I'm sitting here on the plane, heading home, enjoying the glorious handwriting recognition on this build of Windows XP SP2 (remember, Tablet PC users get a nice free upgrade with SP2) and thinking about "things that just work."
我坐在飞机上,回家,享受在此Windows XP SP2版本上出色的手写识别功能(请记住,Tablet PC用户可以通过SP2免费升级),然后思考“一切正常”。
At this moment, the handwriting recognition "just works" - unlike the wireless at TechEd today. If it wasn't low signal strength, it was an inability to get DHCP. I thought the promise of wireless was ubiquitous connectivity? Now, of course there were 20,000 geeks also trying to get IP addresses, but still.
此时此刻,手写识别“行之有效”-与今天的TechEd无线技术不同。 如果不是低信号强度,那就是无法获得DHCP。 我以为无线技术的承诺是无处不在的连接性? 现在,当然有20,000个极客也在尝试获取IP地址,但仍然如此。
I tried using BlueTooth to transfer some files to another fellow, but we couldn't get it working. The interesting thing about BlueTooth is that everyone has a BlueTooth device. I mean, they have one device, not devices. How many of you have a BlueTooth device that has never been "toothed" to another device? I would guess 75% of us.
我尝试使用蓝牙将某些文件传输到另一个伙伴,但是我们无法使其正常工作。 蓝牙的有趣之处在于每个人都有一个蓝牙设备。 我的意思是,他们只有一个设备,而不是设备。 你们中有多少人从未使用过“蓝牙”设备来连接另一台设备? 我猜我们中的75%。
Infrared Sex
For me, BlueTooth is about as useful as my IR port. why is that my IR port will suddenly tell me that... (insert IR six-million-dollar-man sound here) ... "Some dude you don't know is nearby" when I'm alone at Starbucks, but when Ben is sitting next to me we have to engage our IR ports in Cinemax-level soft core porn to get a signal? Of course, when we do eventually get a signal, the progress bar doesn't move, but dammit if that little IR animation doesn't keep running long after Explorer has crashed. we usually (we sure did at this conference) use a USB drive.
对我来说,蓝牙和我的红外线端口差不多有用。 为什么我的IR端口会突然告诉我...(在此处插入600万美元的IR声音)...当我一个人在星巴克时,“您附近不知道的某些家伙”,但是当Ben坐在我旁边时,我们必须让我们的IR端口进入Cinemax级的软核色情内容,以便发出信号? 当然,当我们最终收到信号时,进度条不会移动,但是请记住,在Explorer崩溃后,那个小的IR动画是否不能长时间运行。 我们通常(肯定在这次会议上使用)使用USB驱动器。
With ad-hoc 802.11 (seriously who uses this?) and BlueTooth and IR, why do we use Thumb Drives? They work. Madness. FTP a 20gig file? Nah, screw it... you'll get better bandwidth with 5 DVDs and FedEx. (Really, you will. Do the math. You can get like 3 megabits a sec with overnight 10am FedEx it you ship it by 3pm.) It just works.
使用临时802.11(严重使用谁?)以及蓝牙和IR,为什么要使用拇指驱动器? 他们工作。 疯狂。 FTP 20gig文件? 不,把它拧紧...通过5张DVD和FedEx,您将获得更好的带宽。 (真的,您会的。算一下。如果您在联邦快递晚上10点过夜,您可以每秒获得3兆比特的数据,那么您将在下午3点之前发货。)
There is a subtle (as a brick in the face) difference between "It just works" and "I got it to work."
I gave my 85-year-old cousin a laptop a while back and he's emailing family pictures all over the place. However, I recently found out how he's been saving pictures that are emailed to him. Turns out that in Juno the only way to save an attachment is with an undiscoverable (to him) right-click. But, you can print with one left-click. So, he prints out all the pictures he wants to save, then uses his scanner to scan the printouts back into the PC.
不久前,我给我85岁的堂兄提供了一台笔记本电脑,他正在全家通过电子邮件发送全家福。 但是,最近我发现他如何保存通过电子邮件发送给他的照片。 事实证明,在Juno中保存附件的唯一方法是右键单击(对他而言)不可发现的附件。 但是,您可以单击鼠标左键进行打印。 因此,他将要保存的所有图片打印出来,然后使用扫描仪将打印输出扫描回PC。
Funny, sure, but think about it. The scanner software "just works" - he can scan and automatically save with one button on the scanner. Frankly, I think it's pretty clever. (He has since learned to right-click on everything.)
很好笑,可以,但是考虑一下。 扫描仪软件“正常工作”-他可以扫描并使用扫描仪上的一个按钮自动保存。 坦白说,我认为这很聪明。 (此后,他学会了右键单击所有内容。)
Old ideas made new when "it just works."'
I had given up on simple voice over IP before Skype. You know you've tried to get Windows Messenger to show audio and video and various while sundry firewalls and nonsense have thwarted your efforts. so you said, "Screw it." Then some comes along and it just works. Google is another classic example.
在Skype之前,我已经放弃了简单的IP语音服务。 您知道您已经尝试过让Windows Messenger来显示音频和视频以及各种内容,而各种各样的防火墙和废话却阻碍了您的工作。 所以你说:“拧紧它。” 然后出现了一些,它就起作用了。 谷歌是另一个经典的例子。
Tying this back to TechEd...
将其绑定回TechEd ...
So, what is the protocol if "It already works?" Visual Studio team Services includes Unit testing, Code Coverage and some workflow management stuff for assigning tasks. One could argue that "it already worked" with all the Open Source tools we know and love. We shall see if this is a value add, or maybe there's some Not Invented Here (NIH) going on? This can happen certainly between companies but it's even more interesting when it happens within one company; let me give you an example.
那么,如果“已经生效”的协议是什么? Visual Studio团队服务包括单元测试,代码覆盖率和一些用于分配任务的工作流管理内容。 有人可能会说“已经使用”了我们所知道和喜欢的所有开源工具。 我们将看看这是否是一个增值,或者是否正在发生一些“此处未发明”(NIH)的情况? 这当然可以在公司之间发生,但是当发生在一个公司内部时,这会更加有趣。 让我举一个例子。
A Tale of Four Image Editors
How many Image Viewer/Editors do I have on my system? No, that's not interesting...how many Microsoft Image Editors do I have on my system? Well, there's Paint. And Picture and Fax Viewer. And Photo Editor (in accessories) and the Office 2003 Picture Manager. I can view pics quickly with the Picture Viewer, but can't edit. I can do red-eye fixes with the Office Manager, but not edit or composite. I can edit and composite with Paint, but not resize. None of these Just Work. Any of them could have just worked. If I were BillG or SteveB (who no doubt read this blog) I'd be on the phone immediately and nail this whole "image viewing/editing" thing down. (I didn't even mention the attempts called Microsoft Digital Image Pro or *gasp* Picture-It. I was being nice by pulling punches.)
我的系统上有多少个Image Viewer / Editor? 不,那没意思……我的系统上有多少个Microsoft Image Editor? 好吧,有油漆。 以及图片和传真查看器。 和Photo Editor(在附件中)和Office 2003 Picture Manager。 我可以使用“图片查看器”快速查看图片,但是无法编辑。 我可以使用Office Manager进行红眼修复,但不能进行编辑或合成。 我可以使用Paint进行编辑和合成,但不能调整大小。 这些都不是正确的。 他们中的任何一个都可以工作。 如果我是BillG或SteveB(毫无疑问地阅读了此博客),我会立即打电话给我,把整个“图像查看/编辑”内容都整理下来。 (我什至没有提到称为Microsoft Digital Image Pro或* gasp * Picture-It的尝试。通过拉拳我很高兴。)
If we can finally unify the type system by agreeing on the size of an int, then surely the Windows Media team can ship one standard viewer/editor for the most static of media. It should just work.
如果我们最终可以通过就一个int的大小达成一致来统一类型系统,那么Windows Media团队肯定可以为最静态的媒体提供一个标准的查看器/编辑器。 它应该工作。
A Tale of Four Workflow Systems
I wanted to sneak this one in even though it's redudant. I'm not sure (please correct me) if the Visual Studio Team System's task workflow engine integrates with SharePoint or Outlook, but...it seems to me that I now have four Task-Assignment/Not-Quite-Workflow engines. Outlook's Tasks and Assign Task features, SharePoint's Task system, Microsoft Project's Task System and Visual Studio Team Editions. None of them are full-blown workflow engines for software project management. They are more "Task Applets." Hm...I wonder if they edit JPEGS?
我想偷偷穿这个,即使它很多余。 我不确定(请纠正我)Visual Studio Team System的任务工作流引擎是否与SharePoint或Outlook集成,但是...在我看来,我现在有四个任务分配/非相当工作流引擎。 Outlook的任务和分配任务功能,SharePoint的任务系统,Microsoft Project的任务系统和Visual Studio Team Edition。 它们都不是用于软件项目管理的成熟的工作流引擎。 它们更像是“任务小程序”。 嗯...我想知道他们是否编辑JPEGS?
And tying it to Web Services...
Now, WS-Security is needed, but the jury is out on the other WS*.* specs as far as their benefit/barrier-to-entry/tools ratios. But SSL just works for those who don't need intermediaries. So does IP/Sec and Smart Firewalls and Routers. For the matter, a nice XML Document with an XML Schema works fine without a SOAP:Envelope.
现在,需要WS-Security,但是就其收益/障碍/进入/工具比率而言,其他WS *。*规范尚无定论。 但是SSL仅适用于不需要中介的人。 IP /秒,智能防火墙和路由器也是如此。 就此而言,如果没有SOAP:Envelope,带有XML Schema的漂亮XML文档也可以正常工作。
I love SOAP, and I enjoyed being involved in a tiny way in the WS-I Basic Profile, but I will continue with cautious otimism and use technologies that just work while following the K.I.S.S. (Keep it simple, stupid) principle. No need to thread a needle with a sledgehammer.
我喜欢SOAP,并且喜欢以很小的方式参与WS-I Basic Profile,但是我将继续保持谨慎的乐观态度,并使用遵循KISS(保持简单,愚蠢)原则的有效技术。 无需用大锤穿线。
P.S. This whole post was done via handwriting recognition.
翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/will-anything-new-ever-work