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MATLAB 中的源代码 edit kmeans


function [idx, C, sumD, D] = kmeans(X, k, varargin) % varargin:实际输入参量 if nargin 1 % 大于1刚至少有一种距离 error(sprintf('Ambiguous ''distance'' parameter value: %s.', distance)); elseif isempty(i) % 如果是空的,则表明没有合适的距离 error(sprintf('Unknown ''distance'' parameter value: %s.', distance)); end % 针对不同的距离,处理不同 distance = distNames{i}; switch distance case 'cityblock' % sort 列元素按升序排列,Xord中存的是元素在原始矩阵中的列中对应的大小位置 [Xsort,Xord] = sort(X,1); case 'cosine' % 余弦 % 计算每一行的和的平方根 Xnorm = sqrt(sum(X.^2, 2)); if any(min(Xnorm) <= eps * max(Xnorm)) error(['Some points have small relative magnitudes, making them ', ... 'effectively zero.\nEither remove those points, or choose a ', ... 'distance other than ''cosine''.'], []); end % 标量化 Xnorm(:,ones(1,p))得到n*p的矩阵 X = X ./ Xnorm(:,ones(1,p)); case 'correlation' % 线性化 X = X - repmat(mean(X,2),1,p); % 计算每一行的和的平方根 Xnorm = sqrt(sum(X.^2, 2)); if any(min(Xnorm) 1 error(sprintf('Ambiguous ''start'' parameter value: %s.', start)); elseif isempty(i) error(sprintf('Unknown ''start'' parameter value: %s.', start)); elseif isempty(k) error('You must specify the number of clusters, K.'); end start = startNames{i}; % strcmp比较两个字符串 uniform是在X中随机选择K个点 if strcmp(start, 'uniform') if strcmp(distance, 'hamming') error('Hamming distance cannot be initialized with uniform random values.'); end % 标量化后的X Xmins = min(X,1); Xmaxs = max(X,1); end elseif isnumeric(start) % 判断输入是否是一个数 这里的start是一个K*P的矩阵,表示初始聚类中心 CC = start; % CC表示初始聚类中心 start = 'numeric'; if isempty(k) k = size(CC,1); elseif k ~= size(CC,1); error('The ''start'' matrix must have K rows.'); elseif size(CC,2) ~= p error('The ''start'' matrix must have the same number of columns as X.'); end if isempty(reps) reps = size(CC,3); elseif reps ~= size(CC,3); error('The third dimension of the ''start'' array must match the ''replicates'' parameter value.'); end % Need to center explicit starting points for 'correlation'. % 线性距离需要指定具体的开始点 % (Re)normalization for 'cosine'/'correlation' is done at each % iteration.每一次迭代进行“余弦和线性”距离正规化 % 判断是否相等 if isequal(distance, 'correlation') % repmat复制矩阵1*P*1 线性化 CC = CC - repmat(mean(CC,2),[1,p,1]); end else error('The ''start'' parameter value must be a string or a numeric matrix or array.'); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % 如果一个聚类丢失了所有成员,这个进程将被调用 if ischar(emptyact) emptyactNames = {'error','drop','singleton'}; i = strmatch(lower(emptyact), emptyactNames); if length(i) > 1 error(sprintf('Ambiguous ''emptyaction'' parameter value: %s.', emptyact)); elseif isempty(i) error(sprintf('Unknown ''emptyaction'' parameter value: %s.', emptyact)); end emptyact = emptyactNames{i}; else error('The ''emptyaction'' parameter value must be a string.'); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % 控制输出的显示示信息 if ischar(display) % strvcat 垂直连接字符串 i = strmatch(lower(display), strvcat('off','notify','final','iter')); if length(i) > 1 error(sprintf('Ambiguous ''display'' parameter value: %s.', display)); elseif isempty(i) error(sprintf('Unknown ''display'' parameter value: %s.', display)); end display = i-1; else error('The ''display'' parameter value must be a string.'); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % 输入参数K的控制 if k == 1 error('The number of clusters must be greater than 1.'); elseif n 2 % 'iter',\t 表示向后空出8个字符 disp(sprintf(' iter\t phase\t num\t sum')); end % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % Begin phase one: batch reassignments 第一队段:分批赋值 converged = false; iter = 0; while true % Compute the distance from every point to each cluster centroid % 计算每一个点到每一个聚类中心的距离,D中存放的是N*K个数值 D(:,changed) = distfun(X, C(changed,:), distance, iter); % Compute the total sum of distances for the current configuration. % Can't do it first time through, there's no configuration yet. % 计算当前配置的总距离,但第一次不能执行,因为还没有配置 if iter > 0 totsumD = sum(D((idx-1)*n + (1:n)')); % Test for a cycle: if objective is not decreased, back out % the last step and move on to the single update phase % 循环测试:如果目标没有减少,退出到最后一步,移动到第二阶段 % prevtotsumD表示前一次的总距离,如果前一次的距离比当前的小,则聚类为上一次的,即不发生变化 if prevtotsumD 2 % 'iter' disp(sprintf(dispfmt,iter,1,length(moved),totsumD)); end if iter >= maxit, % break(2) break; % 跳出while end end % Determine closest cluster for each point and reassign points to clusters % 决定每一个点的最近分簇,重新分配点到各个簇 previdx = idx; % 大小为n*1 % totsumD 被初始化为无穷大,这里表示总距离 prevtotsumD = totsumD; % 返回每一行中最小的元素,d的大小为n*1,nidx为最小元素在行中的位置,其大小为n*1,D为n*p [d, nidx] = min(D, [], 2); if iter == 0 % iter==0,表示第一次迭代 % Every point moved, every cluster will need an update % 每一个点需要移动,每一个簇更新 moved = 1:n; idx = nidx; changed = 1:k; else % Determine which points moved 决定哪一个点移动 % 找到上一次和当前最小元素不同的位置 moved = find(nidx ~= previdx); if length(moved) > 0 % Resolve ties in favor of not moving % 重新分配而不是移动 括号中是一个逻辑运算 确定需要移动点的位置 moved = moved(D((previdx(moved)-1)*n + moved) > d(moved)); end % 如果没有不同的,即当前的是最小元素,跳出循环,得到的元素已经是各行的最小值 if length(moved) == 0 % break(3) break; end idx(moved) = nidx(moved); % Find clusters that gained or lost members 找到获得的或者丢失的成员的分簇 % 得到idx(moved)和previdx(moved)中不重复出现的所有元素,并按升序排列 changed = unique([idx(moved); previdx(moved)])'; end % Calculate the new cluster centroids and counts. 计算新的分簇中心和计数 % C(changed,:)表示新的聚类中心,m(changed)表示聚类标号在idx中出现的次数 % sort 列元素按升序排列,Xsort存放对的元素,Xord中存的是元素在原始矩阵中的列中对应的大小位置 [C(changed,:), m(changed)] = gcentroids(X, idx, changed, distance, Xsort, Xord); iter = iter + 1; % Deal with clusters that have just lost all their members % 处理丢失所有成员的分簇,empties表示丢失元素的聚类标号 不用考虑 empties = changed(m(changed) == 0); if ~isempty(empties) switch emptyact case 'error' % 默认值,一般情况下不会出现 error(sprintf('Empty cluster created at iteration %d.',iter)); case 'drop' % Remove the empty cluster from any further processing % 移走空的聚类 D(:,empties) = NaN; changed = changed(m(changed) > 0); if display > 0 warning(sprintf('Empty cluster created at iteration %d.',iter)); end case 'singleton' if display > 0 warning(sprintf('Empty cluster created at iteration %d.',iter)); end for i = empties % Find the point furthest away from its current cluster. % Take that point out of its cluster and use it to create % a new singleton cluster to replace the empty one. % 找到离聚类中心最远距离的点,把该点从它的聚类中移走,用它来创建一个新的聚类,来代替空的聚类 % 得到列的最大元素(dlarge),以及该元素在列中的标号(lonely) [dlarge, lonely] = max(d); from = idx(lonely); % taking from this cluster 从当前聚类移走 C(i,:) = X(lonely,:); m(i) = 1; idx(lonely) = i; d(lonely) = 0; % Update clusters from which points are taken % 更新那些点被移走的聚类 [C(from,:), m(from)] = gcentroids(X, idx, from, distance, Xsort, Xord); changed = unique([changed from]); end end end end % phase one % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % Initialize some cluster information prior to phase two % 为第二阶段初始化一些先验聚类信息 针对特定的距离,默认的是欧氏距离 switch distance case 'cityblock' Xmid = zeros([k,p,2]); for i = 1:k if m(i) > 0 % Separate out sorted coords for points in i'th cluster, % and save values above and below median, component-wise % 分解出第i个聚类中挑选的点的坐标,保存它的上,下中位数 % reshape把矩阵分解为要求的行列数m*p % sort 列元素按升序排列,Xord中存的是元素在原始矩阵中的列中对应的大小位置 Xsorted = reshape(Xsort(idx(Xord)==i), m(i), p); % floor取比值小或者等于的最近的值 nn = floor(.5*m(i)); if mod(m(i),2) == 0 Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+1],:)'; elseif m(i) > 1 Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+2],:)'; else Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([1, 1],:)'; end end end case 'hamming' Xsum = zeros(k,p); for i = 1:k if m(i) > 0 % Sum coords for points in i'th cluster, component-wise % 对基于分量对第i个聚类的坐标点求和 Xsum(i,:) = sum(X(idx==i,:), 1); end end end % ------------------------------------------------------------------ % Begin phase two: single reassignments 第二阶段:单独赋值 % m中保存的是每一个聚类的个数,元素和为n % find(m' > 0)得到m'中大于0的元素的位置(索引) % 实际情况(默认情况下)changed=1:k changed = find(m' > 0); lastmoved = 0; nummoved = 0; iter1 = iter; while iter < maxit % Calculate distances to each cluster from each point, and the % potential change in total sum of errors for adding or removing % each point from each cluster. Clusters that have not changed % membership need not be updated. % 计算从每一个点到每一个聚类的距离,潜在由于总距离发生变化移除或添加引起的错误。 % 那些成员没有改变的聚类不需要更新。 % % Singleton clusters are a special case for the sum of dists % calculation. Removing their only point is never best, so the % reassignment criterion had better guarantee that a singleton % point will stay in its own cluster. Happily, we get % Del(i,idx(i)) == 0 automatically for them. % 单独聚类在计算距离时是一个特殊情况,仅仅移除点不是最好的方法,因此重新赋值准则能够保证一个 % 单独的点能够留在它的聚类中,可喜的是,自动有Del(i,idx(i)) == 0。 switch distance case 'sqeuclidean' for i = changed % idx存放的距离矩阵D中每一行的最小元素所处的列,也即位置 mbrs = (idx == i); sgn = 1 - 2*mbrs; % -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers % 表示只有一个聚类 if m(i) == 1 % prevent divide-by-zero for singleton mbrs 防止单个成员做0处理 sgn(mbrs) = 0; end Del(:,i) = (m(i) ./ (m(i) + sgn)) .* sum((X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)).^2, 2); end case 'cityblock' for i = changed if mod(m(i),2) == 0 % this will never catch singleton clusters ldist = Xmid(repmat(i,n,1),:,1) - X; rdist = X - Xmid(repmat(i,n,1),:,2); mbrs = (idx == i); sgn = repmat(1-2*mbrs, 1, p); % -1 for members, 1 for nonmembers Del(:,i) = sum(max(0, max(sgn.*rdist, sgn.*ldist)), 2); else Del(:,i) = sum(abs(X - C(repmat(i,n,1),:)), 2); end end case {'cosine','correlation'} % The points are normalized, centroids are not, so normalize them normC(changed) = sqrt(sum(C(changed,:).^2, 2)); if any(normC 0 % Resolve ties in favor of not moving % 重新分配而不是移动 确定移动的位置 moved = moved(Del((previdx(moved)-1)*n + moved) > minDel(moved)); end if length(moved) == 0 % Count an iteration if phase 2 did nothing at all, or if we're % in the middle of a pass through all the points if (iter - iter1) == 0 | nummoved > 0 iter = iter + 1; if display > 2 % 'iter' disp(sprintf(dispfmt,iter,2,nummoved,totsumD)); end end converged = true; break; end % Pick the next move in cyclic order moved = mod(min(mod(moved - lastmoved - 1, n) + lastmoved), n) + 1; % If we've gone once through all the points, that's an iteration if moved 2 % 'iter' disp(sprintf(dispfmt,iter,2,nummoved,totsumD)); end if iter >= maxit, break; end nummoved = 0; end nummoved = nummoved + 1; lastmoved = moved; oidx = idx(moved); nidx = nidx(moved); totsumD = totsumD + Del(moved,nidx) - Del(moved,oidx); % Update the cluster index vector, and rhe old and new cluster % counts and centroids idx(moved) = nidx; m(nidx) = m(nidx) + 1; m(oidx) = m(oidx) - 1; switch distance case 'sqeuclidean' C(nidx,:) = C(nidx,:) + (X(moved,:) - C(nidx,:)) / m(nidx); C(oidx,:) = C(oidx,:) - (X(moved,:) - C(oidx,:)) / m(oidx); case 'cityblock' for i = [oidx nidx] % Separate out sorted coords for points in each cluster. % New centroid is the coord median, save values above and % below median. All done component-wise. Xsorted = reshape(Xsort(idx(Xord)==i), m(i), p); nn = floor(.5*m(i)); if mod(m(i),2) == 0 C(i,:) = .5 * (Xsorted(nn,:) + Xsorted(nn+1,:)); Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+1],:)'; else C(i,:) = Xsorted(nn+1,:); if m(i) > 1 Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([nn, nn+2],:)'; else Xmid(i,:,1:2) = Xsorted([1, 1],:)'; end end end case {'cosine','correlation'} C(nidx,:) = C(nidx,:) + (X(moved,:) - C(nidx,:)) / m(nidx); C(oidx,:) = C(oidx,:) - (X(moved,:) - C(oidx,:)) / m(oidx); case 'hamming' % Update summed coords for points in each cluster. New % centroid is the coord median. All done component-wise. Xsum(nidx,:) = Xsum(nidx,:) + X(moved,:); Xsum(oidx,:) = Xsum(oidx,:) - X(moved,:); C(nidx,:) = .5*sign(2*Xsum(nidx,:) - m(nidx)) + .5; C(oidx,:) = .5*sign(2*Xsum(oidx,:) - m(oidx)) + .5; end changed = sort([oidx nidx]); end % phase two % ------------------------------------------------------------------ if (~converged) & (display > 0) warning(sprintf('Failed to converge in %d iterations.', maxit)); end % Calculate cluster-wise sums of distances nonempties = find(m(:)'>0); D(:,nonempties) = distfun(X, C(nonempties,:), distance, iter); d = D((idx-1)*n + (1:n)'); sumD = zeros(k,1); for i = 1:k sumD(i) = sum(d(idx == i)); end if display > 1 % 'final' or 'iter' disp(sprintf('%d iterations, total sum of distances = %g',iter,totsumD)); end % Save the best solution so far if totsumD 3 Dbest = D; end end end % Return the best solution
评论 2




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


