


I felt pretty good about my presentation at PDC last week. They are WAY more uptight about presentations at PDC than at TechEd. You have to go through dry-runs and slide reviews and all sorts of things that I was dodging at every turn.

上周PDC上的演讲让我感觉很好。 他们在PDC上的演讲要比在TechEd上更加讲究。 您必须经过试车和幻灯片审查,以及我动turn回避的各种事情。

The talk is available, as are all PDC talks, up at http://sessions.microsoftpdc.com. You can get them in these formats WMV-HQ, WMV, Zune, MP4 which is cool. I like the WMV-HQ version, over the WMV version, because it includes picture-in-picture video. My talk is no fun if you can't see me being silly. You can also watch it streaming in the browser via Silverlight and download my PPTX. If you saw it live, don't forget to evaluate the session as I have to Crush Anders in the scores. (Note to self, register CrushAnders.com and .net)

该演讲以及所有PDC演讲都可以在http://sessions.microsoftpdc.com上找到。 您可以通过以下格式获得它们: WMV-HQWMVZuneMP4很棒。 我喜欢WMV-HQ版本,而不是WMV版本,因为它包含画中画视频。 如果你看不到我很傻,我的谈话就不好玩了。 您也可以通过Silverlight在浏览器中观看它的流,下载我的PPTX 。 如果您看到的是现场直播,别忘了评估比赛情况,因为我必须在得分中压碎安德斯。 (请注意,注册CrushAnders.com和.net)

Anyway, someone was asking how I prepare for a talk, so I figured this would be as good enough time as any for a post on the topic.



These basic tips from a few years back still stand - 11 Top Tips for a Successful Technical Presentation, but this post is about the actual preparation process and some tips and techniques that might help.


I thought I did a good job, with 72 slides and 8 demos in 75 minutes and only one person said it felt rushed in the comments. ;) Of course, I had about 9 hours of content, but I did prepare in specific ways in order to pull it off.

我以为自己做得很好,在75分钟内制作了72张幻灯片和8个演示,只有一个人说评论很仓促。 ;)当然,我有大约9个小时的内容,但是我确实以特定方式进行了准备,以实现这一目标。

知道事情在哪里-事前 (Know Where Things Are - Beforehand)

You can easily waste 2 to 5 minutes over an hour long talk looking for crap. Seriously, I don't need to see how slow you are with Explorer. If you want to have your audience rush the stage, be slow in finding stuff. ;)

您可以很容易地浪费一个小时的通话2至5分钟来寻找废话。 说真的,我不需要看看您使用Explorer的速度如何。 如果您想让观众赶上舞台,请缓慢地寻找东西。 ;)

Make a folder of links that is specific to your talk. I made one and numbered each link in the order I was going to use them. That includes links to folders, files, browsers, batch files, reset scripts, whatever.

制作一个特定于您的谈话的链接文件夹。 我做了一个,并按照要使用的顺序为每个链接编号。 其中包括指向文件夹,文件,浏览器,批处理文件,重置脚本等的链接。

My talk also included a lot of websites that I knew I'd be visiting. I made a Links toolbar in IE and setup links to everything I'd visit, in order.

我的演讲还包括许多我知道会访问的网站。 我在IE中制作了一个链接工具栏,并依次设置了指向我要访问的所有内容的链接。

My tiny head is on those links not because of my huge ego, but because those links are inside my domain and IE used my favicon.ico. ;)

我的头很小,不是因为我的自我意识强,而是因为这些链接在我的域内,而IE使用了我的favicon.ico。 ;)

“同步到纸张”并了解您的时间安排 ("Sync to Paper" and Know Your Timing)

I'm a gadget guy, sure, and I've got the same todo.txt file on my desktop that the rest of you do, but there's really something about "syncing to paper." before every talk I write a few things down. I do it on a Moleskine notebook that I wrote about in my Personal Systems of Organization post.

当然,我是个小工具家伙,我的桌面上和其他人都拥有相同的todo.txt文件,但是“同步到纸张”确实有一些东西。 在每次谈话之前,我都会写下一些东西。 我是在Moleskine笔记本上做的,该笔记本是在“组织的个人系统”一文中写的

Over the years I've come up with a few techniques on paper that have helped me greatly. Scanned below is the notes I used in my PDC talk.

多年来,我在纸上提出了一些对我有很大帮助的技术。 下面扫描的是我在PDC演讲中使用的笔记。

On the left-hand side you'll see 5 sections, numbered from top to bottom. I make one section per 15 minute segment. This was a 75 minute talk, so there's 5 sections. Sometimes I'll take the FIRST and LAST section and split them into 5/10 and 10/5 respectively. Regardless of how you do it, the point here is to know these things:

在左侧,您会看到5个部分,从上到下编号。 我每15分钟分段一次。 这是一个75分钟的演讲,所以有5个部分。 有时,我将采用“第一”和“最后”部分,分别将其分为5/10和10/5。 不管如何做,这里的重点是要了解这些事情:

  • Know Where You Are Supposed to Be


    • I use the segments to let me know where I'm supposed to be at 15 min, 30 min, etc. Looking at the notes, if I'm on the PLINQ demo and it's only 20 minutes in, I'm going WAY too fast for example.


    Know Where You Are Supposed to Be


  • Know Where You Are Going


    • It's nice to be free of knowing what's next. The mind can free associate better if it isn't saddled with where it's headed. That's the paper's job. I glance down just to see that I'm on track.

      很高兴知道下一步是什么。 如果头脑不受前进方向的束缚,则可以更好地使联想自由。 那是论文的工作。 我瞥了一眼,只是看到自己在轨道上。

    Know Where You Are Going


  • Know Your Pacing and Know What You Can Drop


    • On the left side I've numbered the demos 1 or 2. The #2's I can drop if I need to save time. The #1's can't be dropped or it'll ruin everything. Have enough demos to fill the time, but also know ahead of time which demos to drop if need be.

      在左侧,我为演示1或2编号。如果需要节省时间,可以将#2放下。 #1不能掉落,否则会毁了一切。 有足够的演示来填补时间,但还需要提前知道需要删除哪些演示。

    Know Your Pacing and Know What You Can Drop


了解您的叙述以及在哪里“透视”(Know Your Narrative and Where to "Pivot")

If you've ever been unfortunate enough to come upon me freaking out before a talk at a conference, I've likely accosted you and run through the narrative or the "story arc." I keep doing this until it really resonates with me and the half-dozen folks I abuse regularly, like Phil Haack and Rob Conery.

如果您曾经很不幸地在会议上讲话之前让我惊恐失措,那么我很可能会与您搭and,经历叙述或“故事情节”。 我会一直这样做,直到真正引起我和我经常虐待的六个人的共鸣,例如Phil HaackRob Conery

It's all the same basic middle-school speech stuff we've all learned before, but I'm constantly reminding myself of these questions:


  • Why is the audience there?

  • Who is the audience?

  • How can I avoid wasting their time?

  • What's the one thing they should get out of the talk?


I also try to focus on a story arc that looks like:


  1. What is this?

  2. This is it.

  3. What was that?

The .NET Framework Universe

Seems silly, but it works. You'll see that I repeat myself four or five times to make sure important points get hit and pounded in. This style of arc works in most technical talks, but others are more complex so I use what I call a "pivot point."

看起来很傻,但是可以。 您会看到我重复了四到五次以确保重要点被击中并击中。这种弧形样式在大多数技术讲座中都适用,但其他情况则更为复杂,因此我使用了所谓的“枢轴点”。

I call it that because in basketball once you've planted your feet you have to pivot on one foot. You can move all over as long as you keep that one foot planted. If the basketball analogy doesn't work for you, then think of holding your finger on a chess piece while you think of your next move.

我之所以这么称呼,是因为在篮球中,一旦踩下脚,就必须用一只脚转动。 只要保持那只脚踩下,就可以四处移动。 如果篮球类比对您不起作用,那么请考虑在下一个动作时将手指放在棋子上。

For the PDC talk, we had these nice posters to pass out. They look nice as placemats or on the wall, but they look busy on a slide, so I covered them with bright colored shapes. The Core shape was my pivot point. I'd start there, go to Client, then come back to Core. I'd go to Data, then back to Core. Just like that, Rinse, Repeat.

对于PDC演讲,我们有这些漂亮的海报要散发出来。 它们看起来很像餐垫或墙壁上的东西,但它们在幻灯片上看起来很忙,所以我用鲜艳的形状盖住了它们。 核心形状是我的关键点。 我将从那里开始,转到Client,然后回到Core。 我会去数据,然后回到核心。 就这样,冲洗,重复。

If you've got a meandering talk, like I did, finding a place to keep coming back to can really help. It helps me.

如果您像我一样进行曲折的谈话,找到一个可以继续参与下去的地方确实会有所帮助。 它帮助到我。

备有演讲前检查清单和演示重置 (Have a Pre-Talk Checklist and Demo Reset)

Make a complete list of everything that you need to do before your talk. If that means find a Diet Coke and use the bathroom, fine, put it on the list. Here's mine for this talk, unedited.

完整列出您谈话前需要做的所有事情。 如果那意味着找到健怡可乐并使用洗手间,那就把它放在清单上。 这是我的演讲,未经编辑

reset the database resize and prep the browser cache the font list remove my son's face from the xaml * Pick up the Samsung SilverLight Phone Test the Phone remote viewing software prep the mac, test the mac's video output (1280) *dvi-vga adapter for the mac check all font sizes in all apps run zoomin shutdown services, and the mesh Warn orcsweb that traffic is coming

重置数据库调整大小并准备浏览器缓存字体列表从xaml中删除我儿子的脸*拿起三星SilverLight手机测试电话远程查看软件准备Mac,测试Mac的视频输出(1280) *适用于Mac的dvi-vga适配器检查所有应用程序中的所有字体大小运行放大关闭服务,以及网格警告orcsweb流量即将来临

I had a bunch of stuff that could have gone wrong if I hadn't checked ahead of time. The Mac I used for the Surface demo only output at 1280x1024. I checked that with the tech guy at 8am. I didn't have a DVI-VGA adapter, so I got one at Radio Shack. I went into every app I was going to run and made sure the fonts were at a visible size (I like Consolas 15pt). I also shutdown all non-essential services. ALL of them. I go from 107 programs running to less than 50. I shutdown piles of stuff in Services.msc like "Infrared Service" and all that crap. I called my ISP, Orcsweb, and warned them I was doing a demo so they'd babysit the box and not think there was an attack.

如果我没有提前检查,我有一堆东西可能会出错。 我用于Surface演示的Mac仅以1280x1024输出。 我在早上8点与技术人员核对了一下。 我没有DVI-VGA适配器,所以我在Radio Shack买了一个。 我进入了要运行的每个应用程序,并确保字体的大小是可见的(我喜欢Consolas 15pt)。 我还关闭了所有非必需的服务。 他们全部。 我从运行的107个程序减少到不到50个。我关闭了Services.msc中的大量内容,例如“红外线服务”以及所有这些废话。 我给我的ISP Orcsweb打了个电话,并警告他们我正在做一个演示,因此他们会放任自流,不要以为发生了攻击。

Preparations like this, and batch files that reset your demos, drop and recreate your database, clear caches, prime caches or whatever administrivia you need, just take a few minutes to do, but they make a presentation look much more professional.


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翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/tips-for-preparing-for-a-technical-presentation






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