

Of all the real-world disciplines that could be used as a guide to web design and development, the practice of architecture is perhaps the best comparison.


Like web developers, every architect is faced with three demands when designing a structure. These demands are often contradictory, and balancing them is part of the art of great design in any practical field. The primary considerations are:

像Web开发人员一样,每个架构师在设计结构时都面临三个需求。 这些需求通常是矛盾的,并且在任何实际领域中,平衡它们都是出色设计的一部分。 主要考虑因素是:

Aesthetics 美学
look of the work. How does the building appear from different aspects? Is its profile, texture, use of shadow and light pleasing to the eye? 外观 。 建筑物如何从不同方面出现? 它的轮廓,纹理,阴影和光的使用是否令眼睛愉悦?
Structure 结构体
How will the building be constructed? What materials will be used? Will it stay up? Can it easily be expanded and modified later?
建筑物将如何建造? 将使用什么材料? 会熬夜吗? 以后可以轻松对其进行扩展和修改吗?
Utility 效用
Does it fulfill the basic function required? (i.e. to house people in relative comfort, keeping the elements at bay).
它是否满足所需的基本功能? (即,以相对舒适的方式容纳人们,使元素保持隔离)。

Everyone who builds things, from architects with fees of millions of dollars to the person living under a bridge with a plastic sheet, has the same basic concerns.


For a website these demands are expressed the same way: does the site look good? (Is it proportional, does it use colours and fonts well?). Is the site constructed in a way that makes sense? (Is the code valid and commented? Does it use semantic markup?) And can the customer / reader do what they need to do on the site quickly and easily? (Find information, add content, order a book – whatever the goal(s) of the website are).

对于网站,这些要求以相同的方式表达:网站看起来不错吗? (它是否成比例,是否很好地使用了颜色和字体?)。 网站的建设是否合理? (代码是否有效并带有注释 ?它是否使用语义标记?)客户/读者可以快速,轻松地在网站上完成他们需要做的事情吗? (查找信息,添加内容,订购书–无论网站的目标是什么)。

These demands are limited by three factors: time, money, and quality: the familiar “good, fast, or cheap: pick any two” project triangle.

这些需求受到三个因素的限制: 时间,金钱质量:熟悉的“好,快或便宜:选择任意两个” 项目三角形

Finally, there are three people in the process, again with competing goals: the contractor/designer, the client, and the customer. The contractor – the architect, in this case – is the designer; the client is likely to be a property developer, and the customer buys the completed house. Both the customer and client are interested in getting the highest quality possible at the lowest cost, but long-term satisfaction and use rests with the customer, no-one else. The designer, on the other hand, wants to fulfill the needs of both the client and the customer, charge a fair amount, and create something he can take pride in.

最后,在此过程中需要三个人,并且又要有相互竞争的目标:承包商/设计师,客户和客户。 承包商(在这种情况下为建筑师)是设计师。 客户可能是房地产开发商,而客户则购买了完整的房屋。 客户和客户都希望以最低的成本获得最高的质量,但是长期的满意和使用取决于客户,没有其他人。 另一方面,设计师希望满足客户和客户的需求,收取一定的费用,并创造出值得他骄傲的东西。

The primary goal of both the designer and client is to produce something that the end-user wants and can use. To this end, it is very important to divorce your ego from the design process. You are designing what the customer can use, not what “looks cool” (it is possible for a design to be both “cool” and usable, but successful examples are rare).

设计者和客户的主要目标都是生产最终用户想要和可以使用的东西。 为此, 将自我与设计过程分开是非常重要的 您正在设计什么客户可以使用的,而不是“看起来很酷”(这是可能的设计既“酷”和可用的,但成功的例子并不多见)。

Be aware that no-one in this relationship may be able to express their desires for what they want to website to be: customers tend to be fickle and reactionary, clients simultaneously over-ambitious and parsimonious, and designers driven by ego.

请注意,在这种关系中, 没有人能够表达出对他们想要成为网站的渴望:客户往往善变而反动,客户同时又过于野心勃勃和节俭,设计师受自我驱动。

翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/254/Web-Site-Design-The-Triple-Challenges


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