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原创 CMMI v1.3模型变化点 - CAR

CMMI v1.3 变化点 CAR

2010-12-10 15:49:00 910

原创 CMMI v1.3模型变化点 - OPM

1      主要变化点<br />1.     名字变化: OID -> OPM,给人感觉是弱化了Innovation<br />2.     增加了实施Root Cause Analysis的要求<br />3.     SG和SP进行了重新组合,具备更好的逻辑性,可理解性和可操作性2      细节变化2.1   Purpose<br />The purpose is to proactively manage the organization’s performance to meet its bu

2010-12-10 15:47:00 1824

原创 CMMI v1.3模型变化点 - QPM

CMMI v1.3 变化点 QPM

2010-12-10 15:46:00 878

原创 CMMI v1.3模型变化点 - OPP

CMMI v1.3 变化点 OPP

2010-12-10 15:41:00 7513

原创 CMMI v1.3模型变化点 - 总揽

CMMI v1.3 变化点

2010-11-29 09:16:00 722

原创 MA读书笔记-度量失效分析

1. Establishing Business Driven MetricsBy Barbara Hilden, Antonio Cortada, Sam Yao(1)度量失效的典型原因缺乏系统化的观点商业目标不清漂亮的图表,无意义的度量度量定义不清缺少数据验证或机制不足基于不稳定的过程建立基线和基准度量的数据收集、分析和使用方法难以完成 (un-cost-e

2010-05-20 17:38:00 676

原创 MA读书笔记-维护性项目的Effort估计模型

A Metrics-Based Software Maintenance Effort Model[作者]: Jane Huffman Hayes, Computer Science Department, Lab for Advanced Networking, University of Kentucky, hayes@cs.uky.edu[发表时间]: 2004年[主要内容]: 介绍

2010-05-20 16:19:00 848

转载 VBA在Excel中的应用(一)

原文出处http://www.cnblogs.com/jaxu/archive/2009/04/04/1407004.html目录 ActiveCell ActiveWorkbook AdvancedFilter AutoFill ActiveCell1. 检查活动单元格是否存在 Code highlighting produced by

2010-05-12 17:00:00 1423

转载 Statistical Concepts - Mean, Median, Mode, Trend and Standare Deviation

From >, Gerard R. Dache, Larry BrambleMean"Mean is the average in a data set."To get the mean, you add up all the numbers and devide by however many of data points there were. Median"Media

2010-04-01 14:03:00 995

转载 Basic Measures Concepts: Ratio, Proportion, Percentage, and Rate

Basic Measures Concepts: Ratio, Proportion, Percentage, and RateFrom > Regardless of the measurement scale, when the data are gathered we need to analyze them to extract meaningful information.

2010-03-30 10:57:00 1710

原创 中国的CMMI主任评估师


2008-05-14 11:31:00 7957 1

原创 试用Windows Live Writer

新装Windows Live Writer,使用试试看效果如何! 插入图片功能 插入表格功能 Col1 Col2 Line2   插入地图 插入标签 Technorati 标签: Test Tag 功能总结 1.离线编辑日志,方便2.支持多日志,方便有多日志和博客的更新3.支持地图和标签插入 据称这款软件的作者Chris才16岁哦!强的!

2007-11-16 22:14:00 897

转载 软件度量基本概念理解

软件度量基本概念理解 转自: http://blog.edu.cn/user2/mindware/archives/2006/1091478.shtml Roger

2007-07-29 22:31:00 3627 2

转载 Measure, Metric and Indicator: What's the Difference

The importance of measurement in software development has been highlighted this past year, largely as a result of the new Air Force policy on software metrics (see CrossTalk, April 1994). At the same

2007-07-29 22:30:00 5782

原创 Definition of Mission, Goal, Objective and Strategies

Today, I felt somewhat confusion on indentifying the difference among Goal, Objective and Strategy when making SPI plan. After searching in Google, I got following definition including Mission:Defin

2006-11-01 23:25:00 5816

转载 软件项目管理中的十个误区


2006-10-13 23:11:00 1012

转载 Introduction to CMMI培训总结报告(2)

Introduction to CMMI培训总结报告(2)[可以回答新手大部分关于CMMI的疑惑]作者:罗耀秋笔名:馨园主人MSN:luoyear@netease.com1、 二三级的区别ö         就阶段上来讲,三级抽取了二级每个项目的公共要求è标准的过程定义+裁减指南ö         二级中项目的过程定义取决于改项目,三级则是由EPG来具体提供建议

2006-09-18 23:01:00 1789

转载 Introduction to CMMI培训总结报告

Introduction to CMMI培训总结报告作者:罗耀秋                    笔名:馨园主人关于进度按照整体进度的要求,三天的课程要学完9个Module。分别如下:第一天:Module 1—— Preliminaries and Course OverviewModule 2—— Model-Based Process ImprovementM

2006-09-18 22:59:00 3186

转载 企业内部培训——华微软件的培训制度

每日培训——华微软件的培训制度 摘要培训对企业的价值是不可估量的,但如此“变态”的做法恐怕不是每个人可以想象的——每天都进行培训,从不间断!一个CMMI5的软件企业,是如何通过每日培训,保持竞争力的呢?本文将为你剖析其中的秘密! 如果你是华微软件的员工你会庆幸自己是华微的成员,因为你每天都可以吸收大量的知识,甚至可以上台一展你的风采!如果你不是华微的员工,你将会十分嫉妒华微的员工,华微

2006-09-18 22:49:00 3407

转载 如何使过程改进发挥作用

如何使过程改进发挥作用翻译Karl E.Wiegers 《Process Improvement that Works》如何使过程改进发挥作用越来越多的软件开发组织开始努力赶上CMM这趟马车,但是其中大多数最后又还是从这架马车上摔了下去。如果希望从你的软件过程改进活动得到零回报,请遵守以下秘诀:1. 花费大量的金钱和时间用于过程评估、咨询服务和各种形形色色的CMM培训班;2. 按照

2006-09-18 22:38:00 1542

转载 浅谈软件度量

浅谈软件度量 时间:2004-11-17 15:20:43 来源:中国金融电脑杂志社 作者:周 凡 陆 斌

2006-07-14 13:56:00 2237

转载 CMM之后对CMMI的思考—CMMI学写笔记

CMM之后对CMMI的思考—CMMI学写笔记 作者:河清 来源:希赛网 http://www.csai.cn 2003年4月15日

2006-07-14 13:55:00 1749

转载 Improve Work Efficiency

1.Process ChainsA process usually consists of a chain of operations, each one probably done by different people, different departments, perhaps in different buildings or countries.2.Set the Right Ob

2006-07-13 22:45:00 4184

转载 DO Separate Process Documentation from Procedures

Early in the life of a new project, systems analysts are often frustrated when customers mix business requirements and implementation detail. "Tell me what the requirements are, not how to implement t

2006-07-11 16:57:00 1177

转载 Introduction to Process Definition and Process Improvement -by Jim D. Hart

Abstract I have found that, although process and process improvement concepts have been applied in the software development world for some time

2006-07-11 16:53:00 1701

转载 The difference between Process and Procedure

在看 PMBOK 和 CMMI 的过程中,Process 和 Procedure 出现的频率都很高。从基本意思上来讲,它们都有‘过程, 程序’的意思,但是他们之间到底有什么区别,确实很难说得清楚。在金山词霸上,这两个词的相关的解释有:Process:A series of actions, changes, or functions bringing about a result: 过

2006-07-11 16:23:00 3019

原创 CMMI实施与工具支持

 上周有家公司过来做了一次关于他们软件的交流,总体感觉还是不错的。这家公司其实不大,专业性也不强,但还是比较惊讶于他们的这套工具。虽然原来他们只是做的CMM评估,但里面很多东西CMMI也可以用的。也许是设计者的功底还不错,整套软件内部模块之间的关联性做的不错,至少操作起来还具有一定的可用性,比起一些那些咨询公司提供的软件功能还是要强很多的。  虽然结果未必是购买他们的软件,但无论如何,这样一套

2006-07-09 22:35:00 1855

原创 开篇


2006-07-07 00:01:00 1246

转载 VC++中使用内存映射文件处理大文件

 引言  文件操作是应用程序最为基本的功能之一,Win32 API和MFC均提供有支持文件处理的函数和类,常用的有Win32 API的CreateFile()、WriteFile()、ReadFile()和MFC提供的CFile类等。一般来说,以上这些函数可以满足大多数场合的要求,但是对于某些特殊应用领域所需要的动辄几十GB、几百GB、乃至几TB的海量存储,再以通常的文件处理方法进行处理显然是

2004-09-24 10:55:00 1187

转载 简明批处理教程

简明批处理教程日期:2003年7月9日? 前言 最近对于批处理技术的探讨比较热,也有不少好的批处理程序发布,但是如果没有一定的相关知识恐怕不容易看懂和理解这些批处理文件,也就更谈不上自己动手编写了,古语云:“授人以鱼,不如授人以渔。”因为网上好像并没有一个比较完整的教材,所以抽一点时间写了这片>给新手朋友们.也献给所有为实现网络的自由与共享而努力

2004-09-24 10:54:00 904

转载 GNU make 指南

GNU make 指南     翻译: 哈少     译者按: 本文是一篇介绍 GNU Make 的文章,读完后读者应该基本掌握了 make 的用法。而 make 是所有想在 Unix (当然也包括 Linux )系统上编程的用户必须掌握的工具。如果你写的程序中没有用到 make ,则说明你写的程序只是个人的练习程序,不具有任何实用的价值。也许这么说有点儿偏激,但 make 实在是应该用在任何

2004-09-24 10:52:00 740

转载 The Makefile and Compilation Tutorial

The Makefile and Compilation TutorialCompilation The first thing to remember about compiling, as with all things in computers, is Dont Panic! This will become second nature all too soon. The seco

2004-09-10 11:28:00 870

转载 how to write a makefile

how to write a makefileMaking makefilesMake is a program which is used to compile programs, using lists of commands. It is essentially its own programming language. Here are two tutorials on mak

2004-09-10 11:20:00 1132

转载 The Makefile

The MakefileComments    Rules   Dependency Lines   Shell Lines   Macros   Macro Modifiers   Inference Rules   Response Files   Makefile Directives Make reads its instructions from text

2004-09-10 11:17:00 922

转载 How to write a Makefile

How to write a MakefileIntroductionMake is one of the original Unix tools for Software Engineering. By S.I. Feldman of AT&T Bell Labs circa 1975. But there are public domain versions (eg. GNU) and v

2004-09-10 11:15:00 739

Noise Ninja

Noise Ninja,降噪滤镜PictureCode Noise Ninja Pro v2.4.2


Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 Step by Step

This book gives you a fundamental understanding of how SharePoint Designer works with the SharePoint platform. It helps you understand the consequences of performing tasks with SharePoint Designer and gives you the skills and understanding for how to best build and modify your solutions to meet your business requirements.



 Chapter 1: A Quick Guide to SharePoint Designer  Chapter 2: Editing Pages  Chapter 3: Using SharePoint to Store Data  Chapter 4: Managing Web Parts  Chapter 5: Displaying Data  Chapter 6: Styles and Themes  Chapter 7: Managing Publishing  Chapter 8: Advanced Site Customizations  Chapter 9: Client-Side Programming  Chapter 10: Consuming External Data  Chapter 11: Using InfoPath Forms  Chapter 12: Automating with Workflows



英文版 The primary goal of this book is to teach you how to build custom workflows on the SharePoint 2010 platform. To do this, you need to be comfortable with a host of tools and methodologies such as using out-of-the-box workflows, modeling workflows in Office Visio, building custom forms with InfoPath, building custom workflows with SharePoint Designer, and building custom workflows with Visual Studio. This book covers these workflow-building tools and options. The book also responds to more complicated business requirements with such solutions as state machine workflows, custom activities, workflow modifications, and external communication.



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