


It starts with a voice. Your voice. Your ideas. Your opinions. Your thoughts. Your learnings.

它始于声音。 你的声音 你的想法 您的意见。 你的想法。 您的学习。

You have something you’re interested in, something you want to communicate to others. So you write. Or you give a presentation. Or you record a screencast. You do these things more and more, sharing what you learn and what you think.

您对自己感兴趣,想与他人交流。 所以你写。 或者您进行演示。 或者您录制截屏视频。 您越来越多地做这些事情,分享您学到的东西和想法。

Over time, as you get more comfortable, you learn how to improve. You learn how to write more effectively. You learn how to make your presentation resonate more deeply with an audience. One day, years later, you look up and you find out that you’re not the best—in fact you still have a lot of room for improvement, but you’re much better than you used to be.

随着时间的流逝,随着您变得更加舒适,您将学习如何改进。 您将学习如何更有效地写作。 您将学习如何使您的演示文稿与听众更深刻地共鸣。 几年后的一天,您抬起头来,发现自己不是最好的—实际上,您仍有很多改进的余地,但是您比以前要好得多。

This is the way you improve. This is way it’s supposed to work.

这就是您改进的方法。 这是应该工作的方式。

Except that often, it doesn’t. There’s a lot of advice out there, mostly well-intentioned, about how to be better. Don’t use passive voice in your writing. Make your movements deliberate on stage. Avoid filler words.

除非经常如此,否则不会。 那里有很多关于如何变得更好的建议,大多是出于善意的。 不要在写作中使用被动语态。 使您的动作在舞台上刻意。 避免使用填充词。

It’s great that people share these tips. It’s all good advice and it will likely make you better at communicating.

人们分享这些提示真是太好了。 这些都是很好的建议,它可能会使您更好地进行交流。

But advice like this can also be intimidating if you focus too much on it from the beginning. In fact, I would argue there are two likely outcomes. The first is that you get so nervous about doing it right, about not messing up, that you decide it’s best not to try anyway. Who needs that stress and criticism? The second likely outcome is that you decide to write or speak, but you’re so caught up in the mechanics of doing it correctly that your voice—what makes your contribution unique—gets lost in the shuffle.

但是,如果您从一开始就过多地关注它,那么这样的建议也可能会令人生畏。 实际上,我认为有两种可能的结果。 首先是您对正确执行,不搞乱感到非常紧张,以至于您决定最好还是不要尝试。 谁需要这种压力和批评? 第二种可能的结果是您决定写作或讲话,但是您迷上了正确执行操作的技巧,以至于您的声音(使您的贡献与众不同的东西)陷入了混乱。

Don’t get caught up in the mechanics too early. If you do you’ll end up blindly adhering to rules that simply may not apply to you. People say don’t use animated GIF’s in talks. Myself, I can use the occassional GIF at a specifically timed spot, but anything more isn’t me and people will know it. But that’s just me. I’ve seen some people give amazing presentations that were absolutely full of them.

不要太早陷入困境。 如果这样做,您最终会盲目遵守可能根本不适用于您的规则。 人们说不要在对话中使用GIF动画。 我本人可以在特定的时间使用GIF,但我不是,人们会知道的。 但这就是我。 我已经看到一些人提供了绝对精彩的演讲。

The most important rule to follow when giving a talk or writing is to be yourself. I can learn just about any topic out there from a million different posts or talks. The reason I’m listening to you is because I want to hear your take. I want to know what you think about it, what you’ve experienced. More than anything, I want your authenticity. I want you to be you.

演讲或写作时要遵循的最重要规则是做自己。 我可以从一百万个不同的帖子或讲座中了解任何主题。 我在听你的原因是我想听听你的看法。 我想知道您对此有何看法,经历过。 最重要的是,我想要您的真实性。 我希望你成为你。

You’ll get better. You’ll learn how to communicate more effectively. You’ll learn how to make your message more powerful. You’ll learn the rules for more effective communication, and you’ll learn when and how you can break those rules to actually improve your message. But those things come later.

你会好起来的。 您将学习如何更有效地交流。 您将学习如何使您的消息更强大。 您将学到更有效地沟通的规则,并会学习何时,如何打破这些规则以真正改善您的信息。 但是那些事情后来出现。

First, you find your voice.


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2016/12/your-voice/


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