

There are many hosting companies out there, offering different deals and packages. As with any purchase, it pays to do your research before deciding to go with a particular hosting provider.

有很多托管公司在那里,提供不同的交易和套餐。 与任何购买一样,在决定与特定的托管服务提供商合作之前,需要进行研究。

One of the dirty little secrets of the hosting business is that the companies are often, in the kindest sense, pyramid schemes. That is, the hosting company that you deal with… typically isn’t.

托管业务的肮脏小秘密之一是,从最善意的意义上讲,这些公司通常是金字塔式计划。 也就是说,您处理的托管公司通常不是。

The “real” hosting companies will almost never deal with small clients (i.e. anyone not a bank, a Fortune 1000 company, or a sub-hosting company). Instead, they will sub–contract the role to smaller hosting companies, who use their facility to host their own clients. In essence, you are likely to be dealing with a “front company”. This is not itself a bad thing, but sometimes it pays to enquire “up the line” to see who is truly hosting whom.

“真正的”托管公司几乎永远不会与小客户打交道(即,非银行,《财富》 1000强公司或子托管公司的任何人)。 相反,他们会将角色转包给较小的托管公司,后者使用其设施托管自己的客户。 本质上,您可能正在与“前线公司”打交道。 这本身并不是一件坏事,但有时需要向“在线咨询”以了解谁真正托管了谁。

It’s not generally known that many shared hosting companies are owned by a single shell corporation that shares its services with all of them, creating a particularly large, weak and fragile hosting infrastructre.

众所周知, 许多共享托管公司都由一个单一的空壳公司拥有,该空壳公司与所有共享其服务的公司共享,从而形成了一个特别庞大,脆弱而脆弱的托管基础​​架构。

在网络托管公司中什么不重要? (What's not important in a web hosting company?)

Customers are always sold services and features they don’t need, and will never use. This is true of web hosting, as it is of every other industry. A few pitfalls to be aware of:

总是向客户出售他们不需要且永远不会使用的服务和功能。 网络托管和其他行业一样,都是如此。 需要注意的一些陷阱:

It’s immaterial how much server space the hosting provider offers. 托管提供商提供多少服务器空间并不重要。
Space on a hard drive is cheap — it costs the hosting company less than 10¢ a gigabyte — so it’s common to offer a great deal of space, sometimes to offset the fact that other parts of the service are less than stellar. Unless you are hosting video, multiple PDFs, music, or major Flash pieces, it is extremely doubtful that you'll use over 20 megabytes, even for the largest sites.
硬盘上的空间很便宜-托管公司的成本不到10美分-1GB-因此,提供大量空间是很常见的,有时可以抵消服务的其他部分不足以弥补这一事实。 除非您托管视频,多个PDF,音乐或主要的Flash片段,否则即使在最大的站点上也要使用20兆字节,这是非常令人怀疑的。
It doesn’t particularly matter where your hosting company is located. 托管公司的位置并不重要。
In the vast majority of cases, you'll never see your server, or even meet any of the hosting company staff. So it makes no difference where you are hosted. Of course, if most of your expected audience is in North America, it makes sense to have a hosting provider somewhere in the vicinity. Language and time zones are important too — but don't get into a knot if you discover that you’re being hosted in Toronto, rather than Calgary. It really makes no difference.
在大多数情况下,您永远都不会看到服务器,甚至也不会遇到托管公司的任何工作人员。 因此,托管位置没有任何区别。 当然,如果您的大多数预期受众都在北美,那么在附近某个地方托管服务提供商是有意义的。 语言和时区也很重要-但是如果您发现自己是在多伦多而不是卡尔加里被托管的话,请不要打扰。 真的没什么区别。

选择网络托管公司的重要因素是什么? (What are important factors in choosing a web hosting company?)

How quick, available and honest are their technical support? 他们的技术支持有多快,可用和诚实?
  • Is technical support 24/7? If you have a problem at 5.05 pm or 2am Saturday morning, can you find human support, or will you need to wait until 9am the next business day?

    技术支持是24/7吗? 如果您在5.05 pm或周六凌晨2点有问题,是否可以寻求人工支持,还是需要等到下一个工作日上午9点?
  • How do you reach technical support? (Never accept “eMail only” support. You need to be able to reach a real live human being — not to be put in a queue, or in automated telephone hell. Ideally you need four numbers: an office number, a fax, a pager, and a cell.)

    您如何获得技术支持? ( 永远不要接受“仅电子邮件”支持。您需要能够联系到真实的人-避免排队或进入自动电话地狱。理想情况下,您需要四个号码:办公室号码,传真,传呼机和一个单元格。)

  • Is technical support honest? Do they know what they are talking about, or are they script–fed? (As a test, ask them some fairly complex questions to which you already know the answers).

    技术支持是否诚实? 他们是否知道自己在说什么,或者是由脚本供稿的? (作为测试,向他们询问一些您已经知道答案的相当复杂的问题)。
What are the features of the hosting company? 托管公司的功能是什么?
and ? Do they have “tiers” of service that you can upgrade to? 提供可扩展性和功能? 它们是否具有您可以升级到的“服务等级”?
Who has responsibility for backups: you, or the hosting company? 谁负责备份:您还是托管公司?
It’s very likely to be the former. If that’s the case, you need to take backup strategy and storage seriously.
很可能是前者。 在这种情况下,您需要认真考虑备份策略和存储。
Does the hosting company offer guaranteed uptime? 托管公司是否提供有保证的正常运行时间?
If the hosting provider tells you “We have 99% uptime” that means that your site will be down three days in a year, on average. 99.9% is better — it means one day in three years, or a few hours every other month). What happens if that uptime isn’t maintained? How are you compensated, if at all?
如果托管服务提供商告诉您“我们的正常运行时间为99%”,则意味着您的网站平均每年将关闭三天。 99.9%更好-这意味着三年中有一天,或者每隔一个月几个小时。 如果不维持正常运行时间会怎样? 您将如何获得补偿?
What are the prices? 价格多少?
Obviously, prices charged for hosting will vary based on location, competition, features, service and other factors. As a rough ballpark figure, a decent hosting company will run you $12 – $20 a month for hosting. It’s always possible to find cheaper alternatives, but as always, you get what you pay for.
显然,托管费用根据地点,竞争,功能,服务和其他因素而有所不同。 粗略估计,一家不错的托管公司将为您每月提供12至20美元的托管服务。 总是有可能找到更便宜的替代品,但一如既往,您所付的钱就可以得到。

寻找托管的中型企业的问题 (Questions for medium sized businesses looking for hosting)

What is the hosting centre like? 托管中心是什么样的?
  • do they have decent security? (a surprising number of sites go “offline” because the servers are literally lifted out of the server bays). How many people have access to the server room? What form does the security take? (Keycard, biometric scanner, keypad, etc) Can you get access to the server room (the good hosting companies won’t — you might be able to see the server racks through a bullet–proof window, but that’s about it). If you are allowed in, how is that monitored? Do you have an escort when you do so? When is that escort available? (Questions for the extra-paranoid: Are there cameras? Where is the feed from the cameras stored? How often are the video tapes from the cameras changed, or hard-drive records wiped?)

    他们有体面的安全感吗? (因为服务器实际上是从服务器托架中提出的,所以有很多站点“脱机”)。 有多少人可以使用服务器机房? 安全采取什么形式? (钥匙卡,生物识别扫描仪,键盘等)您可以进入服务器机房吗(好的托管公司不会—您可能能够通过防弹窗看到服务器机架,仅此而已)。 如果您被允许进入,如何对其进行监控? 您有陪同人员吗? 该护卫何时开放? (对于偏执狂的问题:是否有摄像机?摄像机的提要存储在哪里?摄像机的录像带多久更换一次,或擦除硬盘记录?)
  • how is power supplied to the server room? What backups are in place? In the case of a blackout, what is the uptime of the servers?

    如何为服务器机房供电? 有哪些备份? 在停电的情况下,服务器的正常运行时间是多少?
  • In the event of a fire, how is extinguished? (If it has a standard sprinkler system, every unit in the server room is going to fry; if it’s hadron–based, anyone in the server room without an oxygen mask is going to die before any fire would reach them).

    发生火灾时,如何扑灭? (如果它具有标准的喷水灭火系统,则服务器机房中的每个单元都将被炸;如果是基于强子油的,则服务器机房中任何没有氧气面罩的人都将在死亡之前死亡。)
  • Don’t believe anyone's claims about how secure the hosting facility is without seeing it yourself. Your basic assumption — unless you trust your contact in the company implicitly — is that the hosting company is running out of a broom closet in New Delhi.

    不要相信任何人对托管设施的安全性的声称,而自己却没有看到它。 您的基本假设(除非您暗中信任您与公司的联系)是,托管公司的新德里用完了扫帚壁橱。

What is the connection like? 连接是什么样的?
  • how many web sites are hosted per server? The more sites on a hard drive, the slower each page will be loaded, as the hard–drive head will be skipping back and forth constantly loading different pages from different sites. Faster hard drives will alleviate this to some degree, as will RAID–striping them. Caching page content in RAM or SSD is the best solution).

    每台服务器托管多少个网站? 硬盘驱动器上的站点越多,每个页面的加载速度就越慢,因为硬盘驱动器磁头会不断地来回跳转,从而不断地加载来自不同站点的不同页面。 更快的硬盘驱动器和RAID分割它们会在一定程度上缓解这种情况。 在RAM或SSD中缓存页面内容是最好的解决方案。
  • How many servers are there in the facility? (the more servers that share the bandwidth, the slower the average speed).

    设施中有多少台服务器? (共享带宽的服务器越多,平均速度越慢)。
  • What is the connection into the facility itself?

What are the bandwidth limits or overcharges? 带宽限制或过度收费是什么?
Hosting companies typically charge for an expected amount of traffic on your site, typically 1GB per month or higher. That is, if each page on your site is 100K in size, and there are 10 pages, a visitor looking at the site (and visiting every page) would download 1MB of traffic. 1000 other people doing the same thing over the course of a month would be 1GB of traffic. Note that what you pay is a standard charge, whether 1 or 1000 people visit your site. If you have more than 1GB of traffic to your site, the web hosting company will often begin overcharges for each extra megabyte downloaded, and these charges can be high. A typical website will not encounter that amount of traffic, but it is possible, if your site becomes suddenly popular (via a social site such as Digg or Slashdot) or if you are offering very large files for download.
托管公司通常会为您网站上的预期流量收取费用,通常为每月1GB或更高。 也就是说,如果您站点上的每个页面大小为100K,并且有10页,那么访问该站点(并访问每个页面)的访问者将下载1MB的流量。 一个月内有1000位其他用户在做同一件事,则将产生1GB的流量。 请注意,无论是1或1000人访问您的网站,您都需要支付标准费用。 如果您的网站流量超过1GB,则网络托管公司通常会为下载的每多1兆字节收取超额费用,这些费用可能很高。 一个典型的网站不会遇到那么多的访问量,但是有可能,如果您的网站突然变得流行(通过诸如Digg或Slashdot之类的社交网站),或者您提供的下载文件非常大。
Is the hosting company geographically diverse? 托管公司的地理位置是否多样化?
MAE on that coast goes down) where your website can be moved from one location to another. MAE下降),可以在其中将您的网站从一个位置移动到另一个位置,在不同区域中具有托管位置是一个好处。

firstsiteguide.com also has an excellent five-part guide to small business web site hosting.


翻译自: https://thenewcode.com/147/Choosing-a-Hosting-Provider






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