


I'm so frustrated.  I've got a P4-3gig, 1 gig of Dual Channel RAM, with a very nice 128 meg NVidia FX 5200 card that I bought LAST YEAR for $150, and my new 1600x1200 Dell LCD Monitor and I can't get a freaking PC game to work worth a damn on my machine.

我很沮丧我有一个P4-3gig ,1个双通道RAM,一个非常漂亮的128兆NVidia FX 5200卡,我在去年以150美元的价格购买了它,还有我的新1600x1200戴尔LCD显示器,而且我买不到PC在我的机器上值得玩的游戏。

Case in point:


I picked up a Saitek P880 Dual Analog Joystick and figured I download the latest round of game demos to see what's hot.  I got FarCry, Rainbow Six, Thief 3, and Return to Castle Wolfenstein.

我拿起Saitek P880 Dual Analog游戏杆,并弄清楚我下载了最新一轮的游戏演示,以了解有什么热门。 我得到了《孤岛惊魂》,《彩虹六号》,《小偷3》和《回到德军总部》。

The Results:


  • Far Cry: Unacceptable performance even at 800x600.  I could BARELY pull 20 frames per second (fps).  Additionally, as I didn't feel like being an "inverted-T: ASDW" keyboard and mouse first-person gamer (God Forbid) I tried to use the Saitek.  I messed with it's remapping software for an hour, because apparently while DirectX 2199 understands that dual analog sticks exist, most games don't care. 

    孤岛惊魂(Far Cry):即使在800x600的分辨率下也无法接受。 我几乎可以每秒拉出20帧(fps)。 另外,由于我不想成为“倒T:ASDW”键盘和鼠标第一人称游戏玩家(上帝禁止),所以我尝试使用赛特克。 我把它的重新映射软件搞砸了一个小时,因为很明显,尽管DirectX 2199知道存在双模拟摇杆,但大多数游戏都不在乎。

    Far Cry: Unacceptable performance even at 800x600.  I could BARELY pull 20 frames per second (fps).  Additionally, as I didn't feel like being an "inverted-T: ASDW" keyboard and mouse first-person gamer (God Forbid) I tried to use the Saitek.  I messed with it's remapping software for an hour, because apparently while DirectX 2199 understands that dual analog sticks exist, most games don't care.  Result: Disappointment and 3 hours wasted.

    孤岛惊魂(Far Cry):即使在800x600的分辨率下也无法接受。 我几乎可以每秒拉出20帧(fps)。 另外,由于我不想成为“倒T:ASDW”键盘和鼠标第一人称游戏玩家(上帝禁止),所以我尝试使用赛特克。 我把它的重新映射软件搞砸了一个小时,因为很明显,尽管DirectX 2199知道存在双模拟摇杆,但大多数游戏都不在乎。 结果:令人失望,浪费了3个小时。

  • Rainbow: Totally unusable at anything other than 640x480 and even then, iffy.  Again, messed with the joystick.

    Rainbow:除了640x480以外,根本无法使用。 再次,操纵杆弄乱了。

  • Thief3: Gorgeous game, as along as I didn't try to move.  Got about 10 fps at 1024x758, and it was WAY to blocky to play at 640x480 on such a big LCD.  All these tests are with Anti-aliasing turned off.

    Thief3:华丽的游戏,以及我从未尝试过的动作。 在1024x758分辨率下可达到约10 fps,在如此大的LCD上以640x480分辨率播放时显得格格不入。 所有这些测试均已关闭“消除锯齿”功能。

  • Return to Castle Wolfenstein: The ONLY game with GOOD Video performance at 1024x768, which I think is the minimum comfortable resolution for FPS gaming.

    返回Castle Wolfenstein:唯一具有1024x768良好视频性能的游戏,我认为这是FPS游戏的最低舒适分辨率。

Seems to me that the only games that are useful or even playable on the average machine are Real Time Strategy games like Rise of Nations or not-very-graphics-intensive games like Dungeon Siege. 


What I'm confused about is why a game like Castle Wolfenstein performs so nicely, but Thief can barely move at the SAME RESOLUTION?  Perhaps my video card (and most) are so tied to whatever version of DirectX is in vogue at the time, that my little DirectX 8 Video Card is a pariah in the world of DirectX 9.

我感到困惑的是,为什么像《德军总部》这样的游戏表现如此出色,而《小偷》却几乎无法移动? 也许我的视频卡(以及大多数视频卡)与当时流行的任何DirectX版本都息息相关,以至于我的小巧的DirectX 8视频卡在DirectX 9的世界里是一种偏见。

What's frustrating about all this is that I'm actually considering getting one of these new fangled NVidia G-Force Ultra 6800's, just so I can get ahead of the game and stop worrying if my sad little 3Ghz system can run Pole Position.

所有这些让我感到沮丧的是,我实际上正在考虑购买这些新的NVidia G-Force Ultra 6800之一,这样我才能领先于游戏,并不再担心我悲伤的3Ghz小系统是否可以运行极点。

And the irony of all this?  My XBox works fine.  Picked up a steering wheel controller for $25 at Fry's and have been happily driving the hills of Scotland, multiplayer with a guy in Scotland without trouble.  No install, no key remapping, just play the game.  Hm.  The PC may have 1600x1200 DOOM 3 for only $4000US and a Water Cooler, but my $149 XBox plays fine. 

和所有这些具有讽刺意味的? 我的XBox运作良好。 在弗莱(Fry's)以25美元的价格买了一个方向盘控制器,一直快乐地驾驶着苏格兰的山丘,与一个在苏格兰的家伙一起玩多人游戏而没有麻烦。 无需安装,无需重新映射键,只需玩游戏即可。 嗯PC可能只有4000美元的价格具有1600x1200 DOOM 3和水冷却器,但我的149美元的XBox可以正常运行。

Someone tell me why PC gaming matters?


Addendum: Looks like my current video card IS crap:


CardArchitectureClock SpeedMemory SpeedMemory SizeMemory BandwidthRAM-DAC Fill Rate Pixels/s
Geforce FX 5200256-bit250Mhz 400Mhz (DDR)128Mb6.4Gb/sDual 400Mhz1 Billion
Geforce 6800 Ultra 256-bit400Mhz 1.1Ghz (DDR)  256/512 Mb35.2Gb/sDual 400Mhz6.4 Billion
建筑时钟速度记忆速度记忆体大小记忆体频宽内存DAC 填充率像素/秒
Geforce FX 5200 256位 250兆赫400Mhz(DDR) 128兆 6.4Gb /秒双400Mhz 1十亿
Geforce 6800 Ultra 256位 400兆赫1.1Ghz(DDR) 256/512 Mb 35.2Gb /秒 双400Mhz 64亿

Well, maybe the 6800 card will be enough for Longhorn.  Wonder if I should get it and water cool my system while I'm in there?

好吧,也许6800卡足以满足Longhorn的需求。 想知道我在那儿是否应该得到它并用水冷却我的系统?

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/i-am-so-sick-of-pc-gaming-i-hate-it






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