什么是exFAT文件系统? 比较exFAT与FAT32和NTFS

exFAT or Extensible File Allocation Table is a file system introduced in 2006 by Microsoft. exFAT is mainly designed and optimized for flash memory, USB flash drives, and SD cards. exFAT can be used alternative to NTFS and FAT file systems to lift performance and size limits. Actually exFAT32 is an advanced version of the FAT16 and FAT32 file systems and provides fewer features than NTFS. Simply exFAT sits between FAT16/FAT32 and NTFS filesystems.

exFATExtensible File Allocation Table是Microsoft在2006年引入的文件系统。 exFAT主要针对闪存,USB闪存驱动器和SD卡进行设计和优化。 exFAT可以替代NTFS和FAT文件系统,以提高性能和大小限制。 实际上,exFAT32是FAT16和FAT32文件系统的高级版本,并且提供的功能少于NTFS。 只是exFAT位于FAT16 / FAT32和NTFS文件系统之间。

exFAT历史 (exFAT History)

exFAT is created in late 2006 as a feature of the Windows CE 6.0 mobile and embedded operating system. Then other operating systems and platforms like Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7/8/10, Windows Server 2008, Linux, MacOS X 10.6.5 supported this file system.

exFAT于2006年末创建,是Windows CE 6.0移动和嵌入式操作系统的功能。 然后其他操作系统和平台(例如Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7/8/10,Windows Server 2008,Linux,MacOS X 10.6.5)支持此文件系统。

exFAT功能 (exFAT Features)

exFAT provides different features and limits than other Microsoft based file systems like NTFS and FAT.


  • The file size limit is 16 exbibytes which are very high for the current date.

    文件大小限制为16 exbibytes,对于当前日期而言非常高。
  • exFAT support 2,796,202 files per directory even Microsoft specifies it as 65,534.

  • A partition like C: can hold 4,294,967,285 files without a problem.

  • Improved “Free-space allocation” with “free space bitmap”.

  • 10 ms timestamp granularity which is faster than FAT.

  • Better and higher file name formatting.

USB Flash Drive for exFAT

exFAT的优点(Advantages Of exFAT)

exFAT provides a lot of advantages for different use cases. Below you can find major advantages of the exFAT file system.

exFAT为不同的用例提供了很多优势。 您可以在下面找到exFAT文件系统的主要优点。

  • exFAT is a lightweight file system that needs very low hardware resources and can be run restricted and low resource devices.

  • exFAT supports drive or storage up to 128 pebibytes which is very huge.

    exFAT支持高达128 PB的驱动器或存储,这非常大。
  • exFAT supports file sizes up to 16 exbibytes which is more than the partition size limit. So a file can be 128 pebibytes for a file.

    exFAT支持的文件大小最大为16 exbibyte,大于分区大小限制。 因此,文件的文件大小可以为128 PB。
  • exFAT is compatible with a lot of different operating systems, platforms like Windows Embedded CE 6.0, Windows Vista with Service Pack 1, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Server 2008 R2 (except Windows Server 2008 Server Core), Windows 10, and Mac OS X starting from 10.6.5, Android 6 and later versions. Also devices like cameras, smartphones, gaming console, embedded devices.

    exFAT与许多不同的操作系统兼容,例如Windows Embedded CE 6.0,带有Service Pack 1的Windows Vista,Windows Server 2008,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows Server 2008 R2(Windows Server 2008 Server Core除外),Windows 10等平台以及从10.6.5,Android 6和更高版本开始的Mac OSX。 还包括照相机,智能手机,游戏机,嵌入式设备等设备。
  • Faster than file systems like FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, and Ext4.

  • exFAT is optimized for Flash-based storage or disk drives where provides very high performance.

Game Console For exFAT

exFAT的缺点(Disadvantages of exFAT)

Even exFAT provides a lot of advantages there are some disadvantages actually which is not positive for the exFAT file system.


  • exFAT do not supports journalling which is a must for mainstream file systems which are used for enterprise systems. Journalling will stores actions about files and prevent accidential corruptions.

    exFAT不支持日记功能,这是用于企业系统的主流文件系统所必需的。 日志记录将存储有关文件的操作,并防止意外损坏。
  • exFAT does not support encryption security feature which is a must for the enterprise-level file systems.

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exFAT是跨平台的 (exFAT Is Cross-Platform)

exFAT is a simply file system which will result a better support for other operating systems and platforms than Windows. exFAT is supported by different operating systems and platforms like Android, Linux, Kali, Ubuntu, Debian, MacOSX, iPad, iPhone etc.

exFAT是一个简单的文件系统,与Windows相比,它将对其他操作系统和平台提供更好的支持。 exFAT支持不同的操作系统和平台,例如Android,Linux,Kali,Ubuntu,Debian,MacOSX,iPad,iPhone等。

Linux provides the exfat-fuse and exfat-utils packages to work with exFAT file systems. These utilities can be installed for Ubuntu with the following command.

Linux提供了exfat-fuseexfat-utils软件包来与exFAT文件系统一起使用。 可以使用以下命令为Ubuntu安装这些实用程序。

$ sudo apt install exfat-utils exfat-fuse

exFAT设备支持 (exFAT Device Support)

exFAT is supported and used with the following devices and platforms:


  • Windows Embedded CE 6.0

    Windows Embedded CE 6.0
  • Windows XP

    Windows XP
  • Windows Vista with Service Pack 1

    Windows Vista Service Pack 1
  • Windows Server 2008

    Windows Server 2008
  • Windows 7

    Windows 7的
  • Windows 8

    Windows 8
  • Windows Server 2008 R2 (except Windows Server 2008 Server Core)

    Windows Server 2008 R2(Windows Server 2008 Server Core除外)
  • Windows 10

    Windows 10
  • Mac OS X starting from 10.6.5

    从10.6.5开始的Mac OS X
  • Android 6 and later versions

    Android 6及更高版本
  • Cameras

  • Smartphones

  • Gaming console

  • Embedded devices

  • Smart TV

  • Smart Home Devices


在Windows中创建exFAT文件系统(Create exFAT FileSystem In Windows)

We can create an exFAT filesystem easily after plugging the USB Flash drive we will right-click on it and click to Format . Following menu will be listed where we will select exFAT as “File system”. The last step is pressing the “Start” button.

插入USB闪存驱动器后,我们可以轻松创建一个exFAT文件系统,我们将右键单击它,然后单击“ Format 。 将会出现以下菜单,我们将在其中选择exFAT作为“文件系统”。 最后一步是按“开始”按钮。

Create exFAT FileSystem In Windows

在Linux中创建exFAT文件系统(Create exFAT FileSystem In Linux)

Linux supports exFAT. In order to use exFAT with Linux the exfat-fuse and exfat-utils packages should be installed. We can then create an exFAT filesystem for Linux with the “mkfs.exfat” command like below.

Linux支持exFAT。 为了在Linux上使用exFAT,应安装exfat-fuseexfat-utils软件包。 然后,我们可以使用“ mkfs.exfat”命令为Linux创建一个exFAT文件系统,如下所示。

$ sudo mkfs.exfat  /dev/sdb

exFAT性能与FAT32和NTFS (exFAT Performance vs FAT32 and NTFS)

As stated previously exFAT provides very good performance according to the FAT32 and NTFS filesystems. exFAT is especially designed for USB Drives, Flash Disk for higher performance. The biggest performance advantage for exFAT is not journalling which will make extra overload for other file systems FAT32 and NTFS. In general exFAT provides %20 better performance for write operating and very similar performance for read operation.

如前所述,根据FAT32和NTFS文件系统,exFAT提供了非常好的性能。 exFAT专为USB驱动器,闪存盘而设计,以实现更高的性能。 exFAT的最大性能优势是不会记录日志,这会使其他文件系统FAT32和NTFS产生额外的负担。 通常,exFAT为写入操作提供%20的更好性能,而为读取操作提供非常相似的性能。

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exFAT替代品 (exFAT Alternatives)

Well, you may be looking for an alternative for the exFAT filesystem. But there is no better alternative for the exFAT file system which provides a lot of features compatibility and cross-platform is one of them. But alternative FAT32 can be used for exFAT even it can not better than exFAT.

好吧,您可能正在寻找exFAT文件系统的替代方案。 但是exFAT文件系统没有更好的选择,它提供了很多功能兼容性,并且跨平台就是其中之一。 但是,即使不能比exFAT更好,也可以将替代FAT32用于exFAT。

翻译自: https://www.poftut.com/what-is-exfat-filesystem-compare-exfat-with-fat32-and-ntfs/

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