
Teaching, like most over endeavors, is about communication. After almost fifteen years of lecturing at a post-secondary level, I have found that clearly communicated expectations create the best foundation for learning: if everyone knows what is expected of both the teacher and the student, and if everyone is aware of the consequences of not meeting those expectations, then achieving the standards set becomes almost second nature, and everyone can concentrate on learning.

就像大多数努力一样,教学也是关于沟通的。 经过大约十五年的高中讲课,我发现清楚传达的期望为学习提供了最好的基础:如果每个人都知道老师和学生的期望,以及每个人都知道如果不满足这些期望,那么达到设定的标准几乎是第二天性,每个人都可以专注于学习。

I currently teach at a polytechnic, with the goal of sending graduates directly into the industry. As such, expectations in my classes mirror those of the industry itself:

我目前在理工学院任教,目标是将毕业生直接带入该行业。 因此,我在课堂上的期望反映了行业本身的期望:

  • Attendance of all classes is mandatory. Students must attend all classes, for the full duration of the class, unless explicitly told otherwise by the instructor.

    必须参加所有课程。 除非讲师另有明确指示,否则学生必须在整个课程中参加所有课程。
  • Students must show up prepared and on-time for classes. Class work begins on the hour, at the start of class.

    学生必须及时准备上课。 上课从上课开始的小时开始。
  • Professionalism is a 20% component of every class, divided into two equal parts: attendance and attitude. Professionalism marks for full-time courses are given twice per year: halfway into the semester, and at the end.

    专业精神是每个班级的20%,分为两个相等的部分:出勤率和态度。 全日制课程的专业水平每年给予两次:学期中旬和期末。
  • Students have a ten-minute window of attendance at the start of class. If students arrive during this time they are marked late, rather than absent.

    在课程开始时,学生有10分钟的出勤时间。 如果学生在这段时间内到达,他们会被标记为迟到,而不是缺席。
  • A student will lose 1 mark out of 10 from their professionalism grade for that half of the semester for each late attendance of class. Late students will not gain extra time for any quizzes or in-class exercises that may be taking place, but they do have the right to sit them, as well as to hand in any homework that is due.

    在每学期的上半学期中,每半学期的学生在其专业水平上将在10分中失去1分。 迟到的学生不会花额外的时间进行任何测验或课堂上的练习,但他们有权坐下来,并交上任何应做的作业。
  • After ten minutes, a student is absent from the class, and loses the opportunity to sit quizzes, submit in-class exercises, hand in homework, or receive grades for any evaluated component. An absent student loses 2 marks from their professionalism grade for that half of the semester.

    十分钟后,学生缺课,失去了参加测验,提交课堂练习,上交家庭作业或获得任何评估组件成绩的机会。 一个缺席的学生在该学期的一半时间内因其专业水平而损失2分。
  • Three absences will suspend a student from class until they meet with the Academic Chair of the program and complete an Academic Probation. Three absences means that the professionalism mark for the student will be 0 for that half of the semester. A fourth absence will result in the student’s expulsion from the class, and an automatic grade of F.

    三次缺席将使学生停课,直到他们与该计划的学术主席会面并完成学术试用为止。 缺勤3次意味着该学生在该学期的一半时间内的专业水平将为0。 第四次缺席将导致学生被开除该班,并自动获得F的成绩。
  • Excuses for lateness or absence from class are not accepted, as a rule, unless accompanied by a doctor's note, a certificate of death, or a police report. “I was stuck in traffic”, “The train was late”, “It was snowing”, “My alarm did not go off”, are, among many other possible reasons, not accepted.

    通常,除非有医生的照会,死亡证明或警察报告,否则不得接受迟到或缺课的借口。 在许多其他可能的原因中,“我被堵车”,“火车晚点”,“下雪了”,“我的警报没有响起” 均未被接受。

  • All the same, it is appreciated that you do make the “I’m going to be late” call: if a serious road or transit stoppage does occur, the multiple calls from students with the same story allow me to determine that not only is it a real and acceptable reason for being late, but that the accident is a situation truly outside the student’s control or capacity to plan for. That, I can make allowances for.

    一样,您一定会打出“我要迟到”的电话:如果确实发生了严重的道路或公交停车,来自具有相同故事的学生的多次电话使我确定不仅这是迟到的真实且可以接受的原因,但是事故确实是学生无法控制或无法计划的情况。 那我可以考虑一下。
  • There is no opportunity for “do-over”, “make up” or “extra” work during the semester to improve your grades.

  • Classes require your full and undivided attention. Working on other projects, conversing using IM, checking your eMail, sleeping in class, playing games, and checking Facebook and other social applications will not be tolerated. Repeated behavior of this kind will mean your expulsion from the class for that day, and an absent mark. (Students are free to do all of those things before and after class, and during the breaks we take during class).

    上课需要您全神贯注。 在其他项目上工作,使用IM进行交谈,检查电子邮件,在课堂上睡觉,玩游戏以及检查Facebook和其他社交应用程序是不允许的。 重复这种行为将意味着您当天被开除,并且缺席。 (学生可以在上课前和下课后以及在课间休息时自由地做所有这些事情)。
  • Civility is expected. Curb your language.

    期望文明。 限制你的语言。
  • A certain amount of self-study is expected. The reality is that no course in new media will be able to teach everything you need to know for the industry: if I attempted to do that, I would have to make it a four-year degree, with the consequence that your skills would be outdated by the time you graduated. What I can teach are the fundamental principles of good design and development, and a solid understanding of technology and techniques. Students need to expand on this material themselves, as they will be constantly learning in the industry in order to keep their jobs. As a rough rule of thumb, a student should expect to spend an hour outside of class working on their own material for every hour spent in class, separate from time spend on homework, assignments, etc.

    期望一定数量的自学。 现实情况是,新媒体上的任何课程都无法教授该行业所需的一切知识:如果我试图做到这一点,则必须将其定为四年制学位,结果您的技能将是毕业时已经过时了。 我所能教的是良好的设计和开发的基本原理,以及对技术的深刻理解。 学生们需要自己扩充这种材料,因为他们将不断在行业中学习以保持工作。 根据粗略的经验法则,学生应该期望在课余时间每花一个小时在自己的资料上花费一个小时,与在功课,作业等上花费的时间分开。
  • Cheating is absolutely not tolerated. Plagiarism, cheating and any other form of academic dishonesty will be dealt with swiftly, and in the strictest possible terms: a student will immediately receive a 0 grade for the evaluated component, a 0 for professionalism, and have a record entered into their academic transcript.  A second academic dishonesty offense will result in a 0 for the course, expulsion from the program, and another record on your academic transcript. Don't cheat. I will know.

    绝对不能容忍作弊。 gi窃,作弊和其他任何形式的学术不诚实行为将得到Swift处理,并以尽可能严格的条件进行处理:学生将立即获得被评估部分的0分,专业水平0分,并在其成绩单中有记录。 第二次学术不诚实行为将导致该课程的分数为0,被开除该课程,并在您的成绩单上另存记录。 不要作弊 我知道的

  • Concessions are not made for self-diagnosed learning disabilities: that assessment must come from a professional.

  • Communication via Twitter, Facebook and eMail is welcomed outside of class hours. Please be aware that they are for different purposes: Facebook and Twitter are most appropriate for casual, non-urgent questions. eMail is for official correspondence, and should contain appropriate language, grammar, and content. Please be aware of these distinctions: if I do not feel your eMail is structured or clear, I will send it back to you with instructions to re-write it until it is.

    在课余时间欢迎通过Twitter,Facebook和电子邮件进行通信。 请注意,它们具有不同的用途:Facebook和Twitter最适合偶然的,非紧急的问题。 电子邮件用于正式通信,并且应包含适当的语言,语法和内容。 请注意这些区别:如果我觉得您的电子邮件结构不清晰,我将把它寄回给您,并附有重新编写说明的指示。
  • If you want your eMail to be responded to quickly, keep it short: five sentences or less. Don’t try to tell a story: just get to the point.

    如果您希望您的电子邮件得到快速回复,请保持简短:五个句子或更少。 不要试图讲一个故事:直截了当。
  • Finally, labs and computers at the institution are not “yours”. Please keep the facilities as clean as possible for others: do not eat in the classroom, ensure all drink containers have closed lids, place garbage in the bins provided, keep feet off the desks, and tidy up after yourself.

    最后,该机构的实验室和计算机不是“您的”。 请让其他人尽可能保持设施清洁:不要在教室里吃饭,确保所有的饮料容器都盖好盖子,将垃圾放在所提供的垃圾箱中,不要将脚放在桌子上,自己整理一下。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/370/Expectations-of-Students





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