
Arithmetic Instructions

abs    des, src1        # des gets the absolute value of src1.
add(u) des, src1, src2  # des gets src1 + src2.
addi   $t2,$t3,5        # $t2 = $t3 + 5 加16位立即数
addiu  $t2,$t3,5        # $t2 = $t3 + 5 加16位无符号立即数
sub(u) des, src1, src2  # des gets src1 - src2.
div(u) src1, reg2       # Divide src1 by reg2, leaving the quotient in register
                        # lo and the remainder in register hi.
div(u) des, src1, src2  # des gets src1 / src2.
mul    des, src1, src2  # des gets src1 * src2.
mulo   des, src1, src2  # des gets src1 * src2, with overflow.
mult(u) src1, reg2      # Multiply src1 and reg2, leaving the low-order word
                        # in register lo and the high-order word in register hi.
rem(u) des, src1, src2  # des gets the remainder of dividing src1 by src2.
neg(u) des, src1        # des gets the negative of src1.
and    des, src1, src2  # des gets the bitwise and of src1 and src2.
nor    des, src1, src2  # des gets the bitwise logical nor of src1 and src2.
not    des, src1        # des gets the bitwise logical negation of src1.
or     des, src1, src2  # des gets the bitwise logical or of src1 and src2.
xor    des, src1, src2  # des gets the bitwise exclusive or of src1 and src2.

rol    des, src1, src2  # des gets the result of rotating left the contents of src1 by src2 bits.
ror    des, src1, src2  # des gets the result of rotating right the contents of src1 by src2 bits.
sll    des, src1, src2  # des gets src1 shifted left by src2 bits.
sra    des, src1, src2  # Right shift arithmetic.
srl    des, src1, src2  # Right shift logical.
sllv   des, src1, src2  # $t0 = $t1 << $t3,shift left logical
srlv   des, src1, src2  # $t0 = $t1 >> $t3,shift right logical
srav   des, src1, src2  # $t0 = $t1 >> $t3,shift right arithm.

Comparison Instructions

seq    des, src1, src2  # des 1 if src1 = src2, 0 otherwise.
sne    des, src1, src2  # des 1 if src1 != src2, 0 otherwise.
sge(u) des, src1, src2  # des 1 if src1 >= src2, 0 otherwise.
sgt(u) des, src1, src2  # des 1 if src1 > src2, 0 otherwise.
sle(u) des, src1, src2  # des 1 if src1 <= src2, 0 otherwise.
slt(u) des, src1, src2  # des 1 if src1 < src2, 0 otherwise.
slti   $t1,$t2,10       # 与立即数比较

Branch and Jump Instructions

b      lab              # Unconditional branch to lab.
beq    src1, src2, lab  # Branch to lab if src1 = src2 .
bne    src1, src2, lab  # Branch to lab if src1 != src2 .
bge(u) src1, src2, lab  # Branch to lab if src1 >= src2 .
bgt(u) src1, src2, lab  # Branch to lab if src1 > src2 .
ble(u) src1, src2, lab  # Branch to lab if src1 <= src2 .
blt(u) src1, src2, lab  # Branch to lab if src1 < src2 .
beqz   src1, lab        # Branch to lab if src1 = 0.
bnez   src1, lab        # Branch to lab if src1 != 0.
bgez   src1, lab        # Branch to lab if src1 >= 0.
bgtz   src1, lab        # Branch to lab if src1 > 0.
blez   src1, lab        # Branch to lab if src1 <= 0.
bltz   src1, lab        # Branch to lab if src1 < 0.
bgezal src1, lab        # If src1 >= 0, then put the address of the next instruction
                        # into $ra and branch to lab.
bgtzal src1, lab        # If src1 > 0, then put the address of the next instruction
                        # into $ra and branch to lab.
bltzal src1, lab        # If src1 < 0, then put the address of the next instruction
                        # into $ra and branch to lab.

j      label            # Jump to label lab.
jr     src1             # Jump to location src1.
jal    label            # Jump to label lab, and store the address of the next instruction in $ra.
jalr   src1             # Jump to location src1, and store the address of the next instruction in $ra.

Load, Store, and Data Movement

(reg)                   $ Contents of reg.
const                   $ A constant address.
const(reg)              $ const + contents of reg.
symbol                  $ The address of symbol.
symbol+const            $ The address of symbol + const.
symbol+const(reg)       $ The address of symbol + const + contents of reg.

la     des, addr        # Load the address of a label.
lb(u)  des, addr        # Load the byte at addr into des.
lh(u)  des, addr        # Load the halfword at addr into des.
li     des, const       # Load the constant const into des.
lui    des, const       # Load the constant const into the upper halfword of des,
                        # and set the lower halfword of des to 0.
lw     des, addr        # Load the word at addr into des.
lwl    des, addr
lwr    des, addr
ulh(u) des, addr        # Load the halfword starting at the (possibly unaligned) address addr into des.
ulw    des, addr        # Load the word starting at the (possibly unaligned) address addr into des.

sb     src1, addr       # Store the lower byte of register src1 to addr.
sh     src1, addr       # Store the lower halfword of register src1 to addr.
sw     src1, addr       # Store the word in register src1 to addr.
swl    src1, addr       # Store the upper halfword in src to the (possibly unaligned) address addr.
swr    src1, addr       # Store the lower halfword in src to the (possibly unaligned) address addr.
ush    src1, addr       # Store the lower halfword in src to the (possibly unaligned) address addr.
usw    src1, addr       # Store the word in src to the (possibly unaligned) address addr.

move   des, src1        # Copy the contents of src1 to des.
mfhi   des              # Copy the contents of the hi register to des.
mflo   des              # Copy the contents of the lo register to des.
mthi   src1             # Copy the contents of the src1 to hi.
mtlo   src1             # Copy the contents of the src1 to lo.

Exception Handling

rfe                     # Return from exception.
syscall                 # Makes a system call. See 4.6.1 for a list of the SPIM system calls.
break const             # Used by the debugger.
nop                     # An instruction which has no effect (other than taking a cycle to execute).

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