


I came across a post the other day by Guy Davis about 3 Levels of Programmers. In it, he stated that programmers fall into one of 3 Levels, the Good, the Lazy, and the Bad. According to his post, the bad are those that say “I can do that myself!”, and then create a solution that is rather messy. The lazy are those that don’t build from scratch and instead find existing solutions. The good are those who are the ones creating the frameworks and libraries.

前几天,我碰到了盖伊·戴维斯(Guy Davis)发表的有关程序员的三个层次的帖子。 在其中,他指出程序员分为好,慢和坏三级。 根据他的帖子,不好的是那些说“我可以自己做!”,然后创建一个相当混乱的解决方案的人。 懒惰的是那些不是从头开始而是找到现有解决方案的公司。 好的是那些创建框架和库的人。

While he admits in his comments that he was mainly venting against as he calls them “weak build-it-yourselfers” I thought it brought up an unfortunate opinion that at times seems to rise up in this industry. Now please note, I am not trying to pick on Guy Davis at all. There are some very valid points raised in his post, and as I stated before, he does admit he was mainly venting. I am sure all of us have vented about such things before.

尽管他在评论中承认自己主要是反对,因为他称自己为“虚弱的自我构建者”,但我认为这提出了一个不幸的观点,即有时这个行业似乎正在崛起。 现在请注意,我根本不打算选择Guy Davis。 他的职位提出了一些非常有根据的观点,正如我之前所说,他确实承认自己主要是在发泄。 我敢肯定,我们所有人以前都对这种事情发泄过。

Developers sometimes give a cold shoulder to developers whose code is not up to par. This is an unfair judgment though. Particularly in an industry as fast moving as the web development industry is, you cannot afford to wait until you are an “expert” to code. You have to code using the best ways you know how, and continue to learn. This means that there are undoubtedly some projects you wish you could pretend you never touched. I know I have them.

开发人员有时会对那些代码不符合要求的开发人员漠不关心。 但是,这是不公平的判断。 特别是在与Web开发行业一样快速发展的行业中,您不能等到您是代码的“专家”。 您必须使用知道的最佳方式进行编码,然后继续学习。 这意味着无疑有一些项目希望您假装从未接触过。 我知道我有他们。

I think that a better classification is to broaden it out a bit and say there are two kinds of developers. The first kind are those that are content just getting the job done. They are not particularly concerned with how it is taken care of, so long as it functions relatively well. If they have to use inline Javascript to create an effect, then so be it. They don’t push themselves to learn more and find better ways of doing things, they just accept that what they do works well enough and why would they ever need to progress further.

我认为更好的分类是将其扩大一点,并说有两种开发人员。 第一类是那些只满足于完成工作的人。 只要它运行得比较好,他们就不会特别关注如何处理它。 如果他们必须使用内联Javascript创建效果,那就这样吧。 他们不会强迫自己学习更多知识并找到更好的做事方法,他们只是接受自己所做的工作足够好,以及为什么他们需要进一步发展。

The second type of developer, however, is never satisfied with where they are at. Yes, they will use the knowledge they have to get the job done, which results in some unseemly coding at times. But they know that they have more to learn, and are constantly pushing themselves to find a better method of doing it. These are the types of developers that push the industry forward. They will take their bumps and bruises along the way, but they will continue to further their understanding and knowledge of whatever skill it is they are using.

但是,第二种类型的开发人员永远不会对他们所处的位置感到满意。 是的,他们将使用他们必须完成的工作所需要的知识,这有时会导致一些不合理的编码。 但是他们知道自己有更多的东西要学习,并且不断地推动自己寻找一种更好的方法。 这些是推动行业发展的开发商类型。 他们将一路走来碰碰碰伤,但他们将继续加深对所使用技能的了解和知识。

This doesn’t mean that they always develop the solution themselves, or never use libraries or frameworks. Sometimes the best solutions are libraries. It simply means that this kind of developer is always wondering, is there a better way to accomplish this.

这并不意味着他们总是自己开发解决方案,或者从不使用库或框架。 有时最好的解决方案是库。 这仅表示这种开发人员总是想知道,是否有更好的方法来实现此目的。

Therefore, I say if you are new to a language, be it CSS, Javascript, PHP, or whatever else, don’t be ashamed of the code you produce. As long as you are trying to learn more and come up with more fool-proof and efficient ways of developing, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

因此,我想说的是,如果您是一种语言的新手,无论是CSS,Javascript,PHP还是其他任何语言,都不要为所生成的代码感到羞耻。 只要您尝试学习更多,并提出更简单有效的开发方法,就不会感到尴尬。

If you asked some of the biggest names in web development today if they had ever done a project using coding methods they aren’t exactly proud of, I am sure the answer would be “yes”. If everyone thought that someone smarter out there would develop a better solution, the industry would become quite stagnant.

如果您问当今网络开发中的一些大人物,他们是否曾经使用编码方法完成过一个项目,他们并不为之骄傲,我相信答案是“是”。 如果每个人都认为有一个更聪明的人会开发出更好的解决方案,那么该行业将陷入停滞。



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