

  • A class contains a program that allows the user to scan each item in their cart and add or remove
  • items from their bagging area.
  • @author

public class SelfCheckoutKiosk {

public static final double TAX_RATE = 0.05; // sales tax
// a perfect-size two-dimensional array that stores the available items in the grocery store
// GROCERY_ITEMS[i][0] refers to a String that represents the name of the item
// identified by index i
// GROCERY_ITEMS[i][1] refers to a String that represents the unit price of the item
// identified by index i in dollars.
public static final String[][] GROCERY_ITEMS = new String[][] {{“Apple”, “$1.59”},
{“Avocado”, “$0.59”}, {“Banana”, “$0.49”}, {“Beef”, “$3.79”}, {“Blueberry”, “$6.89”},
{“Broccoli”, “$1.79”}, {“Butter”, “$4.59”}, {“Carrot”, “$1.19”}, {“Cereal”, “$3.69”},
{“Cheese”, “$3.49”}, {“Chicken”, “$5.09”}, {“Chocolate”, “$3.19”}, {“Cookie”, “$9.5”},
{“Cucumber”, “$0.79”}, {“Eggs”, “$3.09”}, {“Grape”, “$2.29”}, {“Ice Cream”, “$5.39”},
{“Milk”, “$2.09”}, {“Mushroom”, “$1.79”}, {“Onion”, “$0.79”}, {“Pepper”, “$1.99”},
{“Pizza”, “$11.5”}, {“Potato”, “$0.69”}, {“Spinach”, “$3.09”}, {“Tomato”, “$1.79”}};


  • Returns the item’s name given its index
  • @param index - unique identifier of an item
  • @return the item name
    // Returns the name of the item given its index
    // index - unique identifier of an item
    public static String getItemName(int index) {
    //Get the name of item at given index in the GROCERY_ITEMS array
    String itemName = GROCERY_ITEMS[index][0];
    return itemName;


  • Returns the item’s price given its index
  • @param index - unique identifier of an item
  • @return price of the given item
    // Returns the price of an item given its index (unique identifier)
    // index - unique identifier of an item
    public static double getItemPrice(int index) {
    //Create a double that contains the price value of item at given index in GROCERY_ITEMS array.
    //The price value is cast from String to double
    double itemPrice = Double.parseDouble(GROCERY_ITEMS[index][1].substring(1).trim());
    return itemPrice;


  • Prints the Catalog of the grocery store, including item identifiers, names, and prices
    public static void printCatalog() {
    // Complete the missing code /
    */ in the following implementation
    System.out.println(“Item id \tName \t\tPrice”);
    for (int i = 0; i < GROCERY_ITEMS.length; i++) {
    System.out.println(i + “\t\t” + GROCERY_ITEMS[i][0] +
    " \t " + GROCERY_ITEMS[i][1]);


  • Returns the number of items in the bagging area after adding an item
  • If number of items within the bagging area exceeds the capacity of bagging area, when trying to
  • add an item, an error message "Error! No additional item can be scanned. Please wait for
  • assistance." will be printed, and this adding will not be made to the content of bagging area.
  • @param id - the index of the item that is about be added at the end of the bagging area
  • @param items - the bagging area storing items
  • @param size - number of items stored in bagging area
  • @return an int representing the number of items within the bagging area after adding
    // Adds the name of a grocery item given its identifier at the end of
    // (the bagging area) the oversize array defined by the items array and its size
    // If the items array reaches its capacity, the following message:
    // “Error! No additional item can be scanned. Please wait for assistance.”
    // will be displayed and the method returns without making any change
    // to the contents of the items array.
    // id - identifier of the item to be added to the bagging area
    // (index of the item in the GROCERY_ITEMS array)
    // items - array storing the names of the items checked out and
    // placed in the bagging area
    // size - number of elements stored in items before trying to add a new item
    // Returns the number of elements stored in bagging area after the item
    // with the provided identifier was added to the bagging area
    public static int addItemToBaggingArea(int id, String[] items, int size) {
    if(size >= items.length) {
    //The capacity of bagging area is reached, print error message
    System.out.println(“Error! No additional item can be scanned. Please wait for assistance.”);
    else {
    items[size] = getItemName(id);
    size += 1; // size is increased by one if an item is added to the bagging area
    return size;


  • Returns the number of occurrences of a given item in the bagging area The comparison to find
  • the occurrences of item is case insensitive.
  • @param item - the item whose occurrences will be counted
  • @param items - the bagging area storing items
  • @param size - number of items stored in bagging area
  • @return an int counting the occurrence of a specific item in the bagging area
    // Returns the number of occurrences of a given item in an oversize array of
    // strings. The comparison to find the occurrences of item is case insensitive.
    // item - item to count its occurrences
    // items - a bag of string items
    // size - number of items stored in items
    public static int count(String item, String[] items, int size) {
    int count = 0; //initialize occurrence to 0
    // implement for loop to check and increment the occurrence
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    if (items[i].equalsIgnoreCase(item)) {
    return count;


  • Returns the index of the first occurrence of item in items if found, and -1 if the item not
  • found
  • @param item - the item to be searched for
  • @param items - the bagging area storing items
  • @param size - number of items stored in bagging area
  • @return an int representing the index of the item’s first occurrence,
  • return -1 if no match found
    // Returns the index of the first occurrence of item in items if found,
    // and -1 if the item not found
    // item - element to search for
    // items - an array of string elements
    // size - number of elements stored in items
    public static int indexOf(String item, String[] items, int size) {
    int index = 0; // initialize the index to 0
    // implement for loop to compare and determine the index of first occurrence of the item
    for (index = 0; index < size; index++) {
    if (items[index].equals(item)) {
    return index; // if the first occurrence of item is found, return index
    return -1;// if the item is never found within the bagging area


  • Removes the first occurrence of itemToRemove from the bagging area defined by the array items
  • and its size. If no match with itemToRemove is found, the method displays the following error
  • message “WARNING: item not found.” without making any change to the items array. This method
  • compacts the contents of the items array after removing the itemToRemove so there are no empty
  • spaces in the middle of the array.
  • This will replace the item to be removed with the last item within the cart,
  • and then set the last item to null.
  • @param itemToRemove - item to be removed from the bagging area
  • @param items - the bagging area storing items
  • @param size - number of items stored in bagging area
  • @return an int representing the number of items in the bagging area after the itemToRemove is
  •     removed

// Removes the first occurrence of itemToRemove from the bagging area
// defined by the array items and its size. If no match with
// itemToRemove is found, the method displays the following error
// message “WARNING: item not found.” without making any change
// to the items array. This method compacts the contents of the items
// array after removing the itemToRemove so there are no empty spaces
// in the middle of the array.
// itemToRemove - item to remove from the bagging area
// items - a bag of items
// size - number of elements stored in the bag of items
// returns the number of items present in the cart after the
// itemToRemove is removed from the cart
public static int remove(String itemToRemove, String[] items, int size) {
int index = 0; // the index of the itemToRemove, if found in the items
if (size == 0 || count(itemToRemove, items, size) == 0){
// an empty bagging area, or the bagging does not contain the given item,
//just return without change, and print error message
System.out.println(“WARNING: item not found.”);
return size;

// when the bagging area contains at least one item to be removed,
//remove it and change update size
index = indexOf(itemToRemove, items, size);
items[index] = items[size - 1]; // replace itemToRemove with the last item in the bagging area
items[size - 1] = null;// then set the last to null;
size -= 1;// after removing, decrement the size
return size;



  • Adds every unique item stored within the items array to the initially empty itemsSet array then
  • returns the number of elements in that array of unique items
  • @param items - list of items added to the bagging area
  • @param size - number of elements stored in items
  • @param itemsSet - reference to an empty array which is going to contain every unique item
  •             stored within the items array
  • @return an int representing the number of items in itemsSet array
    // Gets a copy of the items array without duplicates. Adds every unique item
    // stored within the items array to the itemsSet array.The itemsSet array is
    // initially empty. Recall that a set is a collection which does not contain
    // duplicate items).
    // On the other hand, this method does not make any change to the contents
    // of the items array.
    // items - list of items added to the bagging area
    // size - number of elements stored in items
    // itemsSet - reference to an empty array which is going to contain the set
    // of items checked out (it does not contain duplicates)
    // returns the number of elements in items without accounting duplicates.
    // In other words, this method returns the new size of the itemsSet array
    public static int getUniqueCheckedOutItems(String[] items, int size, String[] itemsSet) {
    // Note that we assume that the length of itemsSet equals
    // at least the size of items. This means that itemsSet array
    // can store the set of scanned items at checkout
    return 1; //default return


  • Returns the total value (price) of the scanned items at checkout without tax
  • @param items
  • @param size
  • @return a double representing the total price of checked out items without tax
    // Returns the total value (price) of the scanned items at checkout
    // without tax in $ (double)
    // items - an array which stores the items checked out
    // size - number of elements stored in the items array
    public static double getSubTotalPrice(String[] items, int size) {
    // [Hint] Try to break down this problem into subproblems.
    // define helper methods to help implement the behavior of this method
    return 0.0; //default return






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