NGUI ScrollView 子控件不能撑满时滑动回弹到原来的位置


//dxy 回弹到原来的位置

    public void SpringResetPosition()
        //shouldMoveHorizontally 与 shouldMoveVertically 代表是否撑满这是Ngui提供的变量
        if ((!shouldMoveHorizontally && canMoveHorizontally) || (!shouldMoveVertically && canMoveVertically)) {
            if (mPanel == null) mPanel = GetComponent<UIPanel>();

            Bounds b = bounds;    //所有子widget的集合大小
            if (b.min.x == b.max.x || b.min.y == b.max.y) return;

            Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;  //XY = center, ZW = size.  裁剪数据
            float hx = clip.z * 0.5f;
            float hy = clip.w * 0.5f;
            float left = b.min.x + hx;
            float right = b.max.x - hx;
            float bottom = b.min.y + hy;
            float top = b.max.y - hy;

            if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
                left -= mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
                right += mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
                bottom -= mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
                top += mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
            // Calculate the offset based on the scroll value
            Vector2 pv = NGUIMath.GetPivotOffset(contentPivot);
            float ox = Mathf.Lerp(left, right, pv.x);
            float oy = Mathf.Lerp(top, bottom, 1 - pv.y);
            // Update the position
            Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition;
            if (canMoveHorizontally) pos.x += clip.x - ox;
            if (canMoveVertically) pos.y += clip.y - oy;
            //          mTrans.localPosition = pos;
            SpringPanel.Begin (gameObject, pos, 10);


using UnityEngine;
/// <summary>
/// This script, when attached to a panel turns it into a scroll view.
/// You can then attach UIDragScrollView to colliders within to make it draggable.
/// </summary>

[AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Interaction/Scroll View")]
public class UIScrollView : MonoBehaviour
    static public BetterList<UIScrollView> list = new BetterList<UIScrollView>();

    public enum Movement

    public enum DragEffect

    public enum ShowCondition

    public delegate void OnDragNotification ();

    /// <summary>
    /// Type of movement allowed by the scroll view.
    /// </summary>

    public Movement movement = Movement.Horizontal;

    /// <summary>
    /// Effect to apply when dragging.
    /// </summary>

    public DragEffect dragEffect = DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the dragging will be restricted to be within the scroll view's bounds.
    /// </summary>

    public bool restrictWithinPanel = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether dragging will be disabled if the contents fit.
    /// </summary>

    public bool disableDragIfFits = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the drag operation will be started smoothly, or if if it will be precise (but will have a noticeable "jump").
    /// </summary>

    public bool smoothDragStart = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether to use iOS drag emulation, where the content only drags at half the speed of the touch/mouse movement when the content edge is within the clipping area.
    /// </summary>  

    public bool iOSDragEmulation = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether to use springBack will be back if dragFinished
    /// </summary>
    public bool springBack = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Effect the scroll wheel will have on the momentum.
    /// </summary>

    public float scrollWheelFactor = 0.25f;

    /// <summary>
    /// How much momentum gets applied when the press is released after dragging.
    /// </summary>

    public float momentumAmount = 35f;

    /// <summary>
    /// Strength of the spring dampening effect.
    /// </summary>

    public float dampenStrength = 9f;

    /// <summary>
    /// Horizontal scrollbar used for visualization.
    /// </summary>

    public UIProgressBar horizontalScrollBar;

    /// <summary>
    /// Vertical scrollbar used for visualization.
    /// </summary>

    public UIProgressBar verticalScrollBar;

    /// <summary>
    /// Condition that must be met for the scroll bars to become visible.
    /// </summary>

    public ShowCondition showScrollBars = ShowCondition.OnlyIfNeeded;

    /// <summary>
    /// Custom movement, if the 'movement' field is set to 'Custom'.
    /// </summary>

    public Vector2 customMovement = new Vector2(1f, 0f);

    /// <summary>
    /// Content's pivot point -- where it originates from by default.
    /// </summary>

    public UIWidget.Pivot contentPivot = UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft;

    /// <summary>
    /// Event callback to trigger when the drag process begins.
    /// </summary>

    public OnDragNotification onDragStarted;

    /// <summary>
    /// Event callback to trigger when the drag process finished. Can be used for additional effects, such as centering on some object.
    /// </summary>

    public OnDragNotification onDragFinished;

    /// <summary>
    /// Event callback triggered when the scroll view is moving as a result of momentum in between of OnDragFinished and OnStoppedMoving.
    /// </summary>

    public OnDragNotification onMomentumMove;

    /// <summary>
    /// Event callback to trigger when the scroll view's movement ends.
    /// </summary>

    public OnDragNotification onStoppedMoving;

    // Deprecated functionality. Use 'movement' instead.
    [HideInInspector][SerializeField] Vector3 scale = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);

    // Deprecated functionality. Use 'contentPivot' instead.
    [SerializeField][HideInInspector] Vector2 relativePositionOnReset =;

    protected Transform mTrans;
    protected UIPanel mPanel;
    protected Plane mPlane;
    protected Vector3 mLastPos;
    protected bool mPressed = false;
    protected Vector3 mMomentum =;
    protected float mScroll = 0f;
    protected Bounds mBounds;
    protected bool mCalculatedBounds = false;
    protected bool mShouldMove = false;
    protected bool mIgnoreCallbacks = false;
    protected int mDragID = -10;
    protected Vector2 mDragStartOffset =;
    protected bool mDragStarted = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Panel that's being dragged.
    /// </summary>

    public UIPanel panel { get { return mPanel; } }

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the scroll view is being dragged.
    /// </summary>

    public bool isDragging { get { return mPressed && mDragStarted; } }

    /// <summary>
    /// Calculate the bounds used by the widgets.
    /// </summary>

    public virtual Bounds bounds
            if (!mCalculatedBounds)
                mCalculatedBounds = true;
                mTrans = transform;
                mBounds = NGUIMath.CalculateRelativeWidgetBounds(mTrans, mTrans);
            return mBounds;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the scroll view can move horizontally.
    /// </summary>

    public bool canMoveHorizontally
            return movement == Movement.Horizontal ||
                movement == Movement.Unrestricted ||
                (movement == Movement.Custom && customMovement.x != 0f);

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the scroll view can move vertically.
    /// </summary>

    public bool canMoveVertically
            return movement == Movement.Vertical ||
                movement == Movement.Unrestricted ||
                (movement == Movement.Custom && customMovement.y != 0f);

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the scroll view should be able to move horizontally (contents don't fit).
    /// </summary>

    public virtual bool shouldMoveHorizontally
            float size = bounds.size.x;
            if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip) size += mPanel.clipSoftness.x * 2f;
            return Mathf.RoundToInt(size - mPanel.width) > 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the scroll view should be able to move vertically (contents don't fit).
    /// </summary>

    public virtual bool shouldMoveVertically
            float size = bounds.size.y;
            if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip) size += mPanel.clipSoftness.y * 2f;
            return Mathf.RoundToInt(size - mPanel.height) > 0;

    /// <summary>
    /// Whether the contents of the scroll view should actually be draggable depends on whether they currently fit or not.
    /// </summary>

    protected virtual bool shouldMove
            if (!disableDragIfFits) return true;

            if (mPanel == null) mPanel = GetComponent<UIPanel>();
            Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;
            Bounds b = bounds;

            float hx = (clip.z == 0f) ? Screen.width  : clip.z * 0.5f;
            float hy = (clip.w == 0f) ? Screen.height : clip.w * 0.5f;

            if (canMoveHorizontally)
                if (b.min.x < clip.x - hx) return true;
                if (b.max.x > clip.x + hx) return true;

            if (canMoveVertically)
                if (b.min.y < clip.y - hy) return true;
                if (b.max.y > clip.y + hy) return true;
            return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Current momentum, exposed just in case it's needed.
    /// </summary>

    public Vector3 currentMomentum
            return mMomentum;
            mMomentum = value;
            mShouldMove = true;

    /// <summary>
    /// Cache the transform and the panel.
    /// </summary>

    void Awake ()
        mTrans = transform;
        mPanel = GetComponent<UIPanel>();

        if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
            mPanel.clipping = UIDrawCall.Clipping.ConstrainButDontClip;

        // Auto-upgrade
        if (movement != Movement.Custom && scale.sqrMagnitude > 0.001f)
            if (scale.x == 1f && scale.y == 0f)
                movement = Movement.Horizontal;
            else if (scale.x == 0f && scale.y == 1f)
                movement = Movement.Vertical;
            else if (scale.x == 1f && scale.y == 1f)
                movement = Movement.Unrestricted;
                movement = Movement.Custom;
                customMovement.x = scale.x;
                customMovement.y = scale.y;
            scale =;

        // Auto-upgrade
        if (contentPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft && relativePositionOnReset !=
            contentPivot = NGUIMath.GetPivot(new Vector2(relativePositionOnReset.x, 1f - relativePositionOnReset.y));
            relativePositionOnReset =;

    [System.NonSerialized] bool mStarted = false;

    void OnEnable ()
        if (mStarted && Application.isPlaying) CheckScrollbars();

    void Start ()
        mStarted = true;
        if (Application.isPlaying) CheckScrollbars();

    void CheckScrollbars ()
        if (horizontalScrollBar != null)
            EventDelegate.Add(horizontalScrollBar.onChange, OnScrollBar);
            horizontalScrollBar.BroadcastMessage("CacheDefaultColor", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
            horizontalScrollBar.alpha = ((showScrollBars == ShowCondition.Always) || shouldMoveHorizontally) ? 1f : 0f;

        if (verticalScrollBar != null)
            EventDelegate.Add(verticalScrollBar.onChange, OnScrollBar);
            verticalScrollBar.BroadcastMessage("CacheDefaultColor", SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);
            verticalScrollBar.alpha = ((showScrollBars == ShowCondition.Always) || shouldMoveVertically) ? 1f : 0f;

    void OnDisable () { list.Remove(this); mPressed = false; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Restrict the scroll view's contents to be within the scroll view's bounds.
    /// </summary>

    public bool RestrictWithinBounds (bool instant) { return RestrictWithinBounds(instant, true, true); }

    /// <summary>
    /// Restrict the scroll view's contents to be within the scroll view's bounds.
    /// </summary>

    public bool RestrictWithinBounds (bool instant, bool horizontal, bool vertical)
        if (mPanel == null) return false;

        Bounds b = bounds;
        Vector3 constraint = mPanel.CalculateConstrainOffset(b.min, b.max);

        if (!horizontal) constraint.x = 0f;
        if (!vertical) constraint.y = 0f;

        if (constraint.sqrMagnitude > 0.1f)
            if (!instant && dragEffect == DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
                // Spring back into place
                Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition + constraint;
                pos.x = Mathf.Round(pos.x);
                pos.y = Mathf.Round(pos.y);
                SpringPanel.Begin(mPanel.gameObject, pos, 8f);
                // Jump back into place

                // Clear the momentum in the constrained direction
                if (Mathf.Abs(constraint.x) > 0.01f) mMomentum.x = 0;
                if (Mathf.Abs(constraint.y) > 0.01f) mMomentum.y = 0;
                if (Mathf.Abs(constraint.z) > 0.01f) mMomentum.z = 0;
                mScroll = 0f;
            return true;
        return false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Disable the spring movement.
    /// </summary>

    public void DisableSpring ()
        SpringPanel sp = GetComponent<SpringPanel>();
        if (sp != null) sp.enabled = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Update the values of the associated scroll bars.
    /// </summary>

    public void UpdateScrollbars () { UpdateScrollbars(true); }

    /// <summary>
    /// Update the values of the associated scroll bars.
    /// </summary>

    public virtual void UpdateScrollbars (bool recalculateBounds)
        if (mPanel == null) return;

        if (horizontalScrollBar != null || verticalScrollBar != null)
            if (recalculateBounds)
                mCalculatedBounds = false;
                mShouldMove = shouldMove;

            Bounds b = bounds;
            Vector2 bmin = b.min;
            Vector2 bmax = b.max;

            if (horizontalScrollBar != null && bmax.x > bmin.x)
                Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;
                int intViewSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(clip.z);
                if ((intViewSize & 1) != 0) intViewSize -= 1;
                float halfViewSize = intViewSize * 0.5f;
                halfViewSize = Mathf.Round(halfViewSize);

                if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
                    halfViewSize -= mPanel.clipSoftness.x;

                float contentSize = bmax.x - bmin.x;
                float viewSize = halfViewSize * 2f;
                float contentMin = bmin.x;
                float contentMax = bmax.x;
                float viewMin = clip.x - halfViewSize;
                float viewMax = clip.x + halfViewSize;

                contentMin = viewMin - contentMin;
                contentMax = contentMax - viewMax;

                UpdateScrollbars(horizontalScrollBar, contentMin, contentMax, contentSize, viewSize, false);

            if (verticalScrollBar != null && bmax.y > bmin.y)
                Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;
                int intViewSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(clip.w);
                if ((intViewSize & 1) != 0) intViewSize -= 1;
                float halfViewSize = intViewSize * 0.5f;
                halfViewSize = Mathf.Round(halfViewSize);

                if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
                    halfViewSize -= mPanel.clipSoftness.y;

                float contentSize = bmax.y - bmin.y;
                float viewSize = halfViewSize * 2f;
                float contentMin = bmin.y;
                float contentMax = bmax.y;
                float viewMin = clip.y - halfViewSize;
                float viewMax = clip.y + halfViewSize;

                contentMin = viewMin - contentMin;
                contentMax = contentMax - viewMax;

                UpdateScrollbars(verticalScrollBar, contentMin, contentMax, contentSize, viewSize, true);
        else if (recalculateBounds)
            mCalculatedBounds = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Helper function used in UpdateScrollbars(float) function above.
    /// </summary>

    protected void UpdateScrollbars (UIProgressBar slider, float contentMin, float contentMax, float contentSize, float viewSize, bool inverted)
        if (slider == null) return;

        mIgnoreCallbacks = true;
            float contentPadding;

            if (viewSize < contentSize)
                contentMin = Mathf.Clamp01(contentMin / contentSize);
                contentMax = Mathf.Clamp01(contentMax / contentSize);

                contentPadding = contentMin + contentMax;
                slider.value = inverted ? ((contentPadding > 0.001f) ? 1f - contentMin / contentPadding : 0f) :
                    ((contentPadding > 0.001f) ? contentMin / contentPadding : 1f);
                contentMin = Mathf.Clamp01(-contentMin / contentSize);
                contentMax = Mathf.Clamp01(-contentMax / contentSize);

                contentPadding = contentMin + contentMax;
                slider.value = inverted ? ((contentPadding > 0.001f) ? 1f - contentMin / contentPadding : 0f) :
                    ((contentPadding > 0.001f) ? contentMin / contentPadding : 1f);

                if (contentSize > 0)
                    contentMin = Mathf.Clamp01(contentMin / contentSize);
                    contentMax = Mathf.Clamp01(contentMax / contentSize);
                    contentPadding = contentMin + contentMax;

            UIScrollBar sb = slider as UIScrollBar;
            if (sb != null) sb.barSize = 1f - contentPadding;
        mIgnoreCallbacks = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Changes the drag amount of the scroll view to the specified 0-1 range values.
    /// (0, 0) is the top-left corner, (1, 1) is the bottom-right.
    /// </summary>

    public virtual void SetDragAmount (float x, float y, bool updateScrollbars)
        if (mPanel == null) mPanel = GetComponent<UIPanel>();


        Bounds b = bounds;    //所有子widget的集合大小
        if (b.min.x == b.max.x || b.min.y == b.max.y) return;

        Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;  //XY = center, ZW = size.  裁剪数据

        float hx = clip.z * 0.5f;
        float hy = clip.w * 0.5f;
        float left = b.min.x + hx;
        float right = b.max.x - hx;
        float bottom = b.min.y + hy;
        float top = b.max.y - hy;

        if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
            left -= mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
            right += mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
            bottom -= mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
            top += mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
        // Calculate the offset based on the scroll value
        float ox = Mathf.Lerp(left, right, x);
        float oy = Mathf.Lerp(top, bottom, y);

        // Update the position
        if (!updateScrollbars)
            Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition;
            if (canMoveHorizontally) pos.x += clip.x - ox;
            if (canMoveVertically) pos.y += clip.y - oy;
            mTrans.localPosition = pos;

        if (canMoveHorizontally) clip.x = ox;
        if (canMoveVertically) clip.y = oy;

        // Update the clipping offset
        Vector4 cr = mPanel.baseClipRegion;
        mPanel.clipOffset = new Vector2(clip.x - cr.x, clip.y - cr.y);

        // Update the scrollbars, reflecting this change
        if (updateScrollbars) UpdateScrollbars(mDragID == -10);

    /// <summary>
    /// Manually invalidate the scroll view's bounds so that they update next time.
    /// </summary>

    public void InvalidateBounds () { mCalculatedBounds = false; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Reset the scroll view's position to the top-left corner.
    /// It's recommended to call this function before AND after you re-populate the scroll view's contents (ex: switching window tabs).
    /// Another option is to populate the scroll view's contents, reset its position, then call this function to reposition the clipping.
    /// </summary>

    [ContextMenu("Reset Clipping Position")]
    public void ResetPosition()
        if (NGUITools.GetActive(this))
            // Invalidate the bounds
            mCalculatedBounds = false;
            Vector2 pv = NGUIMath.GetPivotOffset(contentPivot);

            // First move the position back to where it would be if the scroll bars got reset to zero
            SetDragAmount(pv.x, 1f - pv.y, false);

            // Next move the clipping area back and update the scroll bars
            SetDragAmount(pv.x, 1f - pv.y, true);

    /// <summary>
    /// Call this function after you adjust the scroll view's bounds if you want it to maintain the current scrolled position
    /// </summary>

    public void UpdatePosition ()
        if (!mIgnoreCallbacks && (horizontalScrollBar != null || verticalScrollBar != null))
            mIgnoreCallbacks = true;
            mCalculatedBounds = false;
            Vector2 pv = NGUIMath.GetPivotOffset(contentPivot);
            float x = (horizontalScrollBar != null) ? horizontalScrollBar.value : pv.x;
            float y = (verticalScrollBar != null) ? verticalScrollBar.value : 1f - pv.y;
            SetDragAmount(x, y, false);
            mIgnoreCallbacks = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Triggered by the scroll bars when they change.
    /// </summary>

    public void OnScrollBar ()
        if (!mIgnoreCallbacks)
            mIgnoreCallbacks = true;
            float x = (horizontalScrollBar != null) ? horizontalScrollBar.value : 0f;
            float y = (verticalScrollBar != null) ? verticalScrollBar.value : 0f;
            SetDragAmount(x, y, false);
            mIgnoreCallbacks = false;

    /// <summary>
    /// Move the scroll view by the specified local space amount.
    /// </summary>

    public virtual void MoveRelative (Vector3 relative)
        mTrans.localPosition += relative;
        Vector2 co = mPanel.clipOffset;
        co.x -= relative.x;
        co.y -= relative.y;
        mPanel.clipOffset = co;

        // Update the scroll bars

    /// <summary>
    /// Move the scroll view by the specified world space amount.
    /// </summary>

    public void MoveAbsolute (Vector3 absolute)
        Vector3 a = mTrans.InverseTransformPoint(absolute);
        Vector3 b = mTrans.InverseTransformPoint(;
        MoveRelative(a - b);

    /// <summary>
    /// Create a plane on which we will be performing the dragging.
    /// </summary>

    public void Press (bool pressed)
        if (UICamera.currentScheme == UICamera.ControlScheme.Controller) return;

        if (smoothDragStart && pressed)
            mDragStarted = false;
            mDragStartOffset =;

        if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject))
            if (!pressed && mDragID == UICamera.currentTouchID) mDragID = -10;

            mCalculatedBounds = false;
            mShouldMove = shouldMove;
            if (!mShouldMove) return;
            mPressed = pressed;

            if (pressed)
                // Remove all momentum on press
                mMomentum =;
                mScroll = 0f;

                // Disable the spring movement

                // Remember the hit position
                mLastPos = UICamera.lastWorldPosition;

                // Create the plane to drag along
                mPlane = new Plane(mTrans.rotation * Vector3.back, mLastPos);

                // Ensure that we're working with whole numbers, keeping everything pixel-perfect
                Vector2 co = mPanel.clipOffset;
                co.x = Mathf.Round(co.x);
                co.y = Mathf.Round(co.y);
                mPanel.clipOffset = co;

                Vector3 v = mTrans.localPosition;
                v.x = Mathf.Round(v.x);
                v.y = Mathf.Round(v.y);
                mTrans.localPosition = v;

                if (!smoothDragStart)
                    mDragStarted = true;
                    mDragStartOffset =;
                    if (onDragStarted != null) onDragStarted();
            else if (centerOnChild)
                if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel.clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
                    RestrictWithinBounds(dragEffect == DragEffect.None, canMoveHorizontally, canMoveVertically);
                Bounds b = bounds;
                Vector3 constraint = mPanel.CalculateConstrainOffset(b.min, b.max);
                if (mDragStarted && onDragFinished != null) 
                if (!mShouldMove && onStoppedMoving != null)
                if (springBack)
                SpringResetPosition ();

    /// <summary>
    /// Drag the object along the plane.
    /// </summary>

    public void Drag ()
        if (!mPressed || UICamera.currentScheme == UICamera.ControlScheme.Controller) return;

        if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && mShouldMove)
            if (mDragID == -10) mDragID = UICamera.currentTouchID;
            UICamera.currentTouch.clickNotification = UICamera.ClickNotification.BasedOnDelta;

            // Prevents the drag "jump". Contributed by 'mixd' from the Tasharen forums.
            if (smoothDragStart && !mDragStarted)
                mDragStarted = true;
                mDragStartOffset = UICamera.currentTouch.totalDelta;
                if (onDragStarted != null) onDragStarted();

            Ray ray = smoothDragStart ?
                UICamera.currentCamera.ScreenPointToRay(UICamera.currentTouch.pos - mDragStartOffset) :

            float dist = 0f;

            if (mPlane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
                Vector3 currentPos = ray.GetPoint(dist);
                Vector3 offset = currentPos - mLastPos;
                mLastPos = currentPos;

                if (offset.x != 0f || offset.y != 0f || offset.z != 0f)
                    offset = mTrans.InverseTransformDirection(offset);

                    if (movement == Movement.Horizontal)
                        offset.y = 0f;
                        offset.z = 0f;
                    else if (movement == Movement.Vertical)
                        offset.x = 0f;
                        offset.z = 0f;
                    else if (movement == Movement.Unrestricted)
                        offset.z = 0f;
                    offset = mTrans.TransformDirection(offset);

                // Adjust the momentum
                if (dragEffect == DragEffect.None) mMomentum =;
                else mMomentum = Vector3.Lerp(mMomentum, mMomentum + offset * (0.01f * momentumAmount), 0.67f);

                // Move the scroll view
                if (!iOSDragEmulation || dragEffect != DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
                    Vector3 constraint = mPanel.CalculateConstrainOffset(bounds.min, bounds.max);

                    if (constraint.magnitude > 1f)
                        MoveAbsolute(offset * 0.5f);
                        mMomentum *= 0.5f;

                // We want to constrain the UI to be within bounds
                if (restrictWithinPanel &&
                    mPanel.clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None &&
                    dragEffect != DragEffect.MomentumAndSpring)
                    RestrictWithinBounds(true, canMoveHorizontally, canMoveVertically);

    public UICenterOnChild centerOnChild = null;

    /// <summary>
    /// If the object should support the scroll wheel, do it.
    /// </summary>

    public void Scroll (float delta)
        if (enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(gameObject) && scrollWheelFactor != 0f)
            mShouldMove |= shouldMove;
            if (Mathf.Sign(mScroll) != Mathf.Sign(delta)) mScroll = 0f;
            mScroll += delta * scrollWheelFactor;

    /// <summary>
    /// Apply the dragging momentum.
    /// </summary>

    void LateUpdate ()
//      Debug.LogError (""+shouldMoveVertically+canMoveVertically);
        if (!Application.isPlaying) return;
        float delta = RealTime.deltaTime;

        // Fade the scroll bars if needed
        if (showScrollBars != ShowCondition.Always && (verticalScrollBar || horizontalScrollBar))
            bool vertical = false;
            bool horizontal = false;

            if (showScrollBars != ShowCondition.WhenDragging || mDragID != -10 || mMomentum.magnitude > 0.01f)
                vertical = shouldMoveVertically;
                horizontal = shouldMoveHorizontally;

            if (verticalScrollBar)
                float alpha = verticalScrollBar.alpha;
                alpha += vertical ? delta * 6f : -delta * 3f;
                alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha);
                if (verticalScrollBar.alpha != alpha) verticalScrollBar.alpha = alpha;

            if (horizontalScrollBar)
                float alpha = horizontalScrollBar.alpha;
                alpha += horizontal ? delta * 6f : -delta * 3f;
                alpha = Mathf.Clamp01(alpha);
                if (horizontalScrollBar.alpha != alpha) horizontalScrollBar.alpha = alpha;

        if (!mShouldMove) return;

        // Apply momentum
        if (!mPressed)
            if (!shouldMoveHorizontally || !shouldMoveVertically)
            if (mMomentum.magnitude > 0.0001f || mScroll != 0f)
                if (movement == Movement.Horizontal)
                    mMomentum -= mTrans.TransformDirection(new Vector3(mScroll * 0.05f, 0f, 0f));
                else if (movement == Movement.Vertical)
                    mMomentum -= mTrans.TransformDirection(new Vector3(0f, mScroll * 0.05f, 0f));
                else if (movement == Movement.Unrestricted)
                    mMomentum -= mTrans.TransformDirection(new Vector3(mScroll * 0.05f, mScroll * 0.05f, 0f));
                    mMomentum -= mTrans.TransformDirection(new Vector3(
                        mScroll * customMovement.x * 0.05f,
                        mScroll * customMovement.y * 0.05f, 0f));
                mScroll = NGUIMath.SpringLerp(mScroll, 0f, 20f, delta);

                // Move the scroll view
                Vector3 offset = NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, dampenStrength, delta);

                // Restrict the contents to be within the scroll view's bounds
                if (restrictWithinPanel && mPanel.clipping != UIDrawCall.Clipping.None)
                    if (NGUITools.GetActive(centerOnChild))
                        if (centerOnChild.nextPageThreshold != 0f)
                            mMomentum =;
                            mScroll = 0f;
                        else centerOnChild.Recenter();
                        RestrictWithinBounds(false, canMoveHorizontally, canMoveVertically);

                if (onMomentumMove != null)
                mScroll = 0f;
                mMomentum =;

                SpringPanel sp = GetComponent<SpringPanel>();
                if (sp != null && sp.enabled) return;

                mShouldMove = false;
                if (onStoppedMoving != null)
            // Dampen the momentum
            mScroll = 0f;
            NGUIMath.SpringDampen(ref mMomentum, 9f, delta);

    //dxy 回弹到原来的位置
    public void SpringResetPosition()
        if ((!shouldMoveHorizontally && canMoveHorizontally) || (!shouldMoveVertically && canMoveVertically)) {
            if (mPanel == null) mPanel = GetComponent<UIPanel>();

            Bounds b = bounds;    //所有子widget的集合大小
            if (b.min.x == b.max.x || b.min.y == b.max.y) return;

            Vector4 clip = mPanel.finalClipRegion;  //XY = center, ZW = size.  裁剪数据
            float hx = clip.z * 0.5f;
            float hy = clip.w * 0.5f;
            float left = b.min.x + hx;
            float right = b.max.x - hx;
            float bottom = b.min.y + hy;
            float top = b.max.y - hy;

            if (mPanel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.SoftClip)
                left -= mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
                right += mPanel.clipSoftness.x;
                bottom -= mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
                top += mPanel.clipSoftness.y;
            // Calculate the offset based on the scroll value
            Vector2 pv = NGUIMath.GetPivotOffset(contentPivot);
            float ox = Mathf.Lerp(left, right, pv.x);
            float oy = Mathf.Lerp(top, bottom, 1 - pv.y);
            // Update the position
            Vector3 pos = mTrans.localPosition;
            if (canMoveHorizontally) pos.x += clip.x - ox;
            if (canMoveVertically) pos.y += clip.y - oy;
            //          mTrans.localPosition = pos;
            SpringPanel.Begin (gameObject, pos, 10);

    /// <summary>
    /// Pan the scroll view.
    /// </summary>

    public void OnPan (Vector2 delta)
        if (horizontalScrollBar != null) horizontalScrollBar.OnPan(delta);
        if (verticalScrollBar != null) verticalScrollBar.OnPan(delta);

        if (horizontalScrollBar == null && verticalScrollBar == null)
            if (scale.x != 0f) Scroll(delta.x);
            else if (scale.y != 0f) Scroll(delta.y);


    /// <summary>
    /// Draw a visible orange outline of the bounds.
    /// </summary>

    void OnDrawGizmos ()
        if (mPanel != null)
            if (!Application.isPlaying) mCalculatedBounds = false;
            Bounds b = bounds;
            Gizmos.matrix = transform.localToWorldMatrix;
            Gizmos.color = new Color(1f, 0.4f, 0f);
            Gizmos.DrawWireCube(new Vector3(,, b.min.z), new Vector3(b.size.x, b.size.y, 0f));
评论 1




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


