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翻译 时间序列预测步骤_建立时间序列预测模型的5个简单步骤

时间序列预测步骤I am a strong believer in “learning by doing” philosophy. 我坚信“做中学”的哲学。 Data science is an applied field, so you need to get your feet wet to learn something. One can read all the “how to” tut...

2020-09-30 07:43:21 9244

翻译 使用bert_如何使用bert进行词汇简化

使用bertLexical Simplification (LS) is replacing complex words with simpler alternatives, which can help various groups of people, like children, non-native speakers, etc, to better understandig a given...

2020-09-20 04:18:12 1143

翻译 线性插值和二次插值_插值参数模型的线性回归连接和重要主题

线性插值和二次插值The model may turn out to be far too complex if we continuously keep adding more variables. 如果我们不断增加更多的变量,该模型可能会变得过于复杂。 Will fail to simplify as it is memorizing the training data. 记住训练数据将无法...

2020-09-20 04:07:52 2978

翻译 谷歌重返中国_我如何利用数据科学重返幻想英超联赛并进入前1名

谷歌重返中国After the 100 day shutdown of football and consequently the Fantasy Premier League competition the return to football was greatly anticipated. Even without fan presence at games people were desp...

2020-09-20 03:57:32 2947

翻译 流程自动化应用研究_在您当前的角色流程自动化中应用数据科学技能

流程自动化应用研究演示地址For aspiring data scientists and data analysts, it can be frustrating breaking into the field without ‘real-world’ experience. In prior articles (here and here), I talked about creating y...

2020-09-20 03:48:02 160

翻译 用python画熊猫_当熊猫不够用熊猫

用python画熊猫 Python短裤 (Python Shorts)Pandas is one of the best data manipulation libraries in recent times. It lets you slice and dice, groupby, join and do any arbitrary data transformation. You can t...

2020-09-20 03:38:44 1165

翻译 使用带有webpack和typescript的别名创建react app导入模块

You can find the code of this tutorial here, and follow the guide, step by step, in this PR.You can take a look at a demo here. 您可以在此处找到本教程的代码,并在此PR中逐步按照指南进行操作。您可以在此处查看演示。 使用Create React App初始化项目 (I...

2020-09-18 02:47:53 265

翻译 python完成了r markdown方式

介绍 (Introduction)Starting to work with a new tool may not be easy, especially when that “tool” means a new programming language. At the same time, there might be an opportunity to build upon somethi...

2020-09-17 00:51:18 270

翻译 脉搏波形分析_国家脉搏2020年美国总统大选的推特分析

脉搏波形分析Co-authored with Aadit Barua 与Aadit Barua合着 2020年11月3日的低点 (The low down on 3rd November, 2020)What are the top issues on Twitter users’ minds for the 2020 U.S. presidential election? How do t...

2020-09-17 00:40:48 1136

翻译 hive 练习数据集_您需要练习数据科学技能并做出出色组合的所有数据集

hive 练习数据集The only way to learn data science, data analysis, machine learning, or artificial intelligence topics is by practicing or doing projects. There is no other alternative to that. But most of ...

2020-09-17 00:31:25 1071

翻译 矩阵的线性相关性_矩阵列之间的线性相关性

矩阵的线性相关性 数据科学与机器学习的线性代数 (LINEAR ALGEBRA FOR DATA SCIENCE AND MACHINE LEARNING)We’ve already been working with determinants for some posts, but what if I say you that there's a way to find if a determ...

2020-09-17 00:22:00 9190

翻译 字体大小变化_变小变大

字体大小变化When I was in my final year as a university student, I was preparing and collecting sufficient datasets for my research paper as my final year project. I was just casually scrolling through the ...

2020-09-17 00:12:53 389

翻译 创建文字wordclouds的精美内容丰富的表示形式

Wordclouds are often mislabeled as being clunky and old-fashioned. In reality, they can be elegant and creative communication methods of text, both as exploratory analysis but also in presentation. Ad...

2020-09-17 00:02:48 225

翻译 分类评估指标有哪些_分类评估指标

分类评估指标有哪些Evaluation metric refers to a measure that we use to evaluate different models. Choosing an appropriate evaluation metric is a decision problem that requires a thorough understanding of the g...

2020-09-16 23:52:57 1729

翻译 如何使用亚马逊天气预报做出更好的预测

From resource planning and inventory control to financial management and budgeting, forecasting is used widely across different industries. Businesses invest heavily in hope of ascertaining future tre...

2020-09-16 23:42:29 1318

翻译 地磁校准 椭球校准_校准行为感染风险

地磁校准 椭球校准Recent national COVID-19 statistics and reports have highlighted the total number of new cases over the last 14 days per 100,000 of population as a normalised estimate of the prevalence of th...

2020-09-16 23:33:08 292

翻译 数据科学家应该知道的5个共同技能

意见 (Opinion) 目录 (Table of Contents)Introduction 介绍 SQL SQL Python or R Python或R Jupyter Notebook Jupyter笔记本 Visualizations 可视化 Communication 通讯 Summary 摘要 介绍 (Introduction)Data Science and Machin...

2020-09-07 05:04:32 133

翻译 地址不是位置

There are a handful of problems that keep recurring across my decades of working in information technology. Some problems are simple to address, some are always annoying, and a few of them seem doomed...

2020-09-07 04:53:49 569

翻译 如何测量多个变量之间的非线性关系

现实世界中的数据科学 (Data Science in the Real World)This article aims to present two ways of calculating non linear correlation between any number of discrete variables. The objective for a data analysis pro...

2020-09-07 04:43:28 5570

翻译 简·雅各布斯(yane jacobs y)在你附近

In Death and Life of Great American Cities, the great Jane Jacobs lays out four essential characteristics of a great neighborhood: 在《美国大城市的死亡与生活》中 ,伟大的简·雅各布斯阐述了一个大社区的四个基本特征: Density 密度 A mix of uses ...

2020-09-07 04:23:02 611

翻译 移动平均线ma分析_使用动态移动平均线构建交互式库存量和价格分析图

移动平均线ma分析I decided to code out my own stock tracking chart despite a wide array of freely available tools that serve the same purpose. Why? Knowledge gain, it’s fun, and because I recognize that a sim...

2020-09-07 04:12:10 596

翻译 网络分析的力量

The most common way to store data is in what we call relational form. Most systems get analyzed as collections of independent data points. It looks something like this: 存储数据的最常见方式是我们所谓的关系形式。 大多数系统作为独立...

2020-09-07 04:02:38 244

翻译 简·雅各布斯索引第二部分测试

In Part I, I took you through the data gathering and compilation required to rank Census tracts by the four features identified by Jane Jacobs as the foundation of a great neighborhood: 在第一部分中 ,我带您完成了...

2020-09-07 03:41:57 102

翻译 机器学习结合大数据面试_数据科学面试机器学习

机器学习结合大数据面试 总览 (Overview)This post will provide a technical guide on machine learning theory within data science interviews. It is by no means comprehensive but aims to highlight key technical points...

2020-09-07 03:31:21 668

翻译 ppt中讲演模式在哪里_滚动讲演的过去和现在

ppt中讲演模式在哪里 重点 (Top highlight)Just as earthquakes are (tangentially) related to presidential elections, so too are avalanches related to data storytelling and visualization. Ĵ乌斯地震是( 切线 )与总统选举,所以也有相关的数...

2020-09-04 14:07:22 355

翻译 数据分析行业未来_从现在到未来的数据分析

数据分析行业未来Whenever we take any decision in our day-to-day life, it is by thinking about what happened last time or what will happen by choosing that decision. This is nothing but analyzing our past or p...

2020-09-04 13:46:57 421

翻译 通过各种统计方法建立理想的mlb投球前景

总览 (Overview)My next analysis was inspired from various baseball-industry related experiences. Before pursuing my graduate degree, I had numerous jobs working in baseball, specifically in the player...

2020-09-04 13:36:24 345

翻译 ggplot 可视化速成_使用ggplot2可视化r中的多元数据趋势

ggplot 可视化速成Data visualization, the art of representing data through graphical elements, is an important part of any research or data analysis project. Visualization is essential in both exploratory d...

2020-09-04 13:14:45 527

翻译 dask 大数据_深入研究dask数据框

dask 大数据Pandas, but for big data 熊猫,但大数据 Ever dealt with dataframes several GBs in size, perhaps exceeding the capacity of the RAM in your local machine? Pandas can’t handle dataframes larger than yo...

2020-09-04 13:04:05 765

翻译 使用华盛顿特区地铁数据确定可获利的广告位置

深度分析 (In-Depth Analysis)Living in Washington DC for the past 1 year, I have come to realize how WMATA metro is the lifeline of this vibrant city. The metro network is enormous and well-connected thr...

2020-09-04 12:54:51 256

翻译 python获取sap数据_使用python使用pyrfc将数据插入到SAP中

python获取sap数据Today we are seeing the daily increase of Machine Learning (ML) development and the largest development tool is Python and each day more and more people are trying to return the results o...

2020-09-04 12:45:41 3730

翻译 使用Logistic回归预测贷款违约

介绍 (Introduction)Traditionally, loaning has been based on the foundation of trust. Although there were credit reports before 1989, when the FICO Score was created according to myFICO.com, the money ...

2020-09-04 12:36:25 2672

翻译 诱饵扫描_这是标题点击诱饵吗

诱饵扫描The term “clickbait” refers to an article headline written with the sole purpose of using sensationalist language to lure in a viewer to click through to a certain webpage. The webpage then genera...

2020-09-04 12:26:24 243

翻译 分子模拟可视化_fanviz数据可视化狂热分子

分子模拟可视化 Fanatics BI和数据工程总监Amit Jain (Amit Jain, Director BI, and Data Engineering at Fanatics)Fanatics generates a tremendous amount of data, and the best way for us to leverage this is to ensure it ...

2020-09-04 12:17:13 443

翻译 mma12注册机_mma战斗机的手臂和腿长之间的相关性

mma12注册机I recently published a paper on armspan and fighting success in mixed martial arts (MMA) fighters. I found that fighters with greater armspans have a very small advantage in fighting i.e. they...

2020-09-04 11:59:03 299

翻译 火花会搅动或不会搅动,这是问题

项目概况 (Project Overview)Data scientists around the world are working for companies that use a sign-up business model to generate revenue. The idea is simple, the more users you have that pay for the ...

2020-09-04 11:48:41 49

翻译 js建立excel表格_建立Excel足球联赛表格传统方法与动态数组

js建立excel表格 介绍 (Introduction)I am going to show you the different ways you can build a football league table in Excel. Some of the methods are old school but others utilise Excel’s new capabilities. ...

2020-09-04 11:17:21 508

翻译 主成分分析 一个主成分_了解主成分分析并从头开始实施

主成分分析 一个主成分Principal component analysis is a technique used for dimensionality reduction. It’s widely used for data visualization by extracting information from a dataset with n features (e.g n dimens...

2020-09-04 11:06:45 724

翻译 随机数random_随机数

随机数randomIf computers only do what we tell them, how do they create random numbers? 如果计算机仅按照我们告诉他们的方式工作,它们如何创建随机数? Random numbers are all around us, particuarly when we look at computers. Our “auto-g...

2020-09-04 10:57:30 731

翻译 核空间等于零是什么意思_零是什么意思

核空间等于零是什么意思When I was an undergraduate student studying Data Science, one of my professors always asked the same question for every data set we worked with — “What does zero mean?” 当我是一名研究数据科学的本科生时,我的...

2020-08-19 05:27:26 1232



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