


I was over at Office Depot today with a $15 off coupon in hand checking out printers. What I found, instead, was a deal on the usually overpriced Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000. Apparently it's being discounted deeply right now because it was on sale with a $40 off "instant rebate" (at the register, until 1/14/06) along with a $10 mail-in rebate (and I ALWAYS mail them in, as they always assume you won't) which brings it to a reasonable $49.99 which was made even more palletable with my $15 off coupon.

我今天在Office Depot手里拿着一张15美元的优惠券,可以结帐打印机。 相反,我发现的是通常定价过高的Microsoft Wireless Laser Desktop 6000的一笔交易。 显然,它现在被打折了很多,因为它以“即时折扣”减价40美元(在登记册上,直到1/14/06),还有10美元的邮寄折扣(我总是将它们邮寄进去,因为它们总是假设您不会),这使它的价格合理地达到了49.99美元,而我的15美元优惠券使该产品的可堆放性更强。

UPDATED: For the record, I completely agree with both Jeff and Diego that that greatest keyboard ever was, and still is, the Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro. The fact that the lamer "Elite" version is still being sold is one of life's great mysteries along with Fox cancelling Family Guy the first time and Arrested Development this year. You can still buy the older keyboard, but you'll pay. One of the coolest features of that keyboard, other than the correctly oriented PageUp/Down keys, was the USB hub. It makes NO sense why you'd make a USB keyboard and not add a hub. Hell, why not add a USB port on the top so I can plug my USB disk into the thing straight up and down?

更新:出于记录,我完全同意JeffDiego的观点,认为最出色的键盘曾经是,现在仍然是Microsoft Natural Keyboard Pro 该事实上莱默“精英”版仍然在销售,是与福克斯取消家庭盖伊第一次和发展受阻今年沿人生一大谜团之一。 您仍然可以购买较旧的键盘,但需要付费。 除了正确定向的PageUp / Down键之外,该键盘最酷的功能之一是USB集线器。 为什么您要制作USB键盘而不添加集线器,这没有任何意义。 地狱,为什么不在顶部添加USB端口,以便我可以将USB磁盘直接上下插入东西?

This new set has now replaced my Wireless Natural Multimedia desktop set which I'll likely give to my dad (He'll learn this tidbit when he reads my blog.)




  • The new "comfort curve" keyboard shape is NICE. I can type at least (ball park) 10-20% faster on this keyboard because there's no space or split. Instead the fourth and fifth column of keys is wider, filling the gap. Sounds weird, but in practice, it's very comfortable. This would be a great "natural" keyboard for folks who ordinarily freak out with the split keyboards. That, along with comfort, is presumably why this keyboard was made.

    新的“舒适曲线”键盘形状为NICE。 由于没有空格或拆分,我可以在此键盘上至少快10-20%的速度(击球)。 相反,第四和第五列键更宽,填补了空白。 听起来很奇怪,但是在实践中,它非常舒适。 对于通常不喜欢拆分键盘的人们来说,这将是一个很棒的“自然”键盘。 加上舒适性,大概就是制作这款键盘的原因。
  • The throw of the keys is very comfortable. They travel well and require just the right amount of pressure. I'll be interested to compare them with DasKeyboard that apparently has weighted key regions that match the strength of each finger. Since this keyboard is probably 55 grams of force then I can see why my pinky hurts from all the backspacing.

    扔钥匙很舒服。 他们旅行得很好,只需要适量的压力。 我将把它们与DasKeyboard进行比较,该DasKeyboard显然具有与每个手指的强度相匹配的加权键区域。 由于此键盘的力可能为55克,因此我可以理解为什么所有后退键都会损坏我的小指。

  • The keyboard has 5 "favorites" keys where my Multimedia one had Media Control keys. These are just programmable hotkeys that I didn't think I needed. However, after setting them up to point to BlogJet, Password Minder, and a few other choice daily tools, I'm sold. The multimedia controls are still there, just pushed to the side.

    键盘上有5个“收藏夹”键,而我的多媒体键盘上有5个“媒体控制”键。 这些只是我认为不需要的可编程热键。 但是,将它们设置为指向BlogJet之后Password Minder和其他一些日常用工具,我已经卖了。 多媒体控件仍然在那里,只是被推到了一边。

  • It has the inverted-"T" arrow keys rather than the astonishingly lame "diamond" configuration of some of the other Microsoft keyboards.

    它具有倒置的“ T”箭头键,而不是某些其他Microsoft键盘的la脚的“菱形”配置。
  • Coolmagnifier



  • There's a "Zoom Slider" to the left of the keyboard that is of dubious value when you consider the mouse's scroller does the same thing with a Ctrl-Scroll, but I could see where it'd be useful to folks who don't use the mouse and the keyboard simultaneously.




  • I was able to (mostly) use the whole set without swapping out my existing set's wireless receiver, but the new features like the magnifier didn't work until I put in the new receiver. This was presumably because the unified driver doesn't know to support the advanced features without a newer receiver. They appear to almost identical although the new one says 3.0a and the old one says 2.0a. Interestingly, when you press the "connect" button on the receiver, the old one cycles the CapsLock, ScrollLock and NumLock LEDs by turning them on and off as they cycle. The new one does the same thing but it smoothly fades the LEDs in and out. This is subtle, but leads one to wonder - what was the design meeting like that thought that was an important feature change? That said, it's cool.

    我能够(大部分)使用整个套件而无需更换现有套件的无线接收器,但是像放大镜这样的新功能在我安装了新接收器之后才起作用。 据推测,这是因为如果没有更新的接收器,统一驱动程序将无法支持高级功能。 尽管新版本为3.0a,而旧版本为2.0a,但它们似乎几乎相同。 有趣的是,当您按下接收器上的“连接”按钮时,旧的将通过在打开和关闭CapsLock,ScrollLock和NumLock LED时对其进行循环来对其进行循环。 新产品可以做同样的事情,但是它可以使LED平滑地变暗和变暗。 这是微妙的,但让人想知道-那种认为重要的功能变更的设计会议是什么? 就是说,这很酷。
  • There's no more cool red optical glow from the mouse. The "laser" is infrared. Note sure if that's a laser, per se, but it's invisible either way. I haven't turned out the lights and put dust particles in the sight line to see if there's something to be seen. It does make it hard to know if the mouse is on, but the software does tell you the status of the batteries.

    鼠标不再发出红色的冷光。 “激光”是红外线。 请注意,就其本身而言,请确保那是激光,但无论哪种方式都是不可见的。 我没有关掉灯,把灰尘颗粒放在视线中,看是否有东西可以看。 确实很难知道鼠标是否已打开,但是软件确实会告诉您电池的状态。
  • At some point, I'd like to get the Remote Keyboard and see how it works with MCPC and the Xbox 360.

    在某个时候,我想获得远程键盘,看看它如何与MCPC和Xbox 360一起使用。



  • There's something indefinably light and cheap about this keyboard. I know that a keyboard is rarely lifted up and carried around, but I'd really like it to be heavier and more substantial. The mouse, on the other hand feels very substantial. I'd bet the mouse is actually heavier than the keyboard.

    这个键盘有一些轻巧而便宜的东西。 我知道键盘很少被提起并随身携带,但我真的希望它更重,更坚固。 另一方面,鼠标感觉非常坚固。 我敢打赌,鼠标实际上比键盘重。
  • The amount of force required to right-click with the mouse has increased enough that I notice it in my middle finger. I'm sure I'll get used to it, but I'm currently thinking ugh each time I right-click. The left-click force required appears to be the same as the previous set.

    用鼠标右键单击所需的力量已增加到足以使我在中指中注意到的力量。 我敢肯定,我会习惯的,但现在我想每一次我用鼠标右键单击。 所需的左键单击力似乎与先前的力相同。

If you can get this set for <$50, then I think it's a great deal and worth the upgrade. Overall I'm happy with it, and while I know that Logitech is coming up in the Desktop Set vertical market, I'm not ready to switch away from Microsoft.

如果您能以低于$ 50的价格买到这套产品,那么我认为这是一笔很大的交易,值得升级。 总体而言,我对此感到满意,尽管我知道Logitech即将进入Desktop Set垂直市场,但我还不准备离开Microsoft。

P.S. Again realizing that you read this blog for the technical content, I am forced to bury pictures of my son in this post script to the post. Here's a shocking off-the-cuff bathtime photo of now-6-week-old Z. Also, for your enjoyment, I give you a complete list of Z's current nicknames. It's said, I know, but I'm told that most kids have at least a dozen good nicks going when they are this age. The current ones are, Zam-zam, Zamunda, Zamfransisco, Zee, Z-Money, Zippy (from Patrick Cauldwell's kids), Khulu (Zulu for Grandfather) and Poopmaster Flex. 

PS再次意识到您已阅读此博客的技术内容,所以我被迫将儿子的照片埋入该帖子中。 这是现时6周大的Z的令人震惊的现成洗澡时间照片此外,为了给您带来乐趣,我还给您Z的当前昵称的完整列表。 据说,我知道,但是有人告诉我,大多数孩子到这个年龄时至少会有十几个好刻痕。 当前的是Zam-zam,Zamunda,Zamfransisco,Zee,Z-Money,Zippy(来自Patrick Cauldwell的孩子们),Khulu(祖鲁祖父)和Poopmaster Flex。

Now playing: Rent - Out Tonight


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/microsoft-wireless-laser-desktop-6000


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