

Time Limit: 1000MS Memory Limit: 10000K
Total Submissions: 7984 Accepted: 3970


In Pearlania everybody is fond of pearls. One company, called The Royal Pearl, produces a lot of jewelry with pearls in it. The Royal Pearl has its name because it delivers to the royal family of Pearlania. But it also produces bracelets and necklaces for ordinary people. Of course the quality of the pearls for these people is much lower then the quality of pearls for the royal family.In Pearlania pearls are separated into 100 different quality classes. A quality class is identified by the price for one single pearl in that quality class. This price is unique for that quality class and the price is always higher then the price for a pearl in a lower quality class.  
Every month the stock manager of The Royal Pearl prepares a list with the number of pearls needed in each quality class. The pearls are bought on the local pearl market. Each quality class has its own price per pearl, but for every complete deal in a certain quality class one has to pay an extra amount of money equal to ten pearls in that class. This is to prevent tourists from buying just one pearl.  
Also The Royal Pearl is suffering from the slow-down of the global economy. Therefore the company needs to be more efficient. The CFO (chief financial officer) has discovered that he can sometimes save money by buying pearls in a higher quality class than is actually needed.No customer will blame The Royal Pearl for putting better pearls in the bracelets, as long as the  
prices remain the same.  
For example 5 pearls are needed in the 10 Euro category and 100 pearls are needed in the 20 Euro category. That will normally cost: (5+10)*10+(100+10)*20 = 2350 Euro.Buying all 105 pearls in the 20 Euro category only costs: (5+100+10)*20 = 2300 Euro.  
The problem is that it requires a lot of computing work before the CFO knows how many pearls can best be bought in a higher quality class. You are asked to help The Royal Pearl with a computer program.  

Given a list with the number of pearls and the price per pearl in different quality classes, give the lowest possible price needed to buy everything on the list. Pearls can be bought in the requested,or in a higher quality class, but not in a lower one.  


The first line of the input contains the number of test cases. Each test case starts with a line containing the number of categories c (1<=c<=100). Then, c lines follow, each with two numbers ai and pi. The first of these numbers is the number of pearls ai needed in a class (1 <= ai <= 1000).  
The second number is the price per pearl pi in that class (1 <= pi <= 1000). The qualities of the classes (and so the prices) are given in ascending order. All numbers in the input are integers.  


For each test case a single line containing a single number: the lowest possible price needed to buy everything on the list.  

Sample Input

100 1
100 2
1 10
1 11
100 12

Sample Output





分析:dp[i]表示到第i个物品时的最优解,推出公式:dp[i]=dp[j]+(sum[i]-sum[j]+10)*p[i];sum为前 i 项和;


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <stack>
#include <queue>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
#define ll long long
const double eps = 1e-6;
const double pi = acos(-1.0);
const int INF = 0x3f3f3f3f;
const int MOD = 1000000007;

int n,a[1005],p[1005];
int sum[1005],dp[1005];

int main ()
    int T;
    scanf ("%d",&T);
    while (T--)
        scanf ("%d",&n);
        memset(dp, 0, sizeof(dp));
        memset(sum, 0, sizeof(sum));
        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
            scanf ("%d%d",&a[i],&p[i]);
            sum[i] = sum[i-1]+a[i];
        int ans=0;
        for (int i=1; i<=n; i++)
            int minx = INF;
            for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
                dp[i] = dp[j]+(sum[i]-sum[j]+10)*p[i];
                if (minx > dp[i]) minx=dp[i];
            dp[i] = minx;
        printf ("%d\n",dp[n]);
    return 0;


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题目描述 给出一个$n\times m$的矩阵,每个位置上有一个非负整数,代表这个位置的海拔高度。一开始时,有一个人站在其中一个位置上。这个人可以向上、下、左、右四个方向移动,但是只能移动到海拔高度比当前位置低或者相等的位置上。一次移动只能移动一个单位长度。定义一个位置为“山顶”,当且仅当从这个位置开始移动,可以一直走到海拔高度比它低的位置上。请问,这个矩阵中最多有多少个“山顶”? 输入格式 第一行两个整数,分别表示$n$和$m$。 接下来$n$行,每行$m$个整数,表示整个矩阵。 输出格式 输出一个整数,表示最多有多少个“山顶”。 样例输入 4 4 3 2 1 4 2 3 4 3 5 6 7 8 4 5 6 7 样例输出 5 算法1 (递归dp) $O(nm)$ 对于这道题,我们可以使用递归DP来解决,用$f(i,j)$表示以$(i,j)$为起点的路径最大长度,那么最后的答案就是所有$f(i,j)$中的最大值。 状态转移方程如下: $$ f(i,j)=\max f(x,y)+1(x,y)是(i,j)的下一个满足条件的位置 $$ 注意:这里的状态转移方程中的$x,y$是在枚举四个方向时得到的下一个位置,即: - 向上:$(i-1,j)$ - 向下:$(i+1,j)$ - 向左:$(i,j-1)$ - 向右:$(i,j+1)$ 实现过程中需要注意以下几点: - 每个点都需要搜一遍,因此需要用双重for循环来枚举每个起点; - 对于已经搜索过的点,需要用一个数组$vis$来记录,防止重复搜索; - 在进行状态转移时,需要判断移动后的点是否满足条件。 时间复杂度 状态数为$O(nm)$,每个状态转移的时间复杂度为$O(1)$,因此总时间复杂度为$O(nm)$。 参考文献 C++ 代码 算法2 (动态规划) $O(nm)$ 动态规划的思路与递归DP类似,只不过转移方程和实现方式有所不同。 状态转移方程如下: $$ f(i,j)=\max f(x,y)+1(x,y)是(i,j)的下一个满足条件的位置 $$ 注意:这里的状态转移方程中的$x,y$是在枚举四个方向时得到的下一个位置,即: - 向上:$(i-1,j)$ - 向下:$(i+1,j)$ - 向左:$(i,j-1)$ - 向右:$(i,j+1)$ 实现过程中需要注意以下几点: - 每个点都需要搜一遍,因此需要用双重for循环来枚举每个起点; - 对于已经搜索过的点,需要用一个数组$vis$来记录,防止重复搜索; - 在进行状态转移时,需要判断移动后的点是否满足条件。 时间复杂度 状态数为$O(nm)$,每个状态转移的时间复杂度为$O(1)$,因此总时间复杂度为$O(nm)$。 参考文献 C++ 代码


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