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The web is increasingly a loud, demanding, rude and divisive place. There are exceptions to this, but they are rare: the general rule is for more ads, more click-bait headlines, greater demands for attention, more generated controversy. In many ways, new media is falling prey to the excesses of the old.

网络正日益成为一个喧闹,苛刻,粗鲁和分裂的地方。 对此有一些例外,但很少见:一般规则是广告更多,点击诱饵标题更多,注意力要求更高,引发更多争议。 在许多方面,新媒体正在成为旧媒体的牺牲品。

A big part of the responsibility for this lies with content creators, designers and developers. We’ve created online environments without moderation and acted surprised when the worst of human behavior oozes to the top. We’ve made websites that entice audiences and then snare them with circular click-traps. We’ve promoted pages like casinos on the Las Vegas strip, each with more luminance and spectacle than the last, pushing to the background the values of human communication and connection.

内容创建者,设计师和开发人员对此负有很大责任。 我们创建的在线环境没有节制,当最糟糕的人类行为渗入榜首时,我们感到惊讶。 我们制作了吸引观众的网站,然后使用圆形点击陷阱将其圈套起来。 我们在拉斯维加斯大道上推广了诸如赌场之类的页面,每个页面的亮度和视觉效果都比上一个更高,并将人类交流和联系的价值推向了后台。

I think it’s time to withdraw from that. To replace, at least to some degree, the rabid greed for clicks with the same values we would like to see from everyone: consideration, politeness, and wisdom. I think achieving those aims can be gained by following just six simple rules:

我认为该是时候退出了。 至少在某种程度上用狂妄的贪婪取代我们希望从大家身上看到的相同价值: 思考,礼貌和智慧 。 我认为,仅需遵循以下六个简单规则即可实现这些目标:

Be accommodating 包容
best practices. Make every page 最佳实践。 使每个页面都具有 responsive.  Use the principles of 响应能力 。 使用 progressive enhancement. 渐进增强原则。
Make introductions 进行介绍
open source license for your work; apply open data principles. 开源许可证 ; 应用开放数据原则。
Don’t make demands 不要提出要求
Optimize images and code to make your pages as small as possible. Do not insist that the user subscribe, share, or follow on social services before getting access to content. Leave the option to open links in new tabs or windows up to the user. Don’t assume that the user knows what you are talking about, or shares your cultural values. 优化图像和代码以使页面尽可能小。 在访问内容之前,请勿坚持要求用户订阅,共享或关注社交服务。 保留该选项以在新选项卡或窗口中打开链接,直至用户。 不要以为用户知道您在说什么或分享您的文化价值观。
Withdraw when you’re not the focus of attention 当您不是关注焦点时退出
Stop running video, audio and other distracting, battery-draining processes when your page no longer holds the user’s attention.
Respect privacy 尊重隐私
Build rigorous, defensible arguments to justify tracking any kind of data. Always allow your guests to opt out of providing information. Avoid asking about gender, race or personally identifying information unless absolutely necessary.
建立严格的,可辩护的论据以证明跟踪任何种类的数据都是合理的。 始终允许您的客人选择不提供信息。 除非绝对必要,否则避免询问性别,种族或个人身份信息。
Hold your guests to standards 让您的客人达到标准
Create clear community guidelines. Provide active moderation to create a safe, welcoming environment. Steer conversations to address topics and facts, rather than personalities and opinions. Always remain civil.
创建明确的社区准则。 提供积极的节制,以创建一个安全,温馨的环境。 引导对话以解决主题和事实,而不是个性和观点。 始终保持文明。

It is my hope that if more designers, developers and UX specialists think of themselves as hosts of an online experience rather than creators, if we make sites that treat guests like we want to be treated ourselves, then the web will become a better, more considerate place.

我希望,如果更多的设计师,开发人员和UX专家将自己视为在线体验的主人,而不是创作者 ,那么,如果我们创建可以像对待自己一样对待客人的网站,那么网络将变得更好,更多体贴的地方。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/824/The-Polite-Web-Manifesto





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