Google Fuchsia
该操作系统是为具有高速处理器和大容量内存的硬件而开发。它的Github页只是简要地将Google的这个新项目描述为为“Pink+Purple==Fuchsia(新的操作系统)”。 Chris McKillop是Google的产品和研发负责人,按照他的解释Purple指的是一个“具有高性能图像显示、输入延迟低、用户交互界面美观的系统”,Pink指的是“面向开发者和用户的模块化系统”。 Fuchsia目前运行于Intel Broadwell和Skylake处理器上,不过它也能够在增强后运行于比较老的Intel甚至AMD处理器上。不久之后,它也将增加对ARM和树莓派3的支持。该操作系统的是为“具有高速处理器和大容量内存的现代手机及个人电脑”而构建的,令人推测将会在未来代替安卓。Fuchsia的用户界面似乎是使用了Flutter控件框架,并用Escher渲染。Escher是一个基于物理的渲染器,支持复杂的特效,例如体阴影、色溢、光扩散等。高超的图像处理能力以及目标硬件平台需要具有高速处理器和大容量内存,表明该操作系统可能是针对虚拟现实的头戴设备。
项目负责人:Chris McKillop
Low level generalist with much experience in operating system development and hardware interfacing. Much experience in smartphone OS development. Experience in game engine development on modern multi-threaded game consoles. Interested in OS kernel design and implementation, game engine development, optimization and modern GPU based graphics development. Specialties: Operating System design and implementation. Low level OS bringup on new hardware through high level design and architecture. Much experience in low level assembly, and getting the most out of compilers and optimizations. Experience in modern 3D accelerators at the hardware level, including shader development. 综上,就是项目负责人对操作系统开发设计与实现都有很强的功底, 此外,在游戏引擎方面有造诣,游戏引擎需要大量的图像处理开发技能,所以这个系统可能与VR设备有关。
团队包括Brian Swetland和Travis Geiselbrecht,他们过去曾从事Android、BeOS、ChromeOS、DangerOS、iOS、MacOS、QNX、webOS和其他操作系统的开发工作。
- Brian Swetland kernel development, drivers, bootloaders, embedded systems, tools, nifty products
- Travis Geiselbrecht : 在多家公司造过轮子,如Jawbone, Palm, Secret Level, Apple, Danger Inc., Be Inc. 主要工作是操作系统内核的开发,下面是其部分业余工作: NewOS - A OS project I started years ago and didn't know when to stop. It's reasonably well mature, and even scored a slahdotting and offer to write an article for Dr Dobbs magazine. It has been forked years ago and now forms the kernel for the Haiku project. lk embedded kernel - little embedded style kernel for some ARM devices. source at git:// Web browseable here. Arm Emulator - Hacked a fun little arm emulator. Still needs some work, but it currently emulates a "generic" ARM based system. Good for prototyping a kernel. SVN depot at git:// Web browseable here. Apple ][ Emulator - A cheezy little Apple ][ emulator I wrote a long time ago for f