
Ah, the end of the year. A time where my waistline expands as I feast on mountains of holiday sweets and the list of books I want to the read expands just as quickly as everyone shares their favorite reads from 2016.

啊,到今年年底。 在我的腰围膨胀,我饱览节日糖果山,我想读的书籍列表一样Swift扩大为大家股一时间他们 最喜欢的 读取 距离 2016

As always, I enjoyed every book on this list at least a little—I don’t have the patience or desire to get through books that I’m not finding interesting in some way.


If I had to choose, I’d say my three favorite fiction reads of the year were: A Constellation of Vital Phenomena, A Monster Calls, and The Book Thief. For non-fiction, they would be The Road of Lost Innocence, Console Wars, and Evicted. Just to warn you, the only book out of those six that you should expect to finish without having lost any tears along the way is Console Wars. Apparently, I was really into emotionally-charged books this year.

如果必须选择,我会说我今年最喜欢的三本小说读物是: 《生命现象的星座》《怪物召唤 》和《窃贼》 。 对于非小说类作品,它们将是《失落的纯真之路》 ,《 控制台大战 》和《 逐出》 。 只是警告您,您应该期望在这六本书中完成而不会流泪的唯一书是Console Wars 。 显然,今年我真的很喜欢情感书籍。

  1. Creative Schools: The Grassroots Revolution That’s Transforming Education by Ken Robinson 45


    Ken, as you would expect if you’ve read his prior books or watched his fantastic TED talk, is excellent at discussing complex topics in a compelling and memorable way. The book doesn’t go particularly deep in any one area (something Ken makes clear early on), but he does include ample notes and references to books and research if you would like a more detailed look at any one specific point. This book is a starting point for digging into the current issues around education and our test. Digging into something by Diane Ravitch or Peter Gray’s Free to Learn would be a nice way to follow this up.

    正如您所期望的,如果您已经读过Ken的书或观看了TED精彩演讲 ,Ken擅长以令人信服且令人难忘的方式讨论复杂的话题。 这本书在任何一个方面都没有特别深入(肯在早期就明确指出了这一点),但是如果您想在任何一个特定点上有更详细的了解,他的确包括大量注释以及对书籍和研究的参考。 本书是深入探讨当前有关教育和考试的问题的起点。 戴安娜·拉维奇(Diane Ravitch)或彼得·格雷(Peter Gray)的《 免费学习》 ( Free to Learn)挖掘事物将是跟进此事的好方法。

  2. Pricing Design by Dan Mall 55


    No one in web design has done more work to help others run a business than Dan Mall. His written post after post and even published a podcast all about how to run your web studio successfully. Pricing feels like a taboo topic to many which makes good information hard to come by. That’s not the case with Dan. In this short book, he dives deep into how he prices projects—providing all the nitty gritty details along the way. I’ll be buying more copies of this one so I can hand it out to friends—such a great resource!

    网页设计中,没有任何人比Dan Mall能够做更多的工作来帮助他人开展业务了。 他的文章接连发表,甚至发表了有关如何成功运行Web Studio的播客。 对于许多人来说,定价似乎是一个禁忌话题,这使得很难获得好的信息。 Dan并非如此。 在这本简短的书中,他深入研究了如何对项目进行定价-在此过程中提供了所有棘手的细节。 我将购买更多此副本,以便将其分发给朋友-如此多的资源!

  3. Written in Fire by Marcus Sakey 55


    A very satisfying conclusion to a very fun trilogy.


  4. A Constellation of Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra 55


    I couldn’t put this one down. It’s not that it’s fast paced, but you quickly become very attached to the characters. It’s a beautiful story about ordinary people fighting for survival in post-war Chechnya. It’s not for the faint of heart—it’s difficult to read some of the horrors these people go through—but please don’t let that stop you. It’s an incredible novel!

    我不能拒绝这个。 这并不是说节奏很快,而是您很快变得非常喜欢角色。 这是一个关于战后车臣人为生存而战的美好故事。 这不是为了胆小者-很难读懂这些人经历的一些恐惧-但是请不要让那阻止你。 这是一部不可思议的小说!

  5. Caliban’s War by James Corey 45


    Solid if not quite as spectacular as Leviathan Wakes.

    固然不如Leviathan Wakes壮观。

  6. Abaddon’s Gate by James Corey 45


    Another solid entry in the series, though Corey continues to follow a similar formula to the first book and it would be nice to see things shaken up a bit in book #4.


  7. The Index Card by Helaine Olen and Harold Pollack 35

    索引卡片通过克拉斯基•] Helaine奥伦和哈罗德·波拉克五分之三

    There is a breed of personal finance books that remind me of the bad self-help kind of books—the kind we like to mock for being light on any real substance. I think Index Card kind of falls into that same trap. It reads well—it’s conversational and simple—but there’s not a ton of meat. Probably a decent gift to a student who is just starting to wade into the world of having to manage their own finances, but for anyone who has spent even a little time learning about personal finance, there’s nothing new here.

    有种类繁多的个人理财书籍让我想起了不良的自助书籍,我们喜欢嘲笑这类书籍,因为它们对任何真实的事物都是轻描淡写的。 我认为索引卡也属于同一陷阱。 它读起来很好,很容易对话,很简单,但是没有很多肉。 对于刚开始涉足自己的理财世界的学生来说,这可能是一份体面的礼物,但是对于那些花了一点时间学习个人理财的人来说,这里没有什么新鲜的东西。

  8. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire 45


    The more I think about this quick read, the more I like it. You know how Alice falls down the rabbit hole and is exposed to a whole new world? Or the kids walk through the wardrobe and find themselves in Narnia? This book follows children like that—children who have seen some other world—and are now trying to deal with the sadness of being back in their own. It’s fun, dark and a bit creepy. Looking forward to the next book in the series.

    我对快速阅读的思考越多,我就越喜欢它。 您知道爱丽丝如何掉下兔子洞并暴露于全新世界吗? 还是孩子们穿过衣橱走进纳尼亚? 本书是针对这样的孩子的-曾经见过其他世界的孩子-现在正努力应对自己重返世界的悲伤。 这很有趣,黑暗且令人毛骨悚然。 期待系列中的下一本书。

  9. The Road of Lost Innocence by Somaly Mam 55


    I can’t remember a more gut-wrenching, heartbreaking book. Some parts made me cry; others made me overcome by rage—this is not an easy book to get through, and I imagine that many people won’t be able too. It’s simply too intense. This isn’t to say that there’s not hope in here as well. Somaly’s rise from the conditions she was forced into, and her efforts to help others in the same situation, are deeply moving and powerful.

    我不记得一本更令人伤心,令人心碎的书。 有些地方使我哭泣。 其他人则使我气愤不已-这不是一本通俗易懂的书,而且我想很多人也做不到。 太强烈了。 这并不是说这里也没有希望。 索马里从被迫处境中的崛起以及她在相同情况下帮助他人的努力深具感召力和力量。

    I do have to note that after reading the book, I saw that there was a report that Somaly fabricated much of her story. There are also conflicting reports that are just as compelling. Somaly has maintained that she has told the truth throughout. In some ways, I almost hope she isn’t. I want to be able to believe that we aren’t capable of the cruelties she and the other girls she mentions had to live through.

    我确实要注意,看完书后,我看到有报道说索马里编造了她的大部分故事。 也有一些令人信服的矛盾报告。 索马里坚持认为,她一直在说真话。 从某些方面来说,我几乎希望她不是。 我想能够相信,我们无法承受她和她提到的其他女孩所经历的残酷生活。

    However, perhaps it is my naivety and desire for her to be genuine, but given the significance of what she is trying to accomplish, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised to see people trying to discredit her. So, I’m choosing to believe her. If you can stomach it, I highly recommend the book—it’s a powerful reminder of our remarkable ability to overcome even the worst conditions. It’s also a great reminder that we can make an impact:

    但是,也许我是我的天真和渴望让她成为真实的,但鉴于她正在努力实现的意义,看到人们试图抹黑她,我丝毫不会感到惊讶。 所以,我选择相信她。 如果您可以接受的话,我强烈推荐该书,这强烈地提醒了我们克服甚至最恶劣条件的出色能力。 这也非常提醒我们可以产生影响:

    I don’t feel like I can change the world. I don’t even try. I only want to change this small life that I see standing in front of me, which is suffering. I want to change this small real thing that is the destiny of one little girl. And then another, and another, because if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to live with myself or sleep at night.
    我觉得我无法改变世界。 我什至不尝试。 我只想改变我现在正遭受痛苦的小生命。 我想改变这个小小的真实事物,这是一个小女孩的命运。 然后又是另一个,因为如果我不这样做,我将无法独自生活或无法入夜。
  10. A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness 55


    I hate to admit it, but I still occasionally find myself ignoring a novel when I see the “Young Adult” label attached to it. It’s a silly thing to do, as many incredibly gifted authors have pointed out time and time again.

    我不愿承认,但是当我看到它上面贴着“年轻成人”标签时,我仍然偶尔会忽略自己的小说。 这是一件很愚蠢的事情,许多不可思议的天才作者一次又一次地指出。

    A Monster Calls reminded me just how ridiculous this label is. It’s a beautiful, heartbreaking story of a boy with a terminally ill mother, and the monster he calls for. It’s a quick read, but don’t let the brevity fool you into thinking it’s lightweight. The story grips you by the heart. I read the last few chapters while sitting in an airport and that was probably a mistake—I was fighting back a flood of tears by the end. I read the ebook, but have since ordered the hardcover so that I can have all the beautiful illustrations that go with it.

    Monster Calls提醒我这个标签多么荒谬。 这是一个美丽而令人心碎的故事,一个男孩与一个身患绝症的母亲,以及他所要求的怪物。 这是一本快速阅读的书,但请不要让简洁让您自以为轻。 故事使您心动不已。 我坐在机场时读了最后几章,这可能是一个错误-到最后我还是在抗击眼泪。 我阅读了电子书,但此后订购了精装书,以便可以得到所有精美的插图。

  11. Chasing Perfection by Andy Glockner 35


    There’s a great book to be written on this topic—the use of advanced data and analytics in the NBA—but this isn’t it. Most of the time he seems to cover the use of analytics in too much brevity, instead spending time on somewhat related tangents. Andy does uncover a few interesting bits, but there’s not enough depth here.

    关于这一主题,有一本很棒的书要写-在NBA中使用高级数据和分析-但这不是。 在大多数情况下,他似乎过于简短地介绍了分析的使用,而是将时间花在一些相关的切线上。 安迪(Andy)确实发现了一些有趣的地方,但是这里没有足够的深度。

  12. TED Talks by Chris Anderson 45


    There’s some great advice in here. Sure, it follows a specific type of talk (as you would expect), but there’s a reason these talks have become so popular. Chris provides solid practical advice and gives plenty of examples (all from TED’s world of course) on how to execute.

    这里有一些很好的建议。 当然,它遵循特定的讨论类型(如您所料),但是这些讨论之所以如此受欢迎是有原因的。 克里斯(Chris)提供了扎实的实践建议,并就如何执行给出了大量示例(当然,这些示例均来自TED的世界)。

  13. The Days of Tao by Wesley Chu 45


    Another fun entry into the world of Tao. I do think Days of Tao is not quite as polished as the other entries in the Tao series—it feels a little less mature in tone which I suppose makes sense given that Cameron is moved front and center while Jill and Roen are barely involved. While not quite as strong as the other books, it’s a fun and quick way to dip back into this universe while we wait for The Rise of Io to be released.

    进入道世界的另一个有趣的入口。 我确实认为Days of Tao不如Tao系列中的其他作品那么优美-感觉基调不太成熟,考虑到Cameron前后移动而Jill和Roen很少参与,我认为这是有道理的。 虽然不如其他书籍那么强大,但是当我们等待《 Io的崛起》发行时,这是一种有趣又快速的方法,可以让您回到这个世界。

  14. Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon 55


    I think what I like most about Kleon’s books is that they’re inspirational without being pretentious. He doesn’t waste time on fluff; he just gets right to the point he wants to make in a brief and concise format, and always with beautiful graphics. A quick read with plenty of solid advice.

    我认为我最喜欢Kleon的书的是它们鼓舞人心而又不装腔作势。 他不会浪费时间在绒毛上。 他只是以简洁明了的格式正确表达自己的观点,并且始终使用精美的图形。 快速阅读,并提供大量可靠的建议。

  15. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak 55


    Another example of how the Young Adult label is mostly hogwash. The Book Thief follows a young girl in Germany during World War II, as narrated by Death himself. He frequently alludes to events to come later in the novel, only greater building your anticipation. I like Zusak’s take on Death as well—he’s not some dark entity that takes great pleasure in his work. Instead, he’s sad as he watches the different ways in which people hurt each other. It’s a moving book with a story that will stick with you. Just don’t expect to make it through with dry eyes.

    年轻成人标签主要是猪食的另一个例子。 死亡小偷》讲述了二战期间德国一位年轻女孩的死亡故事。 他经常提到小说中后来发生的事件,只会增加您的期望。 我也喜欢祖萨克(Zusak)的《死亡》(Death)-他不是一个黑暗的实体,他对他的工作感到非常高兴。 相反,当他看着人们彼此伤害的不同方式时,他感到难过。 这是一本动人的书,上面有一个故事会一直伴随着您。 只是不要指望通过干眼就能成功。

  16. Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel 45


    I’m a sucker for a good post-apocalyptic novel, and this one fits the bill pretty well. It feels fairly familiar as far as these sorts of stories go, but with enough novelty to keep it fresh. I keep thinking of it as a cross between some Crash-like story where everyone’s story interconnects in interesting ways and The Road, though less grim.

    我是一部优秀的后世界末日小说的傻瓜,这本书非常合适。 就这些故事而言,感觉相当熟悉,但具有足够的新颖性,可以使它保持新鲜。 我一直认为这是一些类似于《 崩溃》的故事之间的交叉点,在每个故事中,每个人的故事都以有趣的方式相互联系,而《道路》则不那么冷酷。

    My only real complaint is that I don’t think enough was done to build up the various characters. Kirsten was awesome, but most of the rest of the troupe all blurred together. There were a few moments that I think were supposed to be emotional heavy hitters that just didn’t seem to land. The one other character who I thought was fascinating, Miranda, was built up early only to let her storyline drop entirely from the second half of the book. Still, in spite of that, I did enjoy the book overall and based on other reviews, suspect this may have just been one of those times where the characters didn’t fully resonate with me for some reason.

    我唯一真正的抱怨是,我认为所做的工作不足以构建各种角色。 Kirsten很棒,但是其余的大多数剧团都在一起模糊了。 我认为有些时刻应该是情绪沉重的打击者,但似乎并没有降落。 我认为另一个令人着迷的角色米兰达(Miranda)早就建立起来,只是为了让故事情节从本书的后半部分完全消失。 尽管如此,尽管如此,我还是很喜欢这本书,并且根据其他评论,我怀疑这可能只是人物出于某种原因未能与我产生共鸣的时候之一。

  17. Coraline by Neil Gaiman 45


    I’ll read anything Gaiman writes—he’s consistently excellent. This short read is no exception. It’s a brisk, creepy little story that keeps you glued to the pages. The only reason I’m not giving it five stars is that the brevity of the book made it much harder for me to get attached to the characters in the same way I typically do when Gaiman writes. He also dangled some amazing characters—the cat, the button-eyed mother—that leave you wishing you got to know them a bit better. It’s not a fault of the writing, there just isn’t enough time in this short to give these characters the level of detail I was used to from Neil. A good book, just not one of my favorites from him.

    我会读盖曼写的任何东西-他一直都很出色。 简短的阅读也不例外。 这是一个轻快而令人毛骨悚然的小故事,可让您始终专注于页面。 我不给它五颗星的唯一原因是,这本书的简洁性使我更难以像盖曼写书时那样与角色相依。 他还悬挂了一些令人惊叹的角色-猫,那是纽扣眼的母亲-让您希望您对它们有所了解。 这不是写作的错,在短时间内没有足够的时间来给这些角色提供我从尼尔那里得到的详细程度。 一本好书,但不是我的最爱之一。

  18. The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet by Becky Chambers 35


    Character-driven science fiction, perhaps to a fault. It’s mostly a fun ride and each of the primary characters gets some time in the spotlight, so you get to know them all pretty well. But the plot is..well, barely there and very anti-climatic. It felt much more like a series of small build-ups resolved with minor reveals. Think of it more like a TV series, where the connecting thread is the characters but where each conflict is basically played out within a single episode. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, it just meant I didn’t get as engrossed in the story as I would’ve liked. It was promising enough as a first novel that I’ll read the second book, particularly since the synopsis I’ve read could be very interesting if done well.

    角色驱动的科幻小说,也许是错的。 这主要是一个有趣的旅程,每个主要角色都会在聚光灯下停留一些时间,因此您会非常了解它们。 但是情节是..好,几乎没有,而且非常抗气候。 感觉更像是一系列由小细节解决的小堆积物。 可以把它想像成电视剧,其中的连接线是角色,但每个冲突基本上都在一个情节中播放。 那不一定是一件坏事,这只是意味着我没有像我所希望的那样沉迷于这个故事。 作为第一本小说,我读第二本书就很有前途了,特别是因为如果做得好,我读过的故事大纲可能会很有趣。

  19. Die Hard, An Oral History by Brian Adams 35


    A fun, if a little too brief and thinly detailed, behind-the-scenes look into the making of one of my favorite films.


  20. How to Lie With Statistics by Darrell Huff 55


    When I was in HS, I remember my AP Calculus teacher telling us (probably in response to one of us quoting some stat we saw in the news): “Never trust statistics. They’re completely biased. If you know what you’re doing, you can make them say whatever you want.”

    当我在HS时,我记得我的AP微积分老师告诉我们(可能是为了回应我们中一位引用我们在新闻中看到的统计信息):“永不信任统计信息。 他们完全有偏见。 如果您知道自己在做什么,则可以让他们说出您想要的任何内容。”

    That’s basically what this book is about: how people can make statistics say whatever they want. Each chapter focuses on a different “technique” to be aware of with plenty of specific examples. These examples are dated (the book was written in 1954) but for each, I could easily think of similar examples I’ve seen recently.

    这基本上就是这本书的目的:人们如何使统计数据说出他们想要的东西。 每章都以不同的“技术”为重点,并通过大量具体示例加以说明。 这些示例都是过时的(这本书写于1954年),但是对于每个示例,我都可以轻松想到最近看到的类似示例。

    It’s a statistics book with personality—not exactly a common find. Even if you don’t have a solid understanding of statistics as a starting point, you’ll be able to follow his clear and frequently humorous explanations.

    这是一本具有个性的统计书,并不完全是常见的发现。 即使您对统计学没有深刻的了解作为起点,您也可以听从他清晰且经常幽默的解释。

    With all the important discussions taking place in news outlets that are far more biased than anyone cares to admit, viewing stats through the critical lens Huff suggests is essential.


  21. The Manual Issue 5 55

    该手册第5期 10/10

    The Manual continues to be consistently excellent. I certainly hope it returns from its hiatus, and that this issue eventually finds its way to physical form.

    该手册继续保持卓越水平。 我当然希望它从其中断中恢复过来,并希望这个问题最终能找到其物理形式。

  22. Console Wars by Blake J. Harris 55


    My relationship with both Nintendo and Sega was brief. We didn’t have consoles in our house, so I only played video games when I went over to my friends. We’d take turns playing Mario or Sonic and when you died it was the next players turn. I was always the one whose turn was the shortest.

    我与任天堂和世嘉的关系都很短暂。 我们家没有游戏机,所以我只有在去找朋友时才玩视频游戏。 我们会轮流玩Mario或Sonic,而当您去世时是下一个玩家回合。 我总是那轮最短的那个。

    But I have a fond memory of those games and figured this book might be worth a read. Wow, was it ever! I loved it. Absolutely loved it. There’s definitely a little bit of a SEGA slant here in terms of how much attention each company gets, but I do think you end up with a pretty good picture of both companies—what fueled them, how that influenced their approach to games and consoles, and the mistakes they made along the way.

    但是我对这些游戏记忆犹新,并认为这本书值得一读。 哇,有没有! 我爱它。 绝对喜欢它。 就两家公司的关注程度而言,肯定有一些SEGA偏见,但我确实认为您最终对这两家公司的印象非常好-推动了它们的发展,如何影响了他们对游戏和游戏机的采用,以及他们一路走来的错误。

    I’ve seen some negative reviews about the approach Harris took to writing the story. He presents it as a novel: creating dialogue and segues just as you would in a fictionalized telling. To me, that’s why this worked so well. These are based on extensive discussions and interviews with the people discussed in the book, and having dialogue (as well as getting insight into some of the more personal aspects of their lives) moved this beyond the typical business book.

    我看到过一些关于哈里斯撰写故事的方式的负面评论。 他将其呈现为一本小说:就像您在虚构的讲述中一样进行对话和对话。 对我来说,这就是为什么效果如此之好的原因。 这些基于与书中讨论的人员进行的广泛讨论和访谈,并通过对话(以及对生活中一些更个人方面的洞察力)将其超越了典型的商业书籍。

    Highly recommend this book, regardless of your interest in video games.


  23. Show Your Work by Austin Kleon 55


    More of the same from Kleon, in all the best ways. If you enjoyed Steal Like an Artist, you’ll enjoy Show Your Work.

    克莱恩(Kleon)以所有最佳方式提供了更多相同的选择。 如果您喜欢像艺术家一样偷窃 ,您将享受展示您的作品

  24. Evicted by Matthew Desmond 55


    Incredibly thought-provoking and eye-opening book. The author profiles several different landlords and tenants in Milwaukee as they battle eviction for a variety of reasons. Some of the folks are more sympathetic than others, but the author consistently manages to paint a very clear picture of the problem—the odds are stacked against low-income people who find themselves struggling to pay rent from month to month.

    令人难以置信的发人深省的书。 作者介绍了密尔沃基的几个不同的房东和租户,他们出于各种原因与驱逐斗争。 有些人比其他人更富有同情心,但是作者始终设法描绘出一个非常清晰的问题图景—低收入人群面临很多困难,他们发现自己每个月都在努力支付租金。

    My only critique is that I wish the author would’ve let us know up front that he lived with the people in this book to do his research instead of saving that bit for the very end. While reading, there were times I was wondering how he could possibly have that level of insight. Knowing this up front would have made the book even more impactful. Even so, powerful and heartbreaking.

    我唯一的批评是希望作者提前告诉我们,他和本书中的人们住在一起进行研究,而不是一无所获。 在阅读的过程中,有时我想知道他怎么可能拥有这样的洞察力。 预先了解这一点会使本书更具影响力。 即使如此,强大而令人心碎。

  25. Cibola Burn by James Corey 35


    Based on the plot alone, this would probably be my favorite since the first book. Unfortunately, some of the new characters are poorly fleshed out. Elvi, in particular, could have used a lot more depth in her arc. In its current form, it sells what should be a fantastic character incredibly short.

    仅从剧情来看,这可能是自第一本书以来我最喜欢的。 不幸的是,一些新角色充实不足。 尤其是艾尔维(Elvi),本可以在弧线中使用更多深度。 以目前的形式,它卖出了一个本来应该很短的梦幻人物。

  26. The Gift of Gab by David Crystal 45


    There’s some good content in here, but not enough to consider it to be an essential addition to the growing number of books about public speaking. The first part of the book is very similar to the kinds of information you’ll get from most other books about the topic, but the writing is pretty academic and dry. Where the book does shine is once it gets into rhetoric and when the author starts to analyze different speeches. There’s some great information in there that is not as frequently covered (from what I’ve seen at least) in books about speaking. If you’re a seasoned speaker or you’ve read a few books on the topic, skip to those sections. If you’re a newcomer, you’re better off starting with something by Garr Reynolds, Nancy Duarte or Lara Hogan’s book below.

    这里有一些很好的内容,但不足以将其视为对越来越多的有关公共演讲的书籍的重要补充。 本书的第一部分与您从大多数其他书籍中获得的有关该主题的信息非常相似,但其写作颇具学术性和枯燥性。 这本书真正的亮点是一旦它变得夸张,并且当作者开始分析不同的演讲时。 这里有一些很棒的信息,而关于口述的书却很少(至少从我所看到的内容中)得到。 如果您是一位经验丰富的演讲者,或者您已经阅读了有关该主题的几本书,请跳到这些部分。 如果您是新手,最好从Garr Reynolds,Nancy Duarte或Lara Hogan的以下书籍开始。

  27. JavaScript for Web Designers by Mat Marquis 55


    For years I’ve said DOM Scripting, despite its age, remains the golden standard for introducing designers to JavaScript. I can finally update that stance. Mat’s book is a fantastic and gentle introduction that provides the perfect starting point.

    多年来,我已经说过,尽管DOM Scripting年代久远,但它仍然是向设计师介绍JavaScript的黄金标准。 我终于可以更新这一立场。 Mat的书是一个奇妙而温柔的介绍,提供了一个完美的起点。

  28. Identity and Data Security for Web Development by Jonathan LeBlanc & Tim Messerschmidt 45


    Pretty solid introduction to the topic.


  29. The Rise of Io by Wesley Chu 55


    Chu simply has this world down pat. Ella is a lot of fun to root for and rather than follow the same formula of the first three books, an interesting twist gives this one a very fresh take. It’s going to be fun to see where this goes.

    楚简直是被这个世界压倒了。 Ella扎根很多乐趣,而不是遵循前三本书的相同公式,有趣的转折使这本书非常新鲜。 看看这将是有趣的。

  30. Demystifying Public Speaking by Lara Hogan 55


    The perfect starting point for anyone considering public speaking. Lara avoids prescribing any rules, instead focusing on giving you the information you need to feel comfortable giving it a go. I can’t imagine a better way to introduce people to public speaking.

    任何考虑公开演讲的人的理想起点。 Lara避免规定任何规则,而是专注于为您提供所需的信息,让您轻松自在地尝试。 我无法想象有更好的方法来向人们介绍公共演讲。

  31. The Buried Giant by Kazuo Ishiguro 45


    There are some very mixed reviews on this book, which is not at all surprising. It’s frequently presented as fantasy, but it’s not very fantastical. There’s a dragon and a few other elements of fantasy incorporated, but it’s very subdued. Likewise if you’re expecting blistering action, you’re going to be disappointed. That’s not what this is. The story itself is pretty melancholy and the author takes his time telling it. The ending, as seems to be the case with Kazuo’s books, is sad and haunting. But as is also par the course for the author, the book is well-written and the story will linger with you.

    这本书有一些非常复杂的评论,这一点也不奇怪。 它经常以幻想的形式呈现,但并不是很梦幻。 有一条龙和其他一些幻想元素,但它很柔和。 同样,如果您期望起泡作用,您将感到失望。 那不是这个 故事本身很忧郁,作者花了很多时间讲故事。 结局,就像Kazuo的书中的情况一样,令人伤心和困扰。 但正如作者所学的一样,这本书写得很好,故事会一直困扰着您。

  32. In Times Like These by Nathan Van Coops 55


  33. The Chronothon by Nathan Van Coops 55


  34. The Day After Never by Nathan Van Coops 55


    Consider this my review of all three books in the series, which I tore through in no time. Sometimes books are just plain fun, and that’s the case with this series. The take on time travel is fresh enough to stand out from other stories, the characters are fun, and each book has its own distinct, fast-moving and often humourous plot. There’s no drop-off either. If anything, the writing gets stronger as the series goes on. Just plain fun.

    考虑一下这是我对系列中所有三本书的评论,我很快就将其撕裂了。 有时,书只是很有趣,本系列就是这种情况。 准时旅行很新鲜,足以与其他故事脱颖而出,角色很有趣,每本书都有自己独特的,变化Swift的且常常幽默的情节。 也没有下车的机会。 如果有的话,随着系列的进行,写作会变得更强。 只是很有趣。

  35. The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood 45


    Better never means better for everyone, he says. It always means worse, for some.
    他说,更好永远对每个人都意味着更好。 对于某些人来说,这总是意味着更糟。

    Bleak, haunting and full of beautiful prose. In many hands, a book this overtly political would drag and feel forced. But Atwood is exceptional in her story-telling. The result is powerful, thought-provoking and an essential read.

    黯淡,令人难以忘怀,充满美丽的散文。 在许多人手中,这本公开的政治书会让人觉得受阻。 但是阿特伍德的讲故事很出色。 结果是有力的,发人深省的和必读的。

  36. Resilient Web Design by Jeremy Keith 55


    Resilient Web Design is part principal, part history. If everyone working on the web read this, the web would be much closer to achieving the bold but worthy goal of universal access.

    弹性Web设计既是主体,又是历史。 如果从事网络工作的每个人都读过这篇文章,那么网络将更接近实现大胆但有价值的通用访问目标。

  37. The Bright Continent by Dayo Olopade 45

    明亮洲由黄子华Olopade 五分之四

    This book is optimistic, for sure. Olopade paints a more “brighter” picture of Africa than what you’ll often read elsewhere. She doesn’t avoid discussing the difficulties faced in Africa, but she always follows that discussion with some examples of people innovating in incredibly creative ways to overcome these challenges. Very well worth the read if for no other reason than to make us reconsider what passes as “innovation” in the west.

    这本书肯定是乐观的。 与您在其他地方经常阅读的内容相比,奥洛帕德(Olopade)对非洲的描绘更为“明亮”。 她不会回避讨论非洲面临的困难,但是她总是在讨论过程中以一些人们以令人难以置信的创造性方式进行创新以克服这些挑战的例子。 如果除了让我们重新考虑西方作为“创新”所经历的事情之外,非常值得一读。

  38. The Attention Merchants by Tim Wu 45


    The Attention Merchants is a comprehensive survey of how the methods companies use to get our attention have evolved and how, in turn, we’ve slowly given more and more of our time and space to them. To me, the book shines in the earlier chapters where Wu walks through the early days of advertising and how it went from taboo to accepted to have advertising presented to us in our homes thanks to radio and TV.

    注意商人是对公司用来吸引我们注意力的方法如何演变以及我们如何慢慢地将越来越多的时间和空间给予他们的全面调查。 对我而言,这本书在前几章中很有启发性,在这本书中,吴先生介绍了广告的早期发展,以及如何通过广播和电视从禁忌变成了接受广告,然后在家中向我们展示广告。

    Particularly of interest was how initially radio was deemed too important a medium to allow something as unseemly as advertising to mess it all up, for many of the same reasons we think the internet is too important to allow it to be filled up with advertising. Wu quotes Herbert Hoover here:

    特别令人感兴趣的是,最初广播是如何被视为太重要的一种媒体,以至于无法允许广告之类的东西将其弄乱,出于许多相同的原因,我们认为互联网太重要而不能被广告充斥。 吴在这里引用赫伯特·胡佛的话:

    It is inconceivable that we should allow so great a possibility for service, for news, for entertainment, for education, and for vital commercial purposes to be drowned in advertising chatter.

    The later chapters, when Wu turns his attention to these more current affairs (Twitter, Facebook, etc) are less compelling to me. Perhaps because I’m more familiar with these platforms, these chapters seemed a lot less insightful. These chapters also seem more emotionally charged. When Wu talks about advertising breaking into, for example, radio, he provides a critical but reasoned take. When he talks about Facebook and the like, he becomes much more…angry I guess would be the word. The later chapters end up feeling both less complete and more emotionally charged.

    在后面的章节中,当Wu将注意力转移到这些时事上(Twitter,Facebook等)时,对我而言就没有那么吸引人了。 也许是因为我对这些平台更加熟悉,所以这些章节的洞察力似乎要差很多。 这些章节似乎也更感人。 当Wu谈到广告打入广播等领域时,他提供了一个批判但合理的观点。 当他谈论Facebook之类的东西时,他变得更多……我想这很生气。 后面的章节最终使人感到既不完整也不充满情感。

    All in all, though, it’s an enjoyable book. Seeing how history keeps repeating itself in this industry was fascinating if more than a little discouraging as well.

    总而言之,这是一本令人愉快的书。 令人沮丧的是,看到历史如何在这个行业中不断重复自己也很着迷。

  39. Working the Command Line by Remy Sharp 55


    I don’t consider myself an expert at using the command line, not by any stretch, but I’m relatively handy. Even still, I learned several new tricks from Remy’s book. It’s a really gentle introduction to the command line that teaches just enough to be able to help feel a bit more comfortable and confident enough to start working it into your workflow.

    我不认为自己是使用命令行的专家,虽然可以说是一点也不费力,但是我相对方便。 即使如此,我还是从雷米的书中学到了一些新技巧。 这是对命令行的一个非常温和的介绍,它讲授的知识足以使您感到更加舒适和自信,可以开始将其应用于您的工作流程。

历年 (Past years)

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2016/12/what-i-read-in-2016/





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