

Traditional websites were bespoke creations: a freelancer or team of web developers built a site and handed it over, with the content essentially frozen in carbonite. Any changes to the site required communication with the developer, who functioned as a kind of gatekeeper.

传统网站是根据客户要求创建的:自由职业者或Web开发人员团队构建了一个网站并将其移交给网站,其内容基本上冻结在碳酸盐中。 网站的任何更改都需要与开发人员进行沟通,而开发人员则充当了看门人的角色。

Quite reasonably, clients wanted the ability to edit the content of their own sites, without having to learn HTML or CSS. At the same time, developers wanted a system that they could use to develop sites faster, rather than building each one as a unique creation. Content Management Systems are an answer to both problems.

客户非常合理地希望能够编辑自己网站的内容,而不必学习HTMLCSS 。 同时,开发人员希望使用一种可以更快地开发站点的系统,而不是将每个站点构建为一个独特的作品。 内容管理系统可以同时解决这两个问题。

Broadly speaking, Content Management Systems (CMS’s) organize a site’s data (page text, images, etc) into modifiable components. Typically, this content is stored in a database. When a page is requested the data is pulled in with other components, such as headers, page navigation, CSS, etc, to form a complete page. This allows site stakeholders to modify, add and remove content without needing to know any HTML or CSS.

广义上讲,内容管理系统(CMS)将站点的数据 (页面文本,图像等)组织为可修改的组件。 通常,此内容存储在数据库中。 当请求页面时,数据与其他组件(例如标题,页面导航,CSS等)一起拉入,以形成一个完整的页面。 这使网站涉众可以修改,添加和删除内容,而无需了解任何HTML或CSS。

There are now hundreds of CMS’s, covering dozens of different purposes. Before choosing to develop a site with a CMS, it’s important to understand a set of issues that every one of them carries:

现在有数百种CMS,涵盖了数十种不同的用途。 在选择使用CMS开发网站之前,重要的是要了解每个人都面临的一系列问题:

Intended purpose 目的

As a general rule, you’ll tend to find your work produces the best results in software designed for an express purpose, rather than as an add-on. WordPress was originally intended as a blogging platform; Magento is an eCommerce suite, moodle is designed to make education sites, Koken for portfolios, PHP Nuke for forums, etc. That doesn’t mean that you can’t use a CMS in ways other than its intended purpose, only that you may find yourself fighting against the natural current of the software.

通常,您会发现自己的工作在为明确目的而不是作为附件设计的软件中产生了最佳效果。 WordPress最初旨在作为博客平台。 Magento是一个电子商务套件, moodle用于创建教育网站, Koken用于投资组合, PHP Nuke用于论坛等。这并不意味着您不能以其预定目的以外的方式使用CMS,而仅是您可以发现自己正在与软件的自然潮流作斗争。

Security 安全
As soon as you make a website editable, you make it vulnerable. Popular CMS’s present a large attack surface: a vulnerability found in the software potentially makes all installations of that platform open to attack. CMS’s are not “set and forget” – they must be maintained and updated like all software.
一旦使网站可编辑,就会使它变得脆弱。 流行的CMS具有很大的攻击面:该软件中发现的漏洞可能使该平台的 所有安装 容易受到攻击。 CMS不是“一劳永逸”的,它们必须像所有软件一样进行维护和更新。
Content and Code Editing 内容和代码编辑
Some CMS’s, such as SharePoint, are notoriously “locked down”, making it very difficult to edit HTML, CSS or JavaScript at the code level. Others, like Drupal, take the opposite approach, and present themselves as so “open” that every switch and option is immediately available, which can be somewhat overwhelming. The perfect solution will depend on the client’s needs and abilities together with your own workflow and process.
众所周知,某些CMS(例如 SharePoint )被“锁定”,这使得在代码级别上编辑HTML,CSS或JavaScript变得非常困难。 其他诸如 Drupal的公司则采取相反的方法,并以“开放”的 姿态展现自己,以至于每个开关和选项都立即可用,这可能有些让人不知所措。 完美的解决方案将取决于客户的需求和能力以及您自己的工作流程和流程。
Responsive / Mobile Support 响应/移动支持

It should also be noted that little mobile support is usually provided at the actual data-entry level. If it’s likely that you’ll be making changes to the site on the go from a mobile device – as more of us will be – this is an important consideration. A few CMS’s, such as Craft and Ghost, are leading the way in this regard.

还应注意的是,通常在实际数据输入级别上很少提供移动支持。 如果您可能像我们中的许多人一样通过移动设备随时随地对站点进行更改,则这是一个重要的考虑因素。 一些CMS(例如CraftGhost)在这方面处于领先地位。

Data Adaptability 数据适应性
when it was made, but by the geographical origin of posts? 何时 ,但职位的地理起源?

These questions are closely tied to how a CMS stores information for a site: broadly speaking, a CMS that “chunks” content into discrete components and has strong support for metadata will be more adaptive that one that does not.


Support 支持
As soon as you employ a CMS you become tool-dependent. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean that you need to know where questions can be answered and when and how bugs can be fixed. A lot of CMS software is built under an open-source model, which often means that patches are released quickly but documentation quality and UI suffers.
一旦使用CMS,您就将依赖于工具。 这不一定是一件坏事,但这确实意味着您需要知道可以在哪里回答问题以及何时以及如何修复错误。 许多CMS软件都是在开放源代码模型下构建的,这通常意味着补丁发布速度很快,但是文档质量和UI受到影响。
Responsibility 责任
what site features to give access to 哪些网站功能向 whom is a very important question. 授予访问权限是一个非常重要的问题。

This provides an introduction and selection criteria for Content Management Systems; next, I’ll look at the kinds of CMS’s available, and the different ways they approach site creation.

这提供了内容管理系统的介绍和选择标准; 接下来,我将介绍可用的CMS类型以及它们处理网站创建的不同方式。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/727/Introduction-To-Content-Management-Systems


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