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This morning, Ian Hickson emailed the WHATWG mailing list mentioning that a attribute that was currently being discussed on the list (srcset) is now added to the draft of the spec. To understand why this sucks, a little background is needed.

今早,伊恩·希克森(Ian Hickson) 通过电子邮件发送了WHATWG邮件列表,其中提到当前在列表中讨论的属性(srcset)现在已添加到规范草案中 。 要了解为什么这很烂,需要一些背景知识。

Responsive images are a difficult beast to tame: there really isn’t a good solution for them today. As a result, some discussion started on the WHATWG mailing list months ago about what to do. The WHATWG pointed out that the list was for standardizing and suggested it would be better if the discussion were moved into a community group.

响应式图像很难驯服:今天,对于它们来说确实没有一个好的解决方案。 结果,几个月前开始在WHATWG邮件列表上进行了一些讨论。 WHATWG指出,该列表是用于标准化的,并建议将讨论移入社区团体会更好。

So, obediently, a community group chaired by Mat Marquis was started (in February). A lot of discussion took place about the appropriate way to handle responsive images and one solution, the new picture element, garnered the majority of support.

因此,听话了, 由马特·马奎斯 ( Mat Marquis ) 主持的社区小组成立了 (2月)。 关于处理响应图像的适当方法进行了很多讨论,一种解决方案( 新的图像元素 )获得了大多数支持。

On May 10th, the previously mentioned srcset attribute was presented on the WHATWG mailing list by someone from Apple.


That same day it was recommended to the list that they take a look at all the discussion that had taken place in the community group. A debate about the two solutions ensued.

在同一天,建议名单上的人查看社区小组中进行的所有讨论。 随后对两种解决方案进行了辩论。

The feedback from developers was not particularly glowing. To quote Matt Wilcox:

开发人员的反馈并不特别乐观。 引用Matt Wilcox

I do not see much potential for srcset. The result of asking the author community was overwhelmingly negative, indirection or no indirection.

我认为srcset的潜力不大。 询问作者社区的结果是绝对否定的,间接的或没有间接的。

It was argued by Simon Pieters of Opera that the srcset attribute would be easier to implement and that as a result, that would help developers:

Opera的Simon Pieters认为srcset属性将更易于实现,因此将有助于开发人员:

I think an attribute is simpler to implement and thus likely to result in fewer bugs in browsers, which in turn benefits Web developers.


This morning, the attribute was added to the spec.


I’ve got my own opinion about the correct solution, but that’s not really what’s I think is most troubling here. Note what happened:

对于正确的解决方案,我有自己的看法,但这并不是我认为最令人困扰的地方。 注意发生了什么:

  1. Developers got involved in trying to standardize a solution to a common and important problem.


  2. The WHATWG told them to move the discussion to a community group.


  3. The discussion was moved (back in February), a general consenus (not unanimous, but a majority) was reached about the picture element.


  4. Another (partial) solution was proposed directly on the WHATWG list by an Apple employee.


  5. A discussion ensued regarding the two methods, where they overlapped, and how the general opinions of each. The majority of developers favored the picture element and the majority of implementors favored the srcset attribute.

    随后讨论了两种方法的重叠之处,以及每种方法的一般性看法。 大多数开发人员都喜欢图片元素,而大多数实现者都喜欢srcset属性。

  6. While the discussion was still taking place, and only 5 days after it was originally proposed, the srcset attribute (but not the picture element) was added to the draft.


What. The. Hell.

什么。 的。 地狱。

The developer community did everything asked of them. They followed procedure, they thoroughly discussed the options available. They were careful enough to consider what to do for browsers that wouldn’t support the element—a working polyfill is readily available. Their solution even emulates the existing standardized audio and video elements.

开发人员社区做了所有询问。 他们遵循了程序,他们彻底讨论了可用的选项。 他们足够谨慎地考虑如何处理不支持该元素浏览器-随时可以使用有效的polyfill 。 他们的解决方案甚至可以模拟现有的标准化音频和视频元素。

Meanwhile an Apple representative writes one email about a new attribute that only partially solves the problem and the 5 days later it’s in the spec. In case there is any doubt, I’m not blaming him at all for how this all played out. That blame falls on the WHATWG. Whatever their rationale was for putting this in the draft, the method in which it was added reeks of valuing the opinion of implementors over developers.

同时,Apple代表写了一封有关新属性的电子邮件,该属性只能部分解决问题,并且在5天后符合规范。 如果有任何疑问,我不会因为这一切而怪罪于他。 这应该归咎于WHATWG。 无论他们将其放在草案中的理由是什么,添加该方法的方式都需要评估实现者对开发者的意见。

In the draft of the W3C HTML design principles, they clearly state the priority that should be given when determining standards:

W3C HTML设计原则草案中,它们明确规定了确定标准时应给予的优先考虑:

In case of conflict, consider users over authors over implementors over specifiers over theoretical purity. In other words costs or difficulties to the user should be given more weight than costs to authors; which in turn should be given more weight than costs to implementors; which should be given more weight than costs to authors of the spec itself, which should be given more weight than those proposing changes for theoretical reasons alone.

在发生冲突的情况下,请考虑用户胜过作者,胜过实现者,胜过说明符,而不是理论纯度。 换句话说,对用户的成本或困难应比对作者的成本更为重视; 反过来,这应该比实施者的成本更重要; 对于规范本身的作者而言,这应该比对成本的重视更大,而对于仅出于理论原因而建议进行更改的作者,应当给予比其更大的重视。

Those levels of priority make a lot of sense to me and it’s discouraging (to say the least!) to see them dismissed in this case. This kind of thing simply cannot happen. It’s tough to get people to voice their opinions to begin with. To find that their opinion holds no weight won’t make it any easier going forward.

这些优先级对我来说很有意义,至少在这种情况下看到他们被解雇是令人沮丧的(至少可以说!)。 这种事情根本不可能发生。 首先,很难让人表达意见。 发现他们的观点没有权重将使其变得更容易。

What message does it send when developers try to contribute their time, energy and effort to help solve a problem only to have it so casually dismissed?


As Scott Jehl responded on Twitter:

正如Scott Jehl 在Twitter上回应:

insulting. Not to mention, that it can’t work today. What was the purpose of our @w3c community group?

侮辱。 更不用说,它今天不能正常工作。 我们@ w3c社区小组的目的是什么?

Insulting indeed. Not too surprising though. After all, we’ve seen this sort of thing before.

确实是侮辱。 不过并不奇怪。 毕竟,我们之前已经看过这种事情。


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