the deeper details into my Wi-Fi and devices is new.


Better Wi-Fi

音乐和视频库中的可移动磁盘 (Removable Disks in your Music and Video Libraries)

I'm pretty sure this wasn't there before. I added a 64gig micro-SD to my Surface RT with the plan to watch Videos and store Photos on it, but it wasn't very seamless in Windows 8. I took a chance and right clicked on my SD card folders and said "Include in Library" and now my videos show up in the Videos app! Suddenly my 32-gig Surface has become a more useful 96 gig machine (well, 64-gig, as I'm going to change the defaults to store everything on my SD card.)

我很确定这是以前没有的。 我在Surface RT上添加了64gig微型SD卡,并计划观看视频并在其中存储照片,但是在Windows 8中并不是很顺畅。我有机会,右键单击了SD卡文件夹,然后说“在“库”中,现在我的视频显示在“视频”应用中! 突然,我的32千兆位Surface变成了更有用的96千兆位机器(嗯,64千兆位,因为我要更改默认值以将所有内容存储在SD卡上。)

Removeable disks in libraries

Here's my videos listed, some in the cloud and some on my micro SD card.

这是我列出的视频,有些在云端,有些在我的micro SD卡上。

My videos from the SD Card

Here I am looking at Outlook while watching Harry Potter in Split-Screen.


Outlook plus Harry Potter

更智能的通知和安静的时间 (Smarter Notifications and Quiet Hours)

My wife is NOT a fan of my Surface RT for one basic reason. It won't stop beeping. I installed Twitter and Twitter "pops toast" - meaning, it uses notifications - and it's forever going off and beeping at night. Yes, I could turn off notifications, or sleep it, and I do, but when I'm using the thing I want it on. The Notifications options have been expanded to include "quiet hours," which is a nice touch.

我的妻子不是我的Surface RT粉丝,这是一个基本原因。 它不会停止发出哔哔声。 我安装了Twitter和Twitter“流行吐司”(意思是,它使用了通知),并且在晚上永远消失并发出哔哔声。 是的,我可以关闭通知,也可以使其Hibernate,但是我可以,但是当我使用要打开的东西时。 通知选项已扩展为包括“安静时间”,这是一个不错的选择。

Quiet Hours

阅读清单 (The Reading List)

I'm a big fan of Instapaper and the idea of a "Read It Later" gesture. This is different from simply bookmarking. This is a queue of long-form reading material. From apps like Internet Explorer you can invoke the "Share" action. I could share to Twitter, Mail, some People, or the new Reading List.

我是Instapaper的忠实拥护者,也是“稍后阅读”手势的想法。 这与仅添加书签不同。 这是一本长篇的阅读材料。 在Internet Explorer之类的应用中,您可以调用“共享”操作。 我可以分享到Twitter,邮件,一些人或新的阅读列表。

Sharing to Reading List

Then I click to Share, and later on go to my Reading List (now pinned to my Start Screen) and go read my long form articles. I haven't checked but I'm presuming this list would be persisted transparently across all my machines.

然后,我单击共享,然后转到我的阅读列表(现在固定在我的“开始”屏幕上)并阅读我的长篇文章。 我尚未检查,但我想此列表将在所有机器上透明保存。

Reading from the Reading List

Sponsor: Big thanks to CodeProject for sponsoring the feed this week! What you can do with 215+ million business records? Dig into the data in the D&B Developer Challenge and post an article on CodeProject about what you could do with the data. Over $40,000 in prizes total are up for grabs. Check it out!

赞助商:非常感谢CodeProject在本周赞助了feed! 您可以处理215个以上的百万条业务记录吗? 在“ D&B开发人员挑战赛”中挖掘数据,并在CodeProject上发表有关如何处理数据的文章。 总奖金超过$ 40,000。 看看吧


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