外刊精读121 / 经济学人 / AI如何改变科学 Notes

surge n.&v. 猛增 (不适合再加修饰适度的词)
(There was a surge in house/food prices.)

fret about 烦恼
dystopian / dɪsˈtoʊpiən / adj.&n. 反乌托邦
scenario / səˈnærioʊ / n. 情景;设想 (a description of possible actions or events in the future)
(There are several possible scenarios.)
thorny adj. 棘手的 (thorn n. 荆棘,刺) accelerate v. 加速 (decelerate v. 减速)
luminary / ˈluːmɪneri / n. 杰出人物
turbocharge v. 用涡轮增压

counterbalance v. 抗衡,抵消
(Short-term losses in revenue will be counterbalanced by new business opportunities. )
hail v. 赞扬,欢呼 laud v. 赞美
panacea / ˌpænəˈsiːə / n. 灵丹妙药(sth that will solve all problems)
(Technology is not a panacea for all our problems.)
herald n.&v. 预示,征兆
(This drug has been heralded as a major breakthrough in the fight against breast cancer.)
pundit / ˈpʌndɪt  n. 专家
eradicate / ɪˈrædɪkeɪt / v. 根除,消灭(to get rid of sth completely or destroy sth bad)
(The disease that once claimed millions of lives now been eradicated.)
supposedly / səˈpoʊzɪdli / adv. 据说(according to what sb told you or what is
believed by many people to be true)
(It’s supposedly getting a bit colder next weekend.)
bring about 引起,导致(to cause sth to happen)
burst n. 突发 (a sudden increase in sth, especially for a short period)
(a burst of speed/applause/laughter)

open up 开拓;揭露
(The government has announced plans to open up access to higher education.)
vista / ˈvɪstə / n. 展望,前景
(As leader, he opened up exciting vistas of global cooperation.)
favour sth over sth 偏爱 (In the survey, a majority of people favoured
higher taxes and better public services over tax cuts.)
antiquity / ænˈtɪkwəti / n. 古代 pendulum / ˈpendʒələm / n. 钟摆,摆锤
prime adj. 首要的(main or most important)
(Improving product awareness of consumers is our prime target for the period.)

give rise to 引起 fertiliser n. 肥料
pharmaceutical / ˌfɑːrməˈsuːtɪk(ə)l / n. 制药
transistor n. 晶体管

vary v. 变化(to change in amount or level; if things of the same type vary, they
are different from each other)
(The incomes of self-employed professionals can vary widely from time to time.)
veterinary / ˈvetərəneri / adj. 兽医的
employ v. 使用 (to use sth)
(Sophisticated statistical analysis was employed to obtain these results.)
property n. 特性,性质(a quality in a substance or material)
(One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.)
sift through 详细审查 (sift v. 过筛)
particle collider 粒子对撞机 robotic telescope 程控望远镜
pattern n. 模式(a particular way in which sth is done or organized, or happens)
(The pattern of family life has been changing over recent years.)
fold v. 折叠 Higgs boson 希格斯波色子

mingle v. 混合(to mix or combine)
(The two flavours mingle well.)
(The excitement of starting a new job is always mingled with a certain apprehension.)
set sth off 引起 (to cause an activity or event to begin or happen)

interdisciplinary adj. 跨学科的
discipline n. 学科

replicate v. 重复,复制(to make or do sth again in exactly the same way)
(Researchers tried many times to replicate the original experiment.)
scale up 扩大规模
(My company is scaling up its operations in Western Asia.)

feasible adj. 可行的(able to be made, done, or achieved)
(With the extra resources, the project now seems feasible.)

body n. 组织,机构
(legislative body governing body advisory body)
press for 迫切需要
integration n. 结合,融合 (integrate v.)
chip n. 筹码;薯条;芯片

polymath n.&adj. 博学的人 advent n. 出现
inaccessible adj. 难以获得的,难以达到的
(He found much information inaccessible because the library lacked a modern classification system.)
(This land is one of the most inaccessible places in the world.)
prodigious adj. 巨大的,庞大的(extremely great in ability, amount, or strength)
successor n. 继承者 (sb or sth that comes after another person or thing)
(She has been appointed successor to the retiring chief executive.)
toolkit n. 工具箱 be poised to do sth 可能做某事

第一段 Differing views of AI
第二段 Positive views should be examined
第三段 Review of past scientific inventions in 17th century
第四段 Review of past scientific inventions in 19th and 20th century
第五段 Areas where AI has already been employed


第七段 Applying AI in LBD
第八段 Applying AI in self-driving lab
第九段 concerns and hopes
第十段 What governments and funding bodies can do to help?
第十一段 conclusion

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