


在这里我必须放弃一些东西,因为毕竟我不是MIDI也不是MIDI文件专家!最近我为我的PC准备了一块Gravis 超音频音效卡,利用它听完几段MIDI文件(.mid)之后,想:“呵,我要是能够制作自己的MIDI(.mid)文件该多好啊!”嗯,经过烦人的几个小时之后,我发现,那些并不是没有价值的工作。但是,我是不会让一个冗长的文件格式就能够阻止的(此外,我告诉过我的妻子,计算机不是很难用的,而且我十分憎恨当一个伪君子)。那么,在这篇文章中如果发现什么错误,请让我知道,我会修改它的。同时,这份文档的范围并没有提供所有类型的MIDI命令和任何可能的文件配置!这篇基本指南将使读者能够(以中等的时间投资)制作出MIDI类型的文件。




4D 54 68 64 00 00 00 06 ff ff nn nn dd dd

前4个字节等同于ASCII码MThd,接着MThd之后的4个字节是头的大小。它将一直是00 00 00 00 06,因为现行的头信息将一直是6字节。

ff ff是文件的格式,有3种格式:



nn nn 是MIDI文件中的轨道数。
dd dd 是每个4分音符delta-time节奏数(这之后将做详细介绍)。



4D 54 72 6B xx xx xx xx


在头之下是MIDI事件,这些事件同现行的可以被带有累加的MIDI合成器端口接受和发送的数据是相同的。一个MIDI 事件先于一个delta-time。一个delta-time是一个MIDI事件被执行后的节奏数,每个四分之一音符的节奏数先前已经定义在了文件的头块中。这个delta-time是一个可变长度的编码值。这种格式虽然混乱,可是允许根据需要利用多位表示较大的数值,这不会因为需求小的数值情况下以添零的方式浪费掉一些字节!数值被转换为7位的字节,并且除了最后一个字节以最高有效位是0外,各个字节最有意义的一位是1,。这就允许一个数值被一次一个字节地读取,你如果发现最高有效位是0,则这就是这个数值的最后一位(意义比较小)。依照MIDI说明,全部delta-time的长度最多超过4字节。

delta-time 之后就是MIDI事件,每个MIDI事件(除了正在运行的事件外)带有一个最高有效位总是1的命令字节(值将>128)。大部分命令的列表在附录A中。每个命令都有不同的参数和长度,但是接下来的数据将是最高有效位为零(值将<128)。这里有个例外就是meta-event,最高有效位可以是1。然而,meta-events需要一个长的参数以区分。










十六进制 二进制 数据 描述

8x      1000xxxx    nn vv        音符关闭 (释放键盘)

9x      1001xxxx    nn vv        音符打开 (按下键盘)

Ax      1010xxxx    nn vv        触摸键盘以后

Bx      1011xxxx    cc vv        调换控制

Cx      1100xxxx    pp            改变程序(片断)

Dx      1101xxxx    cc            在通道后接触

Ex      1110xxxx    bb tt        改变互相咬和的齿轮 (2000H 表明缺省或没有改变)(什么意思搞不懂:)
                            bb=值的低7位(least sig)
                             tt=值的高7位 (most sig)

下表是没有通道的 meta-events列表 ,他们的格式是:

FF xx nn dd

所有的 meta-events 是以 FF 开头的命令 (xx),长度,或者含在数据的字节数(nn),现行的数据(dd)

十六进制 二进制 数据 描述
00      00000000    nn ssss      设定轨道的序号
                            nn=02 (两字节长度的序号)

01      00000001    nn tt ..      你需要的所有文本事件
                        nn=以字节为单位的文本长度

02      00000010    nn tt ..      同文本的事件, 但是用于版权信息
                           nn tt=同文本事件

03      00000011  nn tt ..      序列或者轨道名
                         nn tt=同文本事件

04      00000100    nn tt ..      轨道乐器名
                            nn tt=同文本事件

05      00000101    nn tt ..      歌词
                            nn tt=同文本事件

06      00000110    nn tt ..      标签
                            nn tt=同文本事件

07      00000111    nn tt ..      浮点音符
                           nn tt=同文本事件

2F      00101111    00            这个事件一定在每个轨道的结尾出现

51      01010001    03 tttttt    设定拍子

58      01011000    04 nn dd cc bb 拍子记号
                                3=8分拍, 等等.

59    01011001    02 sf mi      音调符号
                              sf=升调/降调(-7=7 降调, 0=基准C调,7=7 升调)
                              mi=大调/小调(0=大调, 1=小调)

7F      01111111    xx dd ..      音序器的详细信息

下表列出了控制整个系统的系统消息。这里没有MIDI通道数 (这些一般仅应用于MIDI键盘等.)

十六进制      二进制  数据          描述

F8      11111000                  同步所必须的计时器
FA      11111010                  开始当前的队列
FB      11111011                  从停止的地方继续一个队列
FC      11111100                  停止一个队列

八度音阶||                    音符号
  #  ||
      || C  | C#  | D  | D#  | E  | F  | F#  | G  | G#  | A  | A#  | B
  0  ||  0 |  1 |  2 |  3 |  4 |  5 |  6 |  7 |  8 |  9 |  10 | 11
  1  ||  12 |  13 |  14 |  15 |  16 |  17 |  18 |  19 |  20 |  21 |  22 | 23
  2  ||  24 |  25 |  26 |  27 |  28 |  29 |  30 |  31 |  32 |  33 |  34 | 35
  3  ||  36 |  37 |  38 |  39 |  40 |  41 |  42 |  43 |  44 |  45 |  46 | 47
  4  ||  48 |  49 |  50 |  51 |  52 |  53 |  54 |  55 |  56 |  57 |  58 | 59
  5  ||  60 |  61 |  62 |  63 |  64 |  65 |  66 |  67 |  68 |  69 |  70 | 71
  6  ||  72 |  73 |  74 |  75 |  76 |  77 |  78 |  79 |  80 |  81 |  82 | 83
  7  ||  84 |  85 |  86 |  87 |  88 |  89 |  90 |  91 |  92 |  93 |  94 | 95
  8  ||  96 |  97 |  98 |  99 | 100 | 101 | 102 | 103 | 104 | 105 | 106 | 107
  9  || 108 | 109 | 110 | 111 | 112 | 113 | 114 | 115 | 116 | 117 | 118 | 119
  10  || 120 | 121 | 122 | 123 | 124 | 125 | 126 | 127 |


"MIDI Systems and Control" Francis Rumsey  1990 Focal Press
"MIDI and Sound Book for the Atari ST" Bernd Enders and Wolfgang Klem 1989 M&T Publishing, Inc.
MIDI file specs and general MIDI specs were a"o obtained by sending e-mail to LISTSERV@AUVM.AMERICAN.EDU with the phrase GET MIDISPEC PACKAGE in the message.

**** table 1 - general midi instrument patch map ****
(groups sounds into sixteen families, w/8 instruments in each family)

prog# instrument prog# instrument

(1-8 piano) (9-16 chrom percussion)
1 acoustic grand 9 celesta
2 bright acoustic 10 glockenspiel
3 electric grand 11 music box
4 honky-tonk 12 vibraphone
5 electric piano 1 13 marimba
6 electric piano 2 14 xylophone
7 harpsichord 15 tubular bel"
8 clav 16 dulcimer

(17-24 organ) (25-32 guitar)
17 drawbar organ 25 acoustic guitar(nylon)
18 percussive organ 26 acoustic guitar(steel)
19 rock organ 27 electric guitar(jazz)
20 church organ 28 electric guitar(clean)
21 reed organ 29 electric guitar(muted)
22 accoridan 30 overdriven guitar
23 harmonica 31 distortion guitar
24 tango accordian 32 guitar harmonics

(33-40 bass) (41-48 strings)
33 acoustic bass 41 violin
34 electric bass(finger) 42 viola
35 electric bass(pick) 43 cello
36 fretless bass 44 contrabass
37 slap bass 1 45 tremolo strings
38 slap bass 2 46 pizzicato strings
39 synth bass 1 47 orchestral strings
40 synth bass 2 48 timpani

(49-56 ensemble) (57-64 brass)
49 string ensemble 1 57 trumpet
50 string ensemble 2 58 trombone
51 synthstrings 1 59 tuba
52 synthstrings 2 60 muted trumpet
53 choir aahs 61 french horn
54 voice oohs 62 brass section
55 synth voice 63 synthbrass 1
56 orchestra hit 64 synthbrass 2

(65-72 reed) (73-80 pipe)
65 soprano sax 73 piccolo
66 alto sax 74 flute
67 tenor sax 75 recorder
68 baritone sax 76 pan flute
69 oboe 77 blown bottle
70 english horn 78 skakuhachi
71 bassoon 79 whistle
72 clarinet 80 ocarina


(81-88 synth lead) (89-96 synth pad)
81 lead 1 (square) 89 pad 1 (new age)
82 lead 2 (sawtooth) 90 pad 2 (warm)
83 lead 3 (calliope) 91 pad 3 (polysynth)
84 lead 4 (chiff) 92 pad 4 (choir)
85 lead 5 (charang) 93 pad 5 (bowed)
86 lead 6 (voice) 94 pad 6 (metallic)
87 lead 7 (fifths) 95 pad 7 (halo)
88 lead 8 (bass+lead) 96 pad 8 (sweep)

(97-104 synth effects) (105-112 ethnic)
97 fx 1 (rain) 105 sitar
98 fx 2 (soundtrack) 106 banjo
99 fx 3 (crystal) 107 shamisen
100 fx 4 (atmosphere) 108 koto
101 fx 5 (brightness) 109 kalimba
102 fx 6 (goblins) 110 bagpipe
103 fx 7 (echoes) 111 fiddle
104 fx 8 (sci-fi) 112 shanai

(113-120 percussive) (121-128 sound effects)
113 tinkle bell 121 guitar fret noise
114 agogo 122 breath noise
115 steel drums 123 seashore
116 woodblock 124 bird tweet
117 taiko drum 125 telephone ring
118 melodic tom 126 helicopter
119 synth drum 127 applause
120 reverse cymbal 128 gunshot

**** table 2 - general midi percussion key map ****
(assigns drum sounds to note numbers. midi channel 10 is for percussion)

midi drum sound midi drum sound
key key

35 acoustic bass drum 59 ride cymbal 2
36 bass drum 1 60 hi bongo
37 side stick 61 low bongo
38 acoustic snare 62 mute hi conga
39 hand clap 63 open hi conga
40 electric snare 64 low conga
41 low floor tom 65 high timbale
42 closed hi-hat 66 low timbale
43 high floor tom 67 high agogo
44 pedal hi-hat 68 low agogo
45 low tom 69 cabasa
46 open hi-hat 70 maracas
47 low-mid tom 71 short whistle
48 hi-mid tom 72 long whistle
49 crash cymbal 1 73 short guiro
50 high tom 74 long guiro
51 ride cymbal 1 75 claves
52 chinese cymbal 76 hi wood block
53 ride bell 77 low wood block
54 tambourine 78 mute cuica
55 splash cymbal 79 open cuica
56 cowbell 80 mute triangle
57 crash cymbal 2 81 open triangle
58 vibraslap

**** table 3 - general midi minimum sound module specs ****

a minimum of either 24 fully dynamically allocated voices
available simultaneously for both melodic and percussive sounds or 16
dynamically allocated voices for melody plus eight for percussion.

general midi mode supports all sixteen midi channe". each channel can
play a variable number of voices (polyphony). each channel can play a
different instrument (timbre). keybased percussion is always on
channel 10.

a minimum of sixteen different timbres playing various instrument
sounds. a minimum of 128 preset for intruments (midi program numbers).

note on/note off:
octabe registration: middle c(c3) = midi key 60. all voices including
percussion respond to velocity.

controller # description
1 modulation
7 main volume
10 pan
11 expression
64 sustain
121 reset all controllers
123 all notes off

registered description
parameter #
0 pitch bend sensitivity
1 fine tuning
2 coarse tuning

additional channel messages:
channel pressure (aftertouch)
pitch bend

power-up defaults:
pitch bend amount = 0
pitch bend sensitivity = +-2 semitones
volume = 90
all other controllers = reset

(after electronic musician, 8/91 issue)
------------------------------ DEC.CPP ------------------------------------

/*  file  dec.cpp

by  Dustin Caldwell    (dustin@gse.utah.edu)


#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void helpdoc();

        FILE *fp;

        unsigned char ch, c;

        if((fp=fopen(_argv[1], "rb"))==NULL)            /* open file to read */
                printf("cannot open file %s/n",_argv[1]);


        while(!feof(fp))                        /* loop for whole file */
                printf("%u/t", ch);            /* print every byte''s decimal equiv. */
                if(c>8)                                /* print 8 numbers to a line */


        fclose(fp);                    /* close up */

void helpdoc()                  /* print help message */
        printf("/n  Binary File Decoder/n/n");

        printf("/n Syntax:  dec binary_file_name/n/n");

        printf("by Dustin Caldwell  (dustin@gse.utah.edu)/n/n");
        printf("This is a filter program that reads a binary file/n");
        printf("and prints the decimal equivalent of each byte/n");
        printf("tab-separated. This is mostly useful when piped /n");
        printf("into another file to be edited manually.  eg:/n/n");
        printf("c:/>dec sonata3.mid > son3.txt/n/n");
        printf("This will create a file called son3.txt which can/n");
        printf("be edited with any ascii editor. /n/n");
        printf("(rec.exe may a"o be useful, as it reencodes the /n");
        printf("ascii text file)./n/n");
        printf("Have Fun!!/n");

---------------------------- REC.CPP ----------------------------------

/*  File  rec.cpp
        by Dustin Caldwell  (dustin@gse.utah.edu)

#include <dos.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

void helpdoc();

        FILE *rfp, *wfp;

        unsigned char ch, c;
        char s[20];

        if((rfp=fopen(_argv[1], "r"))==NULL)                    /* open the read file */
                printf("cannot open file %s /n",_argv[1]);

        if((wfp=fopen(_argv[2], "wb"))==NULL)                  /* open the write file */
                printf("cannot open file %s /n",_argv[1]);



        while(!feof(rfp))                      /* loop for whole file */

                if(isalnum(ch))                /* only ''see'' valid ascii chars */
                        while(isdigit(ch))      /* only use decimal digits (0-9) */
                                s[c]=ch;        /* build a string containing the number */
                        s[c]=NULL;                      /* must have NULL terminator */

                        fputc(atoi(s), wfp);/* write the binary equivalent to file */


                ch=fgetc(rfp);                  /* loop until next number starts */


        fclose(rfp);                    /* close up */

void helpdoc()          /* print help message */
        printf("/n  Text File Encoder/n/n");

        printf("/n Syntax:  rec text_file_name binary_file_name/n/n");

        printf("by Dustin Caldwell  (dustin@gse.utah.edu)/n/n");
        printf("This is a program that reads an ascii tab-/n");
        printf("delimited file and builds a binary file where/n");
        printf("each byte of the binary file is one of the decimal/n");
        printf("digits in the text file./n");
        printf(" eg:/n/n");
        printf("c:/>rec son3.txt son3.mid/n/n");
        printf("(This will create a file called son3.mid which is/n");
        printf("a valid binary file)/n/n");
        printf("(dec.exe may a"o be useful, as it decodes binary files)/n/n");
        printf("Have Fun!!/n");





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


