
When I wrote about beginning to work for myself again, I mentioned that there were a few things in the works that I was particularly excited about. Today, I get to spill the beans on one of them: I’m partnering with SpeedCurve to provide performance consulting services to SpeedCurve customers!

当我写关于重新开始为自己工作的文章时,我提到作品中有一些让我特别兴奋的事情。 今天,我要倾其所有:之一,我与SpeedCurve合作,为SpeedCurve客户提供性能咨询服务!

The SpeedCurve team is ridiculous. I mean that in the kindest way possible. Between Mark, Tammy, Steve, and Joseph there’s an absurd abundance of top-notch people working on the product. I’ve personally worked with Tammy, Mark, and Steve on things in the past, so there’s already a high-level of familiarity between us all.

SpeedCurve团队非常荒谬。 我的意思是,以最友好的方式。 在Mark,Tammy,Steve和Joseph之间,有大量荒谬的顶尖产品研发人员。 我过去曾与Tammy,Mark和Steve一起工作过,所以我们所有人之间已经有了很高的熟悉度。

Partnering with them means I have an excuse to work with each of them a bit more, and that in itself would be enough to make me excited.


I’m still handling projects on my own as well, but for SpeedCurve customers specifically, this pairing makes so much sense.

我也仍然自己处理项目 ,但是对于SpeedCurve客户而言,这种配对非常有意义

The SpeedCurve gang and I will be sitting on a large amount of data giving us intimate knowledge of the state of performance of your sites and applications. There’s no need to setup access to some other tool somewhere and go back and forth setting it up: it’s all right there at the ready.

我和SpeedCurve犯罪团伙将坐拥大量数据,这些数据将使我们对您的网站和应用程序的性能状况有深入的了解。 无需在某处设置对其他工具的访问权限,也不需要来回设置它:一切就绪。

Working directly with SpeedCurve for consulting will also ensure that customers are getting the maximum value out of the service itself. It’s not just about digging into the performance of your site and fixing issues there, but also about digging into your SpeedCurve account to get the most out of your monitoring through continuous deployment, carefully configured performance budgets, custom timing metrics—you name it!

直接与SpeedCurve合作进行咨询也将确保客户从服务本身中获得最大价值。 这不仅仅在于挖掘站点的性能并解决那里的问题,还在于挖掘您的SpeedCurve帐户,以通过连续部署,精心配置的性能预算,自定义计时指标来充分利用您的监控功能-随您便!

As a company that is already so personally invested in making sure they’re doing everything they can to help out, there’s a real opportunity for SpeedCurve to go above and beyond and help companies fix the performance woes that the product so nicely exposes.


In fact, I’m also going to be working with SpeedCurve to bolster their “Improve” recommendations so that all their customers will get detailed reports about where to focus their performance efforts. The consulting work will dovetail nicely into that.

实际上,我还将与SpeedCurve合作,以加强他们的“改进”建议,以便他们的所有客户都可以获得有关将精力集中在哪里的详细报告。 咨询工作将很好地融入其中。

I’ve been using SpeedCurve personally since it was in beta and it’s been fun to watch SpeedCurve evolve since then. They’ve added responsive design analysis, continuous deployment capabilities, performance budgets (a personal favorite, as you probably guessed), a fully-featured RUM offering and more.

自从测试版发布以来,我一直在亲自使用SpeedCurve,从那以后观看SpeedCurve的发展非常有趣。 他们添加了响应式设计分析,连续部署功能,性能预算(您可能会猜到的个人最爱),功能齐全的RUM产品等等。

What I like most about SpeedCurve is that they’re not focused on metrics for metrics sake. They zero in on what matters. They focus on providing an accurate view of the actual experience of using your site, and the information you need to make that experience better.

我最喜欢SpeedCurve的地方是,它们并不是为了度量而专注于度量。 他们将重点放在重要事项上。 他们专注于提供有关使用您的网站的实际体验的准确视图,以及使您获得更好体验所需的信息。

I’m really excited to help make it even easier for SpeedCurve customers to make the improvements that actually matter.


If you’re a SpeedCurve customer, head over to their site to get a little more information about the consulting services. I’m looking forward to working with you!

如果您是SpeedCurve客户,请前往他们的网站以获取有关咨询服务的更多信息 。 期待与您合作!

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/remembers/2018-03-27-consulting-services-for-speedcurve/

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