Day 25 30 Days Of English Family Conversations

Hi and welcome to day 2 of 30 days of English. This week we are talking about relationships. First, we are going to talk about family, then friends, then romantic relationships. So, today we are going to talk about family memories. Are you ready? Let’s get started.

Today I have a special guest introduce to you too. This is my husband Daniel. --Hello. --Or do you want to go by Dan? —You can call me Dan. You would know. —OK. OK. So today, Dan is going to share some stories about his family with us. And then throughout the course, he’s going to also take part in our conversation lesson. Are you ready? ----I’m ready. ----Alright, so today we’re going to talk about family. And are there any interesting, fun, scary, strange family memories that you have that you like to share with everyone?

—Sure, I have a memory when I was a child. So, when I was maybe 9 years old or so. My mother told my brother and I to go to bed. And we went to the bed but just like most children, we wanted to play a lot. —Of course. ----So, we had a bunkbed. So that’s a bed below and a bed on top. And we were playing on the bunkbed. And on the bunkbed, there is a railing. And the railing was loose so you can swing it back and forth and it will make a loud sound. We thought that was funny. So the scary part of the story is that the railing had nails at the end of it. So when my brother was swinging the railing back and forth, my face somehow got in the way. And the railing smacked me in the face with the nail. So in my bed, I was lying down with blood rolling down my face. And my mom, she thought we were just playing. ----So you are screaming “Mom, help me.” ----Right, I was like “mommy, mommy.” And my mom said “be quite upstairs.” So she wanted us to go to sleep so. So, like a good child, I went to sleep with blood on my face. So then, later that night, when I was sleeping, my mom came upstairs and saw me sleeping, but I had dry blood over all my face. And she was like “AAAAAAAAAAA”. So that’s the scary story for my mom especially I think. -----But were you hurt badly or were you hurt permanently? Was it OK? —No, I don’t even think it’s a scar or anything. It’s just like a very little nail hit on my face. ----You’re lucky it didn’t hit your eye. -----Yes, very lucky. But it’s a very funny story in hindsight. But for my mother it was not very funny. ----Sure, in hindsight it’s OK, but not at the moment. —Exactly. ----Sure.

----So, how about you. Do you have any stories? Yes, so one of the stories about my families is also from my childhood. And so I have, some of you might know, I have a sister, a younger sister. And when we were younger, of course like every child at Christmas, we didn’t want to wait for Christmas to find out what our Christmas presents were. So sometimes we would scheme and plan and try to find a way that we could open our Christmas presents before Christmas. So sometimes a few days before Christmas, our parents would put Christmas presents under the tree. Just to attempt us. But well they would outside and doing something or sleeping at night. My sister and I would go downstairs and open just one or two Christmas presents but we carefully pry open the tape. And peak inside and sometimes we pulled it out and then we put it carefully back. ----So, you took out the whole presents sometimes? ----Sometimes we did. If it was possible to not mess up the ribbon. —Wow, you were very sneaky. ----Yeah, but we satisfied our curiosity. So we would put them carefully back into the ribbon and put the tape down. But we were worried that maybe on Christmas morning, our parents would think why aren’t they surprised about their presents? So my sister and I were practice making surprised faces. So that evening when we were secretly opening them, we practiced pretending to open them, like WOW. Just practice ridiculous surprised faces because we didn’t want anyone to find out that we really seen the present ahead time. And it worked. —The surprised faces worked. ----Yes, so it worked in the Christmas morning, my sister and I just laughed and laughed because we knew that each other’s surprised faces were just fake. ----Right, did your parents think you were serious laughing like just excited. ----Of course, of course. They were completely naive and have no idea. I think myabe later in the life, we confessed and told them back when we were younger, we used to secretly open the presents. But I don’t even know if they were upset at one the those funny stories. ----Probably not upset anymore. ----Oh, yeah, they probably didn’t care.

Thank you for sharing your story about your family. -----You’re welcome. ----And I hope you enjoy my story about my childhood as well. And today thank you for watching Day 2. It’s day 2 today. And if you’re a super English member, make sure that you watch this week’s bonus video about family and now for everyone I have a question that I want you to answer out loud as best as you can “what is a good memory from your childhood? Or bad memory or scary memory like Dan’s.” And I’ll talk to you later, goodbye.

bunkbed 带梯子的双人床

railing 栏杆,扶手

nail 钉子,指甲

smack 拍,打

hindsight 后见之明,事后的觉悟

scheme 计划,图谋

attempt 企图,试图

pry 撬动,撬开

peak inside 往里偷瞄

ribbon 丝带,缎带

**sneaky ** 鬼鬼祟祟的,狡猾的

ridiculous 可笑的,滑稽的

confess 承认,坦白,忏悔

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