外刊精读120 / New Scientist / 从社会心理学角度理解粉丝文化 Notes

fandom n. 粉丝文化(the state of being a fan; a group of fans)
rap n. 评价(a judgment or a reaction)
transformative adj. 有改造作用的,有变革性的(causing a major
change to sth or sb, especially in a way that makes it or them better)

saddle with 强加某种付担、责任(to give sb a responsibility or problem that they
do not want and that will cause them a lot of work or difficulty)
(The company is saddled with debt.)
dubious adj. 可疑的(thought not to be completely true or not able to be trusted);
不确定的(feeling doubt or not feeling certain)
(These claims are dubious and not scientifically proven.)
(I’m dubious about his promises.)
condemn v. 谴责(to criticize sth or sb strongly)
(The film was condemned for its ultraviolence.)
irrational / ɪˈræʃən(ə)l / adj. 不理性的,荒谬的(not using reason or clear thinking)
aberrant / əˈberənt / adj. 异常的
dull adj. 无聊的,迟钝的
idle adj. 无所事事的,闲置的(not working or being used)
(Half these factories now stand idle.)
level v. 推倒 (to completely destroy)
vent v. 发泄情绪(to express a negative emotion in a forceful and often unfair way)
(Please don’t shout—there’s no need to vent your frustration/anger/rage on me.)

depiction n. 描述,描绘
tally with 符合,与…一致
first and foremost 首要的是( more than anything else)
age-old adj. 古老的
(It’s an age-old story of love and betrayal.)
trait n. 特征,特点 (feature / characteristic)
outlook n. 观点,态度(a person’s way of understanding and thinking about sth)
(He has a fairly positive outlook on life.)

immensely adv. 极其,非常 (extremely)
(She is an immensely talented young athlete.)
geek out over sth 痴迷于
divergent adj. 不同的
(They hold widely divergent opinions on controversial issues like abortion.)
draw in 吸引 parentage n. 身世
a host of 大量的(a large number of sth)
like-minded adj. 志趣相投的,志同道合的

enriching adj. 充实的,丰富的 (enrich v.)
(My life was greatly enriched by knowing her.)
flimsy adj. 脆弱的,浅薄的
(a flimsy dress / a flimsy excuse)
premise / ˈpremɪs / n. 前提,假设
(The research project is based on the premise stated earlier.)

integral adj. 必要的,作为组成部分的(necessary and important as
a part of a whole) (He’s an integral part of the team and we can’t do without him.)
convention n. 大会(a large formal meeting of people who do a particular job
or have a similar interest);习俗,惯例(conventional adj.)
(fan convention / comic book convention / fiction convention)
prominent adj. 重要的,显著的 (very well known and important)
(New books are displayed in a prominent position on tables.)

prevalent adj. 流行的,普遍的(existing very commonly or happening often)
(These diseases are more prevalent among young children.)
dynamics n. 动力(forces or processes that produce change inside a group or system)
adoration n. 爱慕,崇拜(very strong love or worship for sb) (adore / adorable)

第一段 粉丝文化承受的负面评价
第二段 从社会心理学分析粉丝文化
第三段 粉丝文化对个人生活的影响
第四段 粉丝文化形成的机制
第五段 粉丝文化是一种社会身份的体现
第六段 社会身份的重要性
第七段 粉丝文化需要理解和接受

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