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Jankowsky (http://rj-edv-beratung.de), parts of code (draglayer, movelayer) by DynamicDrive.com // This script is free for use, please leave this notice intact var sPosition; var showPerc=100; document.οnmοusedοwn=dragLayer document.οnmοuseup=new Function("dragMe=false") var Color= new Array(); Color[0] = "00"; Color[1] = "11"; Color[2] = "22"; Color[3] = "33"; Color[4] = "44"; Color[5] = "55"; Color[6] = "66"; Color[7] = "77"; Color[8] = "88"; Color[9] = "99"; Color[10] = "AA"; Color[11] = "BB"; Color[12] = "CC"; Color[13] = "DD"; Color[14] = "EE"; Color[15] = "FF"; // Demofunction to change bg-color by moving slider var rVal,gVal,bVal, cCol function chgBg() { cCol = document.bgColor; rVal=cCol.substr(1,2); gVal=cCol.substr(3,2); bVal=cCol.substr(5,2); ind = Math.round(showPerc/16); if (ind < 0) ind = 0; if (ind > 15) ind=15; // If more sliders are used, each of them has to be handled separately if (kObj.id =="knobImg") document.bgColor="#"+Color[ind]+gVal+bVal; if (kObj.id =="knobImg1") document.bgColor="#"+rVal+Color[ind]+bVal; if (kObj.id =="knobImg2") document.bgColor="#"+rVal+gVal+Color[ind]; } // Drag and move engine (original code by DynamicDrive.com), don't change unless explicitely indicated var dragMe=false, kObj, yPos,direction function moveLayer() { if (event.button==1 && dragMe) { oldY = kObj.style.pixelTop; kObj.style.pixelTop=temp2+event.clientY-yPos; // Limit movement of knob to stay inside layer if (kObj.style.pixelTop > oldY) direction="dn"; else direction="up"; if (kObj.style.pixelTop < 2 && direction=="up") {kObj.style.pixelTop=2; direction="dn";} if (kObj.style.pixelTop > 102 && direction=="dn") {kObj.style.pixelTop=102; direction="up";} // Set working variable 'showPerc' depending on 100 or 250 scaling sPosition=kObj.style.pixelTop; showPerc = (perCent[0].checked) ? sPosition-2 : (sPosition-2)/2*5; // The following line should be replaced by the function-call with the actual task to perform chgBg(); return false; } } function dragLayer() { if (!document.all) return; if (event.srcElement.className=="drag") {dragMe=true; kObj=event.srcElement; temp2=kObj.style.pixelTop; yPos=event.clientY; document.οnmοusemοve=moveLayer; } } </script> Ìáʾ:ÕâÊÇÒ»¸öÑÕÉ«µÄµ÷½ÚÆ÷£¬ÏÖÔÚ±¾Àý×ÓÖ»¼òµ¥µÄ¸Ä±äÁ˱³¾°µÄÑÕÉ«£¬ÄãÍêÈ«¿ÉÒÔ½«ÕâʹÓ÷½·¨Ó¦Óõ½ÈçÁÄÌìÊÒµÄ×ÖÌåÑÕÉ«µÈ³ÌÐòÉÏ£¬¿ÉÒÔÈÃÄãµÄÓ¦ÓÃÔöÌíÉ«²Ê.<script language="JavaScript"> document.write("<font color=#7d070c style=/"font-size: 14px/">"+document.title+"</font>"); </script><input type=radio value=false name=perCent> Prozent <input type=radio CHECKED value=true name=perCent> 255</p> <div id=outerLyr style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 233px; WIDTH: 23px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 111px; HEIGHT: 120px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000"><img class=drag id=knobImg style="Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 20px; TOP: 100px; HEIGHT: 17px" src="../tempimgs/js/knob.jpeg"> <div id=innerLyr style="Z-INDEX: 2; LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2px; HEIGHT: 117px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #777777"> <div id=barLyr style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 9px; WIDTH: 2px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 5px; HEIGHT: 110px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000"></div> </div> </div> <div id=outerLyr1 style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 268px; WIDTH: 23px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 111px; HEIGHT: 120px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000"><img class=drag id=knobImg1 style="Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 20px; TOP: 100px; HEIGHT: 17px" src="../tempimgs/js/knob.jpeg"> <div id=innerLyr1 style="Z-INDEX: 2; LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2px; HEIGHT: 117px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #777777"> <div id=barLyr1 style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 9px; WIDTH: 2px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 5px; HEIGHT: 110px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000"></div> </div> </div> <div id=outerLyr2 style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 300px; WIDTH: 23px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 111px; HEIGHT: 120px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000"><img class=drag id=knobImg2 style="Z-INDEX: 3; LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 20px; TOP: 100px; HEIGHT: 17px" src="../tempimgs/js/knob.jpeg"> <div id=innerLyr2 style="Z-INDEX: 2; LEFT: 2px; WIDTH: 20px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 2px; HEIGHT: 117px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #777777"> <div id=barLyr2 style="Z-INDEX: 1; LEFT: 9px; WIDTH: 2px; POSITION: absolute; TOP: 5px; HEIGHT: 110px; BACKGROUND-COLOR: #000000"></div> </div> <!-- This would be a way to configure if slider range is 0-100 or 0-255 --> </div> </td> </tr> </table> |