
As a fresh semester starts up for me teaching web development, now seems a good time to talk about communication.


Communicating code and design problems is a skill, something that has to be learned by clients, students, and novice developers alike. You don’t need to be a fully-fledged programmer to ask questions, and you shouldn’t hesitate to ask for help, but gaining a positive resolution to your problem is far more likely if your conversation follows a few simple guidelines.

沟通代码和设计问题是一种技能,客户,学生和新手开发人员都必须学习这种技能。 您不需要成为一个成熟的程序员就可以提出问题,也可以毫不犹豫地寻求帮助,但是,如果您的谈话遵循一些简单的准则,就可以很积极地解决问题。

首先阅读 (Read First)

Read any associated documentation before asking your question: if it’s well-written, your problem has probably already been anticipated. Be sure to also read any provided comments.

在问您的问题之前,请先阅读所有相关文档:如果编写得当,则可能已经预料到您的问题。 确保还阅读任何提供的评论。

Example 1: “This doesn’t work in Internet Explorer.” Highlighted in the text immediately above the comment section is a statement of exactly that, why, and ways of working around it.

示例1: “这在Internet Explorer中不起作用。” 在注释部分正上方的文本中突出显示了有关该原因,原因和解决方法的声明。

Example 2: “This doesn’t work in Chrome.” In the body of the article is a guide for learners to add vendor prefixes for browsers that still require them.

示例2: “这不适用于Chrome。” 本文的主体是供学习者为仍需要它们的浏览器添加供应商前缀的指南。

要负责任 (Be responsible)

Take reasonable steps to address the problem yourself before asking your question: validate your HTML, look for any errors in the browser console, restart your browser and test again, etc.

在提出问题之前,请采取合理的步骤自己解决问题: 验证HTML ,在浏览器控制台中查找任何错误,重新启动浏览器并再次测试等。

提供例子 (Provide Examples)

While providing code-dumps is better than nothing, it’s much easier for a developer to see your work in context. URLs are good; live code (on CodePen, for example) is better. The services are free, and it’s very likely you will solve your own problem as you use them.

虽然提供代码转储总比没有好,但对于开发人员而言,在上下文中查看您的工作要容易得多。 网址很好; 实时代码(例如在CodePen上 )更好。 这些服务是免费的,使用它们很有可能会解决您自己的问题。

If it’s a problem on a site, detail the steps needed to replicate the issue.


请明确点 (Be specific)

“It doesn’t work” doesn’t help anyone. What are you trying to accomplish? What browser are you using? Which version? On what platform? What operating system? Each of these factors contributes to making a site work or fail, especially as you approach the cutting edge in web development.

“不起作用”对任何人都没有帮助。 你想达到什么目的? 你使用的是什么浏览器? 哪个版本? 在什么平台上? 什么操作系统? 所有这些因素都会导致网站正常工作或失败,特别是当您接近Web开发的前沿时。

Example 1: “This doesn’t work in Safari.” Developer assumption: they’re talking about the latest version of Safari on the most recent version of OS X. Nope: they’re talking about Safari on Windows, which hasn’t been updated in years.

示例1: “这在Safari中不起作用。” 开发人员的假设 :他们正在谈论OS X的最新版本上的Safari的最新版本。 不,是:他们谈论的是Windows上的Safari,多年来没有更新。

Example 2: “This doesn’t work on my page”. No mention that they’re using WordPress, which completely changes the context of what they’re trying to accomplish.

示例2: “这在我的页面上不起作用”。 更不用说他们正在使用WordPress,这完全改变了他们要完成的任务的上下文。

了解代码不是Lego (Understand that code is not Lego)

Simply copying and pasting code, jamming it together and expecting it to work, rarely results in success. Saying “I just want this to work!” without knowing the broader context (not understanding CSS, for example, while trying to achieve an advanced effect) is usually an exercise in frustration. You can learn this way, but any knowledge you gain is piecemeal and haphazard. Don’t get frustrated if a senior developer tells you to go back to square one to learn the basics.

只需复制和粘贴代码,将它们塞在一起并期望它能正常工作,很少会成功。 说“我只想要这个工作!” 不了解更广泛的上下文(例如,在尝试获得高级效果时不了解CSS )通常是一种令人沮丧的练习。 您可以通过这种方式学习,但是获得的任何知识都是零碎的和偶然的。 如果高级开发人员告诉您回过头来学习基础知识,请不要感到沮丧。

要有礼貌 (Be polite)

It’s unfortunate that this needs to be stated, but: be polite and patient. Unless you are paying a developer for their time, they don’t owe you anything. Pushy demands usually get pushed to the back of the pile; polite requests are more likely to be responded to.

不幸的是,这需要说明,但是:要有礼貌和耐心。 除非您为他们的时间付费,否则他们不会欠您任何东西。 棘手的需求通常被推到桩的后面。 有礼貌的要求更有可能得到回应。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/917/How-To-Talk-To-A-Developer

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