
IIT CS 480 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence

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Let’s discuss Alan Turing’s 1950 paper “Computing machinery and intelligence.” The paper is freely available at https://academic.oup.com/mind/article/LIX/236/433/986238

If you cannot access it, please let us know in the comments and I’ll upload a pdf.

This paper was written in 1950! Read the entire paper. Pay special attention to the section 6 of the paper.

  1. Share your general thoughts about the paper, given that it was written in 1950.

  2. Pick an argument from section 6. (There are 9 arguments listed). Let us know which argument you picked. Share your own thoughts about the argument and Turing’s response to the argument.

  1. Share your general thoughts about the paper, given that it was written in 1950.

Considering that this paper is 70 years old, I think Turing’s paper is very forward-looking.He refuted the argument that machines can’t think point by point and answered in the affirmative.The design of the imitation game is very clever.Because it is so difficult to tell whether an idea is a “self-made” idea or an elaborate “imitation,” any evidence of a self-created idea can be rejected.

  1. Pick an argument from section 6. (There are 9 arguments listed). Let us know which argument you picked. Share your own thoughts about the argument and Turing’s response to the argument.

I pick the 5th “Arguments from Various Disabilities” .Machines do have many limitations, such as simulating human emotions.I think one day in the future, it will be possible for machines to simulate human emotions.Because nerve signals in the brain are actually different forms of electrical signals in living things.So far, we’ve been able to accurately interpret people’s desire to “raise their hands” and “stomp their feet” by picking up electrical signals in the brain.By analogy, each emotion might correspond to a function of a neuron.With the development of science, we must be able to figure out the specific implementation of each function.

After reading a paper again and learning about Turing’s life, I added two additions:

Supplement to the first question:

“By observing the results of its own behaviour it can modify its own programmes so as to achieve some purpose more effectively.”

“Nevertheless I believe that at the end of the century the use of words and general educated opinion will have altered so much that one will be able to speak of machines thinking without expecting to be contradicted.”

I was struck by these predictions.

To the second question:

To be precise, my opinion should be directed to the fourth.“The Argument from Consciousness”.I also admit that I wrongly emphasized the similarity of electrical signals between living things and computers.Although brain-machine interfaces (Neuralink, for example) are hot right now.But there is no denying that, from a biological point of view, consciousness has not yet been understood.






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