


Google Account is the main account which is used to log in and authenticate Google services and applications like Gmail , Android , Google ChromeGoogle Drive etc. In this tutorial, we will learn how to change, recover, and reset Google Account password in different and secure ways.

Google帐户是用于登录和验证Google服务和应用程序(例如GmailAndroidGoogle ChromeGoogle Drive等)的主要帐户。在本教程中,我们将学习如何以不同的方式更改,恢复和重置Google帐户密码和安全的方式。

登录Google帐户 (Sign In Google Account)

Before changing our Google account password we have to sign in. There are different ways to sign in but the easiest one is using Google Account application which can be accessed with the following link.


Google Account Sing In Page
Google Account Sign In Page

Then we will be redirected to the following page in the first step we will provide the user name which is email or our phone number.


Google Account Name
Google Account Name

And in the second step, we will provide the poftut account password and click to the Next button.

在第二步中,我们将提供poftut帐户密码,然后单击“ Next按钮。

Google Account Password
Google Account Password

We will see the following Google account screen about the user. From there we will click to the Security link from the left panel.

我们将看到以下有关该用户的Google帐户屏幕。 在这里,我们将单击左侧面板中的“ Security链接。

Google Account Page
Google Account Page

启用两步验证以提高安全性(Enable 2-Step Verification For More Security)

In order to make Google account login more secure, we can enable 2-Step verification. With 2 -Step verification we will be asked password and some code which can send with SMS or via Phone to be authenticated. As we can see it is currently Off.

为了使Google帐户登录更加安全,我们可以启用两步验证。 通过两步验证,我们将被要求输入密码和一些可以通过SMS或通过电话发送的代码以进行身份​​验证。 我们可以看到它当前是Off

2-Step Verification
2-Step Verification

启用电话登录(Enable Phone To Sign-In)

We can also use our phone in order to sign in. We can enable to sign in with our phone with the Use your phone to sign in configuration like below. In this example, this configuration is not enabled.

我们也可以使用手机进行登录。我们可以Use your phone to sign in如下所示的“ Use your phone to sign in配置来启用Use your phone to sign in 。 在此示例中,未启用此配置。

Use Phone To Sign-In
Use Phone To Sign-In

更改/设置Google帐户密码(Change/Set Google Account Password)

Now we can change our password. We will click to the Password configuration like below. This configuration also provides the last time we changed our password.

现在我们可以更改密码了。 我们将单击下面的“ Password配置。 此配置还提供了我们上一次更改密码的时间。

Change Password
Change Password

We will see the following screen where Google wants to authenticate us again. We will provide our password like a login.

我们将在以下屏幕上看到Google想要再次验证我们身份的屏幕。 我们将提供密码,例如登录名。

Google Authenticate
Google Authenticate

But Google is suspicious about our login and want to verify the login with a verification code. The verification code sends to the Phone number associated with the Google account. We will click Send in order to send the verification code.

但是Google对我们的登录名表示怀疑,并希望使用验证码对登录名进行验证。 验证码将发送到与Google帐户关联的电话号码。 我们将单击Send以发送验证码。

Google Verification Code
Google Verification Code

The verification code is 6 digits and sends only one usage. We will provide it to the code area like below and click Next.

验证码为6位数字,仅发送一种用法。 我们将其提供给下面的代码区域,然后单击“ Next

Google Verify
Google Verify

Now at least we are in the Google account password change page. We see two text input areas for a new password Confirm new password is used to prevent mistyping of the first passwords area to make cross-check with the `new password. Just provide the same password for both inputs.

现在至少我们在Google帐户密码更改页面中。 我们看到两个用于新密码的文本输入区域。 Confirm new password用于防止误输入第一个密码区域,以便与`新密码进行交叉检查。 只需为两个输入提供相同的密码。

Set Password For Google Account

恢复Google帐户密码(Recover Google Account Password)

We will provide the account name to the Google account login page which is described above. In the password screen we will click to Forgot password? in order to start to recover the password.

我们将在如上所述的Google帐户登录页面上提供帐户名称。 在密码屏幕中,我们将单击Forgot password? 为了开始恢复密码。

Google Recover Password
Google Recover Password

In the following screen, we will see the first authentication step for the Google account password recovery. Google asks us one of the passwords we have been used before with this account in order to verify us. If we do not remember we can click to Try another way.

在以下屏幕中,我们将看到Google帐户密码恢复的第一步。 Google要求我们使用此帐户之前使用过的密码之一来验证我们。 如果我们不记得了,可以单击“ Try another way

Google Account Remember Previous Passwords
Google Account Remember Previous Passwords

Another alternative is sending SMS or making call for authentication. SMS verification is the same which is described above Google Account password change. If we do not have a phone number associated with this account we can click to I don't have my phone

另一种选择是发送SMS或进行身份验证呼叫。 SMS验证与上述Google帐户密码更改相同。 如果我们没有与此帐户关联的电话号码,则可以单击“ I don't have my phone

Google Account Recovery Phone Verification
Google Account Recovery Phone Verification

Another alternative is sending verification code to an associated email address. Then we will use the verification code to verify us and recover or reset the password. If we do not have associated email address we can click  to Try another way.

另一种选择是将验证码发送到关联的电子邮件地址。 然后,我们将使用验证码来验证我们并恢复或重置密码。 如果我们没有关联的电子邮件地址,我们可以单击“ Try another way

Google Account Recovery with Email
Google Account Recovery with Email

Alternatively, we can provide the date we have created this account. This may help Google to authenticate us with more information. If we do not remember the account creation date we can click to the Try another way.

另外,我们可以提供创建该帐户的日期。 这可以帮助Google通过更多信息对我们进行身份验证。 如果我们忘记了帐户的创建日期,则可以单击“ Try another way

Google Account Recovery with Creation Date
Google Account Recovery with Creation Date

The last alternative is providing an unrelated email address in order for Google to provide support about account recovery and reset. This is the last and long way where it can not be completed because we are not verified.

最后一种选择是提供一个不相关的电子邮件地址,以便Google提供有关帐户恢复和重置的支持。 这是无法完成的最后也是很长的路,因为我们尚未得到验证。

Google Account Recovery with communication email
Google Account Recovery with communication email

If we click to the Try another way we will be redirected to screen like below which simply says Google couldn't verify this account belongs to you.

如果单击“ Try another way我们将被重定向到如下屏幕,该屏幕仅表示Google couldn't verify this account belongs to you.

Google couldn't verify this account belongs to you
Google couldn’t verify this account belongs to you
LEARN MORE  How To Crack Passwords with John The Ripper with GUI
了解更多信息如何使用带有GUI的John The Ripper破解密码







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