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原创 piping symbol / pipe operator in Linux

【代码】piping symbol / pipe operator in Linux。

2024-09-30 17:28:01 79

原创 Tiny synopsis - 十分钟入门Linux系统【零基础】

很少使用linux原版,都是用它的发行版系统,比如Ubuntu,CentOS, Amazon, Linux等等…其实当时有个叫Unix的开源的学术的系统,一般用户很难使用, 一些公司拿Unix代码改一改, 加上一些商业化功能,就高价卖…我们用Ubuntu发行版,因为它用的比较多一点, 其它发行版用法都差不多,不用纠结,…Linux看到后,就写了自己的Linux系统,…, Linux原版是毛坯房,提供核心功能但是不好用,发行版就是装修完的房子舒适好用,…Linux和发行版的关系, 可以比作房子的。

2024-09-30 17:04:22 121

原创 common commands on WC linux

【代码】WC linux。

2024-09-30 16:01:35 20

原创 how to remove the text shadow under app icon on Windows

change background color from white to black on win desktop: after switch from black to white background, we need to reboot the system .

2024-09-29 15:03:28 109

原创 How to log in ECS Linux by powershell?

【代码】How to log in ECS Linux by powershell?

2024-09-25 11:56:33 96

原创 How to log on ECS Linux by a Temporarypassword

【代码】How to log on ECS Linux by a Temporarypassword。

2024-09-11 12:18:12 87

原创 Medium-level Linux commands or Shell scripts

【代码】Medium-level Linux commands or Shell scripts。

2024-09-11 10:47:46 244

原创 wechat minirogram to leave space on a row

【代码】wechat minirogram to leave space on a row。

2024-09-09 16:34:18 171

原创 error on “nvm list available“, find the final solution by the Second error

【代码】error on “nvm list available“, find the final solution by the Second error。

2024-08-27 15:09:18 255

原创 mediun level Linux commands on netstat, SCP, >>, SSH, etc

【代码】mediun level Linux commands on netstat, SCP, >>, SSH, etc。

2024-08-14 16:09:08 295

原创 px、‌em、‌rem是CSS中常用的长度单位,‌它们各有特点,‌适用于不同的场景。‌


2024-08-13 19:41:33 233

原创 Docker in 100 Seconds

Docker a tool that can package software into containers that run reliably in any environment, but what is a container and why do you need one?Let’s imagine you built up an app with cobalt that runs some weird flavor of Linux. You want to share this app wi

2024-08-11 17:21:03 735

原创 k8s运维工程师

About This Job:Tier 2 Technical Support Engineers play a key role as the front-line interface between our customerand internal project team and operate as a second level of support after basic user-level support (L1).Their primary responsibility is to p

2024-08-08 16:25:01 1432 1

原创 route for stepping into a software engineer

es6 etc,

2024-07-30 19:41:15 292

原创 IT common sense常识

【代码】IT common sense常识。

2024-07-22 16:25:53 251

原创 浮动和清除浮动


2024-07-20 20:44:07 210

原创 如何在本地模拟api数据 to create data by vs code

install live serverwrite Json fileclick port: 5500

2024-07-12 16:01:37 103

原创 set user & password for database 设置数据库 用户和密码

USE sbms;

2024-07-12 14:26:59 227

原创 VS code shortcut

ctrl + [] : 左右移动选中代码行。shift+tab: 向左移动代码行。alt+ ↔ : 左右移动代码行。

2024-07-10 11:25:00 121

原创 正则表达式中,通过replace实现特殊字符替换


2024-07-03 15:39:32 181

原创 Hardware


2024-05-20 10:43:53 162

原创 reset aliyun linux System

2024-05-16 14:41:39 349

原创 TDL - field


2024-05-15 21:27:57 179

原创 docker → VScode Error:Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at tcp://|||. Is thedocker daemon running?

找到 ExecStart,在最后面添加 -H tcp://。

2024-05-15 20:17:55 208

原创 Windows 配置 【WSL+Docker+VSCode】 开发环境

url addresswsl --install

2024-05-14 16:01:24 420 1

原创 cpu cores and Mem capacities

【代码】cpu cores and Mem capacities。

2024-05-14 15:26:47 100

原创 how to install Mysql client and desktop version/workbench

使用管理员身份打开cmd,并cd到bin目录下,进行初始化数据库存储文件:mysqld.exe --initialize --console。进入mysql官网,找到社区版MYSQL下载地址:https://dev.mysql.com/downloads/删除data目录后,重新执行命令如下图:mysqld.exe --initialize --console。问题:安装的时候提示data目录已经存在——data目录是存储数据的目录。cmd下等mysql: mysql -uroot -ppassword。

2024-05-11 12:33:36 377

原创 Redo - CentOs7 installation

3)CentOS-7-x86_64-DVD-2009.iso 标准安装版,一般下载这个就可以了(推荐)

2024-05-11 09:56:53 145

原创 VirtualPrivate Network v2rayN


2024-05-10 10:14:29 589

原创 K8s是什么?


2024-05-08 20:59:58 288

原创 Linux文件系统的目录结构

Linux文件系统的目录结构是一种树状结构,最顶层是根目录 /。/bin:二进制文件,基本命令,如ls、cat、mv等。/home:用户的家目录,默认为 /home/用户名。/etc:配置文件,如用户账号、服务配置等。/media:挂载的媒体设备,如USB等。/sys:系统相关文件,如设备、内核模块。/dev:设备文件,如磁盘、打印机等。/proc:系统信息,如进程、内存等。/var:变化的数据,如日志、缓存等。/usr:用户程序,如命令、库等。/boot:启动文件,内核等。/mnt:手动挂载的文件系统。

2024-05-08 13:13:34 144

原创 TDL specialty

How to run apk on CentosHow to restore sound volume on Centos by earphoneHow to use Linux command : yum or apt to install software and dependencies on Centos

2024-05-08 13:05:37 88

原创 Linux Error Log

error: you need to be root to perform this commandaction: input sudo before the commandto install the two dependencies one after another

2024-05-08 11:27:56 159

原创 What is art? small synopsis

Art, when we hear that word, some of our minds jump to museums or framed paitings;and in that context some people think, now I’m not a big fan of art I just don’t get it or they think of art as something that’s for intellectuals or artsy people.But really

2024-05-04 12:05:48 240

原创 Art - small synopsis

Main Art Movements in History Explained in 4 Minutes!Main art movements explained:In the event that there is a losss of cabin pressure, oh hey buckle up is going to be a wild one.Prehistoric art started with this guy, his name was sucktabalanchakya,“we are

2024-05-04 10:01:48 136

原创 every psychology manipulation tactic explained in8 minutes

url addressGaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation where the perpetrator seeks to sew seeds of doubt in the victim, making them question their own memory, perception or sanity.This tactic often

2024-05-03 13:15:53 222

原创 Miscellaneous quotes

Have two choices: accept the situation or change the situation, not become a lunatics,Remember this, if God is shaking your nest, he is preparing you to fly.

2024-05-01 11:00:01 38

原创 miscellaneous communication quotes

the meaning of your communication is the response you get.(the true meaning of communication is determined by how the other interprets and responds to it. If misinterpret or react unfavorably, then reassess an clarify your message)the important thing in

2024-05-01 10:51:15 237

原创 Java DIY Synopsis

【代码】Java DIY Synopsis。

2024-04-30 15:06:44 84 1

原创 docker-compose installation

【代码】docker-compose installation。

2024-04-30 07:33:07 83 1



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