外刊精读125 / MIT Sloan Management Review / 商业背景下的神经学研究 笔记

第一段~第三段 介绍文章主题
第四段~第十四段 问题之一Proxies (举例:电影预告片、棒球)
第十五段~第二十五段 问题之二Emergence (举例:百事挑战)
第二十六段~第三十三段 问题之三 Translation (举例:催产素)
第三十四段~第三十七段 总结 (对商业人士、科研者提出建议)

neuroscience n. 神经学 (neuro n. 神经)
inject v. 注入(to introduce sth new that is necessary or helpful to a situation or process)
(I tried to inject a little humour into the meeting.)
be nothing short of 简直就是(used to emphasize a situation, quality or type of behavior)
(The party was nothing short of a disaster.)
comprehensive adj. 综合的,全面的(complete and including everything that is necessary)
oversell v. 超售;过度推销(to make an idea or product seem better than it is)

proponent n. 支持者 (opponent n. 反对者)
setting n. 环境,背景
gloss over 掩盖,掩饰
caveat / ˈkæviæt / n. 警告,限制性条款
concerning prep. 关于(about)
(If you have any information concerning the incident, please contact the police.)

vendor n. 供应商
informed decision 明智的决策
regarding prep. 关于(about)
(I have a question regarding your last statement.)

proxy n. 代理人
high-profile adj. 高调的,备受注目的 (low-profile)
(There is a growing number of women in high-profile positions in the government.)
trailer n. 预告片
refine v. 改进,改善 (to improve an idea, method, system, etc.)
(Engineers spend many months refining the software.)
baseball scout / skaʊt / 棒球球探
educated guess 有根据的推测(a guess that is made using judgment and a
particular level of knowledge and is therefore more likely to be correct)
call up 召集,调取

reliability n. 可靠度,可信度
correlation n. 关联
infer v. 推测
(I inferred from her expression that she wanted to leave.)
validity / vəˈlɪdəti / n. 有效性,真实性(the quality of being based on truth or reason)
(This research seems to give some validity to the theory that the drug might cause cancer.)
variant / ˈveriənt / n. 变形,变异,变体
replicate v. 复制(to make or do sth again in exactly the same way)
(Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.)
utility n. 实用性 given… 考虑到
favorable adj. 良好的,有利的 (favourable weather conditions)
cost-benefit ratio 成本效益率

correlate with 有关联

for starters 首先
aforementioned adj. 上述的,前面提及的

hype n. 炒作
(There’s been a lot of hype around his latest film.)
one-off adj.&n. 一次性的
incentive n. 动机,激励,刺激(sth that encourages a person to do sth)

nominal adj. 微不足道的

superior adj. 更好的(better than average or better than other people
or things of the same type) (inferior adj. 更差的)
(She was chosen for the job because she was the superior candidate.)

leverage / ˈlevərɪdʒ / v. 利用 (to use sth)
(We can gain a market advantage by leveraging our network of partners.)
manner n. 行为,举止(the usual way in which you behave)

dorsolateral prefrontal cortex 背外侧前额叶皮层
override v. 操控,凌驾于 (to be more important than sth)
compel v. 迫使 (to force sb to do sth) (compelling adj. 有说服力的)
(The new circumstances compelled a change in policy.)

entity / ˈentəti / n. 实体,独立存在的个体(sth that exists apart from other things,
having its own independent existence)
(legal entity 法人) (commercial entity 商业实体)
embody v. 体现,表现(to represent a quality or an idea exactly)
(She embodied good sportsmanship on the playing field.)
adage n. 格言,谚语 (a wise saying)

context n. 背景,环境(historical/social/cultural context)
digestive / daɪˈdʒestɪv / adj. 消化的
cardiovascular / ˌkɑːrdioʊˈvæskjələr / adj. 心血管的
respiratory / ˈrespərətɔːri / adj. 呼吸的
in isolation 独立地

invert v. 颠倒(to turn sth upside down or change the order of two things)

sequence / ˈsiːkwəns / n. 连续事件,顺序 (a series of related things
or events, or the order in which they follow each other)
(Is there a particular sequence in which you have to perform these tasks?)
myriad / ˈmɪriəd / adj. 大量的,无数的(very large in number)
amygdala / əˈmɪɡdələ / n. 杏仁体

postulate v. 假设
circularity / ˌsɜːrkjəˈlærəti / n. 循环

syllogistic / ˌsɪləˈdʒɪstɪk / adj. 三段论法的

put forth 提出,提议(to suggest an idea for consideration)
explanatory / ɪkˈsplænətɔːri / adj. 解释的
relevant to 与…有关
acronym / ˈækrənɪm / n. 首字母缩写词
underdetermined adj. 证据不足的

be rife with 充满
pitfall n. 陷阱

oxytocin / ˌɑːksɪˈtoʊsɪn / n. 催产素
modulation / ˌmɑːdʒəˈleɪʃn / n. 调节
serological / sɪrəˈlɑːdʒɪkəl / n. 血清学的
employ v. 使用,利用
bolster v. 增强 (to support or improve sth or make it stronger)
(bolster the industry/confidence/morale/image)
cohesiveness n. 凝聚力 (the situation when the members of a group or society are united)
(social/national cohesiveness)

hollow adj. 无用的,无价值的(without value, or not true or sincere)
(Will their good intentions become realities or are they just hollow promises?)

rub n. 问题,困难
requisite / ˈrekwɪzɪt / n. 必需品,必要条件(an important necessary thing)
obsolete / ˌɑːbsəˈliːt / adj. 废弃的,淘汰的(not in use any more, having been replaced by sth newer and better or more fashionable)
(Traditional retailing is in danger of being rendered obsolete by the internet.)

legitimate / lɪˈdʒɪtɪmət / adj. 正当的,合理的(reasonable and acceptable)
refer to 提到

be of + n. = adj.
(be of importance=important)

herein lies the problem / ˌhɪrˈɪn / 问题就在这里
be of no value=valueless
exclusively adv. 仅仅,单独地 (only)

disseminate v. 散布,传播
corollary / ˈkɔːrəleri / n. 推断
causative / ˈkɔːzətɪv / adj. 成为原因的

domain / doʊˈmeɪn / n. 领域
constrain v. 限制,约束,束缚(to control and limit sth)
(Rising energy costs are constraining consumer spending.)
hitch v. 拴住,套上
absolve v. 赦免,免除

第一段~第三段 介绍文章主题
第四段~第十四段 问题之一Proxies (举例:电影预告片、棒球、)
第十五段~第二十五段 问题之二Emergence (举例:百事挑战)
第二十六段~第三十三段 问题之三 Translation (举例:催产素)
第三十四段~第三十七段 总结 (对商业人士、科研者提出建议)

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