超越猫王,爱因斯坦和莫特:Web 2.0的新编程刻板印象


What are the skills that a Programmer needs?  Internal to Microsoft there's a old meme about the three types of programmers. There's Elvis, Einstein and Mort.

程序员需要什么技能? 在Microsoft内部,关于这三种类型的程序员有一个古老的模因。 有猫王,爱因斯坦和莫特

Einstein is like employee #3 at your company, very smart, possibly socially a little off, he knows the owner of the company personally and probably wrote the original program you sell. Elvis is a late-hire, he wants to rewrite the whole thing in WPF/E and speaks a lot at user groups. Mort is the rest of us.

爱因斯坦就像您公司的#3员工一样,非常聪明,可能在社交上有些偏离,他亲自认识公司的所有者,并可能编写了您出售的原始程序。 猫王是一名后期雇员,他想用WPF / E重写整个内容,并在用户组中发表很多演讲。 Mort是我们其余的人。

These are simplistic labels, and oft-overused; I'm as guilty as anyone in using these too often. But, hey, labels are fun and (when used for good) help us understand the ecosystem.

这些是简单的标签,并且经常被过度使用; 我和经常使用这些工具的人一样内。 但是,嘿,标签很有趣,并且(当用于好时)可以帮助我们了解生态系统。

Here's some other more useful  stereotypes labels... 

这是其他一些有用的 构造型 标签...

复制/粘贴家伙 (Copy/Paste Guy)

One resume we received said  "I'm the best at my company at copy/paste...I can copy/paste code better than anyone." This guy can't code at all. Doesn't understand computers, programming, literally has trouble finding the door to the building in the morning. But, he can Copy/Paste like a ninja.

我们收到的一份简历说:“我在复制/粘贴方面是我公司中最好的……我可以比任何人都更好地复制/粘贴代码。” 这个家伙根本无法编码。 不懂计算机,不会编程,实际上很难在早上找到建筑物的门。 但是,他可以像忍者一样复制/粘贴。

Google Gal (Google Gal)

"I don't know how to do it, but I know that someone has already done it. Solving this problem means finding someone else's solution." It'll take an hour either way. An hour of doing it, or an hour of searching. This person will always choose searching over doing. Sometimes the search will go on for days, trying different keyboards, perhaps building incredibly complex queries "IUnknown AND Cheese BUT NOT Gouda" in order to give Google more insight into what the problem might be.

“我不知道该怎么做,但是我知道有人已经做到了。解决这个问题就意味着要寻找别人的解决方案。” 两种方式都需要一个小时。 一个小时的时间,或一个小时的搜索。 此人将始终选择搜索而不是执行。 有时,搜索将持续数天,尝试使用不同的键盘,或者构建难以置信的复杂查询“ IUnknown AND Cheese BUT NOT Gouda”,以使Google能够更深入地了解问题可能是什么。

MSDN Trivia人员 (MSDN Trivia Person)

I can't remember what my wife and I had for dinner last night, but I can remember the internals in System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObscureNamespace. This programmer has no concept of the larger picture, the ultimate goal, but they know that the class you're using is marked obsolete in early betas of the next version and you had better stop using it or else! They also tend to know more than IMDB about movies.

我不记得昨晚我和妻子吃晚饭时的情况,但是我记得System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObscureNamespace的内部结构。 这个程序员没有大的概念,没有最终的目标,但是他们知道您使用的类在下一版本的早期Beta中被标记为过时,您最好停止使用它! 他们也比IMDB更了解电影。

Visio老板 (Visio Boss)

This boss "used to be a programmer" and "played some with .NET" when it first came out "and didn't see anything revolutionary" during the first five minutes and hasn't given it much thought since. They tend to spend time in Visio, almost to the point that they are frustrated you're not compiling directly from their "Visio Source." They also get +2 Charisma against DBAs if they have an English Accent.

这位老板“曾经是一名程序员”,当它刚问世时“曾与.NET一起玩过”,“在最初的五分钟内并没有看到任何革命性的东西”,此后就没有再多考虑了。 他们倾向于花时间在Visio上,几乎使他们感到沮丧,因为您没有直接从其“ Visio源”进行编译。 如果他们有英语口音,他们还将获得+2对DBA的魅力。

超级兴奋的家伙 (Super-Excited Dude)

It's new and we need to be doing it. Sure, it's a pre-alpha personal not-for-external use build from his friend in Microsoft QA but seriously, have you seen it? We need to get on board with this before it's too late. To start, we need to send me up to Microsoft for a short 5 week Skull & Bones Meeting Software Design Review where they will teach me how to control my powers without creating a singularity and destroying all mankind with my new-found LINQy goodness. Then it's all going to rock. Seriously. I'm super-excited about the future.

它是新的,我们需要这样做。 当然,这是他的朋友在Microsoft QA中进行的非Alpha外部试用版构建,但说真的,您看到了吗? 我们需要对此进行讨论,以免为时已晚。 首先,我们需要送我到Microsoft进行为期5周的 Skull&Bones Meeting 软件设计审查,他们将教我如何控制我的力量而又不产生奇异之处并以我新发现的LINQy善良破坏全人类。 然后,一切都会摇摇欲坠。 说真的我对未来感到非常兴奋。

高大但最终无私的程序员 (Tall but Ultimately Disinterested Programmer)

You can't teach height. This guy (or gal) is so freaking naturally talented it's obscene. You hate him for his skills and love him for his skills. He not only codes well, but also documents well, types fast. Dogs trust him, women want him and men want to be him. He was meant to program. However, he prefers rock climbing/motorcycle riding/some dangerous non-computer-related-hobby so-very-much-more than programming. Hey, it's 5:01PM, can I punch out? A bunch of us are doing sky diving. You wanna come along when you're done with your Halo Deathmatch? So sad. If only he used his powers for good.

你不能教身高。 这个家伙(或gal)天生就很疯狂,很淫秽。 您恨他的技能,而爱他的技能。 他不仅写得很好,而且文档也写得很好,打字速度很快。 狗信任他,女人想要他,男人想要成为他。 他本来打算编程。 但是,与编程相比,他更喜欢攀岩/骑摩托车/一些与计算机无关的危险嗜好。 嘿,现在是下午5:01,我可以打扰吗? 我们中的一群人正在跳伞。 完成晕环死亡竞赛后,您想来吗? 好难过。 如果他能永远发挥自己的力量。

火红的土豆家伙 (Flaming Potato Guy)

Hey now, that's not my fault. That wasn't in the spec. Where is the spec? See, there's no spec, how can I possibly be blamed? Talk to QA, they're insane. Truly. Listen, it compiled. It totally worked yesterday, something much be wrong with the Build Server. Freaking .NET, it sucks. Come on, this is clearly a Windows Bug, I mean OpenFile() has never worked correctly, ask anyone.

嘿,那不是我的错。 那不是规范。 规格在哪里? 看,没有规范,怎么可能怪我呢? 与质量检查人员交谈,他们疯了。 真的听着,它编译了。 昨天它完全可以正常工作,而构建服务器出了点问题。 令人反感的.NET,很烂。 拜托,这显然是Windows Bug,我的意思是OpenFile()从未正常工作,请问任何人。

阿贾克斯阿贾克斯阿贾克斯 (Ajax Ajax Ajax)

So how does Ajax come into the picture in this solution? Ok, and this is where we add Ajax, right? And the request for JSON happens here? Now, is this Dojo or JQuery? You know that God prefers JavaScript, did you know? DHTML is better because it's like HTML, but with a "D" at the front. So, it's more Dynamic.

那么,Ajax如何在此解决方案中发挥作用呢? 好的,这是我们添加Ajax的地方,对吗? JSON请求发生在这里吗? 现在,这是Dojo还是JQuery? 您知道上帝更喜欢JavaScript,您知道吗? DHTML更好,因为它类似于HTML,但在前面带有“ D”。 因此,它更具动态性。

用来做HTML (Used to Do HTML)

This programmer parlayed a career typing <table><tr><td> into one typing if(true){}else{} and wonders why that line never runs. A job doing FrontPage turned into one doing Visual Interdev turned into one doing Visual Studio turned into one as Lead Programmer on Super Complex Project v3.

这位程序员将输入<table> <tr> <td>的职业变成了键入if(true){} else {}的职业,并想知道为什么该行永远不会运行。 作为Super Complex Project v3的首席程序员,要做FrontPage的工作变成了Visual Interdev的工作变成了Visual Studio的工作。

过早的优化器 (The Premature Optimizer)

Never use String.IsNullOrEmpty! Didn't you know that there's a huge bug in the Framework that makes that function kill kittens if you call it on a multi-proc system with more than 4.5 gigs of RAM? Plus, it adds five microseconds of overhead as it accesses eax twice necessitating 4 extra clock cycles. Measure it? Should I have to, it's SO obvious that's inefficient!

永远不要使用String.IsNullOrEmpty! 您是否不知道框架中存在一个巨大的错误,如果您在具有超过4.5 gig RAM的多进程系统上调用该函数,该函数会杀死小猫? 另外,它两次访问eax会增加5微秒的开销,这需要4个额外的时钟周期。 衡量吗? 我应该必须这样做,这很明显效率很低!

在魅力编码器上滑行 (Coasting on Charm Coder)

It's unclear when this programmer last checked something in, but he or she is so darned clever, so persuasive, so innovative in their designs, does it really matter? They put together amazing PowerPoints, give compelling talks, use just the right sprinkling of buzzwords like "architectural cohesion" and "cyclomatic complexity" that you can't look away.

目前尚不清楚该程序员何时最后签入某个东西,但是他或她是如此聪明,如此有说服力,如此创新的设计,真的重要吗? 他们将令人惊叹的PowerPoint放在一起,进行引人入胜的演讲,使用恰如其分的流行词,如“建筑凝聚力”和“环复杂性”,这些都是您无法忽视的。

O (n) “ Order n”架构师 (O(n) "Order n" Architect)

Has a chart for everything. "Where's the whiteboard, let me explain..." No matter what YOU do, it won't work, and here's the computer science principle that explains exactly why. No, no, you won't possibly understand it, but trust me, it's true. You see, that's an order-n algorithm and you want to be order-log-n. You see? Here, let me illustrate by writing a perfect QuickSort in F# from memory... 

有一张所有图表。 “白板在哪里,让我解释一下……”无论您做什么,都行不通,而这是计算机科学原理,可以确切地解释原因。 不,不,您可能不会理解,但请相信我,这是真的。 您会看到,这是一个n阶算法,并且您想成为order-log-n。 你看? 在这里,让我通过用内存中的F#编写完美的QuickSort进行说明。

Dr. Programmer 先生 或常春藤盟军 ( Mr. Dr. Programmer or Ivy League Dude)

"I didn't spend six years going to evil doctor school to be called mister." This gentleman or lady went to a school so exclusive that you may not have even heard of it. You've been published on MSDN? They've been published in Science magazine. You went to community college? Bill Gates was their roommate. You filed a patent? Say, you know angle-brackets? This guy invented them. 

“我没有花六年时间去邪恶的医生学校当老师。” 这位绅士或女士上的学校是如此的独家,以至于您可能根本没有听说过。 您已发布在MSDN上? 它们已经发表在《科学》杂志上。 你去社区大学了吗? 比尔·盖茨是他们的室友。 您已申请专利? 说,您知道尖括号吗? 这个家伙发明了它们。

打开“ Sourcerer” (The Open "Sourcerer")

If it costs, it's crap. Free love, free software, no patents, no intellectual property, no big business. Just Solar Panels, Biodiesel and Open Source Software. Works in Windows, codes in .NET, but hates himself for it. Likes to recompile the Linux Kernel during lunch just to prove he still can. Wants to know when the last time you submitted a patch to a public project. Has a man-crush on Miguel from Mono.

如果花钱,那就废话了。 免费的爱情,免费的软件,没有专利,没有知识产权,没有大笔生意。 只是太阳能电池板,生物柴油和开源软件。 在Windows中工作,在.NET中编写代码,但对此深恶痛绝。 喜欢在午餐时重新编译Linux内核,以证明他仍然可以。 想知道您上次向公共项目提交补丁的时间。 对Mono的Miguel有好感。

博客 (The Blogger)

Dude! Let me blog that. Can I? I'll totally give you credit. Can you send me the code? Where do you blog? You don't have a blog? Er...OK, how can you possibly code then? I mean, join the conversation, man. Step up, seriously. You've got no juice. I googled for you and found nothing. That's going to make it hard for you to be a good developer. Listen, I'll make you a blog, stop by anytime. You watch, everything will be better once you blog. Coding? Really, who has time, I've got a dozen subscribers that are counting on me.

杜德! 让我写博客。 我可以吗? 我会全力以赴。 你能给我发密码吗? 您在哪里写博客? 您没有博客吗? 嗯...好,那怎么可能编码呢? 我的意思是,加入对话,伙计。 认真加油。 你没有果汁。 我搜寻了您,却一无所获。 这将使您很难成为一名优秀的开发人员。 听着,我给你写博客,随时停止。 您看,一旦写博客,一切都会更好。 编码? 真的,谁有时间,我就有十几个订阅者指望我。

Who are you? I'm afraid I am probably all of these, except Dr. Programmer and Tall Guy.

你是谁? 恐怕除了Programmer博士和Tall Guy以外,我可能都是这些人。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/beyond-elvis-einstein-and-mort-new-programming-stereotypes-for-web-20





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