算法导论第三版 第3章习题答案



3 Growth of Functions

3.1 Asymptotic notation

1.Let f(n) + g(n) be asymptotically nonnegative functions. Using the basic definition of Θ-notation, prove that max(f(n),g(n))=Θ(f(n)+g(n)).

From asymptotically nonnegative, we can assume that:

\begin{align*} \exists n_1, n_2: & f(n) \geq 0 & \text{for } n > n_1 \\ & g(n) \geq 0 & \text{for } n > n_2 \end{align*}

Let n_0 = max(n_1, n_2) , some obvious things for n > n_0:

f(n) \leq \max(f(n), g(n)) \\ g(n) \leq \max(f(n), g(n)) \\ \big(f(n) + g(n)\big)/2 \leq \max(f(n), g(n)) \\ \max(f(n), g(n)) \leq f(n) + g(n)

From the last two inequalities, we get:

0 \leq \frac{1}{2}\big(f(n) + g(n)\big) \leq \max\big(f(n), g(n)\big) \leq f(n) + g(n) \quad \text{for } n > n_0

Which is the definition of\Theta(f(n) + g(n)) with c_1 = 1/2, c_2 = 1

2.Show that for any real constants a and b, where b>0,(n + a)^b = \Theta(n^b)

(n + a)^b = \binom{n}0n^b + \binom{n}1n^{b-1}b + \cdots + \binom{n}0a^b

The most significant term is n^b and this is obviously polynomially tightly bound.

3.Explain why the statement, "The running time of algorithm A is at least O(n^2) is meaningless.

The O-notation provides an upper bound. "At least" implies a lower bound.

4.Is 2^{n+1} = O(2^n) ? Is 2^{2n} = O(2^n) ?

Yes, because if we choose 2 for both constants in the O-notation definition, we get an equality.

No, because \nexists c: 2^n \cdot 2^n \leq c 2^n

5.Prove Theorem 3.1

The theorem states:

For any two functions f(n) and g(n), we have f(n)=Θ(g(n)) if and only if f(n)=O(g(n)) and f(n)=Ω(g(n))

6.Prove that the running time of an algorithm is Θ(g(n)) if and only if its worst-case running time is O(g(n)) and its best-case running time is Ω(g(n)).

7.Prove o(g(n))∩ω(g(n)) is the empty set.

8.We can extend our notation to the case of two parameters n and m that can go to infinity independently at different rates. For a given function g(n,m) we denote O(g(n,m)) the set of functions:

\begin{align*} O(g(n, m) = \lbrace f(n, m): &\text{there exist positive constants } c, n_0, \text{ and } m_0 \\ &\text{such that } 0 \leq f(n, m) \leq cg(n, m) \\ &\text{for all } n \geq n_0 \text{ or } m \geq m_0. \end{align*}

Give corresponding definitions for Ω(g(n,m)) and Θ(g(n,m)).

3.2 Standard notations and common functions

1.Show that if f(n) and g(n) are monotonically increasing functions, then so are the functions f(n)+g(n) and f(g(n)), and if f(n) and g(n) are in addition nonnegative, then f(n)⋅g(n) is monotonically increasing.

2.Prove equation (3.16)

\begin{align*} a^{\log_bc} = a^{\frac{\log_ac}{\log_ab}} = \big(a^{\log_ac})^\frac{1}{\log_ab} = c^{\log_ba} \end{align*}

3.Prove equation (3.19). Also prove that n!=ω(2^n) and n!=o(n^n).

 4.Is the function ⌈lgn⌉! polynomially bounded? Is the function ⌈lglgn⌉! polynomially bounded?

⌈lgn⌉! is not polynomially bounded, but ⌈lglgn!⌉ is.

If we take the definition of polynomially bound:
f(n) \leq cn^k

and take the logarithm of each side, we get:

\lg{f(n)} \leq \lg{c} + k\lg{n}

Thus, a function is polynomially bound if \lg{f(n)} = \O(\lg{n})

In the following proofs, we will make use of the following two facts:

lg(n!) = Θ(nlgn) (by equation (3.19))

⌈lgn⌉ = Θ(lgn), because

· ⌈lgn⌉  ≥ lgn

· ⌈lgn⌉  ≤ lgn + 1 ≤ 2lgn, for all n ≥ 2

lg(⌈lgn⌉!) = Θ(⌈lgn⌉lg⌈lgn⌉) = Θ(lgn lg lgn) = ω(lgn).Therefore, lg(⌈lgn⌉!) ≠ Ο(lgn), and so ⌈lgn⌉! is not polynomially bounded.

lg(⌈lglgn⌉!) = Θ(⌈lglgn⌉lg⌈lglgn⌉) = Θ(lglgn lg lglgn) = o((\lg{\lg{n}})^2)o(\lg^2\lg(n))   = ο(lgn) .

The last step above follows from the property that any polylogarithmic function grows more slowly than any positive polynomial function, i.e., that for constants a, b > 0, we have \lg^b{n}o(n^a). Substitute lgn for n, 2 for b, and 1 for a, giving\lg^2{(\lg{n})}=o(lgn).

Therefore, lg(⌈lglgn⌉!) = Ο(lgn), and so ⌈lglgn⌉! is polynomially bounded.

5. Which is asymptotically larger:\lg(\lg\textup{*}{n})or\lg\textup{*}(\lg{n})

The second, because:

\lg\textup{*}(\lg{n}) = \lg^*n - 1 > \lg(\lg\textup{*}(n))

6.Show that the golden ratio ϕ and its conjugate \hat \phi both satisfy the equation x^2 = x + 1.

7.Proove by induction that the ith Fibonacci number satisfies the equality

F_i = \frac{\phi^i - \hat{\phi^i}}{\sqrt5}


\frac{\phi^0 - \hat{\phi^0}}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{1 - 1}{\sqrt{5}} = 0 = F_0

\frac{\phi - \hat{\phi}}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{1 + \sqrt{5} - 1 + \sqrt{5}}{2\sqrt{5}} = 1 = F_1


F_{n + 2} = F_{n + 1} + F_n = \frac{\phi^{n+1} - \hat\phi^{n+1}}{\sqrt{5}} + \frac{\phi^n - \hat{\phi^n}}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{\phi^n(\phi + 1) - \hat{\phi^n}(\hat\phi + 1)}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{\phi^n\phi^2 - \hat{\phi^n}\hat{\phi^2}}{\sqrt{5}} = \frac{\phi^{n+2} + \hat\phi^{n+2}}{\sqrt{5}}

8.Show that k\ln{k} = \Theta(n) implies k = \Theta(n/\ln{n}).


3.1 Asymptotic behavior of polynomials

3.2 Asymptotic behavior of polynomials

Indicate for each pair of expressions (A,B) in the table below, whether A is O, o, Ω, ω, or Θ of B. Assume that k≥1, ϵ>0, and c>1 are constants. Your answer should be in the form of the table with "yes" or "no" written in each box.


3.3 Ordering by asymptotic growth rates. 

a.Rank the following functions by order of growth;that is, find an arrangement g_1, g_2, \ldots , g_{30} of the functions g_1 = \Omega(g_2), g_2 = \Omega(g_3), \ldots, g_{29} = \Omega(g_{30}). Partition your list into equivalence classes such that functions f(n) and g(n) are in the same class if and only if f(n) = \Theta(g(n)).

b.Give an example of a single nonnegative function f(n) such that for all functions gi(n) in part (1), f(n) is neither O(g_i(n)) nor \Omega(g_i(n)).

The order is thus:

  1. 1 = n^{1/\lg{n}}
  2. \lg(\lg^*n)
  3. \lg\textup{*}n \simeq \lg\textup{*}(\lg{n})

The asked function can be:2^{2^{(n + 1)\sin{x}}}

3.4 Asymptotic notation properties

3.5 Variations on O and Ω

3.6 Iterated functions

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算法导论第三版中文版 pdf高清版 在有关算法的书中,有一些叙述非常严谨,但不够全面;另一些涉及了大量的题材,但又缺乏严谨性。算法导论第三版中文版将严谨性和全面性融为一体,深入讨论各类算法,并着力使这些算法的设计和分析能为各个层次的读者接受。全书各自成体系,可以作为独立的学习单元;算法以英语和伪代码的形式描述,具备初步程序设计经验的人就能看懂;说明和解释力求浅显易懂,不失深度和数学严谨性。全书选材经典、内容丰富、结构合理、逻辑清晰,对本科生的数据结构课程和研究生的算法课程都是非常实用的教材,在IT专业人员的职业生涯中,算法导论第三版也是一本案头必备的参考书或工程实践手册。 第3版的主要变化 1、新增了van Emde Boas树和多线程算法,并且将矩阵基础移至附录。 2、修订了递归式(现在称为“分治策略”)那一的内容,更广泛地覆盖分治法。 3、移除两很少讲授的内容:二项堆和排序网络。 4、修订了动态规划和贪心算法相关内容。 5、流网络相关材料现在基于边上的全部流。 6、由于关于矩阵基础和Strassen算法的材料移到了其他,矩阵运算这一的内容所占篇幅更小。 7、修改了对Knuth-Morris-Pratt字符串匹配算法的讨论。 8、新增100道练习和28道思考题,还更新并补充了参考文献。
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