
Omar's turned me on to SpeedFiler, and I'm loving it.  I've talked about my personal system of organization before and my use of Getting Things Done.

奥马尔(Omar)将我转到SpeedFiler ,我很喜欢它。 我之前已经讨论过我的个人组织系统以及“完成工作”的用法。

In a nutshell, your Inbox is just that, your INbox. Not your "hold everything" box. If it's IN your INbox then it hasn't been processed. The basic processing rules are Do it, Drop it, Delegate it, or Defer it.

简而言之,您的收件箱就是您的收件箱。 不是您的“保留一切”框。 如果在您的收件箱中,则尚未处理。 基本处理规则是“执行”,“删除”,“委派”或“延迟”。

Everything else gets filed away for reference, and that's where SpeedFiler comes in. As with all useful niche utilities it is nicely priced at $19.95 (finally a company that understands pricing, unlike some.)


Outlook doesn't support "tagging" of Email messages (categories are a possibility, but they aren't very easy to set or search) so we have this big hierarchy of folders that typically run around in and drag-and-drop messages. Filing stuff isn't very quick if you're trying to bang through your inbox and get it down to zero messages.

Outlook不支持对电子邮件进行“标记”(可能是类别,但是设置或搜索不是很容易),因此我们的文件夹层次结构很大,通常会在其中拖放消息。 如果您试图翻动收件箱并将其降至零消息,则归档的内容并不是很快。


SpeedFiler grabs Shift-Ctrl-V when a message is selected and pops up a dialog with the focus set to receive keyboard input immediately. So if I get a message that I want to blog about, I type:

选择一条消息后,SpeedFiler抓住Shift-Ctrl-V并弹出一个焦点设置为立即接收键盘输入的对话框。 因此,如果收到要写博客的消息,请输入:

Shift-Ctrl-V, @bl, Enter

Shift-Ctrl-V,@ bl,Enter

and it's filed. As you're typing it looks up in the the list of folders an offers a list of folders that match you search string.

并提起诉讼。 键入时,它会在文件夹列表中查找,并提供与您的搜索字符串匹配的文件夹列表。

It's also got an unobtrusive toolbar that has dynamic buttons that change to show the names of the folders you've recently filed things to. That reduces filing to common areas down to one click.

它还具有一个不引人注目的工具栏,该工具栏具有动态按钮,这些按钮会更改为显示您最近向其提交文件的文件夹的名称。 这样一来,只需一键即可将提交到公共区域的文件减少。

There's a "Go To Folder" text box that you just type the name, or partial name, of a folder and hit enter and you're there.


I put an @sign at the beginning of a number of folders to make them group together. In the "pure" GTD world those are supposed to be "context" that I work in, like @home and @office, so I'm breaking the rules a bit. These contexts are more mental than physical but they work for me.

我在多个文件夹的开头放置了@sign,以使它们组合在一起。 在“纯” GTD世界中,那些应该是我工作的“上下文”,例如@home和@office,所以我有点违反了规则。 这些环境比精神上的要多于物理上的,但它们对我有用。

Some small complaints are there's a pause when Outlook starts up when SpeedFiler enumerates the folders. My folders don't change that much, not more than a few times a week, so if the program would just store the hierarchy in alternate storage and start up with that cached information, it could use a background thread to "catch up" later.

当SpeedFiler枚举文件夹时,在Outlook启动时会有一些小问题。 我的文件夹变化不大,每周变化不超过几次,因此,如果程序仅将层次结构存储在备用存储中并使用该缓存的信息启动,则它可以使用后台线程稍后“进行更新” 。

Itzy, the author of SpeedFilter has a blog called Email Overloaded.

SpeedFilter的作者Itzy拥有一个名为Email Overloaded的博客。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/getting-things-done-with-speedfiler





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