
On May 11th, I’ll be joining Akamai. I would be lying if I said it was an easy decision. I waffled a lot (For the sports enthusiasts out there, it’s not entirely unlike Favre and retirement. For the rest of you, insert some clever Waffle House pun here.). The past few years of working for myself have been amazing! I’ve gotten to work on some great projects with some great people and have had a ton of fun doing it.

5月11日,我将加入Akamai 。 如果我说这是一个简单的决定,我会撒谎。 我摇摇晃晃了很多(对于在那里的体育迷来说,这与Favre和退休生活并不完全不同。对于其他人,请在此处插入一些巧妙的Waffle House双关语。) 过去几年为自己工作非常出色! 我已经与一些杰出的人一起从事一些伟大的项目,并且做得很开心。

But if you’ve followed along you know that I am extremely passionate about improving performance on the web. Getting a chance push for better performance from within a company that handles 20% of the web’s traffic and is full of people who are after the same goal was too good an opportunity to pass up.

但是,如果您一直坚持下去,您就会知道我非常热衷于提高网络性能。 从处理20%的网络流量并且挤满了追求同一目标的人的公司内部获取机会,以获得更好的性能,这真是一个很好的机会。

It’s a big change, but an exciting one. Akamai constantly talks about “building a faster, stronger web”. Sometimes a company has a snappy line that they use, but there is little evidence that they believe in it. That’s certainly not the case here. They’ve been very active in investing in better education, tooling and standards for the web (and recent moves like hiring smart folks like Yoav Weiss to actively work on web standards only further cements that commitment). When they say they want a stronger web, they actually mean it.

这是一个很大的变化,但令人振奋。 Akamai经常谈论“构建更快,更强大的网络”。 有时公司会使用一条活泼的路线,但几乎没有证据表明他们对此表示信任。 这里肯定不是这种情况。 他们一直非常积极地投资于改进网络的教育,工具和标准(最近的举动,例如聘请像Yoav Weiss这样的聪明人积极从事网络标准工作,只会进一步巩固这一承诺)。 当他们说他们想要一个更强大的网络时,他们实际上是认真的。

The role is a new one within their young (only one year old!) developer relations group. At the moment, it’s pretty undefined other than the goals of helping people make the web faster and helping Akamai figure out the best ways to enable people to do that. While the specifics will be defined over time, here’s what I do know:

这个角色是他们年轻(只有一岁!)开发人员关系小组中的新成员。 目前,除了帮助人们提高网络速度和帮助Akamai找出使人们做到这一点的最佳方法的目标外,它还没有定义。 虽然具体细节会随着时间的推移而定义,但我确实知道以下几点:

  • The role involves a lot of me doing the things I already like to do. I’m going to be doing a lot of research and experiments around performance and finding ways to improve it. I’m going to learn a lot and share what I learn. The main difference is I’m going to have more time to do it now.

    这个角色让我很多时候都在做自己想做的事情。 我将围绕性能进行大量研究和实验,并找到改善性能的方法。 我将学到很多东西并分享我学到的东西。 主要区别是我现在将有更多时间进行此操作。
  • I’m almost certainly going to start being more vocal and active in the standardization process. There are a lot of interesting challenges ahead and we will need improved standards to help us overcome them.

    几乎可以肯定,我将在标准化过程中变得更加积极主动。 未来有许多有趣的挑战,我们将需要改进的标准来帮助我们克服挑战。
  • I will not be marketing. Akamai doesn’t want me to do it. I don’t want to do it. On my list of “presentations I don’t like to watch”, product pitches sit right at the bottom just barely above “presentations that involve me getting hit repeatedly in the face.” The stuff I write and talk about is going to be very much like the stuff I’m writing and talking about right now.

    我不会行销。 Akamai不想让我这样做。 我不想做 在“我不喜欢观看的演示”列表中,产品宣传恰好位于“涉及使我屡次被打中的演示”上方的底部。 我写和谈论的内容非常类似于我现在正在写和谈论的内容。
  • I’ll still be working from my headquarters here in beautiful and frequently cold northern Wisconsin. Akamai has done a lot of work to make working remotely as seamless an experience as possible. There’s a lot of Slack in my future.

    我仍将在美丽而经常寒冷的威斯康星州北部的总部工作。 Akamai已经做了很多工作,以使远程工作尽可能地无缝无缝。 我的未来有很多Slack。
  • I will be working with some incredibly talented and friendly people. The dev rel team is small (its only other members are Kirsten Hunter, Darius Kazemi and fearless leader Michael Aglietti), but so very smart and so very talented! Beyond that, I’ve gotten to know many folks at Akamai over the years—some of whom I am lucky enough to call friends. There are a ton of incredibly smart and passionate people there. If you subscribe to the adage that “if you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room”, then Akamai is definitely the right room.

    我将与一些非常有才华和友好的人一起工作。 开发团队很小(仅有的其他成员是Kirsten HunterDarius Kazemi和无所畏惧的领导人Michael Aglietti ),但是非常聪明,很有才华! 除此之外,这些年来,我已经结识了Akamai的许多人-我很幸运能与其中的一些人成为朋友。 那里有很多令人难以置信的聪明和热情的人。 如果您赞成“如果您是房间中最聪明的人,那么您在错误的房间中”的格言,那么Akamai绝对是正确的房间。

  • It’s going to be a lot of fun!


We’ve made a lot of progress pushing performance in the past few years, but we’ve got some serious challenges ahead of us as well. Some of them are cultural, some of them are educational, and some of them will require improved tooling and standards.

在过去的几年中,我们在提高性能方面取得了很大的进步,但是我们也面临着一些严峻的挑战。 其中一些是文化的,一些是教育的,其中一些将需要改进的工具和标准。

I’m super excited to get to tackle those challenges head-on!


翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2015/04/joining-akamai/





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