mac 读写 移动硬盘_关于“这是一个可读写的移动网络”的注释

mac 读写 移动硬盘

mac 读写 移动硬盘

My meager, less-awesome-than-Luke attempt to take notes on Luke Wroblewski’s presentation as I assume it would be unreasonable to expect him to produce notes on his presentation as he does for other talks. Here are my notes on his presentation, “It’s a Write/Read Mobile Web” presented at Smashing Conference in 2013. For more notes from the conference, see Luke’s excellent collection.

我的微薄,不如卢克(Luke)出色的尝试记下卢克·沃布洛夫斯基(Luke Wroblewski)的演讲稿,因为我认为期望他像其他演讲一样在演讲稿上做笔记是不合理的。 这是我在2013年Smashing Conference上发表的演讲“这是一个可读写的移动网络”的笔记。有关会议的更多笔记,请参阅Luke的精彩收藏

  • Top five sites in terms of monthly use in the US are all write/read experiences—they don’t work unless people write content to them.

  • Tim Berners-Lee’s original view of the web—”a place where we can all meet and read & write.”

    蒂姆·伯纳斯·李(Tim Berners-Lee)最初的网络观点-“一个大家都可以见面,读写的地方”。
  • In the United States, 78% of Facebook monthly users are mobile. 60% mobile on Twitter, 40% mobile on YouTube.

    在美国,Facebook月度用户中有78%是移动用户。 Twitter上有60%的移动设备,YouTube上有40%的移动设备。
  • “The Mobile Moment”—when your mobile traffic crosses your desktop traffic and becomes your majority experience.

    “移动时刻” —当您的移动流量越过台式机流量并成为您的主要体验时。
  • 127% growth of mobile only Facebook users in the last year.

  • 40% of all tweets created on mobile in 2011. 3 hours of vide uploaded per second on Youtube mobile. $13 billion mobile commerce in 2012 on eBay.

    2011年在移动设备上创建的所有推文中有40%。每秒3个小时的视频上传到Youtube移动设备上。 2012年在eBay上实现了130亿美元的移动商务交易。
  • Fastest growing activies in mobile apps are utilities—shopping, accomplishing, preparation.


单手使用 (One Handed Use)

  • Polar specifically designed for one-handed use. Both consumption and creation process were tested by timing how quickly people could complete their tasks.

    Polar专为单手使用而设计。 通过确定人们完成任务的速度来测试消耗和创建过程。
  • 75% of all interactions on a smartphone screen are with a single thumb/finger.

  • Design for the extremes and the middle works itself out. For example, shears are tested with people who have arthritis. If they can comfortably sheer, anyone can.

    极端和中间的设计本身就可以解决。 例如,剪刀是针对患有关节炎的人进行测试的。 如果他们能舒适地纯粹,任何人都可以。
  • 68% of consumer smartphone use happens at home.

  • Don’t let the keyboard come up. How can you design your service without forcing people to use the keyboard. Examples: map ui for destinations, tappable date picker, smart defaults, offering popular suggestions, sliders for ranges.

    不要让键盘弹起来。 如何设计服务而不强迫别人使用键盘。 示例:将ui映射到目的地,可点击的日期选择器,智能默认值,提供流行的建议,范围的滑块。

重点流 (Focused Flows)

  • Focus on simplifying the core flow—allow users to complete core tasks as fast and simply as possible.

  • Getting creative is about distilling things down to their essence until you find the simpliest way to do them.

  • Reducing 23 inputs to 11 for Boingo Wireless signup increased conversions by 34% and 53% decrease in sign-up time.

    Boingo Wireless注册将23的输入减少到11,从而将转换时间增加了34%,注册时间减少了53%。
  • Hotel Tonight—3 taps and a swipe to book a hotel. This is a competitive advantage.

    今晚的酒店-轻按3次,然后滑动即可预订酒店。 这是竞争优势。
  • It takes big changes to go small. You have to reinvision your product for a small screen, focused flow.

    变大需要小的改变。 您必须为小屏幕,集中流程重新定义产品。
  • When you focus and try to be creative to focus core flows, you’re more likely to not go far enough than to be too extreme. The more uncomfortable you’re making people, the more likely you’re thinking along the right lines.

    当您集中精力并尝试发挥创意以专注于核心流程时,您走得太远而不是太极端。 与人交往越不舒服,就越有可能沿着正确的方向思考。

及时行动 (Just in Time Actions)

  • Just in time education. We learn better in the moment than with upfront instructions/tests.

    及时教育。 目前,我们的学习要比预先的指导/测试更好。
  • Bring actions in just as the matter. Example: hiding bottom tab bar while visitor is scrolling through an application.

    立即采取行动。 示例:当访客在应用程序中滚动时,隐藏底部的标签栏。

  • In the US, 52% of laptop owners have smartphones. 13% have smartphones, tablets and phones.

    在美国,有52%的笔记本电脑用户拥有智能手机。 13%的人拥有智能手机,平板电脑和手机。

  • 90% of people with multiple devices use them sequentially.


  • 81% of people use their smartphone while watching TV. 66% use laptop while watching TV.

    81%的人在看电视时使用智能手机。 66%的人在看电视时使用笔记本电脑。

  • The web is experienced by multiple screens—both simultaneously and sequentially.


跨设备使用 (Cross Device Usage)

  • Access: the ability to use and view features across multiple devices and form factors. Example: browsers enabling tab syncing across devices.

    访问:能够跨多种设备和外形使用和查看功能。 示例:浏览器启用跨设备的标签页同步。
  • Flow: not just content should move seamlessly between devices—processes should as well. Example: directions syncing between devices.

    流程:不仅内容应在设备之间无缝移动,流程也应如此。 示例:设备之间的路线同步。
  • Control: allow devices to control the experience on other connected devices. Example: Polar lets you control the large screen experience on an XBox One from your phone.

    控制:允许设备控制其他连接设备上的体验。 示例:Polar使您可以通过手机控制XBox One的大屏幕体验。
  • Push: allow people to push experiences from one device to another. Example: eBay on large screens lets you/update add photos to your item from your mobile device using their application.

    推送:允许人们将体验从一台设备推送到另一台设备。 示例:大屏幕上的eBay可让您/使用他们的应用程序将照片从您的移动设备更新到您的项目中。
  • Newer speciality devices will force us to simplify and consider what each device does best. Not sustainable to assume all new devices will do all forms of input equally well. Example: Polar on Google Glass would be cumbersome as it requires multiple voice input.

    较新的专用设备将迫使我们简化并考虑每个设备的最佳性能。 假设所有新设备都将同样好地完成所有形式的输入,这是不可持续的。 示例:Google Glass上的Polar会很麻烦,因为它需要多次语音输入。


mac 读写 移动硬盘

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