网络虚拟化服务之软件定义网络新机制 A New Mechanism for SDN Network Virtualization Service

A New Mechanism for SDN Network Virtualization Service


Departmentof Systems and Computer Engineering



JiafengZhu, Min Luo, Wu Chou

HuaweiTechnologies Inc.

SantaClara, US

{jiafeng.zhu,, wu.chou}

Abstract— Software Defined Network (SDN) is becoming anew paradigm for both WAN and enterprise networks. By separating control anddata planes, SDN allows network providers to sell new services without changingtheir physical switches. One of the key services SDN can enable is networkvirtualization which allows a service provider to have a virtual slice of anetwork provider’s physical network. While this feature empowers serviceproviders to have dynamic networks, it is becoming more difficult for a networkprovider to statistically share its resource usage across multiple serviceproviders due to the fact that service providers are reluctant to share theiruser information. This paper presents a new scheme that empowers networkprovider to maximize statistical resource sharing with service guarantee whileminimizing information shared.

Keywords—Software Defined Network, Virtual Topology,OpenFlow, OFC


I.             INTRODUCTION

Research on SDN startednearly ten years ago. The motivation at that time was to design a new networkarchitecture that allows network managers to have more flexible control oftheir networks. Ethane [1], for example, was proposed in 2007 for enterprisenetworks. Ethane deployed simple flow-based Ethernet switches with acentralized controller that manages the admittance and routing of flows. Ethanewas implemented both in hardware and software with more than 300 wired orwireless hosts.

Most of earlier SDN networkswere designed for datacenter infrastructure [2] where flexibility andscalability are critical. With tens of thousands commodity switches andservers, datacenter presents a serious challenge to network management. SDNsolves the problem by separating control plan from data plane. With relativelyan independent control plane, SDN does not need to be run on proprietaryequipment. Instead, the control plane can be implemented with a large number ofregular servers. By using a centralized structure, these servers can beefficiently supported by datacenter with on-demand service capacity.

In recent years,SDN has found applications in other areas.Google, for example, built a large scale SDN-based WAN network [3] that hasattracted attentions worldwide. Large carriers are looking at the possibilityof upgrading their network infrastructures with SDN architecture. One issue tobeaddressed first is scalability. Some recent study has investigated thescalability issue related to SDN architecture. Early benchmarks on NOX [4] (thefirst SDN controller) showed it could only handle 30,000 flow initiations persecond while maintaining a sub-10 ms flow install time. Recent works have shownthat SDN scalability can be extended by using multicore systems [5] ordeploying multiple OpenFlow controllers (OFCs) [6].

With a separated controlplane, SDN has the potential to enable new services. One of the primary newservices that have been envisioned is the virtual topology service, whichallows network provider to sell different virtual topologies to differentservice providers. Each service provider can use its virtual topology just likethe way it uses its own private network while sharing underlying physicalnetwork resources with other service providers. The network provider, on theother hand, can enjoy new revenue growth through selling virtual topologieswith different granularities. This benefit, however, does not come without achallenge. One of the key issues is the division of ownership, which makesstatistical resource sharing more difficult. This issue has not been fullyaddressed yet. This paper is targeted at this issue in specific. Our goal is toprovide statistical guarantee to service providers while allowing networkprovider to enjoy multiplexing gain.

The paper is organized asfollows. In Section II, we will discuss more detail about the issue to beresolved. In Section III, we will propose a new and practical scheme thatallows each entity to exercise its own authority while achieving gain inresource saving. This will be followed by more description about how parameterswill be calculated in Section IV. Numerical results will be presented inSection V. We will finish the paper with some concluding remarks in Section VI.

II.                                 TOPOLOGY ABSTRACTION AS A SERVICE

The initial SDN adopters, both vendors and networkproviders, have focused on some fundamental issues related to separatingcontrol and data planes. The benefits of network virtualization have not beenfully explored. A good example is the Google SDN WAN project mentioned earlier[3]. It should be noted that Google’s WAN is a special case where Google is theuser, service provider, as well as network provider, i.e., Google providesservice to itself on its own network. This nature allows Google to do globaloptimization easily. Forexample, because Google can control the traffic carriedby the WAN, operators can decide when and how long the elastic traffic will bebuffered. Also because Google owns both service network and underlying WANnetwork, operators can have a global view of the network and therefore optimizenetwork usage globally.

In a real world, it is quitecommon that users, service providers, and network providers are separateentities. They may all have their own objectives which may conflict with eachother. Take the example of enterprise network. With the fast growth ofdatacenters, enterprises are becoming increasingly interested in outsourcingtheir enterprise networks to datacenters. Under this scenario, the owner of thenetwork now is the owner of the datacenter, such as Amazon. The serviceproviders are the enterprises who outsource their enterprise networks to thedatacenters. Therefore a service provider is independent from the networkprovider as well as independent from other service providers who share the samephysical network. Recognizing this need, the pioneers of SDN advocate a layercalled FlowVisor [7] which plays the same role as the hypervisor for virtualmachines. FlowVisor allows a network provider to partition its physical networkinto slices for various service providers. Each service provider can virtuallyown one slice which has its own virtual network topology and related resources generatedthrough a topology abstraction process. The service provider can then optimizeits usage of the slice which it owns. A network provider can sell virtualtopology service to service providers with different granularities selling atdifferent prices [8]. This will change the situation that network providerstoday can only sell pipes and equip network providers a new venue for revenuegrowth. The SDN architecture for topology abstraction service is shown inFigure 1. As shown in the figure, each entity has its own OpenFlow Controller(OFC). The OFC of a service provider is in charge of routing user flows andoptimizing resource usage within its own virtual topology. The OFC of thenetwork provider will execute the topology abstraction process through a topologyvirtualizer based on a global topology map of the underlying physical network.

While virtual topology allowsa network provider to sell topology abstraction service to service providers,it also makes the network provider partially lose the control of its resourceallocation capability. After selling a virtual topology to a service provider,the network provider has no control of how user traffic will be routed withinthe virtual topology owned now by the service provider. This makes the network providerdifficult to optimize its resource usage across multiple service providers.There are several situations that make the issue particularly thorny:

     I.         A service provider may not be legally allowed to discloseinformation about the traffic of its individual users (also called micro-flowinformation) to the network provider although service providers can provideaggregate information such as mean and peak rates of a virtual link. A virtuallink typically carries large number of micro-flows.

     II.         Aservice provider may be a competitor of the network provider. For example, RIMuses Amazon cloud servicewhile it is also a competitor with Amazon in tablet devices.

The network provider may not want to disclose its networkusage information to a service provider in afraid of the service provider usingthe information to bargain.


Fig. 1.SDN architecture forvirtual network service.


In general, each entity tendsto disclose as little information as possible due to various legal andcommercial reasons. Therefore the topology abstraction process is also aninformation-filtering process that tries to minimize the information exchangedbetween different entities.

The reality that there aremultiple authorities with limited shared information has made resource sharingextremely difficult. This issue has not been addressed in literature as well asin practice. Existing mapping solutions [9-11] for virtual topology servicesare typically based on the assumption that service providers will provide abandwidth requirement for each virtual link to their network provider. Thenetwork provider then generates the virtual topologies with requiredbandwidths. No statistical sharing among the reserved bandwidths for differentvirtual links sharing a physical link is allowed. On the other hand, it is alsodifficult for a service provider to know exactly how much traffic it can put ona virtual link without suffering performance degradation because the serviceprovider has no information about the characteristics of other virtual networkssharing the same physical network. This leaves a service provider no choice butto conservatively engineer the peak rate on each virtual link to be below theguaranteed fixed bandwidth. While this makes the formulation of the virtualnetwork mapping problem easier, it is a loss of network utilization for thenetwork provider because it cannot take advantage of the dynamic nature of thetraffic carried by each virtual link. In this paper, we call this kind ofservice as wired virtual topology service.

In the following section, wewill propose a new service and a practical and effective mechanism that willhelp a network provider maximize its network utilization while providingstatistical guarantee to service providers.


We consider the case thatnetwork provider and service providers are separate entities. Service providersbuy their virtual topologies from a network provider. Different virtualtopologies share a physical network owned by the network provider. The OFC ofeach entity is trying to maximize its own profit through maximizing itsvirtual/physical network utilization. We propose a new service called elasticvirtual topology service that allows a network provider to utilize itsresources more efficient while minimizing the information to be shared betweenthe network provider and its clients, service providers.

With the elastic virtualtopology service, a service provider receives a statistical guarantee thatpromises a) the service provider can send its traffic on each virtual link asit is with a negotiated low congestion probability b) the service provider canstill have a negotiated minimum bandwidth when congestion happens. In return,the service provider needs to provide some basic characteristics of its trafficcarried by each virtual link. It should be noted that each virtual link maycarry numerous micro-flows. The information to be shared is the aggregatedtraffic characteristics of the virtual link rather than individual micro-flows.In this way, the service provider can still hide information about its usersfrom network provider while the latter can achieve scalability through handlingaggregate traffic instead of individual micro flows.

In specific, wepropose the following Virtual Topology with Statistical Guarantee (VTSG)scheme. To start with, a service provider sends a request to network providerwith a description of the requested virtual topology and associated mean andpeak rate for each virtual link instead of sending topology request withassociated bandwidths. Different from bandwidths, the mean and peak rates of avirtual link are decided by the user traffic and routing algorithm used by theservice provider, which are under the control of the service provider.Therefore it is possible for the service provider to estimate these statisticsbased on its user profile. On the other hand, the bandwidth received by avirtual link will be dynamic and depend on traffic characteristics of othervirtual links sharing the same physical link for statistical multiplexing gainand can only be decided by the network provider who has information abouttraffic characteristics of all virtual links sharing the physical link.

The network provider will usethe mean and peak rates to calculate a minimum bandwidth that is higher thanthe mean rate of the virtual link but smaller than its peak rate with a highpercentage (say 99.9%) guarantee that the virtual link will be able to send itstraffic as it is without congestion. When congestion does happen, the virtuallink will be guaranteed with the minimum bandwidth. When a virtual linktraverses multiple physical links, the minimum bandwidth the virtual link canget will be the smallest of the minimum bandwidths supported by all theinvolved physical links.

Equipped with a way to calculate the minimum bandwidthrequired for each virtual link, the network provider will then map the virtualtopology by formulating it as an optimization problem with the minimumbandwidths as the demands. To this end, there are various existing approachessuch as those in[9-11] can be applied. So our focus inthis paper will be on thecalculation of the minimum bandwidth rather than on theformulation of the mapping problem. It is important to note that the complexityof calculating the minimum bandwidth has a significant impact on the complexityof the mapping algorithms. That is why existing approaches [9-11] assume thebandwidth requirement for each virtual link is simply a constant which does notdepend on other virtual links sharing the same physical link. Our goal is tofind a way that existing approaches such as those in [9-11] can be directlyapplied without any changes.

After mapping is done, thenetwork provider will then notify the service provider of the minimum bandwidthfor each virtual link and the guaranteed performance. Without congestion,service providers are allowed to send their natural traffic as it is. Whencongestion happens at a physical link, the network provider will send alerts tothe service providers sharing the physical link and shape those virtual linkswith elastic virtual topology service to their minimum bandwidths.

Upon receiving alerts, thoseservice providers will decide how to route their user traffic within theirvirtual networks to avoid their congested virtual links and minimize the impacton their virtual networks. For example, if a service provider is using OSPFrouting protocol, the service provider can simply increase the costs of thosecongested links. Traffic will then be diverted to other uncongested links.Certainly, other more sophisticated optimization approaches can be used withSDN centralized control architecture. It is important to note that our VTSGapproach allows network provider and service provider to make their separateresource usage decisions while sharing minimum amount of information.

Our objective in the nextsection is to develop a method for calculating the minimum bandwidth for eachvirtual link so that a) it allows statistical multiplexing across differentvirtual links sharing the same physical link b) all existing topology mapping algorithms such as thosein [9-11] can still be applied using the minimum bandwidths as virtual linkdemands.

IV.                            MINIMUM BANDWIDTH CALCULATION

Under the Quality of Serviceresearch area, numerous ways have been developed to calculate congestionprobability and bandwidth requirement (e.g. [12]). Most of these approachesrequire detail traffic characteristics of underlined micro-flows and complexanalytical manipulations. Under our context, micro-flow information ofindividual users is not available and complex analytical manipulations willmake the topology mapping becoming more complex and intractable. Our objectiveis to find a practical approach that allows a SDN controller of a network providerto calculate the minimum bandwidth for each virtual link under the VTSG servicewith limited information while achieving multiplexing gain. To meet thesechallenges, we propose the following approach.

Weconsider the scenario that a physical network has received R virtual network requests. The virtual links of the R virtual network requests constitute aset L. We assume that each serviceprovider will inform the network provider of its requested virtual networktopology and mean and peak rates of the traffic associated with each virtuallink. The informationshared is aggregate because each virtual link carrieslarge number of micro-flows. This kind of information sharing is the minimumrequired for virtual topology service.

A simple example is shown in Figure2 where a physical network includes four nodes (Nodes A, B, C, D) and fivelinks (Links (A, B), (B, C), (C, D), (D, A) (A, C) as shown in solid lines).Two virtual topologies are generated out of the physical network. One virtualtopology includes virtual nodes A, B, C and virtual links (A, B)1,(B, C)1, (A, C)1 as shown in dashed lines. The otherincludes virtual nodes A, C, D and virtual links (A, C)2, (C, D)2and (D, A)2 as shown in dash-dotted lines. Here we assume virtualnodes happen to overlap with physical nodes to simplify our notations. It iseasy to see that physical link (A, C) carries two virtual links (A, C)1and (A, C)2.

Due tothe fact that we do not have information about the characteristics ofindividual micro-flows within a virtual link, we need to capture the nature ofthe aggregate traffic with a virtual link directly. To this end, we assume thatthe traffic carried by each virtual link can be modeled by a Gaussian process.This is a valid assumption in most cases because a virtual link typicallycarries a large number of micro-flows which lead to Gaussian process based onCentral Limit Theorem. Many measurements have confirmed that aggregate Internettraffic indeed follows Gaussian processes [13].


In general, we assume each virtual link l, where ∈ , carriesGaussian traffic with mean rate ml and peak rate pl as announced by thecorresponding tenant. After receiving mean rate ml and peak rate pl for all ∈ ,the network provider needs to calculate a minimum bandwidth bl for each virtuallink.

Wedenote the standard deviation of the Gaussian trafficwith each virtual link asWe set qlas the -quantile of the Gaussian distribution where will bedecided by the network provider and can be kept constant for all virtual links.When αis very small, the quantile value qlwill happen rarely. Therefore qlcan be roughly treated as the peakrate, i.e.


whereerf ( ) is the error function of Gaussian distribution. The actual value for αwill be decided by the service provider. We denote


Thisleads us to


Wefirst focus on the case that a virtual link will be mapped to a single physicallink. We willdiscuss more general cases in the latter part of this section.Suppose there are Lsvirtual links sharing a substrate physical link s. Withoutloss of generality, we assume these virtual links areindexed 1, 2,…, Ls. It iseasy to see that the aggregate traffic on the physical link is still a Gaussianprocess


Fig. 2.  A sample physicalnetwork with two virtual topologies generated.

with amean  wKioL1ZByYvDxzPNAAAEnPA20Sg047.pngand standard deviationwKioL1ZBya3irX-SAAABepc6SC0677.pngwKiom1ZByWbRDtubAAAGSTQxfGk373.pngSimilarly let qbe the β-quantile ofthe aggregate traffic. Then we have


If we provision the bandwidth capacity ofthe physical link as bq,congestion will happen with a probability less than β. Therefore by controllingb, we can achieve any guaranteed congestion probability β.

The next issue is how to assign thiscapacity to individual virtual links so that a virtual link can have a minimumbandwidth guarantee when congestion does happen. We adopt a simple approachwhere the minimum bandwidth assigned to each virtual link is calculated as thefollowing:



Therefore bq issatisfied. The reason for this simple approach is that the physical network hasvery little knowledge of the individual traffic flow routed in each virtualtopology. This makes it very hard to apply other fairness approaches such asMax-min [5]. However while being simple as it is, it is still more complex thana constant bandwidth as existing algorithms have typically assumed.

Combining Eqs. (1) to (4), we can seethat bldepends on mls and pls ofall the virtual links sharing the physical link as well as Ls, and furthermorethe relationship is nonlinear. This nonlinear relationship will make allexisting topology mapping algorithms such as those in [9-12] not applicable.The dependency on Lswill also make it infeasible because a network provider canonly know Lsafter optimization and mapping have been done, i.e., Ls is themapping result rather than mapping input. Therefore we need to further simplifyEq. (4) so that it forms a linear relationship and it does not depend on Ls.

We consider the scenarios where thetraffic carried by each virtual link is relatively small compared to thecapacity of the physical link. In specific, we assume that the variance of the trafficwithin each virtual link is upper bounded, i.e.

spacer.giffor spacer.gif, where Σis the upper bound. When veryfew virtual links are mapped to a physical link, the physical link is typicallyunderutilized. The physical link will not get congested no matter how muchminimum bandwidth is committed to each virtual link. So we will focus on those physicallinks hosting many virtual links, i.e. we assume the number of virtual linksmapped to a physical link is lower bounded, which means spacer.giffor all physical links, where Λis thelower bound. Then we have

Eq. (4) will be satisfied. This means thatthe congestion probability for the virtual link lwill be smaller than β. AlthoughEq. (5) is looser than Eq. (4), we can see that, when Λgoesto infinity, the allocated bandwidth for each virtual link with Eq. (5)converges to its mean rate which is clearly the minimum bandwidth any approachcan assign with guaranteed performance. This is in clear contrast to peak rateallocation with the wired virtual topology service.

It is important to note that Eq. (5) isdifferent from Eq. (4) in the sense that blis only dependent on mlwhile allother parameters will be constant across all virtual links and all physicallinks. And furthermore, it does not depend on spacer.gifWith this result, all existingtopology mapping algorithms will be valid without anychanges. So our objectivehas been achieved.

Now we will investigate the performanceof our proposed VTSG scheme in comparison with the wired virtual topology service.Because the mean rate mland peak rate plvary from virtual link to virtual link,in order to study the average performance, we consider mlsand  pls asi.i.d. random variables respectively withwKioL1ZByi2hh_qOAAAHuNkOvM8384.pngBecause virtual networks are typicallyindependent, this assumption is roughly true in practice.



With the wired virtual topology service,the bandwidth required by each virtual link denoted by spacer.gifwill be its peak rate. We have


Nowwe can calculate how much bandwidth we can save in terms of percentage denotedbyspacer.gif as


From Eq. (9), we can see that, whenΛincreases, i.e., the minimum number of virtual links sharing a physical link increases,the gain will also increase. When the number of virtual links sharing aphysical link is very small, the physical link becomes extremely unlikely toget congested. So it does not matter anymore in terms of how much bandwidth isassigned to each virtual link. Therefore, Eq. (5) can still be used.

When a virtual link is mapped to a paththat traverses multiple physical links, we can calculate the minimumbandwidthrequired for each physical link using similar approach and then take theirminimum as the minimum bandwidth for the virtual link. We will show somenumerical examples in the next section. If the traffic of a virtual link issplittable, we can model each portion of the splitted virtual link as aproportional amount of the whole virtual link traffic. This is typically the caseif ECMP protocol is applied. The above approach can then be applied to eachportion.


We now examine some numerical results. Wefirst want to see how the minimumbandwidtfor each virtual link changes withincreasing number of virtual links sharing thesame physical link. We assumeeach virtual link generates 1Gbps traffic in average and 1.3Gbps at peak. We set  ==0.1%. This means that the congestionprobability for each physical link is set as low as 0.1%. The result is shownin Figure 3. It is easy to see that the minimum bandwidth goes down withincreasing number of virtual links. More specifically, when there is only onevirtual link using the physical link, the minimum bandwidth is its peak rate,i.e., no multiplexing gain. However this is typically the case that thephysical link is underutilized due to the fact that the number of virtual linksis too small. Therefore no congestion issue exists for this case.

When the number of virtual links startsincreasing, the minimum bandwidth drops extremely fast at the beginning and flatsout later. This shows that it is quite effective to multiplex a small number ofvirtual links. We now compare the two types of services. In order to simplifythe parameter setting, we assume =and =Σ, both are roughly true in real situation.We rewrite Eq. (8) as follows:



Fig.3.Average minimum bandwidth for each virtual link vs. minimum number of virtuallinkssharing the same physical link. All virtual links have similar statisticalcharacteristics. Eachvirtual link carries traffic with average mean rate of1Gbps with average peak rate at 1.3 Gbps.

We definewKiom1ZByp6hSWK2AAACyKKb4o0138.pngas the coefficient of variation forthe traffic with each virtual link. We have


The results are shown in Figure 4, wherethe x-axis indicates Λand y-axis indicates . We can see that the saving increaseswith increasing numberof virtual links. The increase is more dramatic when thenumber of virtual links is small. Furthermore it also increases with increasingvariability of the traffic. The more variable the traffic, the more gain we canhave. When =0.3, i.e., the peak rate is about 90% more than the mean rate, thesaving is more than 30% with ten virtual links. This saving is significant.

VI.             CONCLUSION

By separating control plane from dataplane, SDN has the potential to allow network and service providers to create avariety of new services. Virtual topology is one of the most promising servicesSDN can provide. Through topology abstraction process, a network provider cansell virtual slices of its physical network to different service providers.Different service providers as tenants have full control of the virtual topologieswithin their own slices while the network provider has the control of its physicalnetwork. However lack of information about the micro-flows of each user makeseach owner difficult to explore statistical multiplexing gain.

This paper proposed VTSG as a new andpractical mechanism that allows a network provider to maximize statisticalmultiplexing gain while still provides certain guarantee to each tenant. Inaddition, our VTSG approach enables network provider and service provider tomake their separate resource usage decisions while sharing minimum aggregatevirtual link information.

Numerical results have shown thatsignificant gain can be achieved with relatively small number of tenants. Thisis veryencouraging because the number of tenants a network provider will hostmay be variable in a very wide range.

While achieving this multiplexing gain,we have made our method for minimum bandwidthcalculation to be independent fromother virtual links sharing the same physical link. This feature allows allexisting topology mapping algorithms applicable with our minimum bandwidthcalculation method.


Fig.4.  Average bandwidth saved vs. minimumnumber of virtual links.


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JiafengZhu, Min Luo, Wu Chou


SantaClara, US

{jiafeng.zhu,, wu.chou}



关键词:软件定义网络虚拟拓扑OpenFlow OFC(控制器)









二、     拓扑抽象作为一种服务


在现实生活中,这是很常见的用户,服务提供商和网络提供商分离的实体。它们全部具有可彼此冲突目标。取企业网络的例子。随着数据中心的快速增长,企业正在成为他们的外包企业网络数据中心越来越感兴趣。在这种情况下,网络的管理者现在是数据中心,如亚马逊的所有者。服务供应商是谁,他们的外包企业网络到数据中心的企业。因此服务提供商独立于网络供应商,以及独立于其他的服务提供商谁共享相同的物理网络上。认识到这方面的需求,SDN的先驱倡导一种叫做FlowVisor[7]起着作为管理程序与虚拟机相扮演同的角色。 FlowVisor允许网络提供商及其物理网络关于各种服务提供商服务划分。每个服务提供商可以实际上拥有一个片有其自己的虚拟网络拓扑,并通过拓扑抽象过程中产生的相关资源。则服务提供商可以优化其使用它所拥有的子网。网络提供商可以使用不同的速度卖不同价格[8]卖虚拟拓扑服务的服务提供商。这将改变,今天的网络供应商只能销售管道和装备网络供应商的新场地的收入增长的局面。在SDN架构拓扑抽象服务被示于图1。如该图所示,每个实体有它自己的OpenFlow控制器(OFC)。一个服务提供者的OFC是负责路由用户流量和其自己的虚拟拓扑中优化资源使用的。网络提供商的OFC将通过基于基础物理网络的全球拓扑图拓扑虚拟器执行拓扑抽象过程。


(1)             服务提供商可能不会允许合法地披露其个人用户(也称为微流信息)网络提供商的交通信息,虽然服务提供商可以提供综合信息,如均值和峰值速率虚连接的虚拟链路通常携带大量微流。

(2)             一个服务提供者可能是一个网络提供商的竞争对手。例如,RIM使用亚马逊的云服务,同时也是竞争对手与亚马逊的平板电脑。网络提供商可能不希望披露其网络使用信息服务提供者在服务提供者害怕使用信息来讨价还价。






三、     虚拟拓扑统计





配备所需的最小带宽的方法来计算每个虚拟链接,网络提供商将映射虚拟拓扑通过制定作为一个优化问题与最小带宽的要求。为此,有各种现有方法如(9 - 11)可以应用。所以我们的重点在本文将最小带宽的计算而不是映射问题的配方。重要的是要注意,计算最小带宽的复杂性有重大影响的映射算法的复杂性。这就是为什么现有方法[9 - 11]假设每个虚拟链路的带宽要求只是一个常数,不依赖于其他虚拟链接共享同一物理连接。我们的目标是找到一种方法,现有的方法如(9 - 11)可以直接应用没有任何变化。



在下一节中,我们的目标是开发一种方法计算最小带宽为每个虚拟链接以便a)它允许统计复用在不同虚拟链接共享相同的物理链接;b)所有现有的拓扑映射算法例如[9 - 11]仍然可以使用最小带宽应用虚拟链路的要求。

四、     最小带宽计算


我们考虑的场景,一个物理网络已经收到了R虚拟网络请求。R虚拟网络请求的虚拟链接构成一组l .我们假设每个服务提供者的网络提供商将通知要求虚拟网络拓扑和平均值和峰值速率的流量与每个虚拟链接。信息共享是聚合,因为每个虚拟链接有大量微流程。这种信息共享是虚拟拓扑服务所需的最低。

一个简单的例子如图2所示,一个物理网络包括四个节点(节点ABCD)和五个链接(链接(AB)(BC)(CD)(D)(AC)作为实线所示)。两个虚拟拓扑生成的物理网络。一个虚拟拓扑包含虚拟节点ABC和虚拟链接(AB)1 (BC)1 (AC)1如虚线所示。另一个包含虚拟节点、CD和虚拟链接(A C)2(C D)2(DA)2,点线所示。这里我们假设虚拟节点发生重叠与物理节点简化我们的符号。很容易看到,物理链路(AC)有两个虚拟链接(AC)1 (AC)2











2. 一个物理网络与两个虚拟拓扑示例










Now we will investigate the performanceof our proposed VTSG scheme in comparison with the wired virtual topology service.Because the mean rate mland peak rate plvary from virtual link to virtual link,in order to study the average performance, we consider mlsand  pls asi.i.d. random variables respectively withwKioL1ZByi2hh_qOAAAHuNkOvM8384.pngBecause virtual networks are typicallyindependent, this assumption is roughly true in practice.














五、     数值结果





3. 平均最小带宽为每个虚拟链接与最小数量的虚拟链接共享同一物理连接。所有虚拟链接也有类似的统计特征。每个虚拟链路进行流量平均意味着1 Gbps的速度与平均速度峰值1.3Gbps



结果如图4所示,x轴显示Λ y轴表示。我们可以看到,储蓄增加而增加数量虚拟链接。更戏剧性的增加当虚拟链接的数量很小。此外它也随着变化的流量的增加而增加。变量的流量越多,收获越多。Φ= 0.3时,即。,峰值率约90%以上的平均速度,节省30%以上的十个虚拟链接。这节约是显著的。

六、     结论






4. 平均带宽存储与最低数量虚拟链路


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