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vs调试 单步后退是灰的

vs调试 单步后退是灰的

Microsoft made great leaps forward with IE8, and just when I start thinking they deserve a nice pat on the back for embracing standards, they give me another reason to lose faith in them.


The recent announcement is that Outlook 2010, like Outlook 2007, will use Microsoft Word for it’s rendering engine. No…you read that right…Word’s rendering engine. A rendering engine that doesn’t support simple CSS statements like float, width or height. Here’s their stance on why they’re opting to use the Word rendering engine again:

最近的公告是Outlook 2010与Outlook 2007一样,将使用Microsoft Word作为其渲染引擎。 不,您没看错……Word的渲染引擎。 一个不支持简单CSS语句(例如float,width或height)的渲染引擎。 这是他们为何选择再次使用Word呈现引擎的立场:

We’ve made the decision to continue to use Word for creating e-mail messages because we believe it’s the best e-mail authoring experience around, with rich tools that our Word customers have enjoyed for over 25 years. Our customers enjoy using a familiar and powerful tool for creating e-mail, just as they do for creating documents. Word enables Outlook customers to write professional-looking and visually stunning e-mail messages. William Kennedy Corporate Vice President, Office Communications and Forms Team

我们已经决定继续使用Word来创建电子邮件,因为我们相信这是最好的电子邮件编写体验,并且Word用户已经使用了25多年,并且拥有丰富的工具。 我们的客户喜欢使用熟悉且功能强大的工具来创建电子邮件,就像创建文档一样。 Word使Outlook客户可以编写具有专业外观和视觉效果的电子邮件。 William Kennedy办公室沟通和表格团队公司副总裁

Now I understand their desire to allow their users to create “visually stunning” emails easily. However, the side effect of their current method of enabling that is that they force anyone creating HTML emails to tailor to their poor support of current HTML and CSS standards. Unfortunately, the team behind Outlook apparently doesn’t think these standards apply to email. They claim that there is “no widely-supported consensus in the industry about what subset of HTML is appropriate for use in e-mail for interoperability.” Really?

现在,我了解了他们希望允许其用户轻松创建“视觉上令人惊叹”的电子邮件的愿望。 但是,其当前启用方法的副作用是,它们迫使创建HTML电子邮件的任何人都针对他们对当前HTML和CSS标准的不良支持进行定制。 不幸的是,Outlook背后的团队显然认为这些标准不适用于电子邮件。 他们声称,“业界对于在电子邮件中使用哪种HTML子集以实现互操作性没有广泛支持的共识。” 真?

In response to their announcement, fixoutlook.org was set up and encouraged Twitter users to retweet in protest of the decision. At the time of their statement, over 20,000 people had tweeted the message. I understand that Twitter users are only a subset of the people who will be using and developing for Outlook 2010, but still….how can 20,000 people, many of whom are developers and designers who work with these technologies daily, not demonstrate some sort of consensus? Even if not, wouldn’t the logical move be to try to support as much of the HTML and CSS standards as possible?

为了回应他们的公告,成立了fixoutlook.org并鼓励Twitter用户转推以抗议该决定。 在他们发表声明时,超过20,000人在推特上发布了该信息。 我了解到,Twitter用户只是将要使用和开发Outlook 2010的一部分人,但是……仍然可以。20,000人(其中很多是每天使用这些技术的开发人员和设计师)如何展示自己的技术?共识? 即使不是,是否合乎逻辑的举动就是尝试尽可能多地支持HTML和CSS标准?

In the meantime, this really sends an inconsistent message about Microsoft’s willingness to play nicely with others. While the IE8 team made a commitment to improving their standards support significantly, the team behind Outlook 2010 is ignoring them and is forcing everyone else to make the effort to play along with them, making it very difficult for innovation across the board.

同时,这确实传达了关于微软愿意与他人友好相处的不一致信息。 尽管IE8团队致力于大幅改善其标准支持,但Outlook 2010背后的团队却无视它们,并迫使其他所有人共同努力,这使得全面创新非常困难。

If you’re on Twitter, head over to fixoutlook.org and be sure to add your name to the list of people who realize how bad of an idea this is. If you’re not on Twitter, how about telling the Outlook team your thoughts on their article defending their choice to use the Word rendering engine. Let’s find out how many people equal a consensus.

如果您在Twitter上,请转到fixoutlook.org,并确保将您的名字添加到意识到这是多么糟糕的想法的人的列表中。 如果您不在Twitter上,那么如何告诉Outlook团队您对他们的文章的想法,捍卫他们选择使用Word呈现引擎的选择。 让我们找出有多少人等于共识。

更多信息 (More Information)

翻译自: https://timkadlec.com/2009/06/one-step-forward-two-steps-back/

vs调试 单步后退是灰的





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