2013 NMPD展示预览,第2部分

Another showcase of the best web design work from my New Media Production & Design students, this time from Group B, before the full official showcase on April 9 and 10.


Pam Davison
Pam Davison “A responsive website about silk painting for beginners. The website goes through what materials are required and shows a step-by-step tutorial on how to complete a silk painting.” 帕姆·戴维森(Pam Davison ):面向初学者的有关丝绸绘画的敏感网站。 该网站介绍了所需的材料,并提供了有关如何完成丝绸绘画的分步教程。”
Adelaine Gladstone
Adelaine Gladstone “I created Consolegirl with the thought of female gamers in mind. I wrote reviews on my personal favorites as a fun way to get girls who are new to the gaming world interested in picking up a controller and going on a worthwhile adventure. The front page uses a JQuery technique I picked up from an article on Dudley's blog.”
阿德莱恩·格拉德斯通( Adelaine Gladstone): “我创建《 Consolegirl》时就想到了女性玩家。 我在个人收藏夹上写了评论,这是一种有趣的方式,可以让刚接触游戏世界的女孩有兴趣选择控制器并进行一次有价值的冒险。 首页使用了 我从Dudley博客上的文章中摘录的JQuery技术 。”
Keshia Whyte
Keshia Whyte “Inspire is a website created for artists to share and gain inspiration. A dedicated article section not only provides material to help keep you motivated and artistically energized, but helps you improve as well with the tutorials.”
Keshia Whyte “灵感”是一个网站,旨在让艺术家分享和获取灵感。 专门的文章部分不仅提供了使您保持动力和艺术活力的材料,而且还帮助您通过教程进行了改进。”
Chloe Yang
Chloe Yang “This website was created for a handmade design shoes company, ‘JJ Shoes Collection’. The site provides an online video commercial, a shoe gallery, and contact information. The design will appeal to a lady who loves high-heels that reflect individuality.” 杨克洛(Chloe Yang) “此网站是为手工设计鞋公司'JJ Shoes Collection'创建的。 该站点提供了在线视频广告,鞋履和联系信息。 该设计将吸引一位喜欢高跟鞋并能体现个性的女士。”
Blake Mann
Blake Mann “I created a blog site to express some of my interests: I am very enthusiastic about video games, and also enjoy reading. My main goal with this site was to play around with some more advanced design features in the site’s navigation bar.” 布莱克·曼(Blake Mann): “我创建了一个博客网站来表达我的一些兴趣:我对视频游戏非常热衷,并且喜欢阅读。 我在此站点的主要目标是在站点的导航栏中使用一些更高级的设计功能。”
Colin Tyler
Colin Tyler “This site was made to raise awareness of 72 hour emergency preparedness in a fun yet professional manner. Using the pop-culture icon of the zombie, the site shows how to identify, and protect yourself during the first days of a zombie attack, with all information translating over to other pandemics. The idea was formulated after viewing the CDC’s blog on zombie preparedness and feeling that the concept was great, but lacked the visual style to get the message across.” 柯林·泰勒(Colin Tyler) “创建此站点的目的是通过有趣而专业的方式提高对72小时紧急情况的认识。 该网站使用僵尸的流行文化图标显示了如何在僵尸攻击的头几天识别并保护自己,并将所有信息转化为其他流行病。 这个想法是在浏览CDC关于僵尸防范的博客后提出的,并且认为这个想法很棒,但是缺乏视觉风格来传达信息。”
Samantha Shackleton
Samantha Shackleton “The purpose of this website was to be a small, portfolio style photography site for Courtney Tario, a local freelance photographer. She was looking for a simple website that mainly featured her work, with a bit about herself and her business and a contact page. The design of the site fits the style of her photography, and features her best work in a simple gallery.” 萨曼莎·沙克尔顿(Samantha Shackleton) “该网站的目的是为本地自由摄影师Courtney Tario提供小型的投资组合风格的摄影网站。 她正在寻找一个简单的网站,该网站主要介绍她的作品,并提供一些关于她自己和她的业务的信息以及一个联系页面。 该网站的设计符合她的摄影风格,并在一个简单的画廊中展现了她的最佳作品。”

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/650/2013-NMPD-Showcase-Preview-Part-2

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